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Where to submit updates/corrections to filmography entries?

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It might have been one of their films being shown I'm not certain as it has been a long time.  I wish I could remember if it was Curly, Shemp, Curly Jo or Joe Besser in that clip but my brother remembers seeing it too.  I remember that it struck me funny because the Torch Lady got so annoyed with them and I think it was the actress who played the Torch Lady not the one that is shown kind of off in the distance.  I wish I could remember more about it.   

It was one of those shows on a channel that had a regular Three Stooges hour each day if I remember correctly.  Right after that opening, they went to commercial and they came back and played "Pop Goes the Easel" where they throw the clay.  I remember this distinctly because my brother told me that it was really funny and one of his favorite shorts next to "Hoi Polloi" and "In the Sweet Pie and Pie." 

Signor Spumoni:

--- Quote from: valkyrien on April 03, 2015, 01:13:21 PM ---It might have been one of their films being shown I'm not certain as it has been a long time.  I wish I could remember if it was Curly, Shemp, Curly Jo or Joe Besser in that clip but my brother remembers seeing it too.  I remember that it struck me funny because the Torch Lady got so annoyed with them and I think it was the actress who played the Torch Lady not the one that is shown kind of off in the distance.  I wish I could remember more about it.   

It was one of those shows on a channel that had a regular Three Stooges hour each day if I remember correctly.  Right after that opening, they went to commercial and they came back and played "Pop Goes the Easel" where they throw the clay.  I remember this distinctly because my brother told me that it was really funny and one of his favorite shorts next to "Hoi Polloi" and "In the Sweet Pie and Pie."

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This does not sound familiar.  Could it have been one of their full-length movies and not a short?

 Hmm. I just looked up the model for the Torch Lady, and she was not in any Stooges movies at all...

Signor Spumoni:

--- Quote from: valkyrien on April 03, 2015, 12:48:12 AM ---I am new to the board and was having trouble with being able to post a reply.  I apologize if this is not the proper forum for this question. 

Many years ago, I saw the beginning of either a Stooges short or one of their films and I distinctly remember in the opening that The Torch Lady (Columbia Woman) was at the opening credits and the boys come up to her and start to get fresh with her saying things like "Hi Toots" and "How About a Date."  I believe it was Curly but it may have been one of the other Stooges after Curly (I only saw it once and it was sometime in the 1980s and it could have been in color, not sure).  I remember she got really annoyed with them and ended hauling off and slapping all three of them across the face in much the same way they do it to others. 

I have told my husband about it but he does not remember this at all.  Can someone tell me which short or film this is from and if it still exists today.


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I think the Torch Lady was known as Miss Liberty.

I spent a little while trying to find anything which fits your description, even if it were a partial match.  I found nothing.  I am far from being a whiz at online searches, so my failure to turn up anything oughtn't to be considered the final word.  Sorry, Valkyrien.

Some Men In Black-related stuff:

I think we have the wrong screencap for Lucile Watson; I think she's the older woman in the white(?) hat next to the dark-haired woman "screengrabbed" on her page.

Also: some images of MIB nurse Kay Hughes (I'm trying to figure out if she's the nurse escorting the dark-haired woman - she has flat almost saddle-esque shoes; I think she appears throughout the short):

Fellow MIB nurse Irene Coleman (haven't found her yet):

Also: I think I have officially put too much thought into all of this.


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