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Where to submit updates/corrections to filmography entries?

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--- Quote from: Dunrobin on June 30, 2012, 09:14:16 AM ---With any luck things will be getting back to normal later this summer.  (Keep your fingers crossed!)

--- End quote ---

How are things coming?

This thread hasn't been used in two years, but I figure this is the best place to ask about it.

I have a couple things about Johnny Kascier: 1. That's him behind Joe and Larry in the new courtroom scenes for Guns A Poppin'!, yet he's not listed on the page; and 2. Was he a "Moe double" in A Merry Mix-Up? In the photo of the Stooges and their doubles on that page, I don't recognize him at all.

I've also a ton of info on him that I dug up on FamilySearch, but I don't know how to use it - should I post it here? Or start a new topic for discussion (when I can)? For starters: He was born on in St. Paul, Minnesota as John Kacerosky*, and he was married at least three times.

* also been spelled Kacerowsky, Kacersoski, Kacerousky, Kaceroosky, etc.

I am new to the board and was having trouble with being able to post a reply.  I apologize if this is not the proper forum for this question. 

Many years ago, I saw the beginning of either a Stooges short or one of their films and I distinctly remember in the opening that The Torch Lady (Columbia Woman) was at the opening credits and the boys come up to her and start to get fresh with her saying things like "Hi Toots" and "How About a Date."  I believe it was Curly but it may have been one of the other Stooges after Curly (I only saw it once and it was sometime in the 1980s and it could have been in color, not sure).  I remember she got really annoyed with them and ended hauling off and slapping all three of them across the face in much the same way they do it to others. 

I have told my husband about it but he does not remember this at all.  Can someone tell me which short or film this is from and if it still exists today.



--- Quote from: valkyrien on April 03, 2015, 12:48:12 AM ---I am new to the board and was having trouble with being able to post a reply.  I apologize if this is not the proper forum for this question. 

Many years ago, I saw the beginning of either a Stooges short or one of their films and I distinctly remember in the opening that The Torch Lady (Columbia Woman) was at the opening credits and the boys come up to her and start to get fresh with her saying things like "Hi Toots" and "How About a Date."  I believe it was Curly but it may have been one of the other Stooges after Curly (I only saw it once and it was sometime in the 1980s and it could have been in color, not sure).  I remember she got really annoyed with them and ended hauling off and slapping all three of them across the face in much the same way they do it to others. 

I have told my husband about it but he does not remember this at all.  Can someone tell me which short or film this is from and if it still exists today.


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Yes, it would definitely exist today as we now have no lost Stooges films. If you did know what Third Stooge was in the film, that may be able to help us a bit more.

Unless it's one of the feature films I have yet to sit down and watch, of which there are a few, I don't remember that situation in anything the Stooges worked on.


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