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Los Tres Chiflados- Hokus Pokus 1

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Offline IFleecem

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While recently checking to see if Hokus Pokus was on You Tube since I have not seen it lately and its my avatar pic. I tubed it and came up with this spanish? dubbed version. Sorry I don't know how to add it to this post, perhaps you seasoned veterans of this site could do that. Its very funny because at the beginning screen a voice says the title and the names of the actors in this short in english (including Shemp, Larry, Moe In the order they are on the title screen) as well as Mary Ainslee, Vernon Dent and (damn I forget the other actor lol)

After the beginning all other speech is in spanish (sounds like it anyway) Its only one reel (8 mins) long and says Hokus Pokus 1 on the listing (no #2 that I saw yet).  Its great to hear the dubbing of the voices and the sounds are different as well. The picture quality is fantastic as well. I believe this has been released on DVD in the past but when it comes to being on the remastered sets not much should be needed for this short.

Anyway someone add this here for us all to enjoy.  Por Favor!

I Fleecem
Skin And Flint Finance Company
(no spanish locations)


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Shemp, Larry y Moe een:

Hokoos Pokoos!

Offline IFleecem

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  • "Hey Moe, Wher'd You Get The Sunglasses"


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Offline IFleecem

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  • "Hey Moe, Wher'd You Get The Sunglasses"
"Those Loco Americanos De Three Stooges "(said with spanish accent added for effect) In ze Sappy Bull-Fighters! with Moe, Larry and Joe. We hope you like them too much. Por Favor.

I Fleecem