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Music World Closing Bad News For Canadian Fans

skeit · 1 · 1263

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Offline skeit

Don't know how many Canadians there are here on the threads, but I thought I'd post that Music World, the last Canadian owned "record store" is likely to close its doors early next year.

Global and Mail Report On Business

Though most larger centers have access to various DVD and CD stores, a lot of smaller communities (like mine) only have one or two options.  For years, Music World was my only option for a lot of the DVD/VHS and LP/Cassette/CDs I was looking for. 

The reason I post this here is that MW was a very Stooge Friendly store in that, at least locally, it was always fully stocked with shorts, films and other related material. In fact, the only place I could purchase the New Volume 1 on the day of its release was Music World.  This is not a lament about globalization or free trade, MW was by no means a mom and pop shop, they were a huge corporation that lost at the game of capitalism.

True, you can easily order DVDs and Videos off the Internet, but it's nice to be able to enter a store and leave with a product in your hand and not have to wait X amount of days/weeks for delivery.  Now I'm left with Future Shop and Wall Mart.  As of today, neither (local) stores have copies of Volume 1.  Without Music World I guess I'd still be waiting. 

Just wondering where my fellow Canucks (if there are any) get their Stooge stuff.