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What Shorts Are You Looking Forward To In Volume Two?

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Offline JazzBill

Dear Xraffle:

Yes I do have a colourized version of the first set of shorts.  I got them as a bonus with the black and whites and to tell you the truth the coloured ones are not that great.

If you say you have them in color, I have no reason to doubt your word. But I am curious as to why they would go thru the time, trouble and cost of colorizing the shorts and not release them. I would think they would of made them available on all the shorts and jacked up the price . Unless Sony plans on releasing them at a later time to make a bigger profit.  [confused2]
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".


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If you say you have them in color, I have no reason to doubt your word. But I am curious as to why they would go thru the time, trouble and cost of colorizing the shorts and not release them. I would think they would of made them available on all the shorts and jacked up the price . Unless Sony plans on releasing them at a later time to make a bigger profit.  [confused2]

I don't think we're getting the whole story. Maybe some screenshots or cover scans would sort this out?


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If you say you have them in color, I have no reason to doubt your word. But I am curious as to why they would go thru the time, trouble and cost of colorizing the shorts and not release them. I would think they would of made them available on all the shorts and jacked up the price . Unless Sony plans on releasing them at a later time to make a bigger profit.  [confused2]

I agree. I don't see why West Wing would colorize the first 19 shorts and only sell them to certain people. I am tempted to say that Moron is playing some kind of game, but I've gotten in big trouble before by the moderators for assuming someone is lying. So, I will believe what Moron is saying until he's proven guilty.

By the way, Thump, I am astounded by your Karma points. I can't believe how much it has gone up. You are, by far, the highest applauded member on this site!

Offline jrvass

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I agree. I don't see why West Wing would colorize the first 19 shorts and only sell them to certain people. I am tempted to say that Moron is playing some kind of game, but I've gotten in big trouble before by the moderators for assuming someone is lying. So, I will believe what Moron is saying until he's proven guilty.

By the way, Thump, I am astounded by your Karma points. I can't believe how much it has gone up. You are, by far, the highest applauded member on this site!

Let's smite him! Bwahahahaha!

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!


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Offline locoboymakesgood

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West Wing had more shorts than what were released already colorized. From my understanding there were supposed to be another 4 or so volumes released in 2007.. I forgot where I read that, but I must say I doubt they'd go through the trouble of pressing these discs to include them as bonus fare.

Maybe one of the already colorized discs came free with his purchase of Vol. 1.. there's no way absolutely in hell that Sony released an entire colorized set then gave it away as a freebie. From a business standpoint that's totally not profitable..

Anyway, Moron please show us some pics. I'm curious to see if you may be a little confused.
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)


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Wow.  The first 19 shorts in color?!?!

I would like to see some screenshots as well.

Offline Three Stooges 4Life

Im looking foward to see The Sitter Downers and Termites of 1938 because they hardly got any air time on tv when networks were airing the show.  Im just excited that they are finally releasing them in chronological order and in a few years we will all have the entire collection, well im stopping after i get all the shemp episodes. Also for future releases im excited for The Yokes on me and Booby Dupes, I only seen them once on tv. I have booby dupes on one of those pointless dvd that sony made i think it was stooges at work or something like that. 


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..  Im just excited that they are finally releasing them in chronological order and in a few years we will all have the entire collection, well im stopping after i get all the shemp episodes.

Not me, bud. I won't rest until I have in my grubby protuberances an official, Sony-on-DVD issued copy of Sweet and Hot!!


"Le--t's fall in lo---ve!
Whay shouldn't we------e, fall in lo----ve..."

Offline Moron4392

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Hey Loco Boy Makes Good:

It isn't hard to confuse this middle aged old lady of 50 (Plus).  Some of the picks that are of interest to me are:




Diane Elizabeth Hoekstra
SHEMP FAN: [3stooges]



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Not me, bud. I won't rest until I have in my grubby protuberances an official, Sony-on-DVD issued copy of Sweet and Hot!!


"Le--t's fall in lo---ve!
Whay shouldn't we------e, fall in lo----ve..."

lol, I never thought anyone would be looking forward to the release of that short. One short I definitely can't wait until Sony releases is "Slaphappy Sleuths." In my opinion, that is one of the best Shemp shorts and it is rarely aired on TV.

Offline Three Stooges 4Life

Slap Happy Sleuths is Great!  Remember the popcorn in the radiator??  that part was amazing, shemp goes and gets oil for his popcorn. Them Shemp episodes im looking foward to are vagabond loafers, mummies dummies,  and goof on the roof. They tore that house apart in goof on the roof!!!!!!!

Offline locoboymakesgood

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Hey Loco Boy Makes Good:

It isn't hard to confuse this middle aged old lady of 50 (Plus).  Some of the picks that are of interest to me are:




Diane Elizabeth Hoekstra
SHEMP FAN: [3stooges]

Umm... what?
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)

Offline archiezappa

Not me, bud. I won't rest until I have in my grubby protuberances an official, Sony-on-DVD issued copy of Sweet and Hot!

Same here.  My brother and I both consider this one to be the best of the Joe era.  I've got to have a fully restored (non-colorized) Sony issued "Sweet and Hot."  That would be awesome!

The heat is on!

Offline Moe Hailstone

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Slap Happy Sleuths is Great!  Remember the popcorn in the radiator??  that part was amazing, shemp goes and gets oil for his popcorn. Them Shemp episodes im looking foward to are vagabond loafers, mummies dummies,  and goof on the roof. They tore that house apart in goof on the roof!!!!!!!

I also enjoy "Goof on the Roof".   8)  I always laugh when Moe is trying to put the TV back together, his hand slips on a piece (trying to pull apart two pieces) and he slaps himself...then says "Just for that you don't go in there", and drops the piece.  Priceless.   ;D
"Moronica must expand! We shall lend our neighbors a helping hand, we shall lend them two helping hands... and help ourselves to our neighbors!"  Moe Hailstone

Offline locoboymakesgood

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I like Sweet and Hot.

"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)

Offline archiezappa

This may sound crazy.  I was surprised to find out how many people don't like "Sweet And Hot."  I always figured it to be the best out of the last 20 shorts they made.  [I should probably duck, too.]

Offline DJEvelEd

With this new collection I will finally be able to complete my comprehensive count of Stooge nip slips. I'm pretty sure the caveman outfits were quite revealing and I think Moe did a topless scene once. This is trivia that the world's been waiting for.

We all have our own reasons for completing this collection.

Offline JazzBill

This may sound crazy.  I was surprised to find out how many people don't like "Sweet And Hot."  I always figured it to be the best out of the last 20 shorts they made.  [I should probably duck, too.]
I'm trying to figure out if your serious or not.  [sick]
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline Moron4392

  • Forever Shemp!!!!!!!!!!
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Dear Sir: (Loco Boy Makes Good):

I read your response to my note.  Could you please inform me if I am doing it right.  I am new to this sight and I want to be do my input correctly.  Thank you Sir and have yourself a great evening.

Diane Elizabeth Hoekstra

I would like to enclose an apology if my above response might slightly be bothersome.  I am in favour of doing what is correct here.


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With this new collection I will finally be able to complete my comprehensive count of Stooge nip slips. I'm pretty sure the caveman outfits were quite revealing and I think Moe did a topless scene once. This is trivia that the world's been waiting for.

We all have our own reasons for completing this collection.

No. Just.. no! A dude may have to hand in his Man Card for this one!



  • Guest
This may sound crazy.  I was surprised to find out how many people don't like "Sweet And Hot."  I always figured it to be the best out of the last 20 shorts they made.  [I should probably duck, too.]

I'm surprised to find out how many people here actually like "Sweet And Hot."