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Larry Question

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Offline busybuddy

I am giving a speech about the history of the Stooges in my public speaking class and there is something that I need to clear up before I give it. When Larry joined as a Stooge, was Moe with the team, or was this during the time when he left the act for a while to dabble in real estate? I read somewhere that Larry actually joined because Shemp was wanting to leave the act and he thought Larry could replace him in A Night in Spain. Can anyone clear this up?
I think Birdie will go for that!

Offline benjilbum

Larry said that Shemp was the original Stooge, and then he joined and after him Moe joined. If you watch the interview he did in 1973 on You Tube thats what he says. However, Moe said he was the original Stooge with Healy, and Shemp came after him, then Larry later still in 1925. It all depends on who you think has the most credibility. I suppose we'll never know for sure.

Offline busybuddy

I think it was in Moe Fienberg's book that said that it Shemp was the only stooge at the time that Larry joined, because that was the time that Moe H. dropped out for a brief career in real estate. That's why I was confused.
I think Birdie will go for that!

Offline archiezappa

I was wondering about this one, myself.  The Three Stooges biopic has Larry joining Ted, Moe and Shemp.  I wonder how many things in that movie are incorrect.  I wish I could find it on DVD somewhere.