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Ghostbusters III ?

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Offline Boid Brain

I just heard about the proposed movie today. Tell me it ain't so! Here is a clip where Ramis tries to justify making another one.

I love Ramis, but he is SO full of shit. The only reason people make movies is for money. Admit it want to make MORE MONEY!

Offline Curly4444

I dont know why they would make another one after that shitty second one.

Offline Boid Brain

What was wrong with Ghostbusters II?
I think it was an OK sequel as sequels go. But a 3rd movie after all these years? I read somewhere that some of the actors from "the Office" were being considered for roles. Maybe they will be the main characters and not the old 'busters.... ???

Offline luke795

I think it was an OK sequel as sequels go. But a 3rd movie after all these years? I read somewhere that some of the actors from "the Office" were being considered for roles. Maybe they will be the main characters and not the old 'busters.... ???
Well, Indiana Jones 4 came out 19 years after the 3 one.

Offline Boid Brain

Well, Indiana Jones 4 came out 19 years after the 3 one.
True, but it sucked. (Or so I've been told) The 1st sequel was putrid...the one where they ate the monkey brains. The 2nd with Sean Connery was pretty decent I thought. Should have quit there.

In my life I have only seen 3 sequels that matched up to or eclipsed the original: #1 The Bride of Frankenstein #2 Godfather II and #3 The Empire Strikes Back.

If someone knows of any other good sequels to great movies I would love to hear about them so I can check 'em out.

Offline Curly4444

What was wrong with Ghostbusters II?


Ah, come on empire strikes back was the worst of the original star wars.

True, but it sucked. (Or so I've been told) The 1st sequel was putrid...the one where they ate the monkey brains. The 2nd with Sean Connery was pretty decent I thought. Should have quit there.
The second Indy rocked. Its was more on the comedy side, but it was so entertaining. That chase on that mine cart was awesome.

If someone knows of any other good sequels to great movies I would love to hear about them so I can check 'em out.

Offline shemps#1

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I thought Empire was the best Star Wars movie. I even had Empire bed sheets as a kid.
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Offline Curly4444

I thought Empire was the best Star Wars movie. I even had Empire bed sheets as a kid.
But it ended in a friggen cliff hanger, I hate that.

Offline shemps#1

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I loved the end where Vader came out triumphant: I was a Vader mark. Besides, how can say with a straight face that Jedi was better than Empire?

Fuckin' Ewoks!
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Boid Brain

Curly 4444: I thought Aliens was a decent action movie. Not much more. It kind of lost me when these fucking Marines were being taken to another planet at who knows HOW much cost to kill dangerous aliens, have a living witness to to the enemy and their tactics and they are not interested in her briefing!

Did the Core turn plumb stupid over the centuries??? "How do I get out of this chickenshit detail?" INDEED!

But there was a decent payoff at the end: "Get away from her you BITCH!" Plus the milk spewing cyborg coming thru in the end was a nice touch. But the downside was since the movie made money it spawned 2 more sequels! That bald headed "Resurrection" was the slowest, most boring piece of crotch rot horseshit I ever saw. :P

Now for more good news...Alien 5 is in pre-production right now.

Offline Curly4444

I Liked them all. The best was the second one. It had way more action and a decent exciting story. The first one had a little better story, but it was a little slow.

Now for more good news...Alien 5 is in pre-production right now.

I think this is just a rumor. I didn't find anything on it at IMDB.

Offline archiezappa

The best sequel of all time was "I'll Never Heil Again," which was the sequel to "You Nazty Spy" starring, well, you know.   ;)


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I dont know why they would make another one after that shitty second one.

Was it that bad? I never saw it. I saw the first one and loved it. But I was just kind of shock about some of the adult-oriented material there. It just seemed kind of over-the-top for a PG rated movie that a lot of kids like to watch.

Offline Boid Brain

Was it that bad? I never saw it. I saw the first one and loved it. But I was just kind of shock about some of the adult-oriented material there. It just seemed kind of over-the-top for a PG rated movie that a lot of kids like to watch.
Raff, you must be Amish if you think it was risque! No sex, no F-bombs, no bloodshed! Break down and trade that mule team in for a car!


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Raff, you must be Amish if you think it was risque! No sex, no F-bombs, no bloodshed! Break down and trade that mule team in for a car!

For a PG rated movie, yes it was. I think it should be PG-13. These are the parts that I feel warrant such a rating:

  • A character tries to seduce a man but he refuses. She rolls him over on top of her and says "I want you inside me".
  • Stantz (Aykroyd) has a brief dream sequence where a ghost (played by a former Playboy model) hovers over him while he's in bed. The camera pans down to show his belt unbuckling itself, then his zipper unzipping and his pants opening up, before panning up to his face as he makes an loss-of-control expression with crossed eyes. (Implying fellatio, but nothing is seen except his facial reaction stated above).

-taken from IMDB's parent's guide section.

Offline Curly4444

You guys are forgetting this came out in the 80's when there was no PG-13. All they had was G, PG, R, and X. So the content wasn't enough to give it an R, so it got a PG Rating. It would have received a PG-13 rating if it came out today .

Offline shemps#1

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Actually PG-13 started in 1984 (five years before GB II, and weeks after the release of the original). Red Dawn was the first movie to be distributed with a PG-13 rating, but the first film to actually receive the rating was The Flamingo Kid.  Credit: Wikipedia.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown


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You guys are right. According to Wikipedia, PG-13 officially started on July 1, 1984. According to IMDB, Ghostbusters came out June 8, 1984. So, Ghostbusters missed the PG-13 introduction by one month. Interesting!

Offline Curly4444

Which movie were you talking about that had the PG-13 like stuff(Ghostbusters or Ghostbuster II)? I thought you were talking about the first one, which would make my post correct.

Offline Liz

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The best sequel of all time was "I'll Never Heil Again," which was the sequel to "You Nazty Spy" starring, well, you know.   ;)
This will always be the best sequel ever.  [thumbleft]

But I loved Indy 4.  Great action scenes, and it was good to see Harrison back in the role.  I hope he comes back for Indy 5.

Offline Boid Brain

This will always be the best sequel ever.  [thumbleft]

But I loved Indy 4.  Great action scenes, and it was good to see Harrison back in the role.  I hope he comes back for Indy 5.
My God, Liz! The guy will be 80!!!

Offline Liz

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