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List your favorites from the new DVD set by group.

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Offline Moe Hailstone

  • Chucklehead
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  • "I am Mattie Herring. Ah, my favorite dish!"
Okay, I decided to make a topic for us to list what shorts are our favorites...but with a twist.  I'll have categories listed, and then you give three shorts to place in them.  You can list a short more than once.

Categories will be:

- Shorts that make you laugh the most
- Shorts that if you had to skip past, you would
- Shorts with the best story
- Best short from each year (one per year)

In case you need the names for the 19 episodes, they are:

Woman Haters
Punch Drunks
Men in Black
Three Little Pigskins

Horses' Collars
Restless Knights
Pop Goes the Easel
Uncivil Warriors
Pardon My Scotch
Hoi Polloi
Three Little Beers

Ants in the Pantry
Movie Maniacs
Half-Shot Shooters
Disorder in the Court
A Pain in the Pullman
False Alarms
Whoops, I'm an Indian
Slippery Silks

Don't forget, only three per group.

My choices.

Shorts that make you laugh the most

Men in Black
Pop Goes the Easel
False Alarms

Shorts that if you had to skip past, you would

Restless Knights
Half-Shot Shooters
Horses' Collars

Shorts with the best story

Hoi Polloi
Movie Maniacs
Woman Haters

Best short from each year (one per year)

1934- Men in Black
1935- Pardon My Scotch
1936- False Alarms
"Moronica must expand! We shall lend our neighbors a helping hand, we shall lend them two helping hands... and help ourselves to our neighbors!"  Moe Hailstone

Offline IFleecem

  • Puddinhead
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  • "Hey Moe, Wher'd You Get The Sunglasses"
made me laugh the most

1. Pop Goes The Easel (Is this the clay department) that old man cracks me and my daughter up every time
2. Three Little Beers -(love the whole short)
3. Uncivil Warriors- (love the operator 13 in joke)

Skippable to me (although a true stooge fan would not think of such a thing)

1. Horses Collars (I just never cared for this one much)
2. Restless Knights (ditto)
3. Disorder In  The Court (I think its because its on all those compilations)

Best Story Line

1. Three Little Beers (the golf scenes are classic)
2. Hoi Polloi (anyone trying to make gentlemen out of the stooges is crazy)
3. Whoops, I'm an Indian (borrowed this one from the library on Super 8 and it got stuck in my projector and burned Curly just as he was shooting the fish in the lake) Don't know what the next person who borrowed the film thought but I never heard nothing)

Best From Each Year

1934-Punch Drunks
1935-tuff choice but I'll go with - Three Little Beers
1936-Slippery Silks



  • Guest
Shorts that made me laugh the most:
A Pain in the Pullman
Ants in the Pantry
Slippery Silks

Shorts that if you I to skip past, I would:
None. But if the category were:
"Shorts that if I had to watch last, I would":
Restless Knights
Whoops, I'm an Indian
False Alarms

Shorts with the best story:
Hoi Polloi
A Pain in the Pullman
Horses' Collars

Best short from each year:
1934 - Punch Drunks
1935 - Uncivil Warriors
1936 - A Pain in the Pullman

When I was growin' up we had a stray cat that took up at our house that would run underneath my folks' metal patio swing if he was startled. The swing was one of those big, metal glider-type things that would seat three and was always rusted looking. Whenever he'd dart up under there, the cat would run under the same side each time and hit his head going under it! We named him Johnson, after Bud Jamison's character in A Pain in the Pullman, and had great fun scaring the cat, yelling "Johnson!", and having him run under that swing and hit his head! Each time with a nice, satisfying "BONG-G-G-G!" sound.

That's my story for today. So, G'day.


Offline falsealarms

- Shorts that make you laugh the most
Hard to say. As much as I like the Stooges (a lot) they rarely are laugh out loud funny for me. I've always found them more amusing than genuinely funny, if that makes any sense. Having said that, Hoi Poloi may get the nod.

- Shorts that if you had to skip past, you would
Restless Knights and ... Indian. Compared to the other 17, these two come nowheres close. Just not as exciting for ... not big on castle-themed shorts or the general premise of Indian.

- Shorts with the best story
Woman Haters. Doing it in rhyme says something.

- Best short from each year (one per year)
34 - MIB
35 - Scotch (could argue for Beers, Easel, Warriors, Polloi)
36 - Pullman (could argue for Alarms, Maniacs, Shooters)

Offline Moe Hailstone

  • Chucklehead
  • ***
  • "I am Mattie Herring. Ah, my favorite dish!"
Just to compare the "Best Short/Year" answers:


Men In Black- 2
Punch Drunks -2


Pardon My Scotch- 2
Uncivil Warriors- 1
Three Little Beers- 1


A Pain in the Pullman- 2
Slippery Silks- 1
False Alarms- 1
"Moronica must expand! We shall lend our neighbors a helping hand, we shall lend them two helping hands... and help ourselves to our neighbors!"  Moe Hailstone

Offline Moron4392

  • Forever Shemp!!!!!!!!!!
  • Team Stooge
  • Puddinhead
  • ******
  • Moronika For Morons
I would like to cast my votes please.  Thank-You:

Shorts That Made Me Laugh:

A Pain In The Pullman (Because Of the Johnson part).
Disorder In The Court (Their musical skit and Larry yelling like Tarzan).
Whoop's I'm An Indian (Because Of Curly Flirting with Bud Jamison (stage name excaspes me sorry).

Shorts That I Would Totally Skipp:

Hoi-Polloi (The story drags too long).
Woman Haters (Not true Stooges not good a rhyming and some Vaudeville thrown in).
Uncivil Warriors (To Me just boring).

Best Story Line:

Restless Knights (Their boxing scence).
Pop Goes The Easle (Clay room fight).
Slippery Silks (Because of their truley on of a kind clothing line).

Years Best:

1934:  Men In Black (For Dutiy and Humanity)
1935: Three Little Beers (The Golf Scenes)
1936: False Alarms (The Entire Short)

If I may be a bit mean I would like to give a short personal comment to Thump The Shoe, I thought your cat story was hillarious.



Offline Moe Hailstone

  • Chucklehead
  • ***
  • "I am Mattie Herring. Ah, my favorite dish!"
Just to compare the "Best Short/Year" answers (Update) :


Men In Black- 3
Punch Drunks- 2
Three Little Pigskins- 1


Three Little Beers- 3
Pardon My Scotch- 2
Uncivil Warriors- 1


A Pain in the Pullman- 2
False Alarms- 2
Slippery Silks- 1
Movie Maniacs-  1

I also found the cat story funny.  I haven't seen "Pain in the Pullman" in some time, but after seeing it several times now and re-reading the story I can see the humor now.   :laugh:
"Moronica must expand! We shall lend our neighbors a helping hand, we shall lend them two helping hands... and help ourselves to our neighbors!"  Moe Hailstone

Offline Moron4392

  • Forever Shemp!!!!!!!!!!
  • Team Stooge
  • Puddinhead
  • ******
  • Moronika For Morons
Dear Mr. Hailstone:

Your idea of creating this rate the video section is an awesome thing.  Keep up the good work.  Have a great day.



  • Guest
I laughed the most at:
"Three Little Pigskins"
"Hoi Polloi"
"Three Little Beers"

If I could, I would skip:
"Woman Haters"
"Disorder In The Court"
"Whoops, I'm an Indian!"

Best Story lines:
"Pop Goes The Easel"
"False Alarms"
"A Pain In The Pullman"

Best from each year:
1934- Three Little Pigskins
1935- Three Little Beers
1936- Movie Maniacs

I enjoyed the cat story.

Offline Moe Hailstone

  • Chucklehead
  • ***
  • "I am Mattie Herring. Ah, my favorite dish!"
Dear Mr. Hailstone:

Your idea of creating this rate the video section is an awesome thing.  Keep up the good work.  Have a great day.


Thank you.   8)

I updated my update post with your answers Curley91.
"Moronica must expand! We shall lend our neighbors a helping hand, we shall lend them two helping hands... and help ourselves to our neighbors!"  Moe Hailstone

Offline Waldo Twitchell

I laughed the most at:
"A Pain in the Pullman"
"Disorder in the Court"
"Slippery Silks"

If I could, I would skip:
"Punch Drunks"
"Restless Knights"
"Woman Haters"

Best Story lines:
"Hoi Polloi"
"False Alarms"
"Three Little Beers"

Best from each year:
1934- Men In Black
1935- Three Little Beers
1936- A Pain in the Pullman

Offline Moron4392

  • Forever Shemp!!!!!!!!!!
  • Team Stooge
  • Puddinhead
  • ******
  • Moronika For Morons
Dear Mr. Hailstone:

Is there ever gonna come out a set of DVD shorts of just the ones by Shemp?  I may be interfering here, but he is my Top Stooge.

Thank you:


Offline Moe Hailstone

  • Chucklehead
  • ***
  • "I am Mattie Herring. Ah, my favorite dish!"
Dear Mr. Hailstone:

Is there ever gonna come out a set of DVD shorts of just the ones by Shemp?  I may be interfering here, but he is my Top Stooge.

Thank you:


I'm not 100% on this, but as long as the Volumes continue to sell well enough by Sony's standards, then we should see all 190 shorts on DVD.  Problem is for you Shemp fans (I also love his shorts), that the wait is going to take a while.  If Sony releases say 3 Volumes a year and each volume only has two years on it...then the Shemp years probably won't be out for a good 2 years or so.  October 2009 would see the first Shemp Volume.

Just to compare the "Best Short/Year" answers (Update 2) :


Men In Black- 4
Punch Drunks- 2
Three Little Pigskins- 1


Three Little Beers- 4
Pardon My Scotch- 2
Uncivil Warriors- 1


A Pain in the Pullman- 3
False Alarms- 2
Slippery Silks- 1
Movie Maniacs-  1
"Moronica must expand! We shall lend our neighbors a helping hand, we shall lend them two helping hands... and help ourselves to our neighbors!"  Moe Hailstone

Offline Moron4392

  • Forever Shemp!!!!!!!!!!
  • Team Stooge
  • Puddinhead
  • ******
  • Moronika For Morons
Dear Mr. Hailstone:

Thank you for your information of the releasing of the shorts DVD's.  But all's I can say is this Bumber on the Shemp wait.  Thank you for all of your help you have provided me on this site.  You have informed me greatly with information I was not that clear on.  Have yourself a poifect day.

Diane Hoekstra

Moron4392 [pie]