I just received my set in the mail today. I watch the first five shorts already and I glanced through the other fourteen just to see how the quality is. Let me just warn you that I'm very anal retentive and shemps#1 has made that clear about me a few years back. So, don't take what I say personally. I just want to give my honest opinion on this set.
First, let me just say that this is a magnificent set to own. Majority, but not all, shorts look the best I've ever seen. Some shorts like
A Pain In The Pullman,
Three Little Beers,
Pardon My Scotch,
False Alarms, and
Slippery Silks look amazing. I've never ever seen those shorts look so crisp and sharp.
A Pain In The Pullman is no longer shaky, so no more headaches when watching this short.
False Alarms doesn't have a jumpy picture anymore unlike the older VHS and TV prints.
Now, certain shorts that were used on the chromachoice DVDs look both better and worse on this new DVD set. Shorts such as
Punch Drunk and
Men In Black look sharper in detail on this new DVD set. However, they are darker than the prints used on the chromachoice DVD. But, both versions look fantastic in their own way. Now, there's one exception.
Disorder In The Court looks the best I've ever seen on this set. It looks far better than any of those other million versions I've seen.
There are some cons regarding this set.
Whoops I'm An Indian looks worse than what was used on the "Healthy, Wealthy, and Dumb" DVD. I wished Sony would have used the same print and just cleaned it up for this new set.
Another con about this set is that the beginning part on some of the music seem to be clipped off a tad bit at the very beginning. This is very obvious on
Three Little Pigskins,
Restless Knights, and
Pop Goes The Easel. Sony should have been a little more careful about this. It really isn't a big problem, but it would have been nice if the songs weren't cut off.
Overall, it's a great set. I'm impressed by most of the shorts. Was it worth the long wait? Yeah, I guess it was, though I wished Sony used the best possible elements for
all the shorts.
None of the cons are really severe. I really do thank Sony for releasing this set and I hope they continue to release future volumes.
NOTE: For those of you complaining about no extras, just remember that you are getting 19 shorts for only $20. If I were paying more, then I'll complain. But at that great price, I'm not going to complain at all.
Anyway, here are a several screenshots that prove some of my points. If any of you would like me to provide other screenshots, please let me know and I'll be glad to post them.
Disorder In The Court
Chromachoice DVD
 | Volume 1 DVD
Pop Goes The Easel
Chromachoice DVD
 | Volume 1 DVD
Men In Black
Chromachoice DVD
 | Volume 1 DVD
Punch Drunks
Chromachoice DVD
 | Volume 1 DVD
Whoops I'm An Indian
"Healthy, Wealthy, and Dumb" DVD
 | Volume 1 DVD
Slippery Silks
VHS release
 | Volume 1 DVD
A Pain In The Pullman
VHS release
 | Volume 1 DVD