Well, here's my story on how I got my 3 Stooges box set. I work night shift. October 30 is my birthday. I woke up at about 4pm on the 30th. We were going to Best Buy in Huntsville, Alabama anyway, since my wife was buying me a new printer/scanner/copier for my computer and we were picking it up. I figured that I could also get the Stooges set there. Well, I got the printer, then I started looking. I looked all through the DVD section and couldn't find it anywhere. I was upset, but I did buy The A-Team Season 5. I was wanting that, anyway.
Well, I had to go to work that night. I left for work at about 10pm. I thought that, since I pass by Walmart on the way to work, that I would go in and check to see if they had it. They did! They had like 10 copies of it! Of course, I got one. I must say kudos to Walmart in Athens, Alabama. I hope they carry all the other sets.
I checked back about a week later and found the Stooges were sold out! I know that's a good sign. If this set sells well, they'll carry the other sets to come. I must say that I'm impressed with Sony and Walmart. They need to keep this up. They're making many people, like me, very happy.