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Offline BeAStooge

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Edited by Peter Seely and Gail W. Pieper
McFarland & Company Publishers

Available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc., and McFarland's website

Table of Contents (272 pgs)...

The Aesthetics of Stooge Filmmaking
 - "Casting Asparagus, Tunis Sandwiches and Moidering the King's English: Puns, Wordplay and Malapropisms in the The Three Stooges' Films," by Peter Seely
 - "Surrealistic Stooges: The Supernatural and the Extraordinary in Slapstick Comedy," by Peter Seely
 - "Discovered Treasures: The Three Stooges' Missing Scenes," by Brent Seguine
 - "Comedy of Errors: Mistakes and the Humorous Results in The Three Stooges Films," by Peter Seely
 - "Hail Columbia! A Deconstruction of the Columbia Studios Style in The Three Stooges and Other Comedy Shorts," by Peter Seely

Stooge Psychology and Religion
 - "Deconstructing The Three Stooges: Freud's Concept of the Id, Ego and Superego," by Tim Snyder
 - "You Gotta Have Heart: The Pathos of Slapstick and The Three Stooges," by Peter Seely
 - "Much Ado About Nothing: Violence in The Three Stooges Comedies," by Don Morlan
 - "A Pie in the Face: The Three Stooges' Anti-aristocracy Theme in Depression Era American Film," by Don Morlan
 - "Slap-Shtik: The Three Stooges in the Context of Jewish Humor and Vaudeville," by Faye Ringel
 - "Larry: The Existential Stooge," by Ted Levitt

The Stooges Go to War
 - "The Three Stooges' Contributions to World War II Propaganda: Moe Hailstone and Adenoid Hynkel's Race to the Screen," by Don Morlan
 - "Hang Hitler! The Three Stooges Take Potshots at Nazis," by Lynn Rapaport
 - "Slapstick Satire: The Three Stooges' Portrayals of the Japanese in World War II Comedies," by Don Morlan

Race, Ethnicity and Gender in Stooge Films
 - "The Image of the Negro in The Three Stooges Shorts," by Peter Seely
 - "Hassan Ben Sober: Images of American Indians, Latinos and Arabs in the Short Films of The Three Stooges," by Peter Seely
 - "Europeans and the Stooges: The Other 'Other'," by Peter Seely
 - "Hiya, Toots: Women and Gender in The Three Stooges," by Kathleen Chamberlain
 - "Dames, Babes, Battleaxes and Tomatoes: Women and The Three Stooges," by Peter Seely

Offline falsealarms

Seems interesting - kind of - but it also might be over analyzing things too much.

At Amazon and from the publisher, it's 35.00 and it's a paperback. No thank you. Maybe at 50-60% less.

Offline jrvass

  • Dickey-Do Award Winner!
  • Birdbrain
  • ****
Seems interesting - kind of - but it also might be over analyzing things too much.

At Amazon and from the publisher, it's 35.00 and it's a paperback. No thank you. Maybe at 50-60% less.

Wait 6 months to a year... deep discounts.

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline kinderscenen

  • Porcupine
  • Chucklehead
  • *** a psychology major, it would be interesting, but as a Stooge fan, I'd probably be bored to tears by reading about id, ego, etc., and other psychological "stuff" in Stooge films.  Hey, I watch them to laugh--if I wanted to analyse something, I'd analyse the Simpsons or Family Guy or something.

And of course, as most "analytical" books, they're waaay overpriced.  I wouldn't be surprised if I saw it as supplemental reading in a psychology course somewhere.
Larry: They’ll hang us for this!
Moe: I know! Let’s cremate him!
Larry: Can’t do that--we ain’t got no cream!

Offline Justin T

  • Toastmaster General
  • Birdbrain
  • ****
Has anyone bought this book?

Just curious, it's still 35 dollars on Amazon. The price is still a bit high for me
at the moment but I'll probably get this eventually.
"Moronica must expand! We must lend our neighbors a helping hand. We must lend them two helping hands, and help ourselves to our neighbors!"
Moe in "You Natzi Spy!"

Larry: Say, when I come back I’ll give you a password.
Moe: Brilliant, what’ll it be?
Larry: Open The Door!
"Studio Stoops"