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Email from Amazon regarding my preorder

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Offline superstooge

I got an email from Amazon stating that my order would be delayed due to a change in the release date.  I followed their links and saw that the release date still states 10/30, I'm just getting it a week later than they originally quoted.  [confused2]

Did anybody else who ordered from get this email?
Oh, taking me illiterately, ey?

Offline Dunrobin

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I haven't see the email from, but my order status still says "Delivery estimate: November 2, 2007 - November 6, 2007" (I choose the free standard shipping, since I've waited this long), and the main page is still showing October 30th for the release date.

I've added an announcement on the home page with links to pre-order the DVD from, so if anyone of you chowderheads have been procrastinating, now is the time to get your order in -- and help support at the same time! 

Offline Hollister

I pre-ordered last week and haven't gotten an email either, at least not as I type this reply.

Offline Dunrobin

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Does show your order?  If so, I wouldn't sweat the email too much.  It may have been blocked by a spam filter or sent to your junk mail.

Offline Hollister


It's no big deal one way or another to me, an extra week or two.  We've waited this long, so what a few more days.

I just hope they continue the series all the way to 190....!!!!!!!


BTW what were the bottles they broke over each other's head made of?  Do you know?


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Great idea posting the DVD set on the main page. Hopefully, by doing that, more people will buy it.

Offline jrvass

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For some reason I am thinking that the "glass" (Bottles, windows in westerns, etc.) were made of sugar. I was maybe 6-7 when I took the Universal tour in 1969.

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline jrvass

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When vol. 2 is announced, do the same thing. I'll order through this site. In fact, just kind of stack them up on the homepage. Spread the good cheer!

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline Hollister

Offline Hammond Eggar

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Well guys!  I'm back.  It's been a VERY long time since I've posted anything here.  This news about the upcoming DVD set has reignited my love for the Stooges.  Actually, my love for our boys never went away, it was just my respect for Columbia that went WAY downhill.  I did purchase some of the earlier DVD releases, but was pretty unimpressed.  First, the choices of shorts was so haphazzard.  I also wish they could have included a PLAY ALL feature.  Columbia, for the longest time, has appeared to only do the bare minimum when it comes to the Stooges, as well as various TV shows.  Just look at the season sets for shows such as "All in the Family," "The Jeffersons," "Good Times," "Sanford and Son," "Soap," "What's Happenin'!!," "Charlie's Angels" and "Mad About You."  None of these sets include any bonus features.  Plus, since I own seasons 1-3 of "All in the Family," I can atest to the very poor picture quality.

All of that aside, the news of the new Stooges DVDs is reason to celebrate.  I, too, checked Amazon after reading the news in The Three Stooges Journal.  Gary Lassin had listed the suggested retail price at $24.99.  That's not too bad.  I was, however, more impressed with Amazon's price of $17.49.  I have always had good experiences with Amazon.  That said, I prefer to buy CDs and DVDs in stores, so I don't have to wait for the item to arrive by mail.  Then again, I may not find it any cheaper anywhere else.  I wonder what places such as Curcuit City, Best Buy and Wal-Mart will be charging?

With only a handful of DVDs, and a few VHS tapes of shorts I taped off AMC, to watch, I've been pretty deficiant lately when it comes to the Stooges.  I can't wait to start rebuilding my collection.  I also can't wait to reconnect with those of you here at this wonderful board.  It's great to be back. [pie]
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams." - Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder, 1971)