Wow, perhaps this is a bit to be asking. I want to accumulate everything with the Stooges over time, so I'm not necessarily looking to buy right now.. before the holidays, yes. I'm looking more towards the rare stuff, altough I would love a collection of all 190 shorts (if someone has them), if not atleast all of the Shemp and Joe's uncut.Throw 'em on some DVDs and name your price. I don't think I have anything worthwhile to trade..
On that note as well, I'm looking for all of the stuff the boys appeared in with Healy (that's not readily availably on DVD). If they're available on VHS, I might try my luck on eBay but I would love some copies of the more rare stuff that hasn't been released on home video ro anything.
Finally, and I'm sure this is close to impossible, but I'm looking for all of Shemp's solo stuff. I bet everybody on here probably doesn't even have those, but I'd love to see a lot of his solo work..
If anyone can help a fellow Stoogephile out, it'd be appreciated. Let me know what you have.