knew that you had to be from Long Island, Angela! Although I have lived in Michigan for many years, I was born on Long Island (in Freeport), and I recognized that accent immediately. I lived in Baldwin and Levittown when I was a little kid, before we moved to Connecticut in 1960 and then to Michigan in '65.
It was great actually
seeing a member of this site for once, and I loved your complete enthusiasm for Larry! It was really infectious.

I don't know if I can honestly say that I have an all-time favorite Stooge anymore. When I was a kid I loved Curly, of course (and still do), but as an adult I came to appreciate the others more, especially Shemp. And naturally, the Stooges wouldn't
be the Stooges without Moe and Larry. I love them all!
The two Joes basically leave me flat. Besser was pretty funny outside of the Stooges, and my opinion of him has definitely improved over the past few years. Still, the scripts themselves were pretty lame by then, and the already cheap productions were getting even cheesier, so I don't care for most of them. (I'll still buy them in the complete set, though.)

By the way, I got a big kick out of your reference to Larry's "Let's pluck 'im, and see if he's ripe!" line from
Men in Black. Larry's performance is one of the reasons why that episode is always in my top ten. My other favorite scene in that is when Curly and Moe are arguing over by the PA board, and Larry is coming up behind the nurse at the desk. That insane look on his face as he leers over the nurse is priceless!
![Rolling on the Floor Laughing [rotfl]](
Anyway, kudos on an excellent -
and enthusiastic - display of support for the Stooges, and for helping prove that women do love the boys every bit as much as guys do.
How about the rest of you chowderheads? How about putting up your video response to the questions, and post a link here to let us all know!