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Why arent there anymore Public Stooge conventions anymore?

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Offline BeAStooge

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The 1988 - 1994 Three Stooges Conventions, in Philadelphia and sponsored by fans, were successfully held and licensed in cooperation with Norman Maurer Productions.

After the DeRita & Fine vs. Maurer lawsuit of 1993 - 1994, NMP was disbanded, and C3 was reinstated with the DeRita family in control.

The 1995 Convention, in Philadelphia, was the first licensed under C3.  C3 reps attended the Convention and indicated their displeasure with the event's focus and management.  No agreement could be reached for a fan-sponsored 1996 event.


C3 held its own 1st Annual 1998 convention in Burbank CA.  2004, as we draw to a close six years later, fans are waiting for C3 to host a 2nd 'annual' event.

Last June 2004, a C3 rep told me that they have grand plans tied into the Farrelly brothers movie.  Among them are a relaunch of the early-'90s Las Vegas tribute show at one of the hotels, combined with a "mega" Las Vegas convention.  Or, he said that C3 may host a Stooges convention around one of their Nascar-sponsorships.          Uh huh.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2004, 03:03:35 AM by BeAStooge »

Offline 3Stooges

Does Maurer/Howard family have anything to do with C3 where Joan has input to decisions or is it completely controlled by the Derita brothers?

Why is C3 so strict with The Stooges? I went to a couple Movie Poster stores, and each time I went, the owners said they cant sell ANYTHING with the Stooges. No Stills, Poster Re-prints, etc...

It seems that C3 is hurting itself with this behavior because, if no one can sell Stooge stuff or have public Stooge conventions, the popularity is going to sink to nothing.

Offline shemps#1

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Brent can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Moe's family (as well as Larry's) are part owners in C3, but they are more like silent partners. The adopted anti-christs that are the Bros. Benjamin (who are naturally lawyers), along with Derita's widow are the ones who have all of the say.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline BeAStooge

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I believe Moe's family (as well as Larry's) are part owners in C3, but they are more like silent partners.

Basically correct.

C3 is a partnership of Howard/Fine/DeRita.  But circumstances arising from the '94 lawsuit ruling eliminated Moe's family's input into the corporation's activities.  The DeRita heirs control two-thirds of C3, and installed themselves as senior management back in '94.  For 2 years, Eric Lamond (Larry's grandson, by daughter Phyllis) has been C3's Director of Marketing; how much input the Fine family may have in C3 activities beyond Eric's role... I don't know.

Shemp's nor Curly's heirs are part of C3.

Offline 3Stooges

I'm curious as to how much an Official Stooge C3/Mauer company would be different with Joan Maurer running the show?

Offline 3Stooges

Has the Howard/Maurer family ever tried to appeal the decision? I find it outrageous that the Derita family have any say regarding The Stooges... let alone total control!!! How did the Derita family persuade a jury? I read on the internet that Jean Derita would cry in the court room and say that Curly-Joe had no money and there was evidence that The Howard family wasn’t sharing any profits.

I could understand making the financials split more equally amoung the heirs, but I can't see how the decision making should go to the Derita's.

Has Joan just accepted the fact that the Derita’s control the Stooges?

Offline Baggie

I feel sorry for Joan because over the years the Howard family has had so many law suits and court cases to deal with. I believe that was the because court case they had to attend, but it is true that Babe (Mrs Shemp) Howard was thinking of suing the Stooges, because of the money her family lost out on through Shemp being a Stooge, then dying so unexpectedly? Is it right that she dropped the case when a settlement was reached, and if this is true, how did Moe feel towards Shemp's family after this?
The artist formerly known as Shempetta

Offline Robbie883

Joe Derita was a good stooge indeed. But they shouldnt have control of C3. The stooges empire was already built b4 Joe joined with them. Yes Deritas family should get some of the cash because Joe made some big bucks. But Moe was the bussiness leader. I think that family should still lead the C3, followed by the Fines and then Deritas. Just think if the stooges were still alive they would be slapping all of C3.