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3 Stooges Collection 1934 - 1936, October 30

BeAStooge · 198 · 71963

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  • 3 Stooges 1934-1936 DVDs: October 30, 2007 - November 05, 2007

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That IS some excellent cover art!

It is without a doubt, much better than Sony's. 

Offline Dunrobin

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Here's the full sized image.  (I just saved it from bb's myspace page.)

[attachment deleted by admin]

stooged and confused

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Well, Sony has the cover art posted on their site today. Nice effort BB on yours. I would be willing to submit it if you okay me to. However, it looks like the one I posted here last week is what they're going with. For all I know, the covers have been printed already, or are in the process.

stooged and confused

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BB, I have one suggestion, if I may. The wording that's in the background that you have on your box is hard to decipher and I feel is distracting from the nice images that you have (certainly more accurate than the "official" cover). You may want to delete that if you want me submit it to Sony for you. When I viewed it, even blown up in size, many of the sayings were hard to uncover.

stooged and confused

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Just got an email from my Sony contact and she sent the REVISED front box cover art. The "Columbia" logo on the spine has been replaced by the "Sony" logo. They also changed some of the thumbnail photos --it looks less crowded than before, but it still maintains the tuxedo shot as the primary photo. At least all of the thumbnail photos correspond to the titles that will appear in this set!

Here is the REVISED shot:

stooged and confused

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I am beginning to suspect that there may not be bonus features on this first set. I was thinking that Sony may save them to help sell the Shemp and Joe Besser sets in greater numbers. The Curly sets should sell well enough without "extras".  I'm still waiting to hear. I find it odd that the release date is 2 months away, and no information regarding the extras has been finalized, let alone confirmed as of this writing. I hope my Oliver Stone paranoia is wrong.

Offline busybuddy

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I can have the writing in the background taken out by tomoorow morning. But do you think it's even worth it to try submiting this? 
I think Birdie will go for that!

stooged and confused

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That's up to you, Busy Buddy. I think it would be better without the background text. It may appear since they revised the cover (as you obviously saw in my post) this seems to be the concept they're going with for the first volume. But, if they haven't assembled the cover yet, and according to my Sony contact, there is still NO back cover art, it may be worth a shot. Let me know!


Offline archiezappa

I'm so excited about this release.  Just ask my friends.  I've been extremely happy since I heard they're doing this.  I hope that they do release all 190.  I'll buy them all.  I can't wait!!!

Nyuk!  Nyuk!  Nyuk!

Offline busybuddy

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You have my consent to send mine to them. I'll post the revised version in the morning because I don't have photoshop here at work to change it.
I think Birdie will go for that!

stooged and confused

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Okay, BB...I'll look for your revision tomorrow and I will be happy to submit it on your behalf. Who knows. If it's too late for volume 1, they may consider it for round 2 (of course, you'll have to change the photos in that case).


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Keep in mind, there will also be the inevitable "complete set" collection once all the sets are out-- leaving room for artwork and box design.

Offline busybuddy

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Here's the revised version. I took out the words in the background and I spelled release the right way.
I think Birdie will go for that!


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From S&C's updated cover art, it looks like the official title will be "The Three Stooges Collection Volume One: 1934-1936." It's titled the same way as the Popeye DVD set.

Busybuddy, I don't know if it's my computer or not, but your revised picture isn't showing.

Offline Dunrobin

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Yeah - I'm not seeing it either.  I went directly to the image from the link in your post (, but it doesn't display there either.

Offline jrvass

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I tried making a direct link, it didn't work, so I guess you'll just have to b@#$%-slap me. If you look under the picture at the top, it says View:Pics/Videos. It's written in black so you're probably not just color-blind, you're blind completely. There's also an imageshack version earlier in this forum but it's not as big as the one on my myspace. So I guess you're just out of luck. Enjoy the Sony version.

Now we all can't see it. Why? We have our eyes closed!

Come on up to Detroit and I'll be happy to show you how to use a computer. I'll even give you a tour. How's the corn growing in Middletown Indiana?

Sorry to trouble you busy-buttwipe with my disability. And you have my permission to go fuck yourself for your remarks. Young asswipe punk.

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!


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Now we all can't see it. Why? We have our eyes closed!

Come on up to Detroit and I'll be happy to show you how to use a computer. I'll even give you a tour. How's the corn growing in Middletown Indiana?

Sorry to trouble you busy-buttwipe with my disability. And you have my permission to go fuck yourself for your remarks. Young asswipe punk.


Don't beat around the bush! Tell us how you really feel!   :laugh:


Offline busybuddy

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I can see it on my computer that I am on now, and on the one that was on this morning. I can try to put it up on my myspace page again, but if I'm just going to be cussed at every time I try to help then I might as well just forget it. This site has some of the rudest people I have ever talked to. ITS THE THREE STOOGES. You know them? They're supposed to make people happy and be entertaining, remember? I am part of a site just like this but its dedicated to Martin and Lewis. The people on that site are very nice people. I have gotten rare videos for free and if someone doesn't know what they're doing very well, they are helped, instead of being torn down by some screwball who takes stuff too seriously. Does jrvass even laugh at the Stooges? Or does he just bitch everytime the plot doesn't involve him and his problems? Sorry for trying to help.

Young asswipe punk

p.s. What does corn have to do with the Three Stooges?
I think Birdie will go for that!


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Sigh. This is rediculous!   :police:

Busybuddy: I'll admit that jrvass was no angel here, but you were the first one to cuss and be rude. So, I don't know why you're so angry.

Offline busybuddy

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I was not the first one to cuss. I didn't know that he was really colorblind because I don't know him and he doesn't know me! I hate confrontation and never fight but when someone talks bad about me i'm going to defend myself. I refuse to use foul language because it's uncalled for. HE was the one who talked about bitch slapping his female co-workers, etc. In my first reply, I used b@#$% slap, not the real word. So I apologize for my remarks about his colorblindness, a lot of people just use that as an expression these days and I thought he was doing so. And I apologize for my hasty angry remarks. If I would have slept on it and then replied, I would have been more of a gentleman (gentleman?!). SORRY JRVASS and everyone who is angry at us. Now, let's get back to the real issue, the Stooges.

I put the revised DVD on my myspace page, You don't have to click anything just scroll down and it should come up.
I think Birdie will go for that!

Offline jrvass

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No harm, no foul, Busybuddy...

I see the video/pics link in black. But there is nothing there or on the main page. I saw the other cover art earlier in the thread and it looks good. Send in the revision. Maybe they'll buy it from you for a later edition. Who knows?

Yes, I am red-green colorblind. I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't. And yes, I do want to bitch-slap women who point to their monitors with lime green lettering on pussy pink backgrounds, and wonder how they can read anything in that swirl of electronic Pepto-Bismol.

Perhaps our problem is not having MySpace accounts? I see an error message about logging in after clicking the video/pics link.

We are not all bad people. Good people have bad days. Let's leave it at that.

And I am nothing compared to Shemps#1's (Jim's) wrath! The Islipp Classics message board is a testament to his powerful skills of rebuke!  :police:

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline JazzBill

I logged on just to see what all the fuss is about, I don't see anything either. :(
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline busybuddy

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This is so weird! I can see it on this site and myspace. It takes up most of my page! :D I don't know what the deal is Oh, well. Since they're going to use their version anyway it doesn't really matter. I can always make my own case and with my version after I buy this set!
I think Birdie will go for that!

Offline Dunrobin

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This is so weird! I can see it on this site and myspace. It takes up most of my page! :D I don't know what the deal is Oh, well. Since they're going to use their version anyway it doesn't really matter. I can always make my own case and with my version after I buy this set!

I just modified the permissions on this board to allow members to add attachments to their posts, so you can go ahead and add it to a reply, if you want to do so.  ;D