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falsealarms · 163 · 117174

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Offline archiezappa

I second that Justin.  Long live!

I'll third that one!  I really enjoy this site.  It's the best Stooges site ever!  Dunrobin, you have done and continue to do a top notch job for our boys.  Ted, Moe, Larry, Curly, Shemp, Joe and Curly-Joe would be proud.  As am I.  Keep up the good work! 


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Great post. You couldn't have said it better. I'm glad it's not just me and that I'm not jumping to conclusions. This guy did obviously try and start trouble. It wasn't the questions that bothered me, it was the fact that he continued to push it. Of all the posts on this forum, why did he pick my post and constantly bug me about my minor criticism. He also used the phrase, "What's the beef?" as if I was complaining about the guy's review. I was not complaining. All I said was that it was "vague." I never said it was a bad review or anything. Yet, this guy chooses to lose sleep over that one silly word. It was just an opinion and it was not meant to hurt the reviewer in any way. I probably was expecting too much when reading the A/V review, but that's just me. I'm a fussy person. It's been made known a few years ago that I'm an anal-retentive person. So, I hope Stuart doesn't take my silly criticism too personally.

Offline archiezappa


Great post. You couldn't have said it better. I'm glad it's not just me and that I'm not jumping to conclusions. This guy did obviously try and start trouble. It wasn't the questions that bothered me, it was the fact that he continued to push it. Of all the posts on this forum, why did he pick my post and constantly bug me about my minor criticism. He also used the phrase, "What's the beef?" as if I was complaining about the guy's review. I was not complaining. All I said was that it was "vague." I never said it was a bad review or anything. Yet, this guy chooses to lose sleep over that one silly word. It was just an opinion and it was not meant to hurt the reviewer in any way. I probably was expecting too much when reading the A/V review, but that's just me. I'm a fussy person. It's been made known a few years ago that I'm an anal-retentive person. So, I hope Stuart doesn't take my silly criticism too personally.

I agree.  Here's my question:  What's the beef with all the people who keep coming on here and causing problems?  All they're doing is trying to mess up the good thing we have going here.  Basically, we're a bunch of old film buffs.  But these guys coming on here are nothing more than troublemakers.  I seriously doubt if they're even Stooge fans. 


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I agree.  Here's my question:  What's the beef with all the people who keep coming on here and causing problems?  All they're doing is trying to mess up the good thing we have going here.  Basically, we're a bunch of old film buffs.  But these guys coming on here are nothing more than troublemakers.  I seriously doubt if they're even Stooge fans. 

I know. You have no idea how much I enjoy posting here, but then we have newbies come over and start trouble. What makes it even more troublesome is that these people make it look like I'm the bad guy. They even leave and make me look like this jerk that chases people away.

I know people like falsealarms was looking forward to my review of Volume 3, but I think I may pass as it may just cause more problems and controversy. It's all for the best. I may post some screenshots though if I'm in the mood.


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Great post. You couldn't have said it better. I'm glad it's not just me and that I'm not jumping to conclusions. This guy did obviously try and start trouble. It wasn't the questions that bothered me, it was the fact that he continued to push it. Of all the posts on this forum, why did he pick my post and constantly bug me about my minor criticism. He also used the phrase, "What's the beef?" as if I was complaining about the guy's review. I was not complaining. All I said was that it was "vague." I never said it was a bad review or anything. Yet, this guy chooses to lose sleep over that one silly word. It was just an opinion and it was not meant to hurt the reviewer in any way. I probably was expecting too much when reading the A/V review, but that's just me. I'm a fussy person. It's been made known a few years ago that I'm an anal-retentive person. So, I hope Stuart doesn't take my silly criticism too personally.

Thanks xraffle,

That guy had a bone to pick with you from the get go.  He just wouldn't let it go.  As for your tastes concerning the A/V quality of cinema, I agree 100%.  Even for material as aged as the Stooges, it's not too much to ask for the best quality possible (the boys certainly deserve nothing less!).  I too share your attention to detail in the video and audio quality of what I watch at home.  Not to mention that I always opt for my local cinema's THX certified theater whenever possible, and if not, at least one of the theater's equipped with a Texas Instruments digital projector, and high quality digital surround.  Today's movies with the latest in hi-def, digital video - and up to 7 or 8 channels of distinct digital sound (think of Dolby's next generation "True HD", "lossless technology"--pardon the drool), deserve the best equipment to display what the film's creators want us to experience.  We are true audio/video-phile's.  We aren't always appreciated.  But don't worry, we understand each other, even if others don't.

You are absolutely correct about the review.  While I thought it was OK, many such reviewers share the same concerns as you and I, and usually go into great detail about the A/V quailty.  Even losing many of their readers to the technical language and description.  That gentleman could have been much more descriptive about the A/V quality of the third release.  Perhaps he doesn't share our level of concern in that area.  I have become so spoiled by the video quality of these new DVD's, that I can hardly watch an old transfer on a previous VHS release, or even on TV.  Your concerns are certainly warranted, not to mention appreciated by myself, and I'm sure, others as well.


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I have become so spoiled by the video quality of these new DVD's, that I can hardly watch an old transfer on a previous VHS release, or even on TV.  Your concerns are certainly warranted, not to mention appreciated by myself, and I'm sure, others as well.

Yeah, I am also spoiled with these new sets. Whenever I watch one of the older themed DVDs, I can't get over how much dust and scratches are on the picture. Sony did a really nice job cleaning up the shorts on these new DVDs.

Offline falsealarms

Updated again with a review from DVD Beaver... their review seemed to be one a few people wanted to see.


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Updated again with a review from DVD Beaver... their review seemed to be one a few people wanted to see.

Awesome review!! I love those screenshots. From what I see there, it looks like A Plumbing We Will Go, So Long, Mr. Chumps and All The World's A Stooge look better than ever. I bet I'm going to enjoy this set. S&C was absolutely right. Sony had some misleading clips on their site.

BTW, looking at those screenshots reminded me of something. You know, I just recently found out that the same actress, Lorna Gray, who played Mattie Herring in You Nazty Spy also played Sherri in Three Sappy People. That was the funniest thing as both characters look different to me. They're both pretty, but they don't look the same to me. I guess it's because she played a crazy woman in Three Sappy People. Oh and guess how I found that out. I found that out through this site. I clicked on Lorna Gray on the Three Sappy People episode page and I saw all the roles she played.

Offline locoboymakesgood

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I'd like to point out that I notified the DVD Talk review of incorrectly spelling "Rockin' Thru the Rockies" as "Rockin' Through the Rockies", as well as the false statement of its first time being on DVD (it was on the Healthy, Wealthy & Dumb compilation disc).
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)

stooged and confused

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Hey False Alarms:

You may want to add the link to my reviews to all 3 volumes in your I receive these sets very early, it appears that my reviews are the earliest published and I've been told that they are informative and helpful.

WOW!! I'm gone for a few days and WWIV erupts..I can't believe all of the hoo-ha!!


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WOW!! I'm gone for a few days and WWIV erupts..I can't believe all of the hoo-ha!!

Yeah, I know. I described the DVD Talk review as "vague" and a newbie, Shempyshine, couldn't get over as to why I would use that kind of word. I'll try to refrain from such language in the future to avoid future controversy.


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Well, it looks like Shempyshine is gone. I tried sending him a PM to try to work something out, but it didn't go through because his account is marked for deletion. I probably shouldn't have done so, but this issue has been bothering me. While his posts do seem like he was causing trouble, that may not have been his intent. He probably just used a strong tone in his post without realizing it. Anyways, I'm hoping I can be careful with the way I handle things in the future.

Offline Justin T

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I know. You have no idea how much I enjoy posting here, but then we have newbies come over and start trouble. What makes it even more troublesome is that these people make it look like I'm the bad guy. They even leave and make me look like this jerk that chases people away.

I know people like falsealarms was looking forward to my review of Volume 3, but I think I may pass as it may just cause more problems and controversy. It's all for the best. I may post some screenshots though if I'm in the mood.

I'd still like to see you post a review of Vol 3 X, its nice to hear from people like you and stooged and what
they think of the new sets.

But if you dont want to I understand why. But def post some screenshots so we can compare the restorations
to previous prints.
"Moronica must expand! We must lend our neighbors a helping hand. We must lend them two helping hands, and help ourselves to our neighbors!"
Moe in "You Natzi Spy!"

Larry: Say, when I come back I’ll give you a password.
Moe: Brilliant, what’ll it be?
Larry: Open The Door!
"Studio Stoops"

Offline falsealarms

Comparative shots of things like "Plumbling ..." and "... World's A Stooge" would be especially interesting. Those two had subpar quality on earlier releasses.

Offline Justin T

  • Toastmaster General
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Comparative shots of things like "Plumbling ..." and "... World's A Stooge" would be especially interesting. Those two had subpar quality on earlier releasses.

Right on False, those two are prime examples of sub-standard prints in previous releases.
"Moronica must expand! We must lend our neighbors a helping hand. We must lend them two helping hands, and help ourselves to our neighbors!"
Moe in "You Natzi Spy!"

Larry: Say, when I come back I’ll give you a password.
Moe: Brilliant, what’ll it be?
Larry: Open The Door!
"Studio Stoops"


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I was just about to say that I sold my "Curly Classics" DVD and won't be able to provide a comparison screenshot of A Plumbing We Will Go. But I just remembered that I still have the bootleg set and that short was ripped from that DVD, so I will be able to give a screenshot of that short after all. ;D

I'm slowly starting to get rid of my themed DVD collection now while they still have some value because once all the volumes are released, no one is going to want to buy the older DVDs. I even sold two of the colorized DVDs I had, which are "Goofs on the Loose" and "Stooges On The Run."

Before I post the screenshots, I might try to find a website where I can post all the pictures on one page. On Volumes 1 and 2, I just uploaded the picture on Photobucket and posted them here as links. But I think this time, it would be more fun to have all the pictures on one page, like what DVD Beaver does (especially if they're comparison shots).

Offline locoboymakesgood

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The DVD Talk Guy PMed me thanking him for the correction? Wow.

I might be able to do a comparison of "A-Plumbing..." when I get the new set. I still have the Curly Classics DVD.

And x, I love you reviews!
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)


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The DVD Talk Guy PMed me thanking him for the correction? Wow.

I might be able to do a comparison of "A-Plumbing..." when I get the new set. I still have the Curly Classics DVD.

And x, I love you reviews!

Like I said before, I still have the bootleg set. I won't sell that as I'll just get arrested. But on that set, that short was ripped from the Curly Classics DVD, so I can still do the screenshots. I was just saying before that I almost thought I won't be able to, but then suddenly realized that I can.

Offline archiezappa

I was just thinking about these screen shot comparisons.  What if, as a cross promotion for the DVD's, there were screen shot comparisons on each of the episode pages.  You know, showing the difference between the older home video releases and the new remasters.  That way, if someone was looking up an episode, they could see that the previous release is outdated and the new release has better video quality.  And they can click on the link and buy the DVD from Amazon.  What do ya'll think?

Offline Stooges#1

I read this comment on the Home Theater Forum review but i wasnt sure if it needed its own thread or what section to post it here, so i'll put it here in the review thread since it links you write to that post.

I read something to the effect (call it a rumor, I guess) that the final set would be the 1958 shorts, plus the two from 1959 and "Have Rocket, Will Travel" as a bonus. Then there also will be a box set of "the sixties features" (which makes sense if the lone 1959 feature is on another release).
Post number 21.

What do you guys make of that if its true?

Offline archiezappa

Well, if that's the case, then we'll have another crossover set.  Volume 8: 1955-1957 will cross over from Shemp to Joe.  But then, Volume 9 would cross over from Joe to Curly-Joe.  Hmm.  Very interesting.  I'm sure they will be awesome.


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I read this comment on the Home Theater Forum review but i wasnt sure if it needed its own thread or what section to post it here, so i'll put it here in the review thread since it links you write to that post.

I read something to the effect (call it a rumor, I guess) that the final set would be the 1958 shorts, plus the two from 1959 and "Have Rocket, Will Travel" as a bonus. Then there also will be a box set of "the sixties features" (which makes sense if the lone 1959 feature is on another release).
Post number 21.

What do you guys make of that if its true?

If that's a rumor, it makes a lot of sense to me. Volume 8 might contain 24 episodes from 1955-1957 (Shemp and Joe). Volume 9 might contain years 1958-1959 (Joe and Curly-Joe). It will contain 8 episodes plus one feature film. In my opinion, I think that's a pretty good idea. Though, it may not be such a great idea for you people who don't want the Curly-Joe features.

Offline archiezappa

If that's a rumor, it makes a lot of sense to me. Volume 8 might contain 24 episodes from 1955-1956 (Shemp and Joe). Volume 9 might contain year 1959 (Joe and Curly-Joe). It will contain 8 episodes plus one feature film. In my opinion, I think that's a pretty good idea. Though, it may not be such a great idea for you people who don't want the Curly-Joe features.

I guess it would work to have all of the Columbia films "starring" the Three Stooges.  With the way they're doing the films, if Volume 9 has "Have Rocket Will Travel," then Volume 10 could have the other 4 features.  They can do two features on each disc and have a 2-disc set.  We would have everything from "Woman Haters" to "The Outlaws Is Coming."  I can go along with that.

Offline shemps#1

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That sounds like the most plausible option; after all, why wouldn't those fans who are going to go as far as to get every short including the Bessers not want the Derita features?
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown