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Sony DVD box set up for pre-order on Amazon

BeAStooge · 126 · 34882

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stooged and confused

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Hi Thump:

You seem to be pretty savy regarding computers which I certainly don't profress to be. I did come across the Morris Feinberg and Joan and Norman Maurer interviews late last night.

How would I go about transfering them from the cassette audio tapes that they are on to a CD and/or online?

Offline jrvass

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To S&C... We've been fed BS before. Thus the skepticism.

To everyone else... Let's wait a week. Then we'll know if what he says is true or BS.

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!


  • Guest
How would I go about transfering them from the cassette audio tapes that they are on to a CD and/or online?

If you really want to do it yourself, run an internet search on "tape to cd" and you'll find scads of step-by-step tutorials and recommendations for software. The process is farily simple, but can vary from pc to pc, depending on your hardware/software configuration.

The simplest solution would be to just ask some of your buds if they could do it for you.

Just make sure to make safety copies of your tapes, and don't mail them to anyone! You never know what'll happen "en route".


Offline ohmahaaha

To S&C... We've been fed BS before. Thus the skepticism.

To everyone else... Let's wait a week. Then we'll know if what he says is true or BS.

I'm not calling anyone a b-esser or anything like that; just plain & simple: when I see an official press release from Sony, THEN I'll celebrate.

Offline jrvass

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Your avatars are beginning to frighten me!  :o

I think I better get another gun or 2 out of the safe.

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!


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Your avatars are beginning to frighten me!  :o

I think I better get another gun or 2 out of the safe.


Careful, James. They sense fear!

My apologies to the moderators and everyone else for all the off-topic stuff! Some threads just get too fun and out of control, especially when there's so much to goof on. I'll put a lid on it for a while.



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I just got slapped in the face by BeAStooge for my behavior. So, I will reform. I won't make fun of S&C anymore. I guess, if he doesn't have connections, the truth will come out eventually.

stooged and confused

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Hi fellow Stooge fans:

I am still hopeful that I will hear some concrete news from Sony on Friday. I received an email from my contact this afternoon which let me know she'd contact me as soon as things were cleared to release.

I also emailed the man who wrote the New York Post article mentioning the DVD set posted by XRaffle. I will post the emails from Lou and my Sony Contact below( I was asked NOT to post her contact info on the site):

Hey Jeff,
I wish I could help you but that just sort of slipped out during the interview and I have no contact info for Marc. They're not ready to make a formal announcement at this point, but I can assure you it's true.
Lou Lumenick

Hi Jeff – I’ll get back to you when we know what’s what on the DVD front.



Karen *******

Sony/Columbia Pictures public relations

Offline 3Stooges

I'm curious to know if Sony would include those Columbia cartoons that had the Stooges in them... Like HOLLYWOOD PICNIC. They've never been release and now would be a good time to do it.... Plus, I'm sure it would be cheap for Sony to add them. I'd also like to see Lobby Card/Poster/Still galleries for each film.

Offline locoboymakesgood

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Well, it's Friday. What's the deal?
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)


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Well, now it is Saturday and no news is, well, no news. However, The Amazon listing has now reverted to the September 18 release date, once again.

For how long, though?


Offline BeAStooge

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The news posted above was essentially accurate.

I know who the poster is, to the best of my knowledge his back-door information from Columbia is a legitimate source, and both parties are well-intentioned.

Nothing was promised to anyone, other than to share information by a certain date if it was cleared. Obviously, Sony has not yet cleared the information for release.

All information-to-date, posted above, was shared in good faith. Understandably, we're all anxious and impatient. Posts that stooped to accusations of "liar liar," "apologize to me until you're proven innocent," etc., contributed nothing to the discussion, confused the situation, were unwarranted, and were deleted. Similar accusations will also be deleted.

Rule of thumb, Sony sends out press releases two months prior to street dates. If the October 30 date remains firm, a studio press release will come out at the end of August. If the Sony insider is able to release information before then, I'm sure it will be shared as soon as possible.

Here is what we do know, as fact...

 - Sony began working on these box sets in mid-2006.
 - February 2007, a group of costars, Moe's daughter, and a couple members of the Fan Club were interviewed for bonus features.
 - Sony solicited the first box set to distributors and wholesalers in early July, with a 9/18 date. Accordingly, Amazon and several other online sellers placed the product up for pre-order.
 - Late July, Sony revised their solicitation for an October 30 release.

Updates are pending. Additional changes by Sony are possible.

Feel free to contribute constructively to this discussion.

Offline jrvass

  • Dickey-Do Award Winner!
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10/30??? Devil's Night in Detroit?

Dammit! I already have my gas cans filled! Shit! Shit! Shit!


This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline 3Stooges

"Be A Stooge", "GaryStooge" or "Stooged & Confused",

I'm curious to know if Sony has contacted the fan club to consult with or get any suggestions as to what the fans want?

I'm guessing that the people putting these together may not be aware of some of the things us hard core fans know about. Like the edited THREE LITTLE BEERS that was released on dvd before and make sure they don't repeat the same mistake. Also,other things like.... the Columbia cartoons that have Stooge cameos, archived interviews from the 70's and 80's with Jules White and co-stars, camera men, directors etc..., Jim's Stooge location research, Poster/Lobby card/Stills gallery, home movies, coverage about the Stoogeum, etc....

Are they (Sony) set in stone as to how they're going to do these or are they open to ideas of how to make the set the best that they can?

Offline BeAStooge

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I'm curious to know if Sony has contacted the fan club to consult with or get any suggestions as to what the fans want?

I'm guessing that the people putting these together may not be aware of some of the things us hard core fans know about. Like the edited THREE LITTLE BEERS that was released on dvd before and make sure they don't repeat the same mistake.... Also, the Columbia cartoons that have Stooge cameos.

To my best knowledge, Sony's contact with the Fan Club was limited to inviting a couple members to participate in bonus feature interviews.

Sony collected fans' input, online and mail, for years... but rarely paid attention to it. Sony Home Entertainment underwent a management change in the Spring of 2006, which brought in new decision makers who appreciated the content of Columbia's classic film library. They took the feedback seriously, and scheduled the planned Stooge collections.

Based on comments made by animation historian Jerry Beck on his website over the past few years, I have the understanding that Sony still has little interest for Columbia's 1930s-1940s animation library. The condition of the studio library's master negs or prints may also be an issue. Possibly we'll see the few Stooges' "Color Rhapsody" cameo appearances in some future DVD animation collection, but in my opinion, I doubt if they've been considered for inclusion in the upcoming Three Stooges box set collections.

Columbia animation library questions are best asked/answered at the forum on Jerry's site, Jerry Beck's Cartoon Research, or at the internet's premiere fan website Golden Age Cartoons.

THREE LITTLE BEERS was not intentionally edited on the DVD release. The missing 20 seconds was due to a technical screw-up in the digital transfer to the DVD master file. The new DVD transfers are reportedly brand-new transfers from restored, master 35mm materials, and will not suffer from past mistakes... fingers crossed.

Offline Justin T

  • Toastmaster General
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Nice to get some concrete information while we await the official press release
for this new DVD set. I hope we hear something this month.

Thanks alot for all that information, BeAStooge! It's very much appreciated.
"Moronica must expand! We must lend our neighbors a helping hand. We must lend them two helping hands, and help ourselves to our neighbors!"
Moe in "You Natzi Spy!"

Larry: Say, when I come back I’ll give you a password.
Moe: Brilliant, what’ll it be?
Larry: Open The Door!
"Studio Stoops"

Offline BeAStooge

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Nice to get some concrete information while we await the official press release
for this new DVD set.

There is no concrete information until Sony sends out a press release.

stooged and confused

  • Guest
Hi to all:

While we were all hoping that Friday would be the day, Sony was not ready to officially release the information. BeAStooge is correct that Sony releases press info 2 months prior to a street date. My contact there was hoping to be able to give me that information to list on the fan site if it was allowed by her superiors.

One must understand that Sony is a huge operation. My contact is one of numerous parts in the big machine. The press /public relations department gets their cue from departments above them. Therefore, information simply can't be released without the approval of the chain of command.

Additionally, they have to make sure the product is up to expectations. Trademarks to C3 have to be cleared, art has to be finalized, the discs need to be manufactured ect.. It is a process and sometimes things change in that process.

I was assured that it is Sony's policy to release all DVD's for current release in a restored manner. There is a technical difference between language that states "remastered audio and video" and "restored." I was assured that the prints for the set are restored. That much has been confirmed.

BeAStooge is also correct about the "Three Little Beers" missing footage. It was an error. Although, when I asked my contact if this error was to be corrected for the new release, she wasn't sure what I was talking about (See my original post). Her department does not handle that. But, as a courtesy to me, she was willing to get all of the information I sent her so I can post it here, once she collects it and is authorized to release it. It would have been nice for Sony to fix the error and replace the discs like Warner did for the Tom and Jerry Spotlight 1 and 2 collections that had edited cartoon shorts when they were to be unedited.

Please note that I will post any information my Sony contact supplies me as soon as I get it (see earlier post). I tried to get additional information from the New York Post writer as well( see earlier post). Any information I post here is legit--I assure you. I have respect for fans of the Stooges and that is why I came on the site to share my contact information with all of you.

I sincerely hope this helps clear things up somewhat. With the information that I posted earlier and documentation of that information followed weeks later by other sources, one needs only to connect the dots to realize that I'm not here to yank anyone's chain. Truth is stranger than fiction, Judgie Wudgie!!

I will be more than happy to assist with any further questions on this issue or with the Stooges in general.

« Last Edit: August 12, 2007, 01:33:14 AM by BeAStooge »

stooged and confused

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WOW!! It's really a shame regarding what's been going on here the last week. I debated on whether or not I would even respond to any of it, but I feel strongly that I should.

Since becoming a part of the world wide web back in 1999, I never joined a chat room or fan site or guestbook because of all of the unsettleing information that would seem to be displayed. I found this site by chance and observed from a far for several months before deciding that this was a worthwhile place to share and contribute.

The "official" site was fine for getting basic Stooges information (a Stooges 101, if you will). However, it is a corporate site, primarilly for the purpose of selling merchandise. That's fine. They don't profess to be anything but what they are. I agree with the last poster about the guestbook on the site. Some of the posts are quite disturbing, and therefore, cemented my feelings about wanting to take part in any of these things.

I felt this site was very well constructed. The posts were, for the most part, about the Stooges and the tone seemed civil to friendly. One of the things that drew me in right away, were the great quotes from the films at the top of the home page. Then I discovered how detailed the filmography, cast ,crew and technical information were displayed. You can tell the loving care that went into the work here. That was the reason I felt I wanted to belong to this community.

Without pointing fingers or making accusations, I don't know why things started to take an ugly turn. Why should it matter if someone were on this site for three weeks or three years? Why was it neccessary to accuse and make inflammatory remarks? I'm sure the people who spent a lot of time and effort with this site wouldn't want new or future members to think that this is some privileged club where only years of posting gives you credibility or special treatment.

It is the right of anyone to have an opinion and to express it. However, how one chooses to express it is the key. I'm not losing sleep over one disgruntled user giving me a bad "karma." I joined this site as a turn off the headaches of work, bills, the bad news in the world, trying to raise a level headed daughter in these crazy Britney, Paris times. I wasn't looking for another negative to add to that list. The "karma" deal is one thing, but the reason for it and the language that was left explaining it was unwarranted.

I will stand by everything I've posted here and will continue to do so as long as the people running this site feels the information contributes.

Finally, I tried to make it very clear that the information, specifically the DVD box set was true. I stated that I have a contact at Sony..not a friend or relative to give me under the table information. I never inflated my association with the contact. I felt strongly that all involved here would be glad to get any information that pertained to the issue at hand. Somewhere, a few decided to be doubting Thomas' and this whole thing snowballed into this mess. Even after trying to back up my claims, that still wasn't satisfactory to a few. The key word is a FEW. To those few, no hard feelings, okay?

I agree that too much is being made out of this, so let's get back to the task at hand and use this site for the purpose it seems to be designed for...sharing our thoughts, comments and views on the Three Stooges and their work. that I've gotten that out, let's have fun again.

Offline Justin T

  • Toastmaster General
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There is no concrete information until Sony sends out a press release.

Yes, that is correct. Thanks for the correction

That didn't come out right, I should have rephrased that.

What I ment to say was it was nice to hear someone back up stooged and confused a bit
and say he is not full of crap. If you know him and vouch for him that's fine by me.

I personally don't care when the official announcement is, I'm perfectly fine with waiting
untill this DVD set is official and set in stone. If stuff doesnt happen right away or some
information doesnt turn out to be 100% correct, it shouldn't be the end of the world for
any Stooge fan here on this board.
"Moronica must expand! We must lend our neighbors a helping hand. We must lend them two helping hands, and help ourselves to our neighbors!"
Moe in "You Natzi Spy!"

Larry: Say, when I come back I’ll give you a password.
Moe: Brilliant, what’ll it be?
Larry: Open The Door!
"Studio Stoops"

Offline busybuddy

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I think that after this set is released, everyone on this site should make a gentleman's (gentleladies') agreement not to get all bent out of shape about minor things. Remember, the Stooges are supposed to be fun and entertaining! Exception: If they don't have an interview with Tony the Wonder Horse, we'll start a riot.
I think Birdie will go for that!


  • Guest
I think that after this set is released, everyone on this site should make a gentleman's (gentleladies') agreement not to get all bent out of shape about minor things. Remember, the Stooges are supposed to be fun and entertaining! Exception: If they don't have an interview with Tony the Wonder Horse, we'll start a riot.

I can agree to not getting bent out of shape over trivialities but, gentlemen?! On a Stooges site?


Oh, no! Not that! Anything but that! I just need to learn when to keep my big mout' shut!


Offline ohmahaaha

gentlemen?! On a Stooges site?


Oh, no! Not that! Anything but that! I just need to learn when to keep my big mout' shut!

"Our father would never forgive us!!"   :D

Offline busybuddy

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Definition of Gentleman: Someone who wears a tuxedo and uses big words, yet steals diamonds off of women's hands, hides bottles of champagne in their pants, steals silverware, eats entire chickens by themselves, drops their cuffs into punch bowls, steals pies off of moving trays, enters parties in the their boxers, shaves at the dinner table, crawls on hands their hands and knees to retrieve a lost shoe, somehow manage to pull a spring out of a perfectly good couch and attach it their rear-ends or get it caught on their hand, beat up a short man to steal his jacket, make eating out of a saucer fancy by raising both pinkies, slapping their dance partner, and keeping their hair in a big mess of curls or a bowl cut.
I think Birdie will go for that!

Jimmie Adams

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Thank you Stooged and Confused for all the trouble you are taking to keep us informed.