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#25: Michael Jackson

shemps#1 · 25 · 17691

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(NOTE: Music That Sucks is the correct opinion of the author...and the greatest opinion in music in the history of the world. If you disagree I'll send your children off to the Neverland Ranch.)

As I was writing the Barbra Streisand induction awhile back, I noticed that I was getting close to the "milestone" number of 25. I decided that the induction that was going to be #24 would be pushed back to commemorate this milestone. My biggest problem was figuring out a new #24; I knew it was going to be a rap induction and was about to go with MC Hammer, but thought that was too easy and went with 2 Live Crew instead. With that out of the way (and having done what I think is a decent job), it was clear sailing for the induction into MTS of the person who is perhaps the craziest, most perverted motherfucker ever in the history of recorded sound. Without further adieu, I give you the "silver" induction into MTS: the one, the only (thank goodness), Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson was born on August 29, 1958 in the town of Gary, Indiana. Baby Mikey cried non-stop for the first two weeks of his life. It wouldn't be until later that the reason he cried is revealed: he was born black. As we will get into later, Jacko would spend the majority of his adult trying to conceal (change?) this fact.

Michael's father, Joe Jackson, was something of a mucisian himself, having played guitar in a rinky-dink R&B band. Joe's children started showing an interest in making music, and trying to think of ways to capitalize off of this, formed what would come to be known as the Jackson 5 with Michael, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon, and Jackie (Jackie Jackson? Oy vey!) in 1966. In 1968 the quintet audition for Berry Gordy, who promptly signed them to his record label, and obscure little outfit called Motown Records. The Jackson 5, which was fronted by Michael (the youngest of the group) became instantly sucessful with the pre-preteen gals who still stuffing their training bras. In 1969-1970 the group had 4 #1 hits: "I Want You Back", "ABC", "The Love You Save", and "I'll Be There". In fact, "I'll Be There" sold 3.5 million copies and became the best selling record on Motown at the time.

The Jackson 5 canon is chock full of standard pre-pubescent bullshit pop music. These songs were basically fluff, so light that they floated off into the sunset. This being the early 1970's, and the music buying public being into more heavy stuff that was being put out by acts such as fellow Motown artist Marvin Gaye at the time, the gradeschool bullshit of the Jackson 5 wore thin faster than you might remember or realise.  During their Motown tenure the group released 13 albums in 7 years, and Michael put out a few solo albums on top of that. Their stranglehold on the charts began slipping; even though songs like "Mama's Pearl" and "Never Can Say Goodbye" made the Top Ten, the market was being flooded by singing families (i.e. Partridge, Osmond, etc.).

As for young Michael's solo career with Motown, the only notable song from this era was "Ben", a song for a movie with the same title about a killer rat. Funny thing about this song is it's one of those touching, mellow songs. It comes off as a love song: a love song about a killer rat named Ben. To be fair, Jackson did not write the 1972 hit single, but it is still creepy when you think about it.

During the major onslaught of "Jackson 5-Mania" they appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show frequently, and at one point had their own cartoon show. Like most cartoons of the 70's, this one sucked ass big time. Taking another page from the "Book of 1970's Cartooning", it was also done a very tight budget. In 1974 the group had it's last notable hit, "Dancing Machine" (#2). By 1976, as the Gravy Train was dropping the Jackson Brothers off at a stop located in the middle of nowhere, all of the Jacksons (except Jermaine) parted ways with Motown. They signed with Epic Records later that year, with Randy Jackson replacing the departed Jermaine, and shortened their name to the Jackson's. This would officially mark the end of the group's run of hits.

In 1979, Michael landed the role of The Scarecrow in the Broadway musical The Wiz, which he would later parlay into a movie role. The Wiz is The Wizard of Oz (one of the worst fucking movies ever) with an all-black cast. The movie loses any credibility it might have been striving for with the casting of then 30-something Diana Ross as a supposedly teenage Dorothy. You've gotta have some ego to think you can pass for 15 when you are more than twice that age (and it shows). Also in '79, MJ moved to New York to start his own life, and apparently to begin his quest to rid himself of his dark pigmentation. He began collaborating with Quincy Jones, the result being his first solo album as an adult, Off The Wall. The album, which features a heavy Disco sound even though the genre is already going down the Billboard shitter, reaches number 3 on the charts. It contains four top ten hits, the most notable being "Rock With You", which even had a pre-MTV music video featuring Mikey dancing amongst strobelights. This would be a far cry from what was to come.

After the release of Anthology (a greatest hits package featuring music from the Jackson 5 years) in 1981, Jackson released what is generally recognised as the best selling album of all time the following year: Thriller.

To illustrate just how big Thriller was, my mother (who stopped buying new releases almost a decade earlier, before she even became a mother) owned a copy of this album. This is the album that transformed Jackson from just another somewhat popular singer into one of the biggest acts in the history of music. This album has sold over 60 million copies. Let that sink in for a minute...60 MILLION COPIES! All hope is lost for civilization.

As for the songs themselves, it seemed as though every single off of this album hit #1. "Billie Jean" is a laughable little track in which Michael is accused of fathering a baby from a woman. The video for the song "Beat It" shows MJ confronting a gang that make the Village People look like they've never had a cock within 10 feet of the vicinity of their mouths. "Beat It" is also notable due to fellow the lead guitar contribution of fellow MTS inductee Eddie "Can't Stop Smilin' Like A Bitch" Van Halen. "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" is Michael's first salvo in a long-running war with the media, and title track is accompanied by an over-produced, drawn-out half-hour video directed by Jon Landis and co-starring Vincent Price. In the video Jackson transforms into a warewolf, but you can notice the beginnings of his real-life transformation from Black Man to White Man to "Chupa Cabra". Gone is the Afrocentric, normal-if-somewhat-flat nose of the past; in it's place is the first attempt at a "cracker nose".

The final single worth mentioning off of Thriller is "The Girl Is Mine". It one of two duets with newfound friend and ex-member of the Beatles, Paul McCartney (the other, "Say, Say, Say" would appear on one of Paul's albums). His good buddy Paul suggested MJ start investing his money, perhaps in acquiring the publishing rights to past hit songs, as Paul himself had started to do with Buddy Holly's canon. This would come back to bite McCartney on his Limey ass as Jackson would outbid him and buy ATV Publishing in 1985, which also included Northern Songs Ltd., which in turn included most of the Beatles' songs. Needless to say that was the end of that friendship.

Jackson and his new nose were on top of the world at this point. Not even the tabloids, who buy now were ripping him a new anus with stories of Jacko sleeping in an oxygen chamber and attempting to buy the remains of the Elephant Man, could touch him. Fans began to emulate their effeminate hero, trying to moonwalk and wearing a single sequined white glove. Even the red jacket he wore in the Thriller video became a popular style of the mid 1980's. He was peddling Pepsi-Cola in commercials (which would lead to Jackson's hair catching fire during a shooting), and even threw a few sheckles his brothers' way by performing in concert with them once more (a couple had attempted to start solo careers, with no success). His sisters, Janet and Latoya, were also starting their careers at this point. He even bought a huge ranch in California, which he called Neverland. The ranch had a zoo and amusement park rides, and Jackson was constantly inviting children over to stay with him. A grown man playing with children other than his is weird enough, but having them spend the night?

More weird shit abound as Jackson showed up at the 1984 Grammys with two dates. Looking back the weird part is that one of them was Brooke Sheilds, but back then everyone thought it was weird that he brought Emmanuel Lewis, child star of the lame-ass sitcom Webster as his second date. Hmmm...having strange children stay over at his house and bringing Webster to the fucking Grammys: nothing wrong here, no siree! Webster would not be the only child star to become pals with the ADULT Jackson: Corey Feldmen and MacCauley Caulkin would be a couple more among other children not-so-famous to share his bed. Yes, they slept in the same bed with him. Young boys, not his, sleeping in the same bed with him. Quite ancient fucking Greece!

Back to the sucky music, as it were. In 1985 Jackson played a big part in one of suckiest songs of all time, participating in an ensemble recording of "We Are The World". The ensemble is cornacopia of folks who should make their into halls of MTS, too many list quite frankly, and this song (like other Jackson tunes) makes we want to commit gruesome acts of violence.

Meanwhile, five years would pass before Jackson would release his next album, 1987's Bad. Although the album sold an estimated 8-12 million copies, it was considered by some to be a disappointment next to the mammoth Thriller. The title track, the video for which features Jackson squaring off against a gang that is astonishingly faggier than the one for "Beat It", was a huge hit, as were the singles "Leave Me Alone" (another shot against the tabloids), "Man In The Mirror", and "Smooth Criminal" (perhaps a hint of his underage sexcapades at Neverland). Topping off the 1980's was a pure turkey of a movie starring Jacko called Moonwalker, which is a must view for bad movie lovers everywhere.

The biggest story from the Bad era was not the music, but the fact that Jackson's skin become considerably lighter and his nose once again changed. Though not quite there yet, the transition from Black to White was well under way at this point. By the time 1991's Dangerous came out there wasn't a trace of Negro on Mike at all.

Dangerous, although hitting #1 on the album charts like the two previous albums before it, continued the decline in sales from the Thriller days. The album did contain it's fair share of chart-topping hits however. "Jam", a collaboration with ultra-clean, overweight rapper Heavy-D. starts the album off on the wrong foot. The worst is yet to come however; as the music gets progressively worse. "Remember The Time" has another overdone music video, this one set in ancient Egypt and featuring Magic Johnson and Iman. "Heal The World" is another sappy, douchified little number that makes one yearn for being tortured in a P.O.W. camp in Saigon. Then there is "Black or White", in which Jackson tries to prove he doesn't care which one he is. Looking at the once Black man, now White woman singing this song and it's obvious that he...she...IT is full of shit. The video for the song would prove controversial as it featured MJ grabbing his nuts and vandalizing a car.

Having metamorphasized into a honkey that makes me look like I came from Deepest Darkest Africa, there was only one way for Jackson to go: from White woman to Chupa Cabra. "Chupa Cabra", roughly translated, means "goat sucker", and is the name Hispanics gave to the aliens they thought were killing their goats. That's the best way I can describe what he looks like now.

Future releases would be overshadowed by MJ's personal life. In 1993 a kiddie friend of his had accused of molestation. Big fucking surprise! After having his genitals photographed, Jackson settled out of court for what is reportedly an astronomical sum. In 1994 he married Elvis' daughter Lisa Marie Presley. From the beginning everybody saw right through this sham, but the couple kept it up for over a year before divorcing. Jackson then married an acquaintance, Debbie Rowe in 1996. They had two children together, the first being Prince Michael. A third child with a surogate would be named Prince Michael II, or Blanket. This guy named his fucking kid Blanket! Jackson claims Blanket was mothered by a Black woman, but the kid is so white he's ivory.

In the US Jackson's popularity continued to fade. Aside from a duet with younger sister Janet, "Scream", which made the top 5, there is nothing to note (Unless you count anti-Semetic lyrics and a 100 foot statue of himself). Jackson to this day remains popular in Europe, however.

On April 30, 2004 Jackson was charged with such fabulous crimes as: lewd acts upon a minor, attempted lewd acts upon a minor, and administering an intoxicating agent. With his nose non-existant, eyes oval thus completing the Chupa Cabra phase, Jackson pleaded not guilty. I know celebrities tend to get off scot-free for their crimes, but please, just this once, let's throw the book at this freak.

Michael Jackson, music...that sucks!

Before I close this one out, I just happened to find one of those age modification pictures done on an old picture of MJ as a kid and how he might have looked at 45 had he not had all of that shit done to him.

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: December 01, 2004, 04:04:41 PM by shemps#1 »
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

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A pretty glossed-over take on his "pop" career (what about Destiny and Triumph, and anything not called Thriller?)  and a lot of deviation off the topic of music, but I'm cracking up at this writeup.  :D
Cant agree with most of it, but still...LMAO
« Last Edit: January 07, 2005, 01:07:31 AM by Senorita Rita » say the least, if not less...

Pilsner Panther

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The "deviation" of Sicko-Wacko-Jacko doesn't seem to be limited only to music:

Warning, revolting adult content ahead:[/b]

Okay, he's innocent until proven guilty, that's the law— but still, these allegations are enough to turn your stomach. I only hope that they're not true, because the depravity here is pretty extreme, and it was habitual, too, if it did happen as it's described. The whole setup of Neverland seems to have been designed to entice little boys into Jacko's company (is it any accident that the main building and the garden in front of it are a virtual copy of the railroad station at the main entrance to Disneyland?)


« Last Edit: January 07, 2005, 03:38:17 AM by Pilsner Panther »

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Accusations are just that, accusations. They're disgusting, but I mean, that's why they were released.  SO far Michael Jackson has been tried in the media and the court of public opinion, that's it. If anything, these documents only further weaken the case against him, seeing as the stories from the prosecution and the alleged "victims" continue to change. (There's also the issue of timelines which everyone seems to be ignoring. Was MJ even AT Neverland at the time of these alleged occurances? And if the family was "kidnapped," why did they leave the premises, only to return at will the next month? BTW, where are the alleged co-conspirators, and why weren't they indicted for kidnapping and such?) Some of these accusations are absolutely over-the-top, and if people would use common sense, they'd see that they're also very unlikely (come on, the mother saw a grown man lick her son's head repeatedly, yet she found nothing wrong with it at the time? WTF?)  I've actully followed this case very closely over the past year because like a lot of people, I want to know the truth once and for all. I'm not worried about this BS at all. What I find more revolting are the stories about this family's use and abuse of other people for money (comedians, newspapers, major department stores, and more) and the prosecutor's ever-growing rap sheet regarding his history of prosecutorial misconduct.  Believe me, Michael Jackson is the least frightening charachter in this case. say the least, if not less...

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Accusations are just that, accusations. They're disgusting, but I mean, that's why they were released.  SO far Michael Jackson has been tried in the media and the court of public opinion, that's it. If anything, these documents only further weaken the case against him, seeing as the stories from the prosecution and the alleged "victims" continue to change. (There's also the issue of timelines which everyone seems to be ignoring. Was MJ even AT Neverland at the time of these alleged occurances? And if the family was "kidnapped," why did they leave the premises, only to return at will the next month? BTW, where are the alleged co-conspirators, and why weren't they indicted for kidnapping and such?) Some of these accusations are absolutely over-the-top, and if people would use common sense, they'd see that they're also very unlikely (come on, the mother saw a grown man lick her son's head repeatedly, yet she found nothing wrong with it at the time? WTF?)  I've actully followed this case very closely over the past year because like a lot of people, I want to know the truth once and for all. I'm not worried about this BS at all. What I find more revolting are the stories about this family's use and abuse of other people for money (comedians, newspapers, major department stores, and more) and the prosecutor's ever-growing rap sheet regarding his history of prosecutorial misconduct.  Believe me, Michael Jackson is the least frightening charachter in this case.

I tend to think like you about this, Rita.  I have not followed the case as closely as you have, but the accusations seemed pretty fishy to me right from the start.  I do think Jackson is more than a little weird, and I am not a fan of his music, but this whole case stinks to high heaven.

Jim's review is pretty much dead-on though.   ;)

Pilsner Panther

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Personally, Rob, I don't think that anyone should be "tried in the media," or nowadays, on the web. Still, Jackson even admitted in a TV interview that he likes to have young boys in his bed, although he maintained that this was a perfectly innocent practice on his part (ahem). Now come on, what kind of normal male wants to sleep with little boys, even if nothing sexual is going on?

Even if that's as far as he went, it still makes my flesh crawl!


Musically, I've never understood what all the fuss was about; his best albums were really more the work of his personal Svengarlic, producer Quincy Jones.

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Still, Jackson even admitted in a TV interview that he likes to have young boys in his bed, although he maintained that this was a perfectly innocent practice on his part (ahem). Now come on, what kind of normal male wants to sleep with little boys, even if nothing sexual is going on?

Who said he was "normal" (whatever that is, these days?)   [nuts]

Pilsner Panther

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Still, Jackson even admitted in a TV interview that he likes to have young boys in his bed, although he maintained that this was a perfectly innocent practice on his part (ahem). Now come on, what kind of normal male wants to sleep with little boys, even if nothing sexual is going on?

Who said he was "normal" (whatever that is, these days?)   [nuts]

Well I soitenly wouldn't ask you, ya half-brother to a weasel! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go back to sorting my Hitler stamps... I just got the rare and beautiful 1938 5-Kroner Dusseldorf Hitler today! You'll notice the slight difference in the highlights in the Fuhrer's hair, compared to the cheaply engraved 1939-40 Berlin Reichspostoffice issues. Too bad I can't figure out how to attach the pictures, or I'd show you.

(Exits stage left, cackling insanely.)


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Personally, Rob, I don't think that anyone should be "tried in the media," or nowadays, on the web. Still, Jackson even admitted in a TV interview that he likes to have young boys in his bed, although he maintained that this was a perfectly innocent practice on his part (ahem). Now come on, what kind of normal male wants to sleep with little boys, even if nothing sexual is going on?

No, he never said that. I saw the interview, and so did 30 million other folks, apparently. Somehow, his comment "what's wrong with having kids on your bed?" was paraphrased into "I like to sleep with little boys." He also explained in another interview that IF he let kids sleep in his bed, he would always be on the floor.

Musically, I've never understood what all the fuss was about; his best albums were really more the work of his personal Svengarlic, producer Quincy Jones.
Quincy, a genius composer no doubt, gets WAY to much credit for MJ's success. Q had very little influence on the songs that MJ actually wrote. And again, pre-Thriller albums like the Jacksons' "Destiny" and "Triumph," and post thriller sets like "Dangerous" and "HIStory"(a collection of great work and a few misses overshadowed by the ridiculous pre-release promotion it recieved) is some of Jackson's best work. say the least, if not less...

Offline joe2

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    Well, there certainly seems to be a good responce to this M.J. topic, Im surprized @ the support for the guy....I was a tremendous M.J. supporter 15 yrs ago. I would argue to the hilt that he was'nt a fag, just a very talented sissy. When his solo career blossumed after "Off the wall", I felt vindicated. The Thriller album put him in the stratosphere.....but it also signaled his spiral into dementia....TOO much fame....TOO much money. Just how much smoke has to be inhaled before fire is acceepted??? This man is so guilty on so many levels...his biggest guilt being his belief that he could continue his twisted practices, winking @ the inevitable consequences.  As far as your thoughts on his music, Shemps#1, I think you should have titled it: M.J. after Thriller. Theres a reason it sold so was musical exellence.

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  Oh, an afterthought: Theres a very amusing amusing piece @ a site called Anomolies unlimited.titled "The history of Michael Jacksons face". Its a site featuring bizarre facts and photos. But you can get to it by simply entering Wacko Jacko on your search.

Pilsner Panther

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Most disgusting image of the year, so far (even though there's no picture, just a verbal description): pre-adolescent Macauley Culkin playing a video game with Jacko's hand down his pants.

You might say that they both had their hands on the joystick...


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What's really disgusting is that the judge has allowed the prosecution to totally ditch his current piece-of-shit case in order to put MJ on trial for what "happened" back in 1993. At least two of the three witnesses called so far who claimed to see Jackson molest kids (NONE of whom though for a moment to call the police, even a maid who claims she saw her son fondled, but didn't telly authorities or even try to stop Jackson because she felt it wasn't her "place".... [suspect] ) were part of a lawsuit leveled against him in 94 for wrongful termination. ALL of these assholes SOLD their stories to the Enquirer. (BTW, Why do you think the rags have been so quiet on MJ lately?) NONE of them contacted authorities EVER. Eventually, they LOST their case against Jackson and were successfully counter-sued by him and had to pay MILLIONS in damages. Only then were their stories retracted. And yet...the judge has allowed their testimony, a bunch of uncorroborated, contradictory heresay, into court?! And to prove what exactly?
I feel bad for Culkin and any other Jackson associates who have to be publicly shitted on along with Mike. To think that a man who has repeatedly denied he was ever treated inappropriately by MJ, whose children he is godfather to, will have to go to court and PROVE he's telling the truth...

 [sick] indeed. say the least, if not less...

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     I feel sorry for U. Rita!  How in the hell can U think this man is innocent?  I can understand why a sick fucker like MJ likes to have children in his bed...being a pedophile, but the kids are all boys!! Dont U see....he does'nt like kids....he is a grown up fag man! No complaints from girls.... or thier folks, just BOYS! If he really was some kind of loving Peter Pan, he would have girls in his bed too. He is simply a child of priviledge thats exersizing his proclivity to be a freak..a sick fuck that has altered his face..told lies to explain the alterations, paid untold millions to kids that he fondled.....can dance and spin like a whirling Dervish, but comes to court saying he fell down in the house?? Gimme a break. This low life creep needs to be put away. Sure, the  Moms wanted to keep those gifts coming, as he played with thier sons, and they shud be ashamed....  But American women care only about one thing: MONEY . What do U care about, Rita?
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 About time that annoyance went! Hallelujah. Anyone else on here make up random words as often as joe2 does?
The artist formerly known as Shempetta

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  I am a little cofused....I am new here,but it seems to me while Joe2's opinion differed from yours, it rang true in very obvious ways. Am I off base? To me the man so suspicious. Thank You.

Administrator's Note:  This post was made by Joe2, who had been banned from posting earlier for refusing to follow the Posting Guidelines.  He then turned around and re-registered under a different name, and tried (ineptly) to pretend he was a different individual.  He has been subsequently banned more permanently.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2005, 08:32:24 PM by Dunrobin »

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Well, its too bad that MJ's music can't seem to ever be seriously discussed in a BS-free atmosphere, (obviously MTS is supposed to be a comical, opinionated take on music, though very little in this thread regards musical suckiness) but since this thread's already gone there, take a look at this. A few months ago, speculation was confirmed when the terms of the 1993/94 civil suit and settlement (which was much less than the reported 25 mil) were leaked.  It was proven as fact that Jackson himself did NOT pay anyone "hush money," and infact he didn't pay the Chandler family anything. His insurance company settled the civil suit without his knowledge or permission (which they are fully entitled to do by law.) The settlement clearly states that it was not to be constrewn(sp) as an admission of any wrongdoing, sexual or otherwise, by Michael Jakcson. At the time of the agreement, the Chandler family had already dropped their claims of sexual abuse, and conceded that MJ had not molested Jordan Chandler. The criminal investegation into these allegations continued however, and the case was dropped after 2 grand juries found no eveidense of any wrongdoing by Jackson. Read more about the settlement here:

The prosecutions's current case is supposed to end next Tuesday, and not only has Tom Sneddon not proven anything beyond reaonable doubt, he's actually made MJ look LESS guilty. The DA's gameplan has been shockingly inept and unorganized (not that I'm complaining  :) ) Personally, I can't wait for the defense to present. Some real criminals  are about to be exposed... say the least, if not less...

Offline Baron O Greymatter

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Now there's a guy I'd like to see get slapped around Silly by Moe and Larry. Very funny work here, Shemp.

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Hate to say but I empathise with joe2 RE: M.J.--sick fucker.
He pretty much hit the mark about that girly/man/child/ped/faggot.
ZEKE---in AJAX-(G.T.A.), Canada.

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Where else but your beloved U.S.A. can a born, bonafied negro grow up from a black kid to a white WOMAN!!
ZEKE---in AJAX-(G.T.A.), Canada.

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Where else but your beloved U.S.A. can a born, bonafied negro grow up from a black kid to a white WOMAN!!

Well, why not? Just look at what can grow up to be President!



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   Well, I see this has become a dead topic since my last visit 1 yr ago, but I would like to address a couple of things....First off my being banned as Joe 2...the moderater said that I sneaked back in with the new monicker, which is untrue.

   I got in touch with Shemps who originally banned me for calling him an asshole in his Springsteen offering. He reenstated me but I could not use the str8kyuk name, for whatever reason the site said I could'nt. So I entered the Joe 2 and it worked...there was never any deception on my part. I believe I was banned by Dunrobin later by reason of my horrendous typing in his Rant erea..after reading it the next day, I was fairly shocked by my drunken rambling. Well, I was out of work and all I did was drink myself into oblivion damn near every nite. Also, it was the 1st forum I had ever been on and did not know the protocol.

  I wonder if Rita has changed her mind about MJ in light of the last years revelations...Finally, I heard that he was going to make some sort of appearance in the USA soon...which I find unbelievable!  Is it true?

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MJ: Inhuman, pederastic FREAK!  End of story.
Specto Caelum!

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MJ: Inhuman, pederastic FREAK!  End of story.

I just think he's musically repetitive.  All of his songs are in A minor.   [pie]
- Doug Sarnecky

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  • Shemp RULES!
I just think he's musically repetitive.  All of his songs are in A minor.   [pie]

Specto Caelum!