MS FrontPage?
I'm not sure what you mean by a template. Normally you set up skeleton page, then keep copying that and changing the name that you "save as". It is something that you will want to diddle with, with a graphics and such. Maybe you mean a "shell"? The inner page changes with the user clicks, but the outer graphics remain the same? I don't remember offhand, Rob would.
Another idea is to go to a website you like and do a view->source and swipe their code and tweak it for your site.
A tip... don't use "harsh" colors like dark blue on black. Pink & lime green, etc. I am color-blind for certain colors, and just give up on trying to read weird-colored websites. It's bad enough that I have to go cross-eyed trying to read some ho's screen at work that is in some fucked-up color (if I can), I don't bother if I am reading for pleasure at home.