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Karma Reasons?

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I was just curious. Why was the Karma reasons removed? Is it to eliminate any hard feelings?

Actually, the mod for Karma Descriptions wasn't compatible with the updated forum software, but I finally installed the update for it last weekend.  In fact, I just used it this morning.  Are you not seeing it?

Yes, I see it now. For a while, I've noticed that the Karma descriptions were eliminated, but I never asked why until now. So, I ended up asking the question today without checking.

Thanks for the reply.

No problem.  I just thought that I had forgotten to set somethng in the permissions.   ;)

I hate to bump up an old thread, but I have a question regarding this topic.

I am able to see who changed my Karma, but I can't see who changed other people's Karma. Why is that? I remember it was never like that before. I remember when Shemps#1 gave Gorilla Watson over 100 smites and I was able to see them, but now I can't. Why was this feature removed?


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