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You Tube

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Offline JazzBill

Anyone know why I get this when I try to post on You Tube ?

The following error or errors occurred while posting this message:
The message body was left empty.

"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline Giff me dat fill-em!

  • Oh, Vici Kid!
  • Team Stooge
  • Bunionhead
  • ******
  • Vici Kid
I assume you are trying to post a YouTube video here at ...
using the supplied format of - {youtube=425,350]videoref[/youtube}
and then trying to post will result in an error because you did not post a comment (or message), just a YouTube video embedded reference. Either supply a comment, such as ...

This video really sucks ...

OR if I do not wish to post a comment along with the video, I will simply add a "dot" as my message ...


PS - the { } marks are not required, and should be replaced with [ ] marks, I had to add them in order for you to see what to type instead of TS software interpreting my post as an actual video embed.

If you really meant posting a video on YouTube, then I will guess its a similar situation - add a comment before hitting "post".
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.

Offline JazzBill

Thanks Giff , that did the trick. I thought I was getting cut off for posting dumb video's. ( I just might, after Rob see's the Hitler video.)
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".