Beginning in January 2005, Mark Dacascos has portrayed "the Chairman" on Food Network's Iron Chef America. This role was previously played by Takeshi Kaga in the original Japanese Iron Chef. IMDb previously incorrectly stated that Takeshi Kaga is his uncle on his mother's side. This likely stems from confusion over Dacascos playing the character of the nephew of "Chairman Kaga" in Iron Chef America. The misunderstanding most likely arose due to the fact that "Chairman Kaga" himself is a fictional character, and hence the stated relationship is actually between the two fictional characters. IMDb has since amended their information to correct this inaccuracy. (source, wikipedia)
I really didn't give a crap about this, but tonight my cable station aired the movie
Double Dragon (1994) starring Robert Patrick (the Terminator in Terminator 2), and Mark Dacascos, among others. I thought I would try to track down his heritage on the internet, and came up with the above. He was actually born in Honolulu 1964. (making him 43 years old). Here's a few pics.
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