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Anybody Use Myspace?

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Offline Robbie883

I've just decided to create a Myspace page dedicated to making friends with Stooge fans like all of us. If you have a Myspace account, let me know and I will add you. Maybe we can trade some items in our collection, or just have a nice conversation about the boys.

Offline JazzBill

I've just decided to create a Myspace page dedicated to making friends with Stooge fans like all of us. If you have a Myspace account, let me know and I will add you. Maybe we can trade some items in our collection, or just have a nice conversation about the boys.
Thats what I come here for.
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline jrvass

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This guy did:

Fugitive Macomb teen caught

March 2, 2007



The search for a 16-year-old Clinton Township boy who escaped this week from the Macomb County Juvenile Justice Center is over.

Jordan Danski’s life on the run lasted just a little more than 48 hours. About 5 a.m. today, deputies from the Macomb County Sheriff’s Office and other police agencies woke him up while he was sleeping in an apartment complex unit in Clinton Township, said Macomb County Sheriff Mark Hackel.

“He is back in the juvenile facility and is where he is supposed to be,” Hackel said.

Danski and two other teens escaped from the juvenile center on Tuesday evening after officials say an employee broke the rules and left three teens together in a waiting room.

They pressed a button to unlock a door and found their way out. The two other boys were captured a short time later.

On Thursday, Danski gained the attention of authorities after mocking pictures and comments appeared on, a popular social-networking Web site. The pictures showed Danski extending his middle finger, and messages on his personal page appeared from other Web posters encouraging him to run.

Hackel said the content page had no bearing on the investigation, but postings from others may have helped speed up the search. He said it is likely that one of Danski’s friends posted the page.

“Kids are kids,” Hackel said. “I don’t think he put it up himself.”

Danski has a history of juvenile offenses and was in the center this week on assault charges.

Center director Charles Seidelman said that workers at the center told him the boy appeared tired and disoriented on Friday. He said he would be filing felony escape charges against the teens involved in the escape.

“He may have been on MySpace, but now he is back in my place,” Seidelman said. “Frankly, I had all the faith in the world that the authorities would work hard until they brought him back.”

The MySpace page has since been stripped of photos and messages, but is still online.

Before he turned 16 this month, he had been charged with assaulting classmates and his grandmother, breaking into cars, passing counterfeit cash and possessing marijuana, records show.

Copyright © 2007 Detroit Free Press Inc.

If the Internet Wayback Machine did it's backup of MySpace recently, his picture may still be there. Google and other internet tools are being used by job recruiters, OFTEN, to screen candidates and do preliminary background checks.

You don't want to post crap about your sexual prowess there!

First of all, it is B.S. Otherwise you'd be doing it and not posting it.
2nd: Your Mom will find it in Google and bring the subject up at Thanksgiving or X-mas.
3rd: If you ever do get a girlfriend and stop dating your right-hand, her computer-geek uncle will find you and tip her off!

And I speak from personal experience. I put the fear of G-D into an ex-boyfriend of my niece who was stalking and harassing her. I found him sleeping in his car at the local highway rest area. I went home, and got an SKS rifle with a 75-rnd drum out of the gun safe, and returned to the rest area. (No cartridges, BTW! I could've wasted him with a 7 shot .32, earlier.) I tapped "lightly" with the butt-stock on his window until he awoke. I have never seen anyone awake so suddenly!

And be so obediant!

I told him... "I know Jill. I will fuck with you if you continue to stalk her. I will probably kill you before you see her again. Get the hell out of here and never contact her again."

10 years later, she's never complained about him again. I've never seen his car again. The statute of limitations ran out. And I never had a complaint filed. I don't recommend doing what I said. YMMV.

You learn certain "people skills" living near Detroit or Flint, MI, don't you Rob?

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!