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Stooge Culinary Delights

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  • Oh, Vici Kid!
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  • Bunionhead
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  • Vici Kid
I know that in the distant past there was a thread titled "Cooking with Curly", and instead of trying to find and ressurect the thread, I'll just start this one. Pre-apologies for reposting items already discussed.

Being the ever-discriminating gourmand, I'll begin.

The boys made great fun out of the mundane act of cooking and eating food, usually by inadvertently inserting an object in the dish, by dim-wittingly putting awful ingredients in the recipe, or by using unusual cooking utensils. They also enhanced many an episode by having a food fight in it, usually started when Moe would slap food out of a Stooge's hand and it would fly into someone’s face.

In the short Babysitter’s Jitters, Shemp is sent into the kitchen to make some soup. He finds a box of soap – mistakes it for soup (Shemp reads “con-sum-ated soup” but the label says “concentrated soap”) and tosses the entire box into the pot. Next, he grabs a can of baking powder, and reads “Bake … powder … Powdered Bacon! What’ll they think of next?” and tosses IT in the pot! Of course, when the meal is served, all three of them start blowing soap bubbles from their mouths.

Almost the entire episode is spent dealing with food in the short Income Tax Sappy. At the beginning of the episode, Larry makes Moe a sandwich with too much mustard, and Moe adds more, eventually spraying himself with it! Moe also has problems with making a salad and "his special dressing" (accidentally pouring an entire canister of cayenne pepper into it - YUM!). Larry fights with carving the turkey, accidentally whacking off one of the guest's beard and also with a bowl of soup that contains a vicious crab claw. Shemp has problems with keeping mashed potatoes and gravy on his plate, eventually splatting the guest with the beard. The unfortunate guest remarks, "You gentlemen are very loose eaters".

The boys whip up some nasty canapés in the short Crash Goes the Hash. Moe is instructed by the butler to serve the drinks and the canapés, at which Moe says, "Can-o-peas? ... oh, you mean the toast with the lace curtains!". When they serve them, they've used dog biscuits covered with peas. (yummy-yummy!)

Many instances abound - these are the ones that jumped out at me ... More?
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.

Offline JazzBill

Two of my favorite food bits are in the same short. "Ants In The Pantry" First Larry tries to poison Curly with the cheese. Larry tells Curly, "Here, try this," then when Curly doesn't fall over Larry says, "I knew it, I didn't put enough rat poison in the cheese".
The other bit is when Larry puts some ants on top of a cake. Later on Curly walks up and says, "Oh, poppy seed cake, want some? and then Larry, knowing what it is, says, "Oh Nooooo," Then Moe comes by and they do the banquet bit.
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