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The New Global Moderator

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Offline shemps#1

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  • Global Moderator
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Let me preface this by saying that in absolutely no way whatsoever is the new Global Moderator intended to replace Pilsner Panther. Pils was an intregal part of this site for years, and he will be sorely missed by all: including myself, and if I may be so presumptuous in speaking for him, the new Global Moderator. My hope is that when everything has cooled down and been straightened out Pils will come back, where he is always welcome.

The simple fact of the matter is that we need a second Global Moderator. Sure Rob and I could do it, but that would take time away from Rob being able to build and improve this wonderful website, and I would jack shit crazy dealing with all of the Administrative duties (such as banning the idiots, which is a big part of the job) by myself.

In selecting the new Global Moderator I wanted to make sure the right guy was picked for the job. I wanted someone who has been around this and other Stooges boards for awhile, someone who is well-known among the Stooge Internet Community, to help ease the transition of Pilsner's departure (if that were at all possible).

So it is with that in mind that I announce the new Global Moderator at (drumroll please)


Metaldams' appointment right now is on a trial basis, to make sure his PC is capable of handling the job. If Metaldams is unable to perform his duties as Global Moderator the search will begin anew. I would like to thank all of you who applied for the job, it is by no means a slight on those of you who didn't get it.

I expect everyone to afford Metaldams the same respect that you do me, which is none at all. Oh, and Bill, once Metaldams is ready we'll be using you as a guinea pig again. :D
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline metaldams

Thank you, Jim and Rob for allowing me to be a moderator for as long as I can or am needed.

First off, I have no clue what happened between Jim/Rob and Pilsner, if anything, and it's really none of my business.  What I will say is that if Pilsner ever does come back, I will gladly step down if he would like his moderating duties back.  Yes, this site will never be the same without him, but like I was saying to Jim, if I have to be the replacement, I'm aiming to be more of a Shemp than a Joe.  All I know is I will really, really miss Pilsner as well, as he was a good guy to me...and he really knows his stuff about slapstick comedy!

My computer sucks, to put it mildly.  I'm not sure if it will be able to handle the moderating duties or not, so this gig may be short lived anyway.  In a perfect world, Pilsner will come back and things will be normal again, but not before I can press the red button on at least one SLIPP identity! :)

OK, seriosuly, I'm a nice guy, but I can be an asshole too.  You disrespect the rules of this site by trolling around or moidarin' da King's English, and I will be just as strict as Jim and Rob.  You can then talk trash about me with all the other intellectual giants at the guestbook on the official Three Stooges site.

Most of you guys know me at least a little, some a lot, but I think I'm a fair person and I know I love The Three Stooges.  I hope to be a great moderator at this site computer willing and for as long as I'm needed.  Since I'm now in charge, where's my Keystone Cops uniform?

For duty and humanity,
      Doug "Metaldams" Sarnecky

- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Dunrobin

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Doug, I'm sorry that you got the job under these circumstances, but I'm damned glad to have ya, son!  I know that you'll make an excellent moderator, and I truly appreciate you're stepping into the breach like this.

What is it about your computer than would pose a problem?  Old and slow isn't all that bad, as long as the machine itself is stable.  Of course, I never really cared for Apple that much myself.  Which OS do you have?  I've seen the older ones, and they woud drive me crazy, but OS X looks pretty cool.

I saw recently that someone found a way to run Windows on an Apple computer.  When someone gets OS X to run on a PC I'll be interested.   ;)


  • Guest
Thank you, Jim and Rob for allowing me to be a moderator for as long as I can or am needed.

First off, I have no clue what happened between Jim/Rob and Pilsner, if anything, and it's really none of my business.  What I will say is that if Pilsner ever does come back, I will gladly step down if he would like his moderating duties back.  Yes, this site will never be the same without him, but like I was saying to Jim, if I have to be the replacement, I'm aiming to be more of a Shemp than a Joe.  All I know is I will really, really miss Pilsner as well, as he was a good guy to me...and he really knows his stuff about slapstick comedy!

My computer sucks, to put it mildly.  I'm not sure if it will be able to handle the moderating duties or not, so this gig may be short lived anyway.  In a perfect world, Pilsner will come back and things will be normal again, but not before I can press the red button on at least one SLIPP identity! :)

OK, seriosuly, I'm a nice guy, but I can be an asshole too.  You disrespect the rules of this site by trolling around or moidarin' da King's English, and I will be just as strict as Jim and Rob.  You can then talk trash about me with all the other intellectual giants at the guestbook on the official Three Stooges site.

Most of you guys know me at least a little, some a lot, but I think I'm a fair person and I know I love The Three Stooges.  I hope to be a great moderator at this site computer willing and for as long as I'm needed.  Since I'm now in charge, where's my Keystone Cops uniform?

For duty and humanity,
      Doug "Metaldams" Sarnecky

I'm going to be very honest here. I was one of the people who applied for the position. Although I'm disappointed I didn't get it, I feel that this position couldn't have been given to a greater person. I've seen you post here and on other stooge boards and I think that you are valued poster. I believe you would be a great moderator. So, I would just like to say congratulations and it's great to have you as a moderator.

Offline metaldams

Doug, I'm sorry that you got the job under these circumstances, but I'm damned glad to have ya, son!  I know that you'll make an excellent moderator, and I truly appreciate you're stepping into the breach like this.

What is it about your computer than would pose a problem?  Old and slow isn't all that bad, as long as the machine itself is stable.  Of course, I never really cared for Apple that much myself.  Which OS do you have?  I've seen the older ones, and they woud drive me crazy, but OS X looks pretty cool.

I saw recently that someone found a way to run Windows on an Apple computer.  When someone gets OS X to run on a PC I'll be interested.   ;)

I have OS 8.5, which I'm assuming is pretty old.  The problem is I can't really upgrade my browser (AOL and Internet Explorer 5.0), and that's why I have trouble doing a lot of things online.  I'm a music lover, so you'd think I'd be able to download music, right?  Pfft!  There are several sites I can't even get into, like the official Boston Red Sox site, which I feel like going into as of late when I'm in funeral mode.

I'll try to work a way around all of these problems, and I'll let you know how things go once the testing procedures begin.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline metaldams

I'm going to be very honest here. I was one of the people who applied for the position. Although I'm disappointed I didn't get it, I feel that this position couldn't have been given to a greater person. I've seen you post here and on other stooge boards and I think that you are valued poster. I believe you would be a great moderator. So, I would just like to say congratulations and it's great to have you as a moderator.

A valued poster?  Me?  Why I'll moida ya!  The proper term is "well like and respected."  Haven't you learned anything from the SLIPP wars? :)

All kidding aside, thank you very much for the kind words, xraffle. 

The moderator is dead (though will he rise again?), long live the moderator, and let the new wine era begin!
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline falsealarms

I have OS 8.5, which I'm assuming is pretty old.  The problem is I can't really upgrade my browser (AOL and Internet Explorer 5.0), and that's why I have trouble doing a lot of things online.  I'm a music lover, so you'd think I'd be able to download music, right?  Pfft!  There are several sites I can't even get into, like the official Boston Red Sox site, which I feel like going into as of late when I'm in funeral mode.

I'll try to work a way around all of these problems, and I'll let you know how things go once the testing procedures begin.

OS 8.5 has not been updated since 1999. Needless to say, it's as dead as a doornail and has been for a long time. You're the only person I've come across who still uses it. Users of OS 9, which was discontinued in 2002, have a hard enough time browsing on that OS. If you can save some money, it seems like you'd be a great candidate for a brand new Mac Mini or iMac. But a run of the mill PC - still an extrodinary boost over OS 8.5 - would be much cheaper than a Mac.


  • Guest
A valued poster?  Me?  Why I'll moida ya!  The proper term is "well like and respected."  Haven't you learned anything from the SLIPP wars? :)

I should have used well liked and respected. That would have been much better than "a valued poster." That tends to be my problem. Sometimes, I can't think of the right words to say. You are well liked and respected. That's mainly the reason why Jim chose you. He wanted to choose someone that he feels everyone would know well and respect. You've been posting on this site and on other stooge boards for a long time. Everyone knows you and looks up to you. So, I honestly say that Jim couldn't have made a better decision.

Offline jrvass

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I should have used well liked and respected. That would have been much better than "a valued poster." That tends to be my problem. Sometimes, I can't think of the right words to say. (snip)

I find that as I get older the word I want to use is somewhere in my brain... but I can't recall it.

So I use the thesaurus (either the book or word-processor version) to help me out. An added bonus is building my vocabulary, so I can forget more words and repeat the process...  :-\

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline metaldams

I should have used well liked and respected. That would have been much better than "a valued poster." That tends to be my problem. Sometimes, I can't think of the right words to say. You are well liked and respected. That's mainly the reason why Jim chose you. He wanted to choose someone that he feels everyone would know well and respect. You've been posting on this site and on other stooge boards for a long time. Everyone knows you and looks up to you. So, I honestly say that Jim couldn't have made a better decision.

Xraffle, "valued" works just as well as "well liked and respected."  I was only joking around because SLIPP always lamented how he wasn't a "well liked and respected" poster, his wording.  The term "well liked and respected" has become a joke with a few of us because of the way SLIPP used it, so I'm just expanding on the joke.  Your sentiments are sincerely appreciated, xraffle.
- Doug Sarnecky