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The President Of The United States Is Crazier Than A Whole Nest Of Bedbugs!

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Offline JazzBill

Well, that sucked ! What the hell brought that on? If today was April 1st, I'd say it was a joke.
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline jrvass

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Two points here, and then I will exit stage left (!), except for the Picks.

1. James, why does a bright guy like you think that I'm a "leftistl?" If wanting working people to have decent wages and housing makes me a "leftist," then, okay. This seems to me to be just common decency and civility, not anything political at all.

Other than that, most of my political positions are libertarian, and I'd swear that on my mother's grave, except that she's still alive.



Anyone to the left of me is a "leftist". Even Bush. That aside, I would be pleased to discuss your thoughts on decent wages and housing with you.

But go back and re-read your post that started this thread. Saying that the President is as crazy as a bedbug (your words) is tolerable. But comments that include "political non-combatants" like the Bush daughters is crossing the line. Can you imagine the howls of disgust if someone pointed out the genetic similarities of Amy Carter or Chelsea Clinton to the banjo-playing kid of "Deliverance"?

To your other point, the UFO nut on that website is certainly less harmful to society than this UFO nut:


On October 24, 1989, at the J.W. Marriott Hotel in Washington, DC., Louis Farrakhan claimed he had a vision of being abducted in 1985 by an invisible pilot in a UFO and carried up on a beam of light to a "human built planet" known as the "Mother Wheel." There the voice of Elijah Muhammad informed him that the President and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, under the direction of Gen. Colin Powell, were planning a war, which Farrakhan said he later came to realize was "a war against the black people of America, the Nation of Islam and Louis Farrakhan." "I saw a city in the sky," Farrakhan said, after which the UFO "brought me back to Earth and dropped me off near Washington; over to Tyson's Corner and Fifth Street I make The Announcement." His entire inspiration for the "Million Man March", he says, is based on this "vision of being swept into a UFO that took him to a larger mothership." (The Washington Post, Sept. 18, 1995, p. D3).

Call me crazy but I don't think you would have had the same reaction if he had posted the Nation of Islam website. Even though one is more racially divisive and anti-semitic than the other.

There is something more here than meets the eye.

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!


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Controversial ain't I?  Did I hear someone say they wanted to ban me for being an idiot - on a 3 Stooge discussion forum?  Yikes, how did I manage that?

Anyway,, like, are news compilation websites - news articles that have been generally censored by the controlled media.  Of course everybody won't agree with everything that's there, and most people wouldn't agree with everything that's presented to them on their handy dandy brain numbing tv sets and clearchannel radio stations either - but then this IS a 3 Stooge forum...

Anyhow, in the interests of letting discerning 3 Stooge fans see for themselves instead of taking someone else's word for it (like the guys who run our mass media want it you to do), here's the links to my 3 favorite websites, aside from the 3 and and (I just made up the last two, but maybe they exist - I haven't looked yet).

Here's Rense (Jayzus, they WOULD have a flying saucer picture up today!):

and here's the thing about the idiot and his alleged reading list that's linked there:

See, it's from Yahoo.  I told you - it's a news compilation website - news that's deemed to be Politically Incorrect and unsuitable for us riff raff and hoi polloi to look at - or else its stuff that's immediately disappeared - by our Lords & Masters (I guess that's one reason why I like the Stooges - they are not too reverential and respectful towards the lords and masters and the powers that be, to put it mildly - me too!).

And here's  a picture of the lord high homicidal idiot trying to read a kiddy book upside down, which renders that alleged summer reading list of his ("Camus") suspect - along with ten million other bits of evidence...

"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"
—George W. Bush

Bush to the Brazilian ambassador:  "No shit, you got Blacks in Brazil, too!?"

The other 2 favorites:

Oh yeah, make that 4:, too!

Banned - or almost banned - from a 3 stooge discussion forum!  O, the shame of it!  What would I tell me mudder?

"Hey, ma, remember when you always used ta say that if i didn't do my homewoik and quit wasting my time reading Mad comic books and playing stickball I'd toin into a complete failure? Well, uh, you were right.  I got banned from a 3 stooge discussion forum."




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JRVass:  "...if someone pointed out the genetic similarities of...Chelsea Clinton to the banjo-playing kid of "Deliverance"? "

Excellent observation!  I have noted that close resemblance myself! 

And how come Bush's bitches and Cheney's bull dyke daughter and Banjo Chelsea ain't in Iraq doing the canon fodder thing?  Rich mans war, poor mans fight, huh? 



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"Who are you kidding? I've never done this before, but larry, you are now instantly, completely banned for dragging this tabloid, occult, UFO, demented, utter horseshit in here. Take it someplace else, it's stinking up the joint!"

Jayzus!  The guy wanted to "instantly and completely" ban me just for one single passing reference to a website he didn't like? 

Yeah, everybody is for free speech - so long as it's speech they like to hear. 

Hypocrisy rules!

Here's  a cyber-eye-pook to the joik!




Pilsner Panther

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"Who are you kidding? I've never done this before, but larry, you are now instantly, completely banned for dragging this tabloid, occult, UFO, demented, utter horseshit in here. Take it someplace else, it's stinking up the joint!"

Here's  a cyber-eye-pook to the joik!



All right, I'm breaking my promise not to post here any more, but here's one "pook" back: Why don't you inform your mother that abortion can be retroactive, and then hand her a loaded pistol, put an apple on your pointy head, and invite her to play "William Tell" with you?

The only trouble is, probably having about the same general acumen as her miserable offspring, she'd probably miss and hit the apple.

That site is about on the same intellectual level as the Weekly World News, and so are you for citing it, yet again.

Now, I'm done.

I'll now ban myself, if that's possible. You kiddies can have the sandbox all to yourselves, with my sincere compliments.

 [thumbsdown] [thumbsdown] [thumbsdown] [thumbsdown] [thumbsdown] [thumbsdown]

Offline jrvass

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JRVass:  "...if someone pointed out the genetic similarities of...Chelsea Clinton to the banjo-playing kid of "Deliverance"? "

Excellent observation!  I have noted that close resemblance myself! 

And how come Bush's bitches and Cheney's bull dyke daughter and Banjo Chelsea ain't in Iraq doing the canon fodder thing?  Rich mans war, poor mans fight, huh? 


Because it is an all-volunteer army, asswipe. Or do the facts elude you while you recite the Michael Moore talking points?


 Leave the name-calling to me.

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline jrvass

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Yeah, everybody is for free speech - so long as it's speech they like to hear. 

Please explain to us how "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech,..." applies to a privately-owned message board. Include your (legal) references.

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline Dunrobin

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James -

Regardless of the alleged merits of, Pilsner was completely out of line for banning larry just for mentioning something that was on that site.  There was nothing in larry's post that violated our Posting Guidelines or otherwise warranted putting a full-fledged, permanent ban on him, which is what Pils did, and frankly that was a violation of the trust I've had in him for all these years. 

Pilsner was dead wrong in banning larry arbitrarily like that, and then he completely spazzed when I reversed his decision.  That, in turn, led me to use an incredibly poor choice of words that Pils took as an outrageous insult, making whatever was wrong with him much, much worse, and even though I apologized to him profusely Pilsner has seen fit to remove himself permanently.

The upshot is that it was Pilsner who violated my terms for this site yesterday, not larry.  I cannot begin to say how sorry I am that things developed the way they did, but so it goes.  I can only hope that Pilsner regains his usual sense of perspective at some point and comes back to us.

Offline jrvass

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As I stated, I didn't see what the "hub-bub" was about that website. And I didn't comment in this thread until after Pils quit.

How you and the moderators decide what is "acceptable speech" is up to you and them, despite what this "larry" thinks.

Like you, I'd like to see Pils come back someday. But in my opinion, we got the short end of the stick trading a "larry" for a Pils.

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline Dunrobin

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We didn't "trade" Pilsner for larry, James.  Pils wigged out for no good reason and finally chose to remove himself.  (Frankly, I suspect that something more is going on here than meets the eye, where Pils is concerned.)  Regardless of what you may think of larry, Pils leaving was not his fault.

We are all definitely a bit poorer with his leaving, though.   :(

Offline shemps#1

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Fucking Hell.

And to top it all off, WSBK is playing Hoofs and Goofs right now. [sick]

A couple of points I would like to make here:

Please explain to us how "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech,..." applies to a privately-owned message board. Include your (legal) references.


Usually you would be right, James. I quite often state to the idiots that I am going to toss from the site for one reason or another that this is not the United States and they do not have a constitutional right to post here as the US Constitution does not apply here. I've seen many a message board where people complain about the lack of free speech and scratch my head. With that said I am going to post Rule #3 of the Posting Guidelines.

Quote from: Guidelines
3. Feel free to express your opinion, but don't get offended if someone else's opinion differs. We here at encourage the Freedom of Speech that is guaranteed to all Americans in the US Constitution, even if the US Government does not. Freedom of Speech is a two-way street, meaning that if you are free to speak your mind on a particular subject others are free to disagree with you and speak their minds as well. This can (and most likely will) lead to arguments. We have no problems with arguments as long as they do not get personal (i.e. name-calling). When you have opinionated people such as myself and others here on one message board there are bound to be arguments. If you do not want someone with a differing opinion responding to your post then you should leave your post off the board. I would hate to see that happen, as I would like to see a free and open exchange of ideas. But consider yourself warned: not everyone will agree with your idea.

I was the one who wrote the guidelines. Therefore, like it or not, "larry" was perfectly within his rights to post what he did.

I still am at a loss for why Pilsner went off about I checked the site out, and while there is alot of bullshit to wade through I did find some interesting articles there. There is really nothing there that warrants banning anyone for referencing the site. Hell, the only time I would ban anybody for referencing any site is when they are trying to get a free plug and are spamming the boards.

Larry could have referenced for all I could have cared. Would doing so have warranted flaming or smiting? Hell yes, just like it says up there in Rule #3, others are free to disagree with you if they feel so inclined. But referencing a website, even the official website for NAMBLA, does not warrant banishment from this board.

Let me note, for any "slow" people who can't figure it out, that I in no way am trying to say that "larry" is associated with or endorses the North American Man-Boy Love Association, and the same goes for me. I only used that website as an extreme example of a website that the vast majority of us would find offensive.

Anyway, I am quite shell-shocked as a dear friend of mine has had a message board "meltdown". I only hope that Pils can clear his head. come to his senses, and return one day. In the meantime, I need to look for a new partner in crime.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline jrvass

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We didn't "trade" Pilsner for larry, James.  Pils wigged out for no good reason and finally chose to remove himself.  (Frankly, I suspect that something more is going on here than meets the eye, where Pils is concerned.)  Regardless of what you may think of larry, Pils leaving was not his fault.

We are all definitely a bit poorer with his leaving, though.   :(

I meant "trade" in a literary sense. Otherwise, I agree with your assessment.
This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline JazzBill

Hey! Can I have his karma points?...........Just kidding!  ........... I have to agree with Rob, there has to be more than just that one thing bothering Pils. I'm really going to miss his input.
Jim, I checked out that Nambla site you linked up, just to see what it was. I fully expect the cops to be knocking on my door any minute now, to arrest me. Those are some sick people!
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".


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Wow, I can't believe what happened here. This is not like Pils to act the way he did. I'm really shocked. Out the few years I've been a member on this site, I've never seen him act this way. I wonder what got into him.

Offline Bruckman

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It's so uncharacteristic and so lacking in his usual sense of humor (though I can see, at least earlier on in this contretemps, he was attempting some mild humor - couched in uncompromising terms) that I can't help but think there's more to this than the issue of banning someone. I'm not trying to make this forum into a clearinghouse of one's emotional difficulties or a place to vent personal problems (though plenty of times we do exactly that). Neither do I want to deny the compassionate response completely.

Far as I'm concerned, Pils is one of only two other people I've encountered in my life who knew who Col. Stoopnagle and Budd were. For that alone, he ought to have an entire wing of the Smithsonian devoted to his interests. People like him just do not come along often - not even once in a blue moon - and for that reason a judgment call shouldn't be held against them. Look, I'm a believing Christian and plenty of times Pilsner has fulminated against Christianity. I never took offense because, if you look at any religion from a historical perspective, the record's going to be less than stellar. Any attempt to systematize or encode what ought to be held between God and individual is going to be less than happy. As a result, I get into more arguments in churches than I do anyplace else. However, I'd hate to think Pils would put me in the crosshairs simply because my personal beliefs differ from his. Don't think he would. Would he ban me for posting at sites which condone, if not advocate, the use of anabolic steroids? Don't think so in that case either. I go around w/the conviction that, if you're fully aware of the hazards and pitfalls connected w/your beliefs, then you aren't going to take offense at anyone disagreeing w/your beliefs. (I stated that hamfistedly but I've worked 12 days in a row and the mind is tiring). Jim said - fuckin hell.
"If it wasn't for fear i wouldn't get out of bed in the morning" - Forrest Griffin


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Because it is an all-volunteer army, asswipe. Or do the facts elude you while you recite the Michael Moore talking points?


That's one of the few things the shill, Moore, got right, asswipe.  Not a one of the offspring of our Lords & Masters or their Neo-Con bosses are doing their killing for them and dying for them.  The only other thing he got right, as I recall, was that the Bush crime gang flew the Bin Ladin clan (their long time confederates and business partners) out of the country right after 911 when all other civilian air traffic was grounded.

General Smedley Butler, the most decorated marine in history, said it:  WAR IS A RACKET.

I gotta make my signature does upset the asswipes so!

 Enough is enough!



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"It's so uncharacteristic and so lacking in his usual sense of humor..."

Completely disproportionate reaction to what i said, wasn't it? - and five will get you ten I can guess the reason why.


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Please explain to us how "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech,..." applies to a privately-owned message board. Include your (legal) references.


See, the weasely wascals have their convoluted arguments all cooked up - you ain't supposed to be allowed free speech here - or on the mass media because it's private  - in fact they've come up with a court decision that says the media, being privately owned, is under no obligation to even tell the truth! - but when the shoe is on the other foot - say a private school or college or radio station or on somebody's private land - then they switch around their arguments 180 degrees and trot out some spurious constitutional concoction asserting that their own rights are being violated, or their feelings are being hurt, or something.



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Thank you kindly to the righteous 3 stooge fans here, and here's a giant triple cyber-eye pook to the evil joiks here - but I don't want to reduce this awesome website to a pier six brawl, so i am going to leave...

But one last woid:

Rense rules!  If they hate him that much, he must be doing it right!

Hasta la vista, baby,



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Larry, I understand Pils was wrong, but I think you're going a bit overboard. Even though I don't like that website of yours, you are allowed to express your opinion. However, posting that link with that kind of font size was uncalled for. And also, how many times do you have to post? You just replied to this thread 4 times in a row.

Offline shemps#1

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Thank you kindly to the righteous 3 stooge fans here, and here's a giant triple cyber-eye pook to the evil joiks here - but I don't want to reduce this awesome website to a pier six brawl, so i am going to leave...

But one last woid:

Rense rules!  If they hate him that much, he must be doing it right!

Hasta la vista, baby,


Dude, calm the fuck down.

Let's see...

Name-calling, post-flooding, and acting like an all-around asshole: now you deserve to be banned.

Both Rob and I stuck up for you, to the point where one of our most valued contributors left the site. Yet here you are acting like a complete and utter fucktard. You were wronged, I'll admit that: but that doesn't give you the right to act like an ass.

Farewell, cocksmoker.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline shemps#1

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James, as much as this guy deserved being called an "asswipe",  I had to give you a warning for doing so. It's nothing at all personal: I would look like a hypocrite otherwise.

I need a fucking joint or a drink.

EDIT: James has apologized and his warning rescinded. See how easy it is folks?
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline sushigirl

This may explain why my friends in Canada have, on the whole, a higher opinion of him - they read news reports but aren't subjected to the visual evidence.

What makes you think we here in Canukistan are not exposed and subjected to the visual evidence? :))

.....such as the one aboard the aircraft carrier in which he announced "Mission accomplished!" in Iraq - some three-plus years ago and before a few thousand additional US lives were expended.

.....and that ridiculous smile holding the platter with the roast turkey...

Offline sgt ladylove