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The President Of The United States Is Crazier Than A Whole Nest Of Bedbugs!

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Pilsner Panther

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Did any of you happen to watch or listen to Bush's press conference yesterday? My Gawwwd, he's ten times screwier than even I thought he was.

 [nuts] [nuts] [nuts]

There's no audio transcript available yet, but having heard the speech, I'd swear that he'd been given half a dozen double espressos or a shot of methamphetamine before being shoved reluctantly onstage, blinking like a mole hauled out into the sunlight, as usual. He's all hot to go after Iran, much hotter than he is for Laura.

Not that I blame him about that, considering how their offspring turned out. One daughter looks like a fat, impossible little imbecile, and the other one has a predatory expression on her face that would frighten a shark enough to make it lose all its teeth.


We're in much worse trouble as Americans than even Dunrobin thinks we are... sorry to say.


Offline Dunrobin

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I avoid watching or listening to His Infernal Majesty as much as humanly possible, myself.

Quote from: Pilsner Panther
We're in much worse trouble as Americans than even Dunrobin thinks we are... sorry to say.

In that case, it's time for everyone to either head for the hills or stick his head between his legs and kiss his ass good-bye, because I've been saying that we are totally fucked for years now.   >:(

I think things are going to get a lot worse than you think, Pils.   :-\

Pilsner Panther

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Oh, well, Rob, what more are you going to say under the present conditions? I'll just quote Samuel Beckett here:

"When you're in the last bloody ditch, there's nothing left to do but sing." —Nobel Prize acceptance speech, 1968

Which takes us right back to Pilsner's Picks (self-plug).


[attachment deleted by admin]

Offline Bruckman

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I always get the sense that Bush would rather not be in front of the press at most times - as good ol' Slipp would say, "I can't fight and not be stupid!" Bush can't speak and not sound stupid, even when he says something that would be quite reasonable. This may explain why my friends in Canada have, on the whole, a higher opinion of him - they read news reports but aren't subjected to the visual evidence.

The only times Bush doesn't look like he's been taken out of a locker and propped in front of a mike are in those ridiculously staged photo-ops, such as the one aboard the aircraft carrier in which he announced "Mission accomplished!" in Iraq - some three-plus years ago and before a few thousand additional US lives were expended. One gets the feeling history (particularly military history) wasn't a subject he studied at Yale.

Also, recent travels last spring convinces me that everyone is taking their "what, me worry?" cue from the Prez in this country. Maybe we're not singing, but there's a distinct feeling of "get some, fire at will" because we know we're in the morass so deep there's no hope in getting out for decades. So why not drive your big gas-sucking SUV until the oil runs out? Why not expend more money on foolish "prestige" projects like future moon landings when the vast bulk of citizens can't afford basic health care? Seriously, I've thought of hauling my old Chrysler 300 off the blocks, where it's sat for 2 years, this summer for one last time because I know I probably won't get the chance ever to do so again. At $3 a gallon, it takes almost $60 for one tank, which is good for about 350 miles of highway driving or about 200 if I stay in the city). You see the result in the governmental response to high prices and diminishing reserves - lots of talk, nothing else. (Hey, I'm the least likely guy to keep it under 80 in the interstate, but at least back in the 70s lowering the national speed limit was a step in the right direction. Bush won't even make that much of a gesture).
"If it wasn't for fear i wouldn't get out of bed in the morning" - Forrest Griffin

Pilsner Panther

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As soon as I can find a decent audio transcript of that speech (and that won't take long) I'm going to speed it up by about 30% without changing the pitch, which ought to be pretty funny all by itself. However, I'm considering putting some music behind it, like maybe a number by the Guckenheimer Sour Kraut Band.

I'm open to suggestions as to which any of you malletheads might think would be the funnier of the two options...


Offline Bruckman

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Definitely the Guckenheimers.

I've read a few exceprts in the paper from Bush's speech - they didn't read too crazily, but then they're just brief quotes. Something about losing our national soul if we pull out of Iraq now. Which again shows Bush's lamentable habit of confusing military strategy with status-seeking. It connects well with Mona Charen's recent op-ed piece about Israel losing face and advantage by attempting conciliation w/Hezbollah. That at least read as if it had been beamed in from Mars.
"If it wasn't for fear i wouldn't get out of bed in the morning" - Forrest Griffin

Offline Bangsmith

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When we have a president as arrogant and stupid as this  [censored] asshole [censored], I guess that patriotism and our "national soul" are the only things left that are worth it! We lost face when we went into Iraq! [thumbsdown] [thumbsdown] [thumbsdown]
If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking 'til you do "suck seed"!!

Offline Dunrobin

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It connects well with Mona Charen's recent op-ed piece about Israel losing face and advantage by attempting conciliation w/Hezbollah.  That at least read as if it had been beamed in from Mars.[/

LMAO!  Israel losing "face"?  With whom?  They are loathed by most of the world already; how can you "lose face" with those who depise you?

And the idea of losing their "advantage" is equally silly.  Israel has the most powerful military establishment in the region, but it doesn't seem to have given them any more advantage in taking on the Hezbollah than Amerika has had in Iraq.

Overwhelming military might doesn't really work against determined resistence/guerilla movements.  You'd think after our fiasco in Vietnam and Russia's in Afganistan these bozos would have gotten that through their thick skulls.  But then, they never learned their lesson from Prohibition either, did they?

Offline Bangsmith

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Not just the Soviets in Afghanistan, but US in Afghanistan as well! As long as we feel the need to dominate the world, (Russia is no better) we will be hated worldwide. As a thinking individual, would you want someone who doesn't know squat about your life and conditions forcing their way of life on you? Israel's problem is that they cannot swallow their pride and give the ENTIRE West Bank (Including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip back to the Palestinians!
If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking 'til you do "suck seed"!!

Offline JazzBill

All the military might in the world don't mean shit if you don't use it right. If your going to fight a war, then go in and kick everybody's ass. Israel was so damned worried about killing civilians and what the world thought of them that they blew a perfect opportunity. Hell, Hezbollah was firing hundreds of rockets a day into Israel, and they were AIMING for civilians. Now instead of hurting Hezbollah, they are stronger than ever. Like you said Rob, when the hell are we going to wake up and learn from our mistakes. Now we have Iran and North Korea getting close to having nukes and talking shit, and we can't do a thing about it because we are bogged down in that cesspool called Iraq. Trying to teach them people to self-govern is like going back to the stone-age and trying to teach the cavemen how to be doctors. It just ain't going to work. What a fucking mess !!!!!
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Pilsner Panther

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Bill and Bangsmith are both spot-on, about our misusing out military might. Teddy Roosevelt summed up the proper policy in one sentence, a century ago: "Speak softly, but carry a big stick." That is, just the knowledge that you can punish your enemies with overwhelming force ought to be enough to restrain them from aggressive behavior, under most circumstances. Once in a great while, you'll get governments like Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany, that are so power-crazed that they don't care about retaliation for their actions, but this doesn't happen very often.

Much more recently, we had the Powell Doctrine, which was the result of Colin Powell's experience in Vietnam. Once again, an experienced military man urged the U.S. not to use the force of arms unless we had no choice in the matter. However, as anyone who's followed recent history knows, Powell was elbowed aside and marginalized within the Bush administration by the Neocons, and it's their policy that's now being followed... with disastrous results that even a child could see.

The question that hangs heavily in the air right now, waiting for a definitive answer, is whether the Bushies are going to attack Iran. Just how they'll go about this, I don't know, since our military resources are already stretched to the limit, and maybe beyond. Just today, I heard a report on ABC News that a number of ex-Marines are going to be recalled to active duty because the USMC isn't meeting its recruiting goals. The story didn't specify just how many (some sloppy reporting, there), but it's probably going to be a few thousand, at least.

The supreme irony in the current situation is that Iran is our mess, and Britain's. If the combined intelligence agencies of both countries hadn't overthrown the legitimately elected Mossadegh government in 1953 and installed a hand-picked puppet and dictator, the Shah, the Iranians probably wouldn't despise us today the way they do.

One thing that's absolutely true about the people in the Middle East, whether they're Arabs or Jews, is that they have very long memories when it comes to past insults and abuses. Hell, Bin Laden and his bunch are still pissed off about the Crusades!

The ancient Greeks had a word for the way the Bush administration is behaving right now: hubris.


Addendum: I've learned that the number of Marines who are going to be recalled is 2,500.


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"whether the Bushies are going to attack Iran. Just how they'll go about this, I don't know..."

Well, when Olmert orders them to, they'll just have to find a way, won't they.


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Seen the latest schtick the White House spinmeisters are trying to put out - Baby Doc Bush is an intellectual, see.  He read sixty (60) books so far this summer, see.  They even have the whole list (linked on, includes difficult books on philosophy.  Who are they kidding?  The little retard was trying to read that pet goat book upside down!  I doubt whether he's ever even managed to finish reading a comic book!

Pilsner Panther

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Seen the latest schtick the White House spinmeisters are trying to put out - Baby Doc Bush is an intellectual, see.  He read sixty (60) books so far this summer, see.  They even have the whole list (linked on, includes difficult books on philosophy.  Who are they kidding?  The little retard was trying to read that pet goat book upside down!  I doubt whether he's ever even managed to finish reading a comic book!

Who are you kidding? I've never done this before, but larry, you are now instantly, completely banned for dragging this tabloid, occult, UFO, demented, utter horseshit in here. Take it someplace else, it's stinking up the joint!

 [nuts] [thumbsdown] [nuts]

At least most of the posters here (other than Slipp) have a grain or two of sense. If you have any problem with my action, please contact me via PM or e-mail.

Offline Dunrobin

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I read from time to time, Pils.  Have you got a problem with that?   ???

I don't know what's going on here today, Pls, but since when did we start threatening to ban people for their political beliefs?  I don't approve of that at all.  Frankly, your reaction seems completely out of line, regadless of whether or not you agree with larry's comments.  Take two aspirin and a stiff drink and go back to bed - you're far too cranky today.  (And being cranky is Jim's job anyway.)   ;)

Pilsner Panther

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I read from time to time, Pils.  Have you got a problem with that?   ???

No, I look at the Enquirer and other birdcage-bottom stuff myself, just to see what the Hoi Polloi might be reading. At least, those of them who can read.

I don't know what's going on here today, Pls, but since when did we start threatening to ban people for their political beliefs?  I don't approve of that at all.  Frankly, your reaction seems completely out of line, regadless of whether or not you agree with larry's comments.  Take two aspirin and a stiff drink and go back to bed - you're far too cranky today.  (And being cranky is Jim's job anyway.)   ;)

I've never threatened to ban anyone for their political beliefs, only for being idiots and for advocating idiocy. Who's always hollering about the dumbing-down of American society? You are, Rob! And so I'm not going to be a party to it myself... I guess your message finally got through to me.

From here on out, I'm just going to do Pilsner's Picks and the occasional YouTube post, and I'm not posting anything more to the other boards, as I've got better and more important things to do with my time than deal with the two-digit I.Q. segment of the population. Which means that I'm officially resigning as a moderator.

That's right... so why don't you appoint larry in my place?


Offline Dunrobin

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I don't know where you get that "tabloid" attitude about, Pils, but so be it.  I don't believe everything I read there, but that holds true for and the rest of the mainstream media sites, too.  (If anything, I believe them even less.)

Regardless, we do NOT ban people just because you think their opinions about other web sites are idiotic.  (Hell, I don't see that larry expressed an opinion about the site one way or the other, but rather just mentioned some on that site.) 

There was nothing in larry's post that violated our Posting Guidelines, and you went way over the top on this one.  I regretfully accept your resignation; let me know when you get the sand out of your vagina.   ::)

Pilsner Panther

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I regretfully accept your resignation; let me know when you get the sand out of your vagina.   ::)

Now you're calling me a woman? In the old West, that remark would have gotten you shot!

Deservedly, too.

 [censored] [censored] [censored]

Offline Dunrobin

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I apologize for that crack, Pils.  I forgot that you are not a South Park fan and wouldn't get the reference, so that came across worse than I really meant.

Nevertheless, go take a cold shower, smoke a joint, have a stiff drink, take a nap - whatever it takes to get you to mellow out and get some perspective again.  I don't know why you are choosing to completely spazz over a reference to a web site, but you really seem to need a "time out" today.

Offline Bruckman

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Gentlemen, gentlemen! Love thy neighbor! [gets creamed w/pies]

Pils, he's right, yr action came off a little knee-jerkish. I'm bored by conspiracy theorists but a person's off-site interests shouldn't be held against him. Hope what you said wasn't said in cold blood but was due to something-or-other putting a burr under yr saddle, and that you'll reconsider. I won't take exception to the remark about the double-digit IQ's as referring to the denizens of this board, either.

Yours for peace, harmony, and the single-tax standard as Henry George would've wanted,
that single-digit-IQ anabolic freak,
"If it wasn't for fear i wouldn't get out of bed in the morning" - Forrest Griffin

Offline shemps#1

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Well thank goodness I missed this one. The day I come off as the voice of reason and mediate a squabble is one of the signs of the Apocalypse!

Tom, I'm going to echo what Bruckman and Rob have said. This guy did nothing wrong and did not deserve a threat of banishment. This is definately not like you, so I'm going to take it for granted that something else is going on, away from the site, that is imparing your judgement.

I also hope you decide to resume your role as moderator. You are the perfect counter-balance to my pitbull style.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline jrvass

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I hope you will reconsider.

I normally dismiss what all of you "leftists" write about politics and current events. Everybody will get upset. Nobody will change their mind. And when I become King of the World, I may spare Dunrobin from the "Killing Fields/Gulags" and let him live out his life in a nice Comfy-Cozy Concentration Camptm!  :o

I would have probably never gone to without all of this hub-bub. It leaves me wondering when the "mother ship" will beam-up the looney, liberal, left.


PS. I don't mind debating politics, but "dopey Bush" rhetoric has about as much value as "Her Thighness, Hillary". Or "He pushed me!"; "Did not!"; "Did too!".
This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline JazzBill

I agree with everyone else here Pils. I sure would miss your input if you didn't post here anymore. I don't agree with you all of the time, but I value your opinion. Besides, where would you go, over to "Three Stooges. Com?"  I don't think you'd fit in over there. They don't need another Mod. They got Islipp... Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Pilsner Panther

  • Guest

I hope you will reconsider.

I normally dismiss what all of you "leftists" write about politics and current events. Everybody will get upset. Nobody will change their mind. And when I become King of the World, I may spare Dunrobin from the "Killing Fields/Gulags" and let him live out his life in a nice Comfy-Cozy Concentration Camptm!  :o

I would have probably never gone to without all of this hub-bub. It leaves me wondering when the "mother ship" will beam-up the looney, liberal, left.

Two points here, and then I will exit stage left (!), except for the Picks.

1. James, why does a bright guy like you think that I'm a "leftist!?" If wanting working people to have decent wages and housing makes me a "leftist," then, okay. This seems to me to be just common decency and civility, not anything political at all.

Other than that, most of my political positions are libertarian, and I'd swear that on my mother's grave, except that she's still alive.

2. There's no such thing as bad publicity, there's only publicity. I made a mistake in drawing anyone's attention to that goddamned fool's website, which I won't mention again. Mentioning it even once probably got the little putz about 3,000 hits.

And this is it, my last post on these boards, except that I'll keep the ancient music going, by popular demand (or the lack of it, or whatever).

Signing off
