Controversial ain't I? Did I hear someone say they wanted to ban me for being an idiot - on a 3 Stooge discussion forum? Yikes, how did I manage that?
Anyway,, like, are news compilation websites - news articles that have been generally censored by the controlled media. Of course everybody won't agree with everything that's there, and most people wouldn't agree with everything that's presented to them on their handy dandy brain numbing tv sets and clearchannel radio stations either - but then this IS a 3 Stooge forum...
Anyhow, in the interests of letting discerning 3 Stooge fans see for themselves instead of taking someone else's word for it (like the guys who run our mass media want it you to do), here's the links to my 3 favorite websites, aside from the 3 and and (I just made up the last two, but maybe they exist - I haven't looked yet).
Here's Rense (Jayzus, they WOULD have a flying saucer picture up today!): here's the thing about the idiot and his alleged reading list that's linked there:, it's from Yahoo. I told you - it's a news compilation website - news that's deemed to be Politically Incorrect and unsuitable for us riff raff and hoi polloi to look at - or else its stuff that's immediately disappeared - by our Lords & Masters (I guess that's one reason why I like the Stooges - they are not too reverential and respectful towards the lords and masters and the powers that be, to put it mildly - me too!).
And here's a picture of the lord high homicidal idiot trying to read a kiddy book upside down, which renders that alleged summer reading list of his ("Camus") suspect - along with ten million other bits of evidence..."Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"
—George W. BushBush to the Brazilian ambassador: "No shit, you got Blacks in Brazil, too!?"
The other 2 favorites: yeah, make that 4:, too!
Banned - or almost banned - from a 3 stooge discussion forum! O, the shame of it! What would I tell me mudder?
"Hey, ma, remember when you always used ta say that if i didn't do my homewoik and quit wasting my time reading Mad comic books and playing stickball I'd toin into a complete failure? Well, uh, you were right. I got banned from a 3 stooge discussion forum."
