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Three Stooges Cards (2005)

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Offline falsealarms

Has anyone here bought any of them? They do like quite nice, but I haven't bought any yet.    (box)    (pack)

A box can probably be had for cheaper elsewhere but there they are.

Pilsner Panther

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Yeah, that does look like a nice collectible item, but at 89 bucks, it ain't cheap. If the price was half that, I might buy it myself.

This could be an interesting thread in itself: what Stooges collectibles do you own, if any? I've got the Stooges talking clock, and I've also given one of those to someone as a "boithday" present. It now hangs proudly in the office of my friend, who's a senior software engineer at Sun Microsystems. He had to take the batteries out of its voicebox, though, because all the "Nyuk-nyuks" and "Woo-woos," etc., were driving a lot of his co-workers up the wall.


Other than that, I don't own much memorabilia, other than a few books on the Stooges (including, of course, Moe's own "Moe Howard And The Three Stooges"). Living downtown in a major city, I'm kind of tight for space... that's why I sleep on top of the piano. What's worse, it's only a spinet.

So, what have you got? 

Offline falsealarms

I don't think I have too much compared to the collections others might have. However, others here are likely older than my 21 years.

Several old VHS tapes, several current DVDs

Several books - Moe's autobiography, the Curly book by Joan Maurer, One Fine Stooge, the Stooges book by Michael Fleming, the Three Stooges Chronicles, the Larry book by Moe Fineburg, The Three Stooges: Triumphs and Tragedies....

Three Stooges wall clock

A few Franklin Mint Three Stooges plates

Talking heads of Moe, Larry and Curly. They utter a few lines if you bounce them.

A Moe "doll" from the late 80s

I'd really like to get my hands on an autograph of one of the Stooges - Besser, even - but they are NOT cheap. Too bad I wasn't born 10-20 years earlier as I could have gotten a few of them through the mail for nothing. Moe, Larry, and the two Joe's were very good with their fan mail by many accounts. Autograph collecting through the mail is actually a hobby of mine, though I mostly stick to baseball players.

Offline Giff me dat fill-em!

  • Oh, Vici Kid!
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  • Vici Kid
Talking heads of Moe, Larry and Curly. They utter a few lines if you bounce them.

Me too.

[attachment deleted by admin]
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.

Offline shemps#1

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Did you see how many special Derita cards they have? He wasn't even that relevant as a Stooge to warrant one special card, nevermind THAT many!
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline falsealarms

DeRita costume cards are going for $30 on Ebay, and the Moe gold chain cards are going for $200. I've also seen Larry residual check cards go for $100, and Moe cut signature cards go for upwards of a grand.

Offline JazzBill

Someone bought me a couple of packs of those cards for Christmas last year. I made a little box with a glass front to display them on the wall with. I have the usual stuff, the clock, the bottle opener, the tins, the license plate, the Christmas tree ornaments and a lot of framed prints. I have managed to tape all 190 shorts, a few of their movies and a couple TV specials. I'm just starting on the DVDs now. I have 6 pack of Three Stooges Beer (not opened). But I think I'm going to stop displaying that because some of my grandsons are hitting their teens and I don't trust them. I know I wouldn't trust ME when I was that age. I have a painted plate by Bill Markowski. But my favorite thing is a old cardboard stand-up advertisement for Three Stooges Beer. I bought it at an auction for a couple of bucks. It was pretty beat up so I cut it down to size and fit it as a backdrop to my 55 gal. fish tank. Thats the personalized picture you see on all of my posts.
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Offline shemps#1

  • Pothead, Libertarian, Administrator, Resident Crank and Baron of Greymatter
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I saw an auction for a Moe signature card on ebay for $2000, here.

Anybody who pays that for a Moe signature cut into a card is asking to get ripped off. Think about it; Moe and Larry were Stooges the longest, and both died in 1975. Factor into it that these sigs were cut from checks, and that towards the end of their lives Moe and Larry both signed alot of autographs.

Hell, if you have another $800 and change (figuring the exchange rate) you can get a Moe, a Joe Besser, and a Curly (the real one, not Derita) from this autograph house in the UK:{E6A7A230-B49F-40B5-93B3-1FA3F3F51704}

Or you can get a piece of paper signed by Moe, Larry, and Shemp for $1150 (not full names, but still a better value than the card considering Shemp sigs are probably the hardest to find):

So if anyone was thinking of getting it I'd advise you take a pass.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline falsealarms

Back in the 80s, didn't Joan Maurer send out signed checks from Moe for a small donation to a certain charity? What a bargain that is now.

Offline BeAStooge

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Has anyone here bought any of them? They do like quite nice, but I haven't bought any yet.    (box)    (pack)

A box can probably be had for cheaper elsewhere but there they are.

The cards are very nice, Breygent did a professional job.

The above link to C3's Soitenly Stooges store is not representative of the market...

 - SS sells an unopened box, which contains 40 unopened packs, for $89. If you go to eBay Auctions & eBay Stores, currently, you can find most sellers selling boxes @ $60 - $65.
 - SS sells a 3-ring album binder for $39. Most other sellers average $30 - $33.
 - SS's individual pack prices are also higher than average retail by about 30%.

If all you want is a base set of the 72 cards (no box, no binder, no chase/costume/jewelry/autograph cards, etc.), which is a nice collectible for a Stooge fan... numerous eBay sellers, collectible stores, collectible show dealers, etc., sell a collection of those 72 (loose) cards for no more than $10.

Dog Hambone

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I have a set of the three talking heads, too. But I don't bounce them because my labs will think they are dog toys. But they'll talk if you slap them or bonk them on the head, which seems appropriate.

I had the wall clock several years back, but sadly it stopped working. Things just haven't been the same since then. 

Offline falsealarms

I found a box for 57 dollars - 32 bucks cheaper than Soitenly - and I think I'm going to go for it. Only 3000 boxes were made. I never showed examples of the cards, but here's some I found on Google. I don't mind them being colorized, but some probably do.

Offline falsealarms

My box came today... pretty much got what I was guaranteed. Probably got at least 1-2 complete sets out of the box. My biggest hit was a sketch card by Chris Henderson. It depicts the flying sub from 3S In Orbit. Probably the least-desirable sketch card as it seems to be the only one that doesn't have at least one Stooge on it. (edit: someone has it BIN on ebay for 64.95 )I was hoping for a CJ costume card out of it. Of course the Moe hits would have been best, but those odds were slim. I did also get a die-cut card.

The cards are nice, but not a tad letdown with the break.