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Email Exchange: Slipp Bribes Metaldams

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Offline shemps#1

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(A funny exchange of emails in which Slipp begs Doug to back off, and offers up some wrestling newsletters. Unfortunately Metaldams' posts on the "Top Secret" board had an odd habit of cutting off at the end, hence the incomplete sentence.)



Please don't take this negatively, but you're being awfully immature
Stoogeworld lately. You're not making my forum exsistence intothe
hell you wanted it to be. Instead, you're like an annoying mosquito
I barely notice is there. Unfortunately, when I try to swat you (very
subtly so the other posters don't jump down my throat) you just keep
coming. I can stand mositoes longer than you think. If you think
going to draw blood from me (real anger), think again.

I know why you hate me. You have every right to dislike me, but I
deserve to be hated. I confessed my sins and have repented and have
OBVIOUSLY started a whole new outlook on things and have made a fair
LEAST fair) effort to change my old ways that p***ed everyone off. Yet
you still persist in trashing me.

It's VERY low of you to keep saying that I'm perverted when it comes
children. Don't you think I'd be rotting in prison right now if all
said about that was true? These are very immature accusations to make.

I still don't want to fight you, because I've been drained of most of
fighting spirit since Dec. 1 and because you, the potential opponent,
just don't understand. ANYTHING I do or say to you wouldn't be fair
because you're wreckless in your judgement and you don't know what you
are doing. It's for your own good that you learn the difference
hating and disliking, so you can put your hatred toward someone and/or
something that truly deserves it and so you can do the same with your
disliking. You may not think this makes sense now, but trust me. It
makes a TON of sense.

In conclusion, if you want to keep up the squabbling, let's do it this
way, in private e-mail so no one else will be bothered. If you want
amends, I'll be hapy to oblige. I'll even send you a copy of my WWF
newsletter (Yes, they have newsletters). Stay nasty and you get no
newsletter. Make up with me and get the one I just got and possibly
every newsletter as I get them. What do you say?



<< You're not making my forum exsistence intothe living
hell you wanted it to be. Instead, you're like an annoying mosquito
I barely notice is there. >>

If this is so, then why do you feel the need to e-mail me? If you
barely notice me, then why am I worth your time?

"I know why you hate me. You have every right to dislike me, but I
deserve to be hated."

You're right, and I don't hate you, I just dislike you. If I hated
you, I'd wish misfortune upon you. I don't wish misfortune upon you.
If I saw you on the streets, I wouldn't say or do a mean thing to you.
I just wish you'd get the hell off the boards.

"It's VERY low of you to keep saying that I'm perverted when it comes
children. Don't you think I'd be rotting in prison right now if all
said about that was true? These are very immature accusations to

You're right again. It's also very low to pretend to be suicidal and
pretend to be a zillion other posters, ESPECIALLY the suicidal part.
It is also wrong to go on a secular board and say what religions are
and aren't going to Hell. It is also wrong to spout off the shit you
did in the Lyla Budnick thread. It's also wrong to go patting
yourself for continuing on with your stupid what shorts are better on
NYUK polls and basically claiming to be a hero because of it shortly
after 9/11. Eric, you are THE KING of doing low things. Looks like
little baby SLIPP can't take being on the other end of it for once.

You may want to know why I'm treating you like shit. I feel justified
in doing it and I'll tell you why: because you need to be taught a
lesson. You never EVER take any responsibility for your actions. In
your mind, nobody on the boards likes you because Lucifer himself,
(sickdrjoe), has brainwashed us all. It's never crossed your mind
that YOU are the problem and that you are a grade A jack ass. You are
a living parody of the typical, judgemental, sheltered, brainwashed,
Bible belt, Born Again Christian that gives other Christians a bad
reputation. I'm amazed you live as far north as Michigan. With your
mentality, you belong somewhere in the deep South.

Anyway, here's my analogy: When a person murders someone, he goes to
jail. It's called justice. Now, on a much smaller scale you have
faked being suicidal, lied to us constantly, and have just been an
annoying presence. You need to be punished. Your punishment should
be not being on the boards anymore. Don't give me your sappy
forgiveness bullshit story either, we've already given you several
chances, and you thank us by being even more of an asshole. You've
done this constantly. You are out of chances. Yet, once again, you
just expect everybody to forgive you and to forget what has happened.
That's not the way things work in the grown-up world, SLIPP. You've
acted in a certain way, and you will be treated accordingly for your
actions. If that means me being a low life scum towards you, so be
it. Obviously, you will never leave these boards, which in a perfect
world would happen, so instead, I'm going to have fun at your expense.
I'm doing this for your own good, SLIPP. You need to learn to be
responsible for you actions and gracefully accept the consequences
which you deserve. I'm going to quit wasting my time now, as i know
you don't understand anything I'm saying.

Satanic Regards,
Mr. Metallica


Hey metalbutt-

I "feel the need to e-mail" you to save you from yourself. Like I said
you're coming off as very immature at the boards, PLUS
you won't go far in life unless you learn to accept people for
they are/were.

You say:
"It's also very low to pretend to be suicidal and pretend to be a
zillion other posters, ESPECIALLY the suicidal part."

These words could only be a reason for STILL holding a grudge against
if I started out my posting exsistence saying I was perfect- that I
could do no wrong and that I see and know all. It WAS low of me to
pretend to be suicidal and I apologized as much as humanly possible.
please drop this. As far as the "zilion" other posters, I have only
2 other posters- Superstooge and Bunionhead. Please excuse me if I
forgot one. Forget pinning Meditran on me. That 8-headed monstrosity
someone else copying my style- Field Marshall perhaps. Hes admitted to
being the MASTER of posting under various aliases. Why don't you
him for it?

"It is also wrong to go on a secular board and say what religions are
going to Hell."

You're right. That is something only fitting to discuss with someone
else of my faith. Only they would understand it and possess the
about it that I have. I and no one else in my religion hold no grudges
against those religions or the people who worship in them, but I do
a slight grudge against whoever it was that took the the minds of the
organizers of these religions away from the Truth that is the Bible.

"It was also wring to spout off the s*** you did in the Lyla Budnick

It was a little out of place. I admitted that and that I was wrong.
do you want me to do, take off my belt and whip myself? How would you
know I did that? Anyway, you can't say Shady didn't have that coming
SOME thread. If you can, you haven't been paying attention to his
over the past 5 months or so. Somewhere in that Stoogeworld thread
Steven Pigeon's new S/N" is the latest example. He pointed out that I
did an acronym wrong. Now, I wasn't holding a grudge against him for
that, I was just playfully messing around in the Lyla thread post that
you thought was anti-Shady.

The next thing you said- about me patting myself for continuing those
N.Y.U.K. polls and claiming I was a hero for doing it shortly after
9/11. I never said I was a hero, wiseguy. I thought I made it clear
what I meant was I was going to be tougher than to let what some
did to innocent people ruin my desire to do what I want to do. I was
saying I was better than anyone else because of it. This is another
horse you're beating. Nobody has brought this issue up in months.
However negatively I came off, I certainly didn't mean it to be that

Then you talk about "taking responsibility" for my actions. I thought
was. I owned up, apologized and am TRYING to move on. I seems like the
only way you think I can "take responsibility" is to leave the board.
Well, I LEFT the board for THREE WEEKS and you're STILL squawkin'. I
could've really come back after TWO weeks, but I wanted to give you
fokls that much longer to cool down (see how nice I am?).

I'm glad you know the diference between hate and dislike- but now, you
need to learn something else. Are you still mad at your little brother
for ruining something of yours a couple years ago? Are you still mad
your parents for a time that they disciplined you and thought you
deserved it, but you didn't? You're probably still mad at some teacher
for making you stay after class or sending you to detention.

You don't understand that if you continue on this way, your dislike
TURN INTO hate. That's why Osama had his men attack the WTC and the
Pentagon instead of merely badmouthing the USA. Now, if he's ever
by our soldiers, he's dead meat. Is that the road you want to travel
Do you want the police arresting you for something you think you were
right in doing? Maybe it won't be that- maybe it'll be that your
girlfriend or future wife will leave you. These are (hopefully) small
possibilities in your future unless you learn to let it go. Do you see
or hear of Ric Flair still attacking Dusty Rhodes because he was an
enemy of the Horsemen? NO, because he let it go. That's all I ask of
you. Don't forgive if you don't want to- don't forget if you don't
to- just LET IT GO! That's how it is in the grown-up world. School
detention halls, jails, even mental hospitals are full of people who
won't let it go.

Lastly, why is it YOUR responsibilty to punish ANYONE for their sins?
tell you in all seriousness and truthfulness (without contempt for
that taking this responsibilty upon yourself means that in a way, you
think you're better than anyone else. I say this because that
responsibility belongs only to God- who IS better than anyone else.
Anytime anyone else takes that responsibility, someing bad comes of
for the punisher AND the punishee. What's coming of it for you is that
people don't want to share anythng from their lives because you might
keep bringing up what they share and make fun of it or use it against
them. It's why forum topics and threads nowadays don't get as
The other thing your taking this responsibility does is showing the
world how merciless and immature you can be. Please don't be this way.
want to go back to being friends again. I'll still send you that WWF
newsletter if you listen to me and make those few changes (as Ihave
changed, but you're to uptight to notice). I just want to get along
everyone. Please help that be possible.


1.) We will not be friends. Fuck your newsletter.

2.) "Dusty forgave the Horsemen" - Earth to SLIPP: WRESTLING IS

3.) You're crazy to put what I'm doing in the same sentence with Osama
Bin Laden. You have no clue what my personal relationships are like
with people. You only know me through an Internet message board. I
happen to usually be a very nice person.....just not towards you.

4.) "I'm glad you know the diference between hate and dislike- but
now, you
need to learn something else."

SLIPP, I don't need sermons from you. You are in no position to tell
me what's right and wrong, you preachy little bastard. Doing that to
me or anyone else will not win you friends.

5.) Don't forgive if you don't want to- don't forget if you don't want
to- just LET IT GO!

Why, so you can act like an idiot on the boards more? SLIPP, you're
out of chances. Nobody is going to accept you on the boards. You've
proved to be a liar more than once. I always use the anology of The
Boy Who Cries Wolf with you, because it works. You've ran out of
chances, and nobody wants to co-exist with a peaceful
manner. Some want you around because they know you're going to say
more stupid things in the future and it will add to the already
hilarious SLIPP archives.

SLIPP, you've lost. No one is ever going to accept you at a Stooge
board. The writing is on the wall, but obviously, you're illiterate.

I wish no ill will on you other than to have a miserable life on
Stooge message boards. Again, don't you dare put me in a
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline shemps#1

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Hey metalbutt-

"Dusty forgave the Horsemen." "EARTH TO ISLIPP- WRESTLING IS

#1. I said Dusty and the Horseman let it go, not forgave each other.

#2. I KNOW wrestling is scripted- but when the writers do their thing,
they know not to have the wrestlers do things that go against how the
rivalries would be if they were real. For instance- the feuds wouldn't
last years and years, unless they want fans to get bored of seeing the
same guys go at it, change the channel and stop buying PPV's.

"You're crazy to put what I'm doing in the same sentence with Osama."

I did not say you were in the same LEAGUE, so pipe down. You missed
point. His extremely bad sins are bad their own way and your lesser
sare bad in ther own way. I was only using Osama as an illustration.
He's easy to use that way.

"SLIPP, I don't need sermons from you. You are in no position to tell
what's right and what's wrong, you preachy little bastard. Doing that
me or anyone else will not win you friends."

I was not sermonizing you, Doug. I was simply sharing the knowledge I
have from all I've been through in my life. Never mind that you say
accomplished more because you've dated, drove, held down a job longer
than I have (I just recently held a job for 2 1/2 months. Can you top
that?) yackety-yack, yack, etc., etc, ad infinitum. I have still lived
longer than you so I've gotten the chance to hear and digest more
than you have. It would be wise for you to take my words to heart. You
ca also, as my mom would say, "pick my brain" and get more wonderful
words of wisdom and advice. If you and I reconcile, I'd be happy to
share more of my wisdom with you and be there for you (through e-mail)
when you need someone's shoulder to cry on.

Why "let it go"? I already explained that it was for your own good as
well as mine. Then you say I might as well quit seeking acceptance on
the boards because it's never going to happen. Well, where there's a
will, there's a way. I've got TONS of will (and I don't mean Will

Remember, if you ever wish to reconcile, I can send you links to an
interview with Scott Hall, the new NWO site, a sexy picture of Trish
that will "Stratusfy" you, a look at the Rock's new T-shirt, Monday
Night Raw results PLUS the mentioning of a new match signed for
WrestlemaniaX8 AND you can enter a contest to win a trip to SEE
WrestlemanaX8- all in that newsletter I have.

It's all up to you. Don't screw this up for both of us. Make the wise
decision. See the newsletter.

Best wishes-

"I just recently held a job for 2 1/2 months. Can you top

Easily. I've held a few jobs that have lasted over a year. I've left
them on my own accord.

By the way, I never knew you didn't drive, SLIPP. Another bit of
knowledge to put into my brain.

"I have still lived
longer than you so I've gotten the chance to hear and digest more
than you have. It would be wise for you to take my words to heart. You
ca also, as my mom would say, "pick my brain" and get more wonderful
words of wisdom and advice. If you and I reconcile, I'd be happy to
share more of my wisdom with you and be there for you (through e-mail)
when you need someone's shoulder to cry on."

LMAO! You think because you're 5 years older than me that makes so
much of a difference. It did when you were 10 and I was 5, but we're
adults now, (at least I am), and a 5 year age difference is nothing.
Share your wisdom, give me a break! You earn wisdom through
experience, not longevity. Show a little humility for once. Maybe
then you'd be able to hold a job for more than 2.5 months.

"Remember, if you ever wish to reconcile, I can send you links to an
interview with Scott Hall, the new NWO site, a sexy picture of Trish
that will "Stratusfy" you, a look at the Rock's new T-shirt, Monday
Night Raw results PLUS the mentioning of a new match signed for
WrestlemaniaX8 AND you can enter a contest to win a trip to SEE
WrestlemanaX8- all in that newsletter I have.

It's all up to you. Don't screw this up for both of us. Make the wise
decision. See the newsletter."

LMAO! SLIPP, you are truly naive to think I need you to get pics of
Trish Stratus. I can top that even. The Internet is porno Heaven. I
can get anything from tasteful Playboy pics, (Yes SLIPP, I said
tasteful. Nothing wrong with looking at pics of a beautiful naked
female body that God created), to the nastiest hardcore that would
make Jamison blush. You're 28 years old and you think I'd need you to
get something as tame as a pic of Trish Stratus. If I want that, I
can go to I said no to all of your wrestling stuff and to
your friendship, and the answer stays that way.

Toss my salad,
Mr. Metallica

This just keeps getting better and better
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

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Did I just tell SLIPP to "toss my salad?"  YES!  I rule!

I totally forgot about the Dusty Rhodes/Horsemen analogy he used, and him offering me a "shoulder to cry on" and his wisdom.  Oh my God this is hysterical!
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline shemps#1

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But Doug, how could you pass up the picture of Trish Stratus and the super-secret Wrestle Mania X8 info? Are you nuts?

My favorite part is his thinking that holding down a job for 2 1/2 months is a major accomplishment, [rotfl]. It just goes to show how little he has lived and what little life experience he has, contrary to what he was trying to prove to you.

This is probably the best email exchange anyone has had with Islipp.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

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"I just recently held a job for 2 1/2 months. Can you top

 That really is priceless. Gee, why do I suddenly feel so inadequate?


Last night, I watched a movie called "The Score," (2001) with Robert DeNiro, Edward Norton, and Marlon Brando; a good, solid suspense film that I missed when it first came out. In any case, one minor character is a screwy but brilliant hacker who looks to be about 30 years old and is still living at home and spending all his time in his darkened room, which is piled to the ceiling with computer equipment and assorted junk. He's the nerdiest of nerds, a little off the beam, and every once in a while, you hear his mother yelling at him from another part of the house.

Immediately, I thought of Slipp, because my mental image of him is exactly like that!


There's a difference, of course, in that the hacker is a genius.