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ISLIPP is Hypoglycemic

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Offline sgt ladylove

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(ISLIPP states that his low blood sugar and impending Type II diabetes are responsible for his unusual behavior.)

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Posts: 507
(9/9/02 18:20)
Reply  A serious special annoucement
 First, I just got an e-mail from a rather rash-thinking NFO member, accusing me of being the new poster, Cheater Gunsmoke. The main point of this post touches on the reason I couldn't possibly be that poster.

You may remember the reason I gave for not driving. I called them "blackouts". Since I first mentioned that months ago, I've had many spells that didn't involve blacking out. I felt the same way I did when posted with you all in past months- my mind was in a fog, things would get blurry for a few seconds, I'd lose my train of thought and even lost track of where I was or what I was doing. This was why I was submitting the many posts that you still laugh at today.

Thursday, I was on my way home, walking through a busy downtown area. I had another one of those spells. I had told my mom about my spells before, but this was the last straw. She realy got on my case to make an appontment with my doctor. So I did. When I told the receptionist my symptoms and she told the doctor, he wanted to see me the next day. It's hard to get an appointment that soon, so I knew he must've been really concerned. When I saw him the next day, he thought I may have hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). He said to stay away from the sweets and have my meals closer together. He wanted to be sure, so he ordered some lab work.

I thought, if this is true, maybe I could start having peace talks with the NFO. Maybe they'll understand and we can discuss peace terms. After all, if I'm hypoglycemic, since I experienced those symptoms so often as I posted, the NFO will realize that I couldn't help being the way I was and they would show their humanitarian sides toward me. So I e-mailed Angy and Herb (the only thing I did online for all those days) and gave them the lowdown. I had them back off from the forum war unless things still don't work out.

Saturday morning I had the lab work, spending 3-4 hours giving urine and blood samples.

Tonight, the doctor called back with the results, confirming that I'm hypoglycemic. A good thing- because it definately could've been something worse. Diabetis was even mentioned. But now, this chocoholic will have to do the impossible and avoid sweets. (sigh)

I don't know about you guys, but all our experiences together has made me HATE forum wars to pieces. I started out just plain ol' disliking them, but now I DESPISE them. That's why, since June, I've been doing so well at that other board I post at (with the different group of people). I learned from my past mistakes (those I couldn't help and those I could) and it's really nice there. I'm not saying we could post together peacefully anymore. That seems far from likely at ths point, but who knows? I'm thinking that we could make some "If you don't...anymore, we won't ...anymore" type of agreements. That's what this thread could be used for.

I'm ignoring all snide comments made by all of you since I last posted here, and if you play your cards right and agree to a peace talk, I'll keep on ignoring them and you'll never see Angy and Herb anymore, for that matter. The ball is in your court.
Registered User
Posts: 875
(9/9/02 18:50)
Reply  Your Monday-After-Labor-Day, My Requiem....
 So I e-mailed Angy and Herb.....

So much for your 'peace talks', Blackout Boy. So you're hypoglycemic.... so fuckin' what? A lifetime of Smores and orange soda will do that to you. You have a Junk Food Disease that millions of people have. I don't see them behaving remotely like you.

Typical. "Everybody listen!...VERY VERY important personal revelation! Please read - I INQUIRED about help! You can well-like and respect me again - See? Doctor's note! It was all an illness!.....Now let me into the club and believe in my imaginary friends!"

Shove that doctor's note up your ass, and have a Clark Bar on me.
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Posts: 309
(9/9/02 19:06)
  Hope you die
 Once again you ask for "peace talks" from one side of your mouth, then from the other give us ultimatums. I don't give a sh it if you have AIDS, I will never feel sorry for you. In fact, it would be my pleasure to stick a funnel in your mouth and force-feed you raw sugar.

Hmmmm....does semen count as "sweets"? Are you going to have to lay off that too?

"No time for the old in and out Love, I've just come to read the meter".
Registered User
Posts: 409
(9/9/02 22:05)
Reply  RE
 SLIPP, I've already told you this before, and I will tell you this again. You are always going to be on our s hit list. Nothing you can do to stop that. The ONLY way you can end this is to leave. There will NEVER be any peace talks. Leaving will prevent your reputation from going down even further. There is nothing you can do to bring your reputation back up. NOTHING. When you leave, you will still be brought up occasionally, and you are just going to have to accept that. However, the longer you are away, the less your name will be brought up, but it will always be brought up on occasion. Never post here or at any other site we post at again under ANY identity. We all know every member of the SLIPP syndicate is you. Don't act otherwise. Don't even check up on the forums again. Move on with your life. I know you won't listen to this, but at least you can't say I told you what you needed to do.

About your little disease, boo-hoo-hoo. It is just you using this as another excuse. You will never take responsibility for your actions. I'm supposed to feel sorry for you because you can't eat sweets anymore? F uck you! Even if you really did have some serious health problrm, NONE OF US WOULD BELIEVE YOU. You are a proven liar and someday that is going to haunt you when you really are telling the truth. You're the boy that cried wolf. Now get the f uck out of here and never post under identity with us again. Don't even log on to the same boards as us and read our posts. Move on with your pathetic life.
Sten Erin
Registered User
Posts: 51
(9/10/02 0:00)
  Boo friggin’ hoo
Hypoglycemic, huh? Just further proof your parents should’ve left the useless changeling they called Eric atop one of the hills at the nearest landfill the dawn after you were born. Mon Dieu…condemned to a life without Sugar Smacks and Count Chocula. Cry me a friggin’ river, already.
Cheater Gunsmoke
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Posts: 2
(9/10/02 0:27)
Reply  Re: Boo friggin’ hoo
Stop this nonsense immediately. Controversy over!

NFO: New Foundland Ontario!

The Slipp Syndicate: TSS!
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Posts: 876
(9/10/02 1:28)
Reply  re
 'Cheater Gunsmoke' is the name of a villain from the old Dick Tracy tv cartoons.

Cartoon reference.

That's strike 2, Slipp. Nibble a Nestle's Crunch to avoid fainting and try again.
Registered User
Posts: 199
(9/10/02 1:55)
Reply  Re
 Slipp, at this point any attempt to receive compassion is going to be met with suspicion, whether yr statements are true or not. Remember I said that I no longer bothered to sort out the truth from the lie in your posts in the name of simplification? Posts like this one are the exact reason I no longer bother. It's not that what you write is beyond verification; it's that the source itself is so doubtful, after you've produced numerous lies, that no one is prepared to take it seriously. I'd like to believe it but am too wary by now to accept anything of yours at face value. And Slipp, I have low blood sugar and am borderline hypoglycemic. It didn't take extensive lab tests to tell me so. And if you've had the condition since adolescence and are only now finding it out after years of prolonged blackouts, your entire MO comes under suspicion. [The only blackouts I ever had derived from my part-time avocation as a pugilist and were the main reason I got out of the sport, not wanting to keel over from a subdural hematoma before the age of 40 ].

"Oh ah don't wanna with ya baby NOOO moahhh..."

Edited by: Bruckman64 at: 9/10/02 1:58:05 am
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Posts: 221
(9/10/02 2:31)
  Re: Re
 Wait...Is this the same SLIPP who knocked on a cancer patient not that long ago? Now you expect sympathy because you can't drink your sugar water anymore?

And as for Cheater Gunsmoke, he can kiss our collective asses as well.
Registered User
Posts: 508
(9/10/02 3:21)
Reply  Re:
 Please, lady and gentlemen, let's be reasonable, rational and civilized.

I wasn't crying to you because I can't eat sweets, I was asking you to understand the reason behind the "behavior". If I truly ever behaved badly, it was only because I didn't keep doing things by the Bible, not because I stuck up for myself and tried to put you all in your places. The hypoglycemia also factors in. It brought on most of the lies and made me want to do the mommy post, the suicide scandal, the Superstooge episode, etc.

Your responses to my announcement (besides Bruckman's) have been at least a tad inappropriate, don't you think? Here I am, coming in peace, stating that there could be a glimmer of hope that these things could be settled peacefully. Please, don't crap all over that glimmer.

Jim- what ultimatums? Whatever you call an ultimatum in the announcement post, I certainly didn't mean to try to put you over a barrel.


I understand about suspicion at my attempts to receive compassion. Have I ever tried to play any of you for fools? (don't answer that). Despite anything I ever posted, In never thought any of you to be dumb, but rather that you are all very rash thinkers. You're so quick to WANT to think the worst that you don't bother to give things I say enough thought, if any at all. Please don't take Metal's view of the boy who cried wolf. However he thinks I "cried wolf", I didn't spoil my own attempt to make peace, it was your rash thinking.

Like I said, the hypoglycemia is the reason for most of the lies. I'm not having the symptoms now, and haven't been having them since before I started typing the announcement post. I don't blame you for approaching what I say with caution, but it's not good to approach EVERYTHING that way. I think I brought that up before and explained why. So moving on....

Herb says he's from Wigan, you say You're very familiar with the place. I say I'm hypoglycemic, YOU say you're hypoglycemic. How do I know you aren't doing what Shady did in the Superstooge episode? I said as Superstooge that I was a psychologist, then he posts as Dr. Criswell saying HE is a psychologist. No, I'm not necessarily calling you a liar, but I'm approaching these claims of yours with caution, just as you do with things I say. Maybe they were your methods of making fun of MY methods.

How did you know you were hypoglycemic without lab tests? My mom was throwing out many possibilities of what it could be, so we didn't put total faith in any possibility. Don't let my only just now finding out about it cause suspicion. I'm a classic procrastinator. Also, I took me years to realize that I even had a problem. I was in denial andblowing it off.

Last note to everyone else- Why can't you be more like Bruckman? Notice the difference between his post and yours in this thread. He didn't bite my head off. He didn't insult me. He was a perfect gentleman. Let him always be your example of how to be civil, rational and gentlemanly. Thank you bruckman, for having the intelligence to not react like the others. I this isn't proof that they have go-with-the-flow syndrome, I don't know what is.
Registered User
Posts: 509
(9/10/02 3:28)
Reply  Re:
 BTW, Nose- I never knocked any cancer patients. That was you're take on it. I just mentioed that particular one to get under DrJoe's skin.

And DrJoe- I never even saw the Dick Tracy cartoon (or even the Warren Beatty movie). I only saw the Daff Duck "Duck Tracy" cartoon and there was no "Cheater Gunsmoke" in that one. However, I loved Neon Noodle! The original Dick Tracy cartoon was before my time and was never re-ran on any screen I ever watched.
Registered User
Posts: 877
(9/10/02 4:02)
Reply  Open & Shut Case: Kill Him
 The hypoglycemia also factors in. It brought on most of the lies and made me want to do the mommy post, the suicide scandal, the Superstooge episode, etc.


This court finds you guilty on all counts and sentences you to death by lethal injection. Of Coca-Cola syrup.

This is it, Slipp. You burned your last bridge here. How can you go back to being the revenge-crazed nut now that you've prostrated yourself before us with this business of "chocolate bars made me crazy, and probably had something to do with those kids being found dead"?

And just how do you know you didn't molest & kill little kids? ......Blackouts, remember? If you could've pulled the Mommy disguise without knowing what you were doing because of your Twinkie-powered disability, how can you say, with any certainty, that you didn't blast your goo on a lifeless six-year-old?

PS to Bruckman: I've warned you time & again that your patient 'n' professorial tone with Slipp was like waving a red flag at a chihuahua convinced it's a bull. Now you've got yourself a new puppy! And this one's already leashed. Remember to give him that IAMS food exclusively; some of the commercial brands have sugar in them.

Edited by: sickdrjoe at: 9/10/02 4:11:28 am
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Posts: 200
(9/10/02 4:22)
  Re: Re:
 "Rash thinking"? Gee Slipp, it only took, what, 6 months for me to decide I'd had enough of your blathering before I lowered the boom "and let evil into my heart" yadda yadda yadda? Yeah, that was pretty hasty of me, lemme back up a bit....

I'm trying really hard to be nice to you and as I said before, it's awfully game of me to do it after you publicly called me a coc ksucker 2 or 3 weeks ago, but you just gotta try me on it, don'tya?

Slipp, if you don't want to believe anything I say then so be it. I don't ask you to believe me.

All it took was a simple blood test to discover whether I had hypoglycemia. This was done because I had, in the space of about 2 weeks, blacked out and fainted. Though my blood sugar was low, it was not adjudged the sole reason for loss of consciousness; physical stress and an electrolyte imbalance were suggested as more direct causes. Since I quit sparring I have never had any problems with dizziness or blacking out; formerly I averaged about 1 or 2 episodes per year from roughly 1989 [two years after I began boxing] through 1997 [the year I quit boxing]. Believe it or don't. I don't care.

As for England--it's a known fact I read a lot of obscure books, as any look at one of those "What are you reading/watching/listening to" threads will show. Bibliophilia has become a kind of hobby w/me the last few years and I've become an amateur expert at 1st editions and rare volumes. Living as I do in a small city far from any metropolis, I rely on various internet book search engines to track down books and currently am most interested in reading memoirs/histories pertaining to WW I and the Spanish Civil War, an outgrowth of my reading Hemingway years ago. I've done business with many booksellers in the UK acquiring books you simply cannot get in the US because they were never published here. I've also done business with booksellers in South Africa, Belgium, Italy, NZ and Australia. And I'm well-read enough to know where Wigan is. Likewise believe it or don't. [I notice Herb hasn't responded to my queries though].

The problem is, Slipp, you do think of me as plenty of people do--a big dumb jock of an ex-boxer ready to accept anything. Furthermore, you presume upon religious grounds to play the forgiveness angle, knowing I gotta respond to that--only to slam me with another remark about how I fu ck 76 year old women when I refuse.

The mistake I made was in giving you any support--which only enabled you to continue your public display of contumacious behavior. Numskull once asked me point blank why I was opposed to letting you back in at SW and I replied that I'd do so only if I felt certain you'd be trustworthy, but your behavior has exhibited you as anything but that--faked news articles, multiple usernames, lies, extortion.

Sure, I'd liek things to go back they were a year ago. I'd also like to be 21 again and cruise down 8th St. with my buddies listening to the Kingbees, but it ain't gonna happen.

Lessee....2 NFO members w/Christian backgrounds.....not looking like a very good game day for the "forces of evil" theory is it? [That's the beauty of the NFO--we're all different, yet united].

Sickdrjoe, yr. advice is duly noted and accepted.

Edited by: Bruckman64 at: 9/10/02 4:23:40 am
Registered User
Posts: 510
(9/10/02 4:34)
Reply  Re:
 How can I go back to being a revenge-crazed nut now? If peace talk negotiations don't work out, how could I not?- especially if you persist in being just as cruel as ever to me.

I not that unaware in my spells that I would unintentionally do something so vile as molest, have sex with or kill children. That s your cruel, inhuman side talking again. Put a cork in it.

PS genius- IAMS is CAT food. My parents feed their cat that stuff all the time.

Bruckman- Do what you want with DrJoe's "warning". Just remember, if you accept it, you'll be going with the flow like all the rest. You're better than that. You're your own man with your own mind. If you think I'm trying to sway you, so be it. If DrJoe influences you to think I'm trying to sway you, I pity you.
Registered User
Posts: 201
(9/10/02 4:44)
  Re: Re:
 Hmmm, hmmm, so many choices a man makes in his lifetime......[flips coin, heads? tails? sickdrjoebot? slipp?]

BTW Slipp, Iams also makes dog food, my greyhound used to eat it, and I also had a cat who ate Iams cat food...problem was not mixing up the bags and giving the wrong thing to the wrong pet. [The greyhound loved the cat food, though].
Registered User
Posts: 878
(9/10/02 5:15)
 Wrong again, Slipp! 'Correcting' already-correct information - a Slipp trademark. For a guy who got shot in the stomach and died, you sure have a lot of opinions. Have a jelly donut, wait for the mind-fog to fall, and invent another friend, wouldja?

Funny, you sure seems like the same Slipp to me; only in your 'depressive' phase after a flurry of 'manic' phony-identity activity over the weekend.

And, Bruckman, that's quite a choice he gave you. "Do what I say or you're an easily-led zombie with no will of your own."

"I couldn't even TALK to the demon!...I couldn't even OPEN MY MOUTH!!!"
Registered User
Posts: 511
(9/10/02 5:28)
Reply  Re:
 Bruckman- just saw your last 2 posts. Dog food fact noted and accepted. Same with the coincidences about Wigan and hypoglycemia.

I appreciate you trying really hard to be nice to me. Like in my second post above, you truly are a gentleman. Most of the others are your EXACT opposite.
How many times do I have to tell you that you (not me) started this do-unto-each-other thing between us when you participated in that post-bumping spree in the last days of the old C3 site? How many times? 50? Do I hear 55? We took turns going back and forth. I lost track of whose turn it is now.

You say, "The problem is, Slipp, you do think of me as plenty of people do--a big, dumb jock of an ex-boxer, ready to accept anything." Then there IS no problem. Bruckman, since your return from treeplanting last year, I've realized what an asset you are to the boards. I've realized the wisdom, intelligence and vast knowledge of many subjects that you possess. I remember letting you know of my admiration of you on a few ocassions before things got ugly. You're the kind of guy I'd like to introduce to my sister (though she may be 2 or so years older than you).

"The mistake I made was in giving you any support." No, the mistake you made was listening to DrJoe while seeing me go all to pieces and seeing how I let my hypoglycemia make me post idiocies. I didn't know then that I should've avoided sugar, but if only I ever locked horns with DrJoe. I would stil be in everyone's good graces if I would've kept my anger in check.

Edited by: ISLIPP at: 9/10/02 5:32:26 am
Registered User
Posts: 512
(9/10/02 5:40)
Reply  Re: Re:
 DrJoe- I did nothing here over hte weekend, so what you babbling about?

If you're considering this a tug-of-war between us, with Bruckman being what we're tugging, stop. It's not a tug-of-war. Even if he does defect from the NFO, I'm sure you two will still hit it off.

Bruckman- notice how DrJoe is trying to sway you to stay on his "side". When in any of my posts in this thad did I ever say, "Do what I say or...". Never, by my count.

Edited by: ISLIPP at: 9/10/02 5:42:50 am
Registered User
Posts: 202
(9/10/02 6:04)
Reply  Re: A serious special announcement
 We welcome you to Jean Havez Downs for the 1st annual running of the Bruckman Porterhouse Stakes.....the horses are at the starting gate.....the bell rings....THEYRE OFF!!!'s Slipp and sickdrjoe neck and neck as they come into the clubhouse turn....oh oh slipp has stumbled into the rail......and...oh no, sickdrjoe has thrown a shoe! *clang!*it's hit slipp in the head....slipp and sickdrjoe, sickdrjoe and slipp....and...someone has thrown a bunch of pots and pans on the track and slipp has stepped in them, he's got saucepans adhering to his horse's sickdrjoe is feeding his horse pepperinos because he's got $200 on a perfecta.....they're coming into the stretch.....slipp's gaining on the inside while sickdrjoe is squeezed out....oh this is a close one, it's too close to call who might win Bruckman's favor....sickdrjoe is asking Slipp if his horse is a mudder and, oh no! slipp is slowing down to respond "No, he's a father"....sickdrjoe's now telling slipp "Wrong again, he eats his fodder" and slipp, horrified, is losing his advantage because he's trying to figure out whether his horse is a cannibal....into the home stretch....they're neck and neck again.....toward the finish line....oh this is gonna be a photo finish.......there seems to be some discussion in the judges' booth.....
Registered User
Posts: 879
(9/10/02 7:26)
  Re: A serious special announcement
 Don't looka me! I'm simply perpetually amazed at how each Slipp post is a meticulously-constructed campaign. Take for instance his 'phony identities' and their telltale tendency to talk way too much about personal background data to total strangers. Whether it's Superstooge or Herbolsheimer, you end up knowing their life stories four hours after they first appear. They all enter explaining, something no real person does, because of Slipp's pathological (and, we now know, glucose-based) compulsion to prove it's not him! Yet it never never works for the very same reason...yet he's too stupid to ever catch on, and he keeps doing it. We now "know" that a guy who posted two dozen times as P Nis, a pottymouthed anti-Slipp who spoke in a wholly American dialect, is actually some public-school wanker in "England". Not just England - but Wigan! It's too fuckin' much information to be a real person! Don't tell Dumdum however, who keeps serving up these dossiers (Superstooge's wife going into labor, Mom and her two men, Bunionhead's Mexican ancestry & Matchbox car-collection...) like they're rubber pancakes.

The same principle applies here. He can't keep from building these excruciatingly pointless matchstick houses. He can't just tell his latest tale of woe without first inserting a completely ludicrous (and ludicrously incriminating) "Angy & Herb" reference. It doesn't dawn on him, "hey if I'm gonna ride this Hypoglycemia story to daylight for sympathy, I'd probably better not insult their intelligence by refusing to budge on my imaginary 'allies'." Noooo, he's got to shoehorn in an utterly gratuitous Angy & Herb remark to compulsively prop up the last false reality he'd constructed, even if, by doing it, he torpedoes any potential shred of sympathy he might've nabbed.

Look how...over the course of this thread alone...he deliberately refers back to his newest constructed reality (my blood sugar forced me to lie.....thus, I am blameless and in fact was even telling the truth when I swore I wasn't lying previously - my blood sugar did it, not me!) If a 5-year-old tried that on you, you'd slap his face in front of his parents, so insultingly stupid, clammy & desperate is such a claim. Yet he's already referred back to it TWICE or more already as if it were established, accepted fact!

 I wasn't crying to you because I can't eat sweets, I was asking you to understand the reason behind the "behavior". The hypoglycemia ....brought on most of the lies....

....the mistake you made was listening to DrJoe while seeing me go all to pieces and seeing how I let my hypoglycemia make me post idiocies. I didn't know then that I should've avoided sugar.....
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hear this.....WE ALL KNOW THERE IS NO "ANGY", THERE IS NO "HERB", & YOU ARE MEDITRAN.


"I couldn't even TALK to the demon!...I couldn't even OPEN MY MOUTH!!!"

Edited by: sickdrjoe at: 9/10/02 7:27:58 am
Registered User
Posts: 310
(9/10/02 7:34)
  Re: A serious special announcement
 "I'm ignoring all snide comments made by all of you since I last posted here, and if you play your cards right and agree to a peace talk, I'll keep on ignoring them and you'll never see Angy and Herb anymore, for that matter. The ball is in your court."

Sure sounds like an ultimatum to me, you disposed tampon.
"No time for the old in and out Love, I've just come to read the meter".
Registered User
Posts: 411
(9/10/02 8:53)
Reply  RE
 ISLIPP = Cheater Gunsmoke, Angillus, Herbolsheimer, P Nis, Superstooge, Meditran, Bunionhead, Superstooge, His own mother, and probably a few others I'm forgetting

How dare you ask us to try to understand and take you seriously when you still won't admit to all of the above? Your characters are all so obviously you. Go eat a Snickers bar you f ucking dung beetle.

Edited by: metaldams1978 at: 9/10/02 8:56:15 am
Registered User
Posts: 513
(9/10/02 9:28)
Reply  Re:
 Bruckman- funny stuff! What did "the judges" decide? And did I just see DrJoe's horse give mine the finger?

DrJoe- I really have to actually applaud and compliment you. I've never seen anyone who, in real life, possessed such a mind for psychological warfare. I wonder if you're the first ever to discover how well it works on internet message boards. Surely you deserve a Pulitzer prize.

"Don't looka me!" Don't worry, we're not. You always thought you were the star at every board you posted at, in you mind who WOULDN'T look at you?

I'm simply perpetually amazed at how each Slipp post is a meticulously-constructed campaign." Sez you. What abt all my posts in the Syndicate'as now famous invasion at Shady's site? Were they campaigns? How about our identcal posts here? How about all my past posts about the Stooges, L&H, music, etc.? Try another method of pscological warfare- one that has actual credibility.

"Take for instace his 'phony identities' and their telltale tendecies to talk way too much about personal background data to strangers." This coming from the guy who told us he lived in NYC, moved to Louisianna, probably became a Cajun, and then moved back to NYC after the Twin Towers collapsed. I haven't done thatwith any of my few alter egos except Superstooge and Bunionhead. All Herb (an honest to goodness, real person- seperate from me) ever said was that he lives in Wigan. All Angy (to whom the same words in parenthasis above applies) ever let be known about himself was that he lives in the next town over from me. This is the next failed attempt at psychological warfare. Anymore? Wait- here's one- you claim that an reference to Angy and Herb, by me, should destroy any shred of sympathy I may have received. So sue me if I post true facts.

I'll say it one more time- Meditran is a mystery to me. In fact, how to get an alias at C3 was also a mystery to me, so I couldn't have been Meditran.

Hypoglycemia ruined my mindset many times. That's all I'll say about that.

Jim- that didn't look like an ultimatum to me. You took it too personally.
Registered User
Posts: 413
(9/10/02 9:41)
Reply  RE
 "Take for instace his 'phony identities' and their telltale tendecies to talk way too much about personal background data to strangers." This coming from the guy who told us he lived in NYC, moved to Louisianna, probably became a Cajun, and then moved back to NYC after the Twin Towers collapsed."

All of that is true considering I've exchanged stuff with sick, (as well as many others on this board, such selfish bastards us NFO guys are), through mail and his address change corresponded to what he said on the board. Also, he said this after knowing us for a while. Your dense characters are on the boards a few days and are already sharing their life stories.

SLIPP, you are every member of the SLIPP Syndicate as well as Meditran and Cheater Gunsmoke. Don't think for one second that the more you state that you aren't that it will all become truth. There is no reason why anybody would want to side with you, especially someone who previously had nothing to do with us, like all of your idiotic characters. Explain to us how you met "Herb and Angy" and how you got them to side with you, (this should be good).
Registered User
Posts: 514
(9/10/02 12:43)
Reply  Re:
 My dear fellow, what difference does it make to you? "It" refers to anything I post. I won't do anything to change anyone's opinions will I? No, some things are better left to the imagination.

My FRIENDS (not my dense characters, like Bunionhead) did not share their life stories. I mentioned all they shared in my last post above.

Please tell me the objective of having an NFO member make up a new poster (Cheater Gunsmoke) and only having you, out of the whole NFO, pin his existence on me. I thought I was the only one who came up with moronic schemes. Thanks for assuring me that I'm not alone.

Herb and Angy's histories are all on this board- well, Angy's anyway. He was the one with the slashes in his sentences because his keyboard didn't work. He stumbled onto this site and wanted to give 2cool and the band his support. Since you all descended on him like a pck of wild, rabid dogs, of COURSE we would join forces.

Herb, as you may recall, was an old C3 poster that came out of nowhere to feud with me. He saw the Stoogeworld link to this site and saw in that same thread that I was posting here, so he came over here impersonating me under the name P Nis. You could've had a new NFO member, because he was TOTALLY against me, but you treated him the same way you treated Angy. Angy was exchanging e-mails with him for awhile and he (Angy) convinced him to make up with me and then we all joined forces. That's not hard to understand, right?
Registered User
Posts: 415
(9/10/02 15:42)
Reply  RE
 "Please tell me the objective of having an NFO member make up a new poster (Cheater Gunsmoke) and only having you, out of the whole NFO, pin his existence on me."

You immediately start the new character on your day off from posting as SLIPP, the character gets offended when the concept of Darwinism is brought up as a joke, (SLIPP, the monkey's name in Healthy, Wealthy, And Dumb is Darwin and I'm A Monkey's Uncle portrays cavemen who didn't exist in The Bible, so you better stop watching The Three Stooges, BUCKO!), this new character RIGHT AWAY posts at the 24*7 board and even likes a Palma era short. If that doesn't have your signature written all over it then I don't know what does.

Remember SLIPP, you got caught with your d ick in your hand regarding Angillus. You admitted to controlling that character to Nosehonk when he tricked you as Puckstoppa. YOU WERE CAUGHT, yet you still admit "Angy" is somebody else. I remember you came up with some lame excuse for that but it holds no water. You've been caught in a zillion lies and nobody is ever going to believe a word you say or show you any respect.

Nurse, it's time to give SLIPP his Pixie Stick enema!
Registered User
Posts: 880
(9/10/02 15:52)
Reply  re
 Alright, enough is enough.

I no longer have the patience to watch you draw murals on the playpen wall with your own sh it, it's time for you to be banned. Reading YOUR insanity is making ME insane now.

You don't get it? Okay - somebody who really got bad news from the doctor isn't going to insist I say hello to the 8-foot talking rabbit standing next to him while he blubbers about his "life-threatening condition". Besides the only other guy who ever tried The Twinkie Defense was Dan White, the lunatic who murdered the mayor of San Francisco 20 years ago. He, too, was a fundamentalist-Christian moron who wasn't wanted, told to leave and REFUSED, in a white-knuckled rage just like yours: "How dare they? Why, not lavishing ME with respect and constant attention is... is like spitting in God's face! Well, maybe after I kill them, they'll be sorry!" And just like you, Almond Joyboy, the Heathen Unbelievers he hated so much... were the very same people whose approval & friendship he sought!

You sick Christian f uck. Your "Christianity" is like your everyday life, a perversion of reality. Every word out of your mouth is a fuckin' LIE, including your "hypoglycemia".
Hey, Bible boy, why don't you get off the fuckin' Internet and bone up on 1 Corinthians 13: " When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."

I don't see anything in that passage about being 30 @#%$ years old, never leaving home, and watching Chuck Norris movies, Schoolhouse Rocks and HEIDI with your imaginary friends. I DO see some indication that you should get a fuckin' job, a purpose in life and maybe a second function for your hoo-pee-doo besides pissing with it.

But even if you were hypoglycemic, I wouldn't give a f uck, and neither would anyone else. The days of "please get help" are so SO over it's amazing you haven't tumbled to it. I'm ROOTING for you to get a disease. You can't suffer enough misfortune in my book.

Rambo Esquire
Registered User
Posts: 1
(9/10/02 17:21)
Reply  Re: re
 RAMBO cares NOTHING for you, SLIPP!!!!!! RAMBO HATES YOU!!!
But he does not hate for a minor wrong, but for an INSULT to the DIGNITY of RAMBO. HE WILL PUNISH YOU!!! I AM THE CURSE!!
Registered User
Posts: 150
(9/10/02 17:24)
Reply  Re: re
 They just keep coming, don't they?
Registered User
Posts: 881
(9/10/02 17:46)
Reply  re
 Your always having a detailed explanation is what puts your head in a noose. You never say, "Gee, I don't know" or "I have no idea". You have ready-made and thorough responses for any and all questions about Angillus, Gerbilheider and the rest of your Medication Menagerie. Since you don't have any friends, it never occurs to you that - in the real world - Metaldams never says, "Here is what SDJ actually meant to say" and Nose never volunteers, "Jim grew up in New England, but later moved to Virginia when his father, who had been a lifelong Red Sox fan, was transferred by his company..."

NOBODY SAYS THAT KIND OF SHI T!! Or ever would! Except people with fake friends, fake diseases and fake lives.
Dewey Cheatum
Registered User
Posts: 104
(9/10/02 18:06)
Reply  Re: re
Cheater Gunsmoke
Registered User
Posts: 4
(9/10/02 18:21)
Reply  Re: A serious special announcement
 I'm from Helena, Montana, but I'm going to Helena, Hanbaskit. (Ark, ark, ark!)
Registered User
Posts: 416
(9/10/02 18:26)
Reply  RE
 No cheater, you are from a diseased mind.
Registered User
Posts: 311
(9/10/02 18:48)
  Re: A serious special announcement
 This is one of the all-time classics. Just when you think Eric is through, cannot come through with any more gold; he proves you wrong time and time again.

Let's stand back and look at this clusterfuck; "candy made me act like a douche bag". First it was Sickdrjoe, no one bought it. Then the NFO as a collective unit, and no one bought that.

Did you really think anyone here would feel sorry for you because you'll have to spit instead of swallow? Because it's now the Kellogg's rooster in leiu of Tony The Tiger? It's like Hitler asking the Jews to mourn for his stubbed toe.

On the plus side, I heard hypoglycemics get Stevie Nicks wet; that is if the crusty old Harpy can still get wet in the first place.
"No time for the old in and out Love, I've just come to read the meter".
Registered User
Posts: 223
(9/10/02 21:10)
  Re: A serious special announcement
 SLIPP, I like Bruckman, was in your corner for HALF A YEAR before I came to my senses. Let's say your hypoglycemia DID cause you to post like a raving lunatic (even though it didn't), how is that OUR fault?

As for Herb and Angy and Meditran, etc., that's YOU. I have PROOF that Angillus is you, remember? When you confided in that teenage bigot netminder? What is it with you and your inability to blame yourself? Your infantile conclusion that the world is mad and not you is what irritates me. I was patient with you SLIPP. VERY patient. In fact even after I left your corner, I later would offer a peace agreement saying you stay in your yard I stay in mine, but ya blew that apart too. Oh wait, let me guess. The MONSTERS made you do it, right?

Let's run down the list:
You faked suicide
You pretended to be a psychologist
You pretended to be your own mother
You're judgemental yet claim to be open minded
You mocked a cancer patient, TWICE
You ratted out this forum
You refuse to blame yourself for anything
You were P Nis
You are Angillus
You are Herb
You are Bunionhead
You admitted to being all of the above aliases, then retracted
You confided in a blatant bigot
You admitted AGAIN to Puckstoppa
You faked your own death AGAIN
You are Cheater Gunsmoke
You were Clone Ranger
You were Willager
You were Meditran
You continue to post as three of your aliases

That's 20. TWENTY THINGS that YOU did. Nobody else did them, and nobody forced you to do them (not even Willy Wonka no matter how much you want to blame him and his cohorts).

You're telling me ALL of that. EVERY bit of it, came from a peanut butter cup bender?

"Oh yes...Shake it, Madam...Capital knockers."
Registered User
Posts: 883
(9/10/02 21:28)
Reply  re
 He's collapsed!

Nurse! Pry that Teddy Ruxpin doll out of the patient's hand and strap him to a gurney!

Give him 20cc's of Mountain Dew - and hurry! There's not a moment to lose! Never mind those crispy critters in the Burn Ward! This man's hypoglycemic!!!

Registered User
Posts: 515
(9/10/02 23:59)
Reply  Re:
 Metal- your post stupifies me the most. Darwinism? WTF? (I call it evolutionism, BTW). My last post before the announcement was probably last Wednesday. I come back yesterday and post the announcement, then, becase of your first e-mail to me, I investigate all the Cheater Gunsmoke hoopla. You know what I found? I only found ONE Cheater Gunsmoke post, in which the accompanying info said it was his FIRST POST. On ezboard sites, a person's first post will say how man total posts the person made by that name AFTER AND INCLUDING that first post. Well, it was easy calling THIS bluff of yours. YOU are probably Cheater Gunsmoke. YOU fess up.

So WHY has this thread, which was meant for PEACE TALKS, turned into PURE CRAP? Is no one up for negotiations but me? Let me quote a Bible passage where Jesus talks to his disciples:

Matthew 6:14-15: "Your heavenly Father will forgive you if you forgive those who sin against you; but if YOU refuse to forgive THEM, He wil not forgive YOU."

Matthew 18:21-22: "Then Peter came to Him and asked, "Sir, how often should I forgive a brother who sins against me? Seven Times?" "No,"Jesus replied, "seventy times seven."

Luke 17:3-4" "Rebuke your brother (also could mean fellow message board poster)if he sins, and forgive him if he is sorry. Even if he wrongs you seven times a day and each time turns again and asks for forgiveness, forgive him."

See the theme here? Forgiveness, as comanded by the Son of God Himself. According to the first passage above, God never forgave you and never will unless you change. About the third passage, I used to post my sorrow for my sins often, but it got me NOWHERE with you guys. And guess what- I wouldn't have even committed those sins if you had not sinned against me FIRST. Let this be a lesson to you, my brethren. Learn to forgive. I admit that out of pure anger and disgust, I stopped forgiving you a long time ago, but now, I offically re-forgive you for everything you've done to me. Will you extend me the same courtesy, or risk living a life of no forgiveness from God?

Now PLEASE, let's get back to hte original matter- PEACE talks. HE would want it that way.
Registered User
Posts: 885
(9/11/02 1:05)
  Re: A serious special annoucement
 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

"Your heavenly Father will forgive you if you forgive those who sin against you; but if YOU refuse to forgive THEM, He wil not forgive YOU."

Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him?... till seven times?
Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.

Then Peter came to Him and asked, "Sir, how often should I forgive a brother who sins against me? Seven Times?" "No,"Jesus replied, "seventy times seven."

Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him. And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, I repent; thou shalt forgive him.

"Rebuke your brother if he sins, and forgive him if he is sorry. Even if he wrongs you seven times a day and each time turns again and asks for forgiveness, forgive him."


Slipp......what kind of a Sesame Street fuckin' translation do you Hageeite-fanatic Pinconning penitents read up there? No wonder you're such a colorless, formless blob of inbred people are so tv-degraded and sugar-gorged that you actually have the bad taste to shitcan the rich, evocative language of the King James with the flat one-size-fits-all customer-service monotone of the Mall of America!

I had a number of other insulting things to say about your post but that Pat Sajak Translation of the Scriptures your church uses simply floored me.

"I couldn't even TALK to the demon!...I couldn't even OPEN MY MOUTH!!!"
Cheater Gunsmoke
Registered User
Posts: 5
(9/11/02 1:09)
Reply  Re: Re:
 Gee, I'm sorry I ever posted here in the first place. Now quiet!
Registered User
Posts: 517
(9/11/02 8:30)
Reply  Re:
 DrJoe- those passages from from King James and my Living translation mean the same thing (I usually use NIV, but the Living was handy).

You just hate to admit I'm right. You always have hated to admit when I was right, so you never did. Instad, you post crap like your above post... somtimes worse. When will you learn that the most unpopular people can have their moments too?

Cheater- I'm SORRIER that you ever posted here. Look what it's got me!
Registered User
Posts: 313
(9/11/02 9:46)
  Re: Re:
 Gee, Bible quotes; that really swayed me. I really believe Ol' Yesh was the son of a monothiestic god and all that other crap. That was pretty weak, Cybil.
"No time for the old in and out Love, I've just come to read the meter".
Registered User
Posts: 518
(9/11/02 10:14)
Reply  Re:
 My last name ain't Sheppard and that was STRONG, not weak. Just because you don't believe He was the son of God, doesn't mean you can deny His wisdom.
Registered User
Posts: 95
(9/11/02 10:26)
  Re: Re:
 Well, isn't that special........
"If Benjamin were an ice cream flavor, he'd be Pralines and Dick!"
Registered User
Posts: 887
(9/11/02 10:26)
Reply  Re
 Whoops; sounds like somebody's been in the Reese cups!
Registered User
Posts: 418
(9/11/02 10:48)
Reply  RE
 SLIPP, here is an idea. Worry about your own actions and not ours. We're not going to give you peace talks. That's final no matter what you say. You can't control our actions, just like WE CAN'T CONTROL YOURS. It's the same reason why sickdrjoebots don't exist. YOU are responsible for every stupid thing you've done and will probably continue to do on these boards. Go away SLIPP, or things are just going to get worse and worse for you, the court jester, are just going to continue to entertain people you can't your own expense. I can guarantee you this.

"And guess what- I wouldn't have even committed those sins if you had not sinned against me FIRST."

You're never going to learn, are you?
Registered User
Posts: 519
(9/11/02 11:10)
Reply  Re:
 DrJoe's new way of blowing off when I make sense and am right- He's been in the sugar again". Pathetic.

Metal- when are YOU going to learn to admit when someone is right? Also, granting me peace talks is what you WOULD do if you would obey those very wise quotes I quoted. Why is is it so great to you to keep on hating me and showing it in your posts? So what if you show that you agree with the majority of message board posters? There is a WHOLE WORLD, on AND off the internet, of people who wouldn't agree with YOU and that might even cast YOU out. Same goes for everyone.

All the message boards where the same gang posts are your Heaven. The rest of both worlds (on/offline) is your Hell. I hope you and Bruckman will admit it and be man enough to rise above the rest of the NFO and stop going with the majority, just bcause you cherish your precious acceptance.
Registered User
Posts: 419
(9/11/02 11:40)
Reply  RE
 "All the message boards where the same gang posts are your Heaven. The rest of both worlds (on/offline) is your Hell."

No SLIPP. I have friends offline too. I have a life offline. You don't. This whole Earth is Hell to you because you allow it to be that way, though you think it's everybody elses doing. That's why you hold on to your f*cked up version of Christianity so much. No matter what stupid things you do on Earth, you believe in a God who is going to let you enter the kingdom simply because you believe he exists. In other words, you can do all the stupid things in the world and it doesn't matter.

About forgiving you, I don't even think about this situation when offline, unlike you. This is just entertainment to me. Like I said to somebody in a recent e-mail, I can never truly get mad at you because you entertain me so much. I cannot begin to tell you how many times I sit there and laugh at your stupid posts. Genuine laughter, SLIPP. At your expense. I've had people come into my room from me laughing so hard at your stupidity asking me what is so funny. There is no anger in my heart towards you. Just lots of pity that you are so brainwashed to the point of no return and lots of disbelief that somebody can truly be so clueless. It's so obvious all you have to do is go away and quit expecting us to treat you any differently. Time could be on your side if you go away. Time is the only thing that can ever be on your side, but you won't allow it. We'll never accept you as one of us, but it will SLOWLY stop all the SLIPP bashing.

Registered User
Posts: 316
(9/11/02 12:12)
  Re: RE
 You seem to be forgetting something, we don't like you. Doug is right, you're a joke; a court jester if you will. If this were the Old West, we would be the gunslingers shooting at your feet making you dance. Scratch that, we'd be sitting in the saloon pounding a few back while watching you make yourself dance. Why the fu ck is it so important to get our acceptance? You're not going to get it, you skid mark on the underwear of humanity. You can toss around all of the cheesy Bible quotes you want, you will not persuade any of us to let you in. No Rudolph, you can't play any reindeer games.

P.S. drink my ball sweat
"No time for the old in and out Love, I've just come to read the meter".
Registered User
Posts: 224
(9/11/02 14:36)
  Re: RE
 What I find funny is that he tells us all to think for ourselves, as individuals, and then when he's put on the spot (ie:forced to think), he picks up the ole' Bible to find out what he thinks on that matter. Hence why SLIPP is a living, breathing contradiction.
"Oh yes...Shake it, Madam...Capital knockers."
Rambo Esquire
Registered User
Posts: 2
(9/11/02 15:33)
Reply  Re: RE
 RAMBO hates BIBLE. RAMBO hates SLIPP. RAMBO is NOT our little friend COCKSY-LOCKSY!!!!!! RAMBO IS RAMBO!!!
Registered User
Posts: 520
(9/11/02 15:38)
Reply  Re:
 Quit coming on this board and posting this half-cocked crap, Metal, Jim and Nose.

I could care less about your acceptance. I would much rather seek acceptance from a guy who's beating me half to death while ramming his shlong up my butt. The issue is peaceful agreements. Now if you won't agree to work with me to come up with any peaceful agreements, I'll take my white flag of truce, which you have already shot up with holes, and go back to my position in the war. Only- Ill be leaving Bruckman alone. He's the only one out of all of you who has any good sense.
Registered User
Posts: 521
(9/11/02 15:40)
Reply  Re:
 Rambo sucks me off nightly.
Rambo Esquire
Registered User
Posts: 3
(9/11/02 15:41)
Reply  Re: Re:
 RAMBO is not JIM. RAMBO is not METAL. RAMBO is not NOSE.
Rambo Esquire
Registered User
Posts: 4
(9/11/02 15:42)
Reply  Re: Re:
 Rambo sucks me off nightly.

Coming out of the closet, arent you?
SEE ABOVE: 24-7's one-and-only Homie Pigeon tells ALL!!!
Registered User
Posts: 40
(9/11/02 16:06)
Reply  Re: Re:
 Where's Cronos when you need him?
Registered User
Posts: 421
(9/11/02 16:35)
Reply  RE
 "Where's Cronos when you need him?"

LOL! I forgot about Cronos. I should bring Cronos back and not admit it's my character, even though I already admitted it is. Wouldn't be the first time it's ever happened on this board.

SLIPP: Fine, just stay and don't follow my advice. Continue to make a complete ass out of yourself. Continue to entertain us at your expense. Continue to get angry over a meaningless forum war while the rest of us stay calm and laugh at you the whole time. Remember, the option to walk away and forget about us is always there for you. Until then, just continue to be yourself, you fuckin putz. You're funny.
Registered User
Posts: 422
(9/11/02 16:37)
Reply  RE
 Also, don't you people love the way he's trying to butter up to Bruckman? Bruckman doesn't like you either, SLIPP.
Registered User
Posts: 317
(9/11/02 18:26)
  Re: RE
 "I could care less about your acceptance. I would much rather seek acceptance from a guy who's beating me half to death while ramming his shlong up my butt."

.......of all the people to make homoerotic references, of course it has to be George Micheal Jr.
"No time for the old in and out Love, I've just come to read the meter".
Registered User
Posts: 888
(9/11/02 18:57)
Reply  re
 As always, Homer said it best.

"Well, I know ONE thing in this world that's still pure and good!"

"Christian love?"

"NO!......sweet, sweet candy!"

Leading into an all-star musical salute to sugar. Truer now than it ever was - just ask The Blackout Kid.

Registered User
Posts: 522
(9/11/02 22:51)
Reply  Re:
 1. Rambo is a sissy-girl, so that was no homoerotic reference.

2. About the guy beating mehalf to death while jamming his shlong up m butt- PURE SARCASM. You KNOW better than to think I even have a closet to come out of.

Metal- WHY are you contining to spew those same lies OVER and OVER and OVER? You all know for a FACT that I'm a threat to you and that you can&#

Offline sgt ladylove

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Metal- WHY are you contining to spew those same lies OVER and OVER and OVER? You all know for a FACT that I'm a threat to you and that you can't take me lightly. I showed a mere SAMPLE of my power when I almost got this dump of a message board shut down. I could go the extra mile very easily, without even breaking a sweat. You were all SEETHING with anger at my invasion at Shady's the PROOF is that you attacked me BACK at that site in all those posts. If you were really reacting like you said you were and laughing at them, you would've left those posts attacking the NFO alone. And when I almost got this place shut down, I held back my in my exertion of power just a little bit. When you saw that you almost had to kiss this cess pool goodbye, you were awestruck at my might. You put on your brave face, just HOPING BEYOND ALL HOPE that the old adage about "strength in numbers" is true. Well, for you, it isn't. Every individual member of the Syndicate outnumbers 2 of you. So take my advice- DROP the stupid lie about me being your court jester, DROP the stupid lie about ME being the one who's freaking out while YOU'RE being calm, when you know FULL WELL it's the other way around, and DROP the stupid lie about you not seeing the Syndicate as the legiimate, serious threat to the NFO that we are. For "extra credit", DROP the lie that you know for a fact that Angy, Herb and I are the same person. Want some "extra-EXTRA credit"? DROP the lie that an NFO member didn't create the Clone Ranger and Cheater Gunsmoke".

Now may let peace reign throughout the land.
Registered User
Posts: 889
(9/12/02 1:20)
Reply  re
 Enough whining! Dance! Dance for me, O Fool of the Forums! DANCE, SLIPP, DANCE!

Gimme a break
Gimme a break
Break me off a piece of that
Kit-Kat bar. 
Registered User
Posts: 423
(9/12/02 9:26)
Reply  RE
 Hey, court jester SLIPP.........I was laughing at your last post, moron. The reasoning is because once again, you are taking this so seriously. That is what is so funny. I hear the anger in your posts, I hear the hatred. Your anger is what allows you to say all the stupid things you've said. Notice how the rest of us DON'T say stupid things like you do? That's because we are in control of our emotions. You allow the NFO to control your emotions to the point where you disobey your Christian beliefs. I see you trying to get rid of an Internet group who in reality are friends with each other. You can never break that. You talk about all the powers you have like this whole thing is a big deal. You lie in every post when you mention that Angy and Herb are different people seperate from you, even though you were caught with your pants down. This is all funny to me, SLIPP. You are funny to me. Your life is funny to me. You are a living, breathing Ned Flanders. You can shut down all the forums in the world and you still won't anger me and make all the posts in the world making fun of me but I still won't anger. You're not worth getting angry over. I don't care about you enough to get angry at you. This is all a game to me and the rest of us. We all enjoy giving you wedgies, and you don't have the common sense to walk away. If you had an ounce of dignity in you, that's exactly what you'd do. Now roll over, court jester b itch.
Registered User
Posts: 153
(9/12/02 9:54)
Reply  Re: RE
 Kind of an insult to Ned Flanders. I mean Flanders at least WORKS for a living despite the dreaded medical affliction of being -----left handed.
Registered User
Posts: 524
(9/12/02 13:52)
Reply  Re:
 Sigh. Alright. I gave you many chances in this thread and you struck out with all of them. I'm through with being Mr. Nice Guy.


We in the syndicate were prepared for this inevitable outcome. We have a fight song, courtesy of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. Chris Addams used it for his theme song when he was in WCCW. Through a better song, Mr. Petty convinced me that I "don't have to live like a refugee", but this song commutcates what we want to say in our posts much more than we ever could:

Well, we won't back down.
No, we won't back down.
You can stand us up
at the gates of Hell,
but we won't back down.

Gonna stand our ground.
Won't be turned around.
And we'll keep this world
from dragin' us down.
Gonna stand our ground
and we won't back down.

Hey baby,
there ain't no easy way out.
Hey, we will stand our ground
and we won't back down.

Well, we know what's right.
We just got on life
in a world that keeps on
pushin' us around,
but we'll stand our ground
and we won't back down.

Hey baby,
there ain't no easy way out.
Hey, we will stand our ground
and we won't back down.

(repeat section above, adding "No, I won't back down.")

The Slipp Syndicate: Hold the anchovies

The NFO: Hold the pepperoni
Registered User
Posts: 424
(9/12/02 15:51)
Reply  re
 See what I mean? SLIPP is putting on his fuckin battlegear, which will make him plunge further down. Not because of anything we will do or have done in the past, but because he will do it to himself. Keep making an ass out of yourself.
Registered User
Posts: 525
(9/12/02 16:14)
Reply  Re:
 1. I'm not doing anything different than what the NFO members have done before.

2. I know I'm NOT making an ass out of myself.

3. It's ALL because of what you have done in the past and STILL DO.
Registered User
Posts: 891
(9/12/02 17:08)
Reply  re
 You know, Slipp, try as I might, I simply can't tell the difference between the alternately sobbing/vengeful posts full of horseshit and Bible tips that the candy bars were forcing you to type; and the stuff you now have no excuse for writing.

Not many people come out of rehab in midseason form!
Registered User
Posts: 42
(9/12/02 18:27)
Reply  Re: re
 "We"? Multiple identity disorder? Think you're the "Royal We"? Get Doc Criswell on the line!
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Posts: 227
(9/12/02 20:45)
  Re: re

"Uh-oh....Somebody's gonna have a tummy ache!"
"Oh yes...Shake it, Madam...Capital knockers."
Registered User
Posts: 425
(9/12/02 21:54)
Reply  RE
 Trust me SLIPP, you are making an ass out of yourself. You get angry while the rest of us laugh at you and this whole situation. Why the hell do we save your posts? Because they are FUNNY, that's why. Why does Jamison print this stuff out? Because it is FUNNY. I laugh everytime you mention Herb and Angy as seperate people. Looking forward to your next post, court jester. You are a joke and the angrier and meaner you get, the more you entertain us. Keep up the good work, holy roller.
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Posts: 892
(9/12/02 22:34)
Reply  Re
 Hang in there, Slipp. Bruckman'll save you.

"Court Jester Slipp". He Who Gets Slapped. I like it! Plus with his Lon Chaney-like ability to become a hundred different characters, he can also play the clown's mother, Polly Otchey.

Even though your heart is braaaay-king.... laugh, clown, laugh!

And remember, Doc.... keep smilin'!
Registered User
Posts: 526
(9/13/02 2:33)
Reply  Re:
 I KNEW DrJerk would think of the "Slipp's posts: Then and now" thing, even though there is a BIG difference. He's that evil, diabolical- and above all, that big a piece of s**t!

Metal- Stop posting this CRAP. The only reason you ever thought the feud posts were funny was because of your funny (cough), clever (cough) responses to me. Get over yourself. Here's the difference between miy angerand yours- you just manage you just manage to keep it off the board. Not everyone is good at doing that, as the feuds show.
Registered User
Posts: 10
(9/13/02 2:47)
Reply  re:
 Hang in there, Slipp. Your "imaginary" friends have got your back. We told you it would be uesless to try to reason out any peace terms with these butt-lickers, but you did the fair thing by giving them those chances.
Now I get to respond to the other drjerk post. Oh, goody.

We knew Bruckman would never "save" anybody. He's still to much of a milksop for you turds (no offense Bruckman).

We know drjerk must've watched the Cartoon Network last night, because much of his post was from a Bugs Bunny cartoon. Funny thing is, you are all the Yosemite Sam's of this world and WE are the Bugs Bunny's. You keep the Yosemitte Sam-like tantrums (you know, the ones you have when we fire your own cannons in your face or raise the drawbridge so you and your horses crash into it full force, trying to enter our castle). Gee, ain't we the stinkers!?!?!

The Slipp Syndicate: Bad to the bone

The NFO: Good to the gums
Registered User
Posts: 229
(9/13/02 3:33)
  Re: re:
 Gee SLIPP, you're right.

Who were we to doubt your sanity?
"Oh yes...Shake it, Madam...Capital knockers."

Edited by: Nosehonk at: 9/13/02 4:11:31 am
Dewey Cheatum
Registered User
Posts: 107
(9/13/02 8:38)
Reply  Re: re:
 Amazing how Slipp and Angillus both post in the wee hours... only 14 minutes apart!
Registered User
Posts: 426
(9/13/02 9:15)
Reply  RE
 SLIPP, believe me, I'm no comedian, be it intentionally or unintentionally. My responses 99.9% of the time to you aren't funny, just truthful. You are the court jester around here. SLIPP, Angillus, Herolsheimer, and Bunionhead = Eric Cox. Instead of making a complete ass out of yourself some more by posting here, don't you have better things to do, like......I don't know, searching for that missing chromosome of yours?
Registered User
Posts: 528
(9/13/02 11:31)
Reply  Re:
 Gee, OMLY 14 minutes apart. I can't IMAGINE how somebody could have enough time to read and respond after someone else.

Metal, you're right. You ARE no comedian. Not a single post you ever posted made me slap my knee in laughter. You enjoy the "comedy" of DrJerk and a few others when it's directed at me. Most everybody around here at least THINKS they're a comedian when they direct their posts at me. I do make an ass of myself as Buniohead on purpose- to annoy you idiots. But Angy and Herb- they can do nothing but make asses of themselves, if they ever choose to.

So tell me, how can you possibly believe that keeping up an internet war by not submitting to me DOESN'T mean that YOU have nothing better to do?

The Slipp Syndicate: Favorite movie comedian in common: Tie- Bill Murray and John Candy (RIP)

The NFO: Favorite movie comedian in common: Tie- Carrot Top and Pauly Shore (SUX)
Registered User
Posts: 154
(9/13/02 12:17)
Reply  Re: Re:
 Slipp= PeeWee Herman
Registered User
Posts: 893
(9/13/02 12:32)
Reply  re
 You're so damn boring, Slipp. You, your 'disease', your 'allies', that ratty suitcase you keep all your excuses and speeches in: everything about you has quickly grown fuckin' tedious.

Let's ban this guy and all his aliases and just post like it's a real board. Even when he comes up with gold like "candy bars", I'm no longer interested.

C'mon...when you take a sh it, you don't give it a name and invite a friend over to watch it float in the bowl for a few hours.... you flush it and forget it! Time to send Slipp down the pipes, too.
Dewey Cheatum
Registered User
Posts: 108
(9/13/02 14:08)
Reply  Re: re
 The amazing thing is that it took 14 minutes for the same person to read and post....unless of course your "syndicate" keeps late hours!
Registered User
Posts: 231
(9/13/02 14:36)
  Re: re
 And, uh, SLIPP. You said you LIKED Carrot-top.
"Oh yes...Shake it, Madam...Capital knockers."
Rambo Esquire
Registered User
Posts: 6
(9/13/02 15:56)
Reply  Re: re
 Even carrot-sh!t couldn't stand SLIPP.
Registered User
Posts: 15
(9/13/02 16:58)
Reply  Re:
 Doc- you had a ban from the whole internet coming to you since you made yur first post on your first message board. You will get what's coming to you sometime, and the Syndicate will be there, jumping for joy, while we point at you and giggle like little girls when it happens.

BTW- You ARE that piece of $hit in your boring analogy.

Honky-tonk: Slipp says he only likes Carrot-Top's stand-up performances. In movie roles and in N.YU.K., he the NFO.
Dewey- the amazing thing is that you and the whole NFO don't know how wrong you really are about this "same person" nonsense.
Registered User
Posts: 894
(9/13/02 18:33)
Reply  Allo allo allo - whut's all THIS then?
 Cor blimey! It's you, guv!

Sir Aubrey Bronwyn Teddington-'Erbolsheimer 'imself! Nibblin' a toffee, if you please, t'keep 'is 'ead from h'explodin'!

Registered User
Posts: 427
(9/13/02 19:31)
Reply  RE
 Herbolsheimer: How would you know about Carrott Top on NYUK, being from England? The Three Stooges, unfortunately, are little known relics in England today. Go to and you'll see all they have are the public domain shorts and lame Curly Joe era color skits available.
Registered User
Posts: 17
(9/13/02 19:46)
  Re: RE
 I said that was what Slipp said. HE says his N.Y.U.K. role sucked.
Rambo Esquire
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Posts: 8
(9/13/02 20:10)
Reply  Re: RE
 You suck too fag-bible-boy - your 2 inch penis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Registered User
Posts: 531
(9/13/02 21:24)
Reply  Re:
 I'm the STRAIGHT-Bible-boy, Rambozo. Herb is non-religious and also straight.

But you wouldn't know straight if you tripped over it, would you, girly-man? My "2 inch penis" beats your 1 centimeter penis any day. It's so small, there's no possible way to get it sucked.
Registered User
Posts: 320
(9/13/02 22:35)
  Re: Re:
 Why would anyone from the UK remember exactly what Slipp thought of NYUK. This is bullshit Eric, and real tiresome at that.

Sorry laughing stalk, but your daisy-chain......I mean "syndicate" has no legs.
"No time for the old in and out Love, I've just come to read the meter".
Registered User
Posts: 204
(9/14/02 1:26)
  Re: Re:
 Slipp, as usual I try to meet you halfway only to have you take potshots at me when my back is turned. You're incorrigible.

First you can't resist preaching a little sermonette to Metal and myself exhorting us "to rise above the rest of the NFO and stop going with the majority, just because you cherish your precious acceptance."

For someone who says acceptance means nothing to him, you spend a lot of time dwelling on the subject of acceptance.

Spare me further explanations of my actions, since you're way off base and know next to nothing about my motives.

You know, people actually warn me about being friendly to you. Not because they care so much about you but because they want to save me potential embarrassment. How many times has sickdrjoe wished he could smack me one every time I display the least sign of softening towards you? Yet I continue to do it. I'm as incorrigible in my way as you are in yours; the chief difference is that my motives are essentially benevolent, yours are essentially self-serving. Your ego won't rest until you've broken up that cartel known as the NFO in your mind. Oh, you tell yourself that that's not your motive, but if it weren't, why would you bother coming around here? And the only way you can convince youself you'll ever succeed in this game plan is by casting the NFO as evil and youself as the gentle and perfect white knight--young Lochinvar come to save the virtue of the Internet from the rapacious likes of sickdrjoe, metaldams, and the like. That this scenario is present only in your mind seems never to have occurred to you.

Metal tells you "worry about your own actions and not ours." Good advice. The main fault of evangelical Christians today is they don't worry about their own actions and spend too much time dwelling on others' actions to discern the least sign of wrongdoing, failure to measure up to a standard of conduct. Work on your own conduct and don't concern yourself whether Metal or Nose or Bruckman need to rise above the rest. [Pretty strange advice coming from someone who lives as sheltered a life as you, Slipp. Show some evidence of your own ability to grapple with life and maybe your exhortations would come off more sincerely]. No one appointed you our savior, so quit trying to come off as if you were. You'd be far better off packing your clothes in a duffle bag and bidding goodbye to Mom and Pop and attempting to live on your own for a while. Trouble is, after 28 years at home you're probably fearful of the lack of security being on your own would entail. It means change, a leap of faith, and that isn't pleasant for some people. Nothing and no one could ever stop me when I was 18 from packing up and jumping on a Greyhound bus to a place I'd never seen; the only surprise is I restrained myself that long.

You need to get out and build yrself a better life, 'cuz yr. current one sucks.

Then you call me a milksop when I'm off for 3 days. That's nice gratitude. I'm obviously not tough enough to hang with the NFO and too untrustworthy to hang with you. Yeah, whatever. That's my own fault for putting my street cred on the line. Slipp, you don't like it even when I force myself to be humane with you. It's like I'm boxing again and Metal and Sickdrjoe are in my corner saying "Keep your left up. No, keep your left up! Keep that g.d. left up!" And I step out and


Down goes Fraziah.

"I tolja to keep your left up! How many times I tell ya, keep that left up. you drop your left anyways."

Slipp, just tell me, you want advice or you want me to go rabid wolverine on yo' ass, just tell me which you prefer, OK? Don't make me regret being nice to you.
Cheater Gunsmoke
Registered User
Posts: 7
(9/14/02 2:04)
Reply  Done!
 Actually, 'Scheming Schemers' is available in Britain in every store, even at the chemist's shoppe. Plus, it's been colourised! Cheeri-bye!!
Registered User
Posts: 535
(9/14/02 8:14)
Reply  re:
 Jim- We just COULDN'T have been talking about it recently through e-mail? It's TOTALLY impossible? What and idiot.

Bruckman- it was Angillus that called you a milksop- and he didn't even mean it in a derrogatory sense in reference to you- just to metaldams. Is "milksop" really that bad? It seems extremely small in comparison to "you f**k 76 year-old women". Put thinks in the proper perspective. When I first read that post of yours, I thought, "What potshots?". I had to go back a page to see. So I'm not quite as incorrigible as you say.

Acceptance? It's some of the NFO members that dwell on that subject, falsely claiming that I seek THEIRS. I only answer them and tell them flat out that they're wrong.

Herb, Angy and I don't try to explain your actions. Maybe it comes off that way, but it isn't that way. We theorize.

"People" warn you about being friendly to me to keep you on their side. Slick Chick and I have been friendly with each other through e-mail for many months now since her last post at any site. There may be a little "trouble in paradise" lately, but it could be easily resolved. Please don't think you are incorrigible that way just because DrJoe convinces you of it. He used the power of his popularity and the unappealing factor of my hypoglycemic episodes to draw posters to him like flies to dog s**t. Why you people can't see that would baffle the greatest minds in the universe.

Now tell me, how do I seem to serve myself in my motives? (no coaching from the peanut galery now!) That's another thing that baffles me. You are far from the first poster rto tell me that they think I or my purposes are self-serving. I may try to buildup the Syndicate, but that's all. That'ssmall potatoes. This is a message board- how can anyone be self-srving on a message board?

You speak of my motive(s), but you know as much about them as I know about yours. I don't care if the NFO stays together. King Solomon wrote lots of verses that say "Let wicked people run together and don't concern yourselves with them". (Yeah, Metal thinks I'm concerned that the NFO has done wrong and they continue to do so, but he couldn't be more wrong). My main thing is that I won't accept what he has been saying for months now- that my memory will never die on this board. It will live on over my dead body! BTW- the NFO casted themselves as evil and I casted myself as good. The scenario is NOT only present in my mind. The NFO won't admit it.

You don't know squat about my life, but I would hope you know that the most established person in the world could even stand to do a little "building up" in their lives. It's common sense. I never said I lived with my parents. That is an NFO caim that's been mentionedso often, it has been accepted as being true.

Why wouldn't I accept ANYONE's humane actions toward me, forced or not? I would welcome them with open arms. Go ahead- put your street cred on the line. There's nothing wrong with that. You may not be tough enough to hang with the NFO, but you can hang with me anytime. What do you mean by I'm too untrustworthy..."? In whose eyes? Not mine. We could become as inseparable as Moe Howard was with the Three Stooges act for 40 years.
"go rabid wolverine"- Chris Benoit you ain't.
Registered User
Posts: 322
(9/14/02 12:03)
  Re: re:
 The man who came up with one of the lamest "essays" ever has no right to call anyone moron. Neither does someone who has already admitted to being these loser aliases. Sorry cu nt-wipe, try again.
"No time for the old in and out Love, I've just come to read the meter".
Registered User
Posts: 538
(9/14/02 12:38)
Reply  Re:
 Oh, but you ARE a moron. You really and truly ARE. You help keep up this stupid, useless, unimportant internet war when you could easily help STOP it by doing the smart, useful and important thing by submittnig to me. It's important because you need to realize that in 5 years, even in 1 year, submitting to me won't hurt you in anyway, shape or form. It won't destroy your whole online reputation for life (if all the other NFO members turn on you, they're not really your friends- and besides, there is a whole wide world online AWAY from these idiots) it won't even touch your offline reputation(s), your life won't be any different (there definately won't be any bad changes), you can still get chicks and maintain offline friendships and other online friendships away from these people just as easily. The world won't end and you won't go to Hell for it. You won't even get a disease for it.

I mean REALLY, why is it so important to all of you to keep this thing going? It's ridiculous! What does it achieve?

My essay was top-notch- you're all just jealous of my writing ability, or you hate to admit that I have that high level of writing ability. I don't care. I know it was good and that's all that matters. ANY MORE MENTION OF THE ESSAY FROM ANYONE FROM HERE ON OUT WILL BE IGNORED. As for the identities, I FREELY admitted to being Bunionhead and Superstooge. That's all the false identities I ever had and you can take that to the bank.
Registered User
Posts: 428
(9/14/02 13:07)
Reply  RE
 SLIPP, it's like this. We, (the "NFO"), are a group of Internet friends who are going to hang around each other at these two boards as long as we choose to do so, whether you are here or not. I've made friends here I speak to through private e-mail and usually you don't come up in the conversation. I have actual conversations with them and even exchange things through the mail with them. It has nothing to do with you. You talk about us continuing this thing and failing to submit to you.........what bulls hit. YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE and every "NFO" member is. We've made it perfectly clear to you on several occasions you are not welcome here yet you cannot accept this and move on. You are a sore loser. It's like you are coming into our home without being invited and wondering why WE don't end this thing. All you have to do is LEAVE. GO AWAY. SCRAM. Your dignity won't be shattered because of it and your life won't become worse because of it. If anything, it can only improve.

You want a peace agreement, how's this? You don't like us, and we don't like you, so GET THE FUC K OUT OF HERE. You doing so would involve no shame on your part. Never look back again, (meaning don't even LOOK at the same boards we are on). The more you stay, the longer you serve as our court jester. Now get out or continue to have tomatoes thrown in your face. The choice is yours. Do the Christian thing and live up to your Bible preaching for once in your life. If you don't, I'll just continue to laugh at you and your pitiful existence. I don't think you have the dignity to walk away like a real 28 year old man would. Prove me wrong.
Registered User
Posts: 43
(9/14/02 15:02)
Reply  Re: RE
 Slipp, you're one helluva idiot. 99% (or %99 to you) of the things you do are copied. That stupid 'syndicate'? You got the idea from Pigeon.
Registered User
Posts: 323
(9/14/02 16:41)
  Re: RE
 Submit to you? You are MY bitch! You will submit to me, cu nt.

BTW, Spitting is no longer an option.
"No time for the old in and out Love, I've just come to read the meter".
Registered User
Posts: 46
(9/14/02 18:27)
Reply  Re: RE
 "Submit and repent! This is your last chance, before I call down curses from heaven on your fiendish heads! Back, filthy pagans!"
Registered User
Posts: 232
(9/14/02 18:32)
  Re: RE
 I never said I lived with my parents. That is an NFO caim that's been mentionedso often, it has been accepted as being true.

Yet you attempted to have us believe that your mother once posted in your defense, remember? Everyone saw through it, yet you set yourself up with the undercurrent of that little scheme. By pulling that prank, you would ALSO have us believe that your mother was conveniently around...You know, like you LIVED WITH HER.

Just like EVERYTHING ELSE that's happened to you on these forums. You brought it upon yourself, Dum Dum.

"Oh yes...Shake it, Madam...Capital knockers."
Registered User
Posts: 48
(9/14/02 18:40)
Reply  Re: RE
 And besides that, how the hell does somebody that has never held a job possess (via rent/lease/purchase) his own house/apartment? And if you possess one of the above, who pays the utilities? No job = no source of income. You'd have to use what you had in the bank (as in 1st Nat'l, not the piggy bank on your mantle). And then you'd be worried that you'd run out of money, so you'd do something profitable with your time - not whine around here all day and night.

Edited by: FMCQ at: 9/14/02 6:48:57 pm
Registered User
Posts: 897
(9/14/02 19:43)
Reply  Re
 I'm not in the habit of 'submitting' to total inferiors after pounding them into gristle for a year straight.

Before you get back on your ' submit to my will!' horse, let's get a few things straight first. Losers don't dictate terms of surrender; they're generally too busy blinking back tears watching the victors take turns on their wives & daughters. Winners pick the terms, the time and the railroad car - YOU show up where you're told to, when you're told to, and you sign what you're told to....and you bring your OWN damn pen. The trouble with you is you've never LOST anything...Mama's always there with marshmallow Rice Krispy squares to make the hurt go away, and after a few of the better SCHOOLHOUSE ROCKSes, why, you're as good as new! (F UCK yes, you've never left home! Is that a joke? Nor will you ever!)

Our only mistake was in not having you permanently banned from every board you haunt, but I can see now that's the only way to shut your ass up and be rid of you once and for all. Well, that, or burn your house to the ground, with everyone inside tied to their chairs with extension cords.

Offline sgt ladylove

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Posts: 207
(9/15/02 1:25)
Reply  Re: Re

OK, whoa, back up. When I said "acceptance" I wasn't referring to your acceptance by the rest of us here [I'm going to eschew terming us the "NFO" because that term is only a convenient handle for you--you may have noticed I haven't carried the NFO logo in my posts since July]. As Metal said, you're never going to be accepted here. What you really want is a return to the way things were pre-Sickdrjoe, a time when you were more or less accepted. Unfortunately for you, that isn't going to happen either. So why waste time on it.

As for whether you'll continue to be mocked here even if you left, I can't say. I have no ability to see into the future. It's unlikely I'd say much about you once you'd left.

I don't think anyone's concerned about keeping me on their side, except you. You're the only one who talks about it at any rate. And don't take the laughable line that sickdrjoe influences my behavior. Slipp, you have to understand something: there are not too many people out there who can identify Otis Ferguson, much less have read him. It's the free exchange of intelligent ideas about film that formed the basis of any regard I have for him, or he for me. You had nothing to do with it. Your conception of him as my father-confessor, to whom I turn for direction, is hilariously off base--much more so than any misconception I may have of you.

You're correct in saying I know little about your life. I'm just making inferences based on what you say and how you present yourself. I'm no psychologist. I am a pretty good judge of character. I wouldn't want you on any planting crew of mine because you're a disruptive influence. Yes, you are very self-serving. Instances? Where should I begin? Your need to attract others when you were getting slammed by SDJ a year ago? Your need to be entitled to preferential treatment? Your self-pity [exhibited in your "suicide" posts and elsewhere]? And Slipp, it's laughable that after numerous lies and false identities you can claim not to understand why I'd perceive you as untrustworthy. You know how many times I've lied to you? Twice. Once when I said I'd notified the Benjamins of your "Hey Moe" site [do you honestly think I'd do them any favors?] and once when after you'd carpet-bombed Shady's site and I e-mailed you to apologize or I'd advise everyone else of what you'd done. On that occasion, I advised them then asked for the apology, since I was damn sure you were too craven to proffer one anyhow. And you didn't. [See how well I know you, Slippy? I was already a couple moves ahead]. I could go on, but enumerating the many many times you've flown off the handle frankly depresses me, and the fact you're oblivious to all of it depresses me more.

Putting blame on Angillus makes me just shake my head. I'm like Samuel L. Jackson in PULP FICTION when he's explaining "I'm trying real hard to be a shepherd". Slipp, I'm trying and you assail me with further idiocies and denials. Not once have you offered any rational defense of your statements; you've only turned mine back at me. ["I am so NOT defensive! The NFO is! You're a mindless drone of sickdrjoe's!" etc]. And like the Field Marshal I have grave doubts whether you live on your own. Mowing lawns isn't going to provide you with the kind of coin to maintain much of a life, and it's only seasonal work. [What are you doing now?] I've mentioned this before and it's another issue to which you've never provided any solid evidence.

I could get over it if you ever showed the least sign of growth or maturation. If you showed interest in great cinema or literature, for example. You don't. You're one of the most complacent people I've ever encountered and that's why you long for your former state of semi-acceptance. I think SDJ was more accurate when he stated some time ago that these forums give you a sense of identity which you lack in the real world. That's what puts you at a disadvantage; all of us have a sense of who we are, flawed or not, and you don't. We empower you by mere recognition of you, even if it's a negative recognition, because no one else recognizes you as anything unique.

I'm trying, Slipp, but if you're not going to be straight up with me, why should I bother?

"Oh ah don't wanna with ya baby NOOO moahhh..."
Registered User
Posts: 542
(9/15/02 1:40)
Reply  Re:
 Mekka-lekka-hi-mekka-hidey-ho. Mekkea-lekka-hi-mekka-CHONNI-ho. Your wishes are not granted, but long live Jambi anyway.


"We, (the NFO) a a..." Starting your own constitution, I see. Just make sure there is no rambling in your preambling. You do enough rambling already.

I take it that you think that I think that the NFO members think and talk about me constantly. The Slipp Syndicate (which I take from the old anti-Spider-Man team, the Sinister Syndicate, rather than whatever syndicate Pigeon had going. I must've missed out on seeing that syndicayte). I don't even think about YOU constantly. Contrary to your popular beliefs, I have more than enough other things that I have to think about, like gorgeous, curvy bodies, money, wrestling, church stuff etc..

Why is submitting to me bulls**t? That you are taking it this way proves that you really DON'T have anything better to do than maintain a war with me. You contradict yourself- if I am really your court jester, which I know I'm not, than I AM wanted here. You give me a role- a TITLE, then say I'm not wanted here? THAT'S bulls**t. It's bulls**t that I even AM your court jester and YOU KNOW IT.

Jim- I didn't mean I want you guys for MY b*tches, you jizzmopper. I meant agree to hear my peace terms, then abide by them. I'm not planning to propose that you all break up your orgy. I'm not planning to propose that you stop frequenting these sites. I'm not even planning to propose that you make PRO-Slipp posts (even though I'm highly deserving of them).

Nose- that didn't mean a thing. I was in my wacko/highly hypoglycemic phase then.

FMCQ- Has it ever occured to you that I could have a roommate? HMMMM?

And Finally, DrJerk- I' not asking that anybody gets into a habit (unless you really dig nuns garbs).
"Losers don't dictate terms of surrender" Who says I'm surrendering? Who says I'm even asking YOU to suurender? Just hear out my propositions, follow them EXACTLY and everyone will be happy.

The rest of your post is just what I'd expect a d*ckless wonder like you to type. It's not worth responding to.
Registered User
Posts: 209
(9/15/02 4:53)
Reply  Re
 Roommate, eh? Would this roommate's online moniker possibly be Angillus or Herbolsheimer, or maybe Matt, Edie, Dave, Ian, etc.?

Why do I have a visual of this roommate standing over Slipp and force-feeding him Clark bars? How does the roommate react when you start mumbling "NFO" and "sickdrjoebots" involuntarily?

Still, I'd like to hear the terms of submission, since I don't think Slipp's spelled them out for anybody.

"Oh ah don't wanna with ya baby NOOO moahhh..."
Registered User
Posts: 327
(9/15/02 6:38)
  Re: Re
 You just don't get it do you? The LOSER (i.e. you) does not get to call the terms of peace; the winner does. Do you think what was left of the Nazi regime made peace ultimatums to Roosevelt or Stalin? Of course not, you fuckin dumbass.
"No time for the old in and out Love, I've just come to read the meter".
Registered User
Posts: 210
(9/15/02 7:46)
Reply  Re
 I think it's the exact lack of historical precedent that's interested me in Slipp's terms of "submission". I'd like to see if they're reasonable and well-formulated as opposed to aimless ranting. I mean, consider the following scenario at the end of WW II:

Goering: Before we surrender, you must agree to the following terms. We continue to operate the concentration camps, continue to occupy Danzig, and keep as our possession all property belonging to former Jewish residents of the Reich.

Churchill [taking cigar from mouth]: You've got a pair of big brass ones there, mate!

But maybe Slipp will be different. I say hear him out. Can't do any harm.
Registered User
Posts: 432
(9/15/02 9:49)
Reply  RE
 Oh trust me SLIPP, you are the court jester. If you weren't, we wouldn't be holding a tournament for you celebrating your craziest moments. We also wouldn't feel the need to save and preserve SLIPP posts at the clubhouse as if they were classic silent films threatening to be lost forever, (thank you Nosehonk, our main preservationist).

About you being wanted here.........SLIPP, I really couldn't care less. You're not wanted here as a friend, and you can deny it until doomsday, but that is what you're after. It drives you crazy that there are fellow wrestling and Stooge fans on this board that find you to be an annoying, yet humorous little toad. You leave, I win because sanity prevails; you stay, I win because the hits keep coming. We already have over FORTY ideas for this tournament so far, all displaying your stupidity. Think about that, are so much of an idiot, people are holding a TOURNAMENT of your craziest, most pitiful moments. SLIPP, suicide is the only way out. Don't you know what it's really about? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Registered User
Posts: 250
(9/15/02 11:37)
Reply  Re: RE
 I don't belong to the "NFO" or any other group and I rarely take part in
the carpet-bombing of Slipp. But how does one who has been vanquished
submit terms of submission (methinks terms of surrender is the more
appropriate phrase)? The conquered one takes what is given and says'
"Thank you, sir, for leaving me a loincloth and a bowl of rice."
Registered User
Posts: 329
(9/15/02 12:29)
  Re: RE
 That's what I've been saying all this time Jamison, but since when has Slipp ever listened to common sense?
"No time for the old in and out Love, I've just come to read the meter".
Dewey Cheatum
Registered User
Posts: 111
(9/15/02 20:55)
Reply  Re: RE
 I'm also interested in hearing Slipp's "terms".
Registered User
Posts: 548
(9/15/02 23:22)
Reply  Re:
 Whoops- looks like I missed a Bruckman post. That's what I get for being the only poster here who actually goes to bed.

Responding to Bruckman's posts- part I- Brucky's first post that I hven't responded too:

Sir Clyde of Bruckman-

First off, what do you have against parenthases?

Acceptance? I keep saying it until I'm blue in the face- I don't WANT acceptance here. I used to want to be accepted among you shortly after DrJoe falsely convinced you of my undesireability, but that was then. This is now. I well know the futility of such a goal, and said goal even seems highly unappealing to me now. And I DO know that there would be continuous mocking of me if I left. It's been proven before. They won't let my memory die, so I keep returning to wreek havok until they do.

Gee, talk about you and sides. It's so evident in DrJoe's posts in this thread that he wants to keep you on his side it's unbelieveabe. Open your eyes, man! As for me wanting you on my side, It would be nice and I would welcome that event anytime, but desperate? Not really. (As if desperation was really a bad thing anyway)

A good judge of character are you? Well, my character is ujudgeable. I haven't been allowed to display my true character for over a year now! So don't even try to judge what's not even real.

Instances of my being self-serving? You're at least somewhat mistaken on all accounts.

1. "Your need to attract oters when you were getting slammed by SDJ a year ago" Everyone needs allies, so that was being self-serving in a GOOD way. Next...

2. "Your need to be entitled to preferential treatment" Are you saying that I wanted everyone to prefer me to everyone else? If I was Moe howard, I'd slap your face for that, saying "CAH-MOOOON!" This "instance" is the FARTHEST off the mark out of all of them. Next...

3. "You're self-pity [exhibited in your "suicide" posts and elsewhere]" Everybody has a certain degree of self-pity. That's natural. But, believe it or not, I did not have an overwheming degree of it. My "woe is me" posts, as they have been so nastily referred to, were not lies, but they were posted to guilt my attackers into stopping the attacks and even guilt a few people to taking my side aganist DrJoe. It wasn't wrong of me, because I really SHOULD have been pittied. People should've ALREADY been helping me tar and feather DrJoe. He kept tearing me down and the most anyone did about it was shake their fingers at him (and hardly ever at that). So this is JUSTIFIABLE self-serving- AKA self serving in a GOOD way. It's too bad these are the only instances you could think of, because I explaining why every instance you could come up with wasn't as bad as you think.

Untrustworthy? Numerous lies? Identities? I had GOOD REASONS for posting lies and having my only false identities, Bunionhead and Superstooge. I could go into detail about the whys of "in a good way" and "good reasons" as I mentioned in paragraphs above, but you probably wouldn't believe me anyway, and the NFO would just falsely call them "more Slipp things to laugh about" out of fear of admitting that I've always been right- like it is now and has been all this time. I don't need that. I never needed that.

So why did you lie to me those 2 times? I would especially like to know what you got out of lying about telling the Benjamins about my old Moe site (I notice you didn't mention the fact that you said that you also told Sony/Tri-star. Was that a lie too?)
I can imagine the rewards you got for ratting me out for the invasion at Shady's site. They probably did everything but kill the fatted calf for you.

Uhhh... I wasn't "putting blame on Angillus"- I was FLAT OUT TELLING YOU it was him and you can even SEE FOR YOURSELF that HIS name is on that post- not mine.

I never said I mow lawns. I said I was the assistant manager at a lawn care service. Lawn care means our workers also RAKE LEAVES. But if you lived in Michigan, you would see that we don't have any leaves yet. The winter season is our downtime, but that's why we all have resumes in various places.

A sign of growth of maturation? Like I said about the other thing in a paragraph above, I haven't been ALLOWED to show any growth or maturation. But hey- I do love lots of old films- mainly horror, and of course, sci-fi, comedy. I have a HUGE collection of horror and sci-fi films. Vincent Price, Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi and Lon Chaney Jr have always been personnal favorite actors of mine. I like Sigourney Weaver for her Alien and Ghostbusters movies, I like Kurt Russel for "Escape From New York", "John Carpenter's The Thing" "Tango and Cash" etc., I like Stallone in the Rocky movies (not too crazy about Rambo), Bruce Lee, Van Damne, Jackie Chan, Chuck Norris, The original cast Star Trek films, the cast of the first 3 "Star Wars" films to come out, the cast of the first 5 "Police Academy" movies- I could go on and on.

Literature? I like poetry and short story fiction. Novels get boring for me. I'd rather see the movies of them. I do like "Of Mice and Men" despite all the swearing, and I love anything by the great Edgar Allen Poe.

What's this about a sense of identity? I'm sure of who and what I am- here AND in the real world. I don't need a message board full of people to tell me who or what they think I am. The way I'm recognized here is not appealing to me in the least. I regularly go to the same buildings full of the same people who know who AND what I am and recognize me in a POSITIVE way. I don't NEED any of you to recognize me at ALL.

If you don't want to even TRY to believe that I was being straight up with you in this post, which wuld be nothing new for you, than maybe I should give up on you. Maybe you aren't worth it. PLEASE prove me wrong.
Registered User
Posts: 549
(9/15/02 23:37)
Reply  Re:
 Responding to Bruckman's posts, part II

Yes, roommate- one who never had any desire to be online.

I'll give the terms when the most stubborn people (DrJoe, Jim, Metal [anyone else]) agree to hear them out AND TAKE THEM SERIOUSLY- PROMISING HERE, ONLINE, AT 24*7, THAT THEY WILL TAKE THEM SERIOUSLY!

Jimbo- who said the war was even over? It's YOU that just doesn't get it. I can't be the loser if the war is still going on. When it's really all over with, THEN we can give loser/winner labels. What I'm trying to do is make the NFO some deals, that, if accepted and acted on, will cause me to happily drop my side of this war once and for all, you s**t-eating buttfungus.

Responding to Bruckman's posts, part III:

Nice WW2 scenario. If only! anyway, thanks to agreeing to hear them out. I hope you will take them as seriously as you sound like you will.
Registered User
Posts: 550
(9/15/02 23:48)
Reply  Re:
 Oh, trust me Metal- this whole new MST thing is a charade- a new brilliant scheme to cover up your true feelings about me. Another brilliant idea of the NFO's that serves that purpose is the saving and preserving of my old posts at the clubhouse and periodically sting them here to remind me that you have them. You're all a buncha cover-up artists! All o'ya!

Keep on thinking at I'm trying to gain friendships here if it makes you happy, but as I just told Bruckman, I realize the futility of it. The rest of your post is just more cover-up artist material. Finally, there are hundreds of people who would be in shock and grieve deeply if I did off myself, so no dice.

Jamison should be all straightened out now.

Jim- "common sense" in a post of YOURS! How AMAZING- you can SPELL IT!!! Now let's see if you can show that you HAVE it.

And Dewey makes 2, I think.
Registered User
Posts: 902
(9/16/02 0:16)
Reply  re
 If you don't want to even TRY to believe that I was being straight up with you in this post, which wuld be nothing new for you, than maybe I should give up on you. Maybe you aren't worth it. PLEASE prove me wrong.

I'm afraid none of us are 'worth it', Slipp. Please give up on us ASAP.

Thanks for the extra gold by the way. "My dream is to be a writer and I'll NEVER give up" turns into "my essay was top-notch- you're all just jealous of my writing ability" which now shapeshifts into "...literature? Novels get boring for me. I'd rather see the movies of them. I do like "Of Mice and Men" despite all the swearing....."

The telltale quote re Slipp's artistic seriousness:

 I haven't been ALLOWED to show any growth or maturation. But hey- I do love lots of old films- I like Stallone in the Rocky movies, Bruce Lee, Van Damne, Jackie Chan, Chuck Norris, The original cast Star Trek films, the cast of the first 3 "Star Wars" films to come out, the cast of the first 5 "Police Academy" movies- I could go on and on.

Pkease don't and just say you did, and we'll all be a lot better off.

Registered User
Posts: 554
(9/16/02 0:21)
Reply  Re:
I was talking to Bruckman, DrJerk, not you. Your whole post was just self-righeous, smarta$$ material. Get a REAL life.
Registered User
Posts: 439
(9/16/02 0:21)
Reply  RE
 SLIPP, throw your peace agreements at us. Let's see what you got. I will take it seriously if it is worth it. I doubt it will be and will probably be nothing but a good laugh, but prove me wrong.

SLIPP, I have serious questions for you. How do you think anybody but you is responsible for your actions over the past year and a half? We all may act a certain way, but you chose an immature and idiotic way to react to it all. You need to realize that everybody is responsible for their own actions in life. I'm telling you SLIPP, whether you want to believe it or not, a sane person in your position would've stopped coming here long time ago. That is the ONLY proper way to react to being on a message board where everybody dislikes you. If we talk about you after you leave, why should you care? Why does it mean so much to you? Your only possible reaction sticking around is anger, and angry people say stupid things. You've proven this time and time again. Besides, there have been periods of a few weeks where you are gone and you don't come up in conversation that often anyway. Just a few times. Why can't you just not care what a bunch of people you are never going to meet say about you and move on with your life? Why must you be so oversensitive? Besides, don't you know time, (lots of it), will stop the insults completely if you GO AWAY. Instead, you set yourself up to be our court jester. I'd love to hear your responses to these valid questions. I enjoy hearing your version of "reason."
Registered User
Posts: 556
(9/16/02 0:35)
Reply  Re:
 Douggy makes 3- I think.

Why did any of you ever want to bring up who's responsible for who's actions? That's the stupidest topic of discussion I ever heard of or been involved in. Here are things that could cause one to not be responsible for one's actions:

1. Hypoglycemia at its worst
2. Anger clouding the mind
3. Combination of #s 1&2
4. Nervous breakdown

I've had all these, at least at one time or another on these boards- and some more than others. So THINGS, not JUST people, can be responsible for one's actions. Furthermore, PEOPLE can CAUSE these THINGS to be responsible for one's actions. My "way(s)" to choose to react to things are only given those labels by NFO members who are not deep thinkers (all of them).

You may be right about th insults going away in time, but there's no time like the present. I DID try to leave for good before, but you guys don't let me. I try to leave in a way that would shock you (death article) but no, you HAD to e-mail me, telling me the plan bombed and provoking me to come back. I try to leave quietly, I STILL get provoking e-mails.

Questions answered satisfactorily enough?
Registered User
Posts: 440
(9/16/02 1:09)
Reply  RE
 Info I found on the net:

"A person with hypoglycemia may feel weak, drowsy, confused, hungry, and dizzy. Paleness, headache, irritability, trembling, sweating, rapid heart beat, and a cold, clammy feeling are also signs of low blood sugar."

"1. Hypoglycemia at its worst"

OK, so it shows confusion. However, you showed sides of lunacy in your confusion and your problems extend far beyond your blood sugar level. Until you can admit this to yourself, you will never change and always lead the pitiful life you are currently leading.

"2. Anger clouding the mind"

Then you should've not said a thing. You are responsible for your actions because YOU CHOSE to respond to us in an angry state of mind. Nobody said you had to respond right away, or at all. Like I said, angry people say stupid things and you're obviously still angry......and still saying stupid things. Your whole SLIPP Syndicate fiasco is a great example. You will never publically admit it's all you, but deep inside you know it is. Demanding conditions when you're obviously on the losing side is another example.

"4. Nervous Breakdown"

If an Internet message board gives you a nervous breakdown, you need to go to a shrink and get the hell off the boards.

"You may be right about th insults going away in time, but there's no time like the present."

Tough sh it, SLIPP. As long as you're here, you will be insulted. Until you walk away and learn to have a lot of patience, this will continue to be the case. You're the one who is unanimously exiled from the group as a friend, so you will just have to accept the fact that we will not stop in the present. We make the conditions and you will have to learn to compromise.

"I DID try to leave for good before, but you guys don't let me."

Again, not taking responsibility for your own actions. Nobody forced you to comeback but YOU. You can choose to ignore us, knowing time will stop the insults, (LOTS of it in your case). That would be the smart thing to do, but then again, you've never been known to do the smart thing.

"I try to leave in a way that would shock you (death article) but no, you HAD to e-mail me, telling me the plan bombed and provoking me to come back."

You're not entitled to a grand exit. Besides, faking ones own death is sick. Nothing justifies that action. NOTHING.

SLIPP, I'm done reasoning with you. Fuc k you, kiss my ass, and please continue accepting the gifts you allow me to give you.....ulcers.

Registered User
Posts: 559
(9/16/02 4:01)
Reply  Re:
 I never aw that lunacy had sides. You probably meant signs. Every hypoglycemic has their own symptoms. Lunacy isn't a symptom but appearing like you have it MIGHT be. Also, it's a well known fact that not every source lists all the same symptoms for everything.

Whether you want to believe or admit it or not, I'm basically a normal guy- like millions of other people all around the USA.

As for your #2, I didn't RECOGNIZE that anger was clouding my mind until it was too late. But of course, you and the other NFO morons just HAD to capitolize on it, didn't you? You known DARN well you all deserved my anger (some of you more than others) so drop your "Duuhhh, we didn't do nuthin'!" attitudes. And no, I'm not angry now OR saying stupid things (you cover-up artist you!). You will never publically admit that the Syndicate COULD be 3 real, separate people, but I envision it as a really big debate over at the clubhouse. And after all I said, you STILL don't understand my reasoning for peace terms. You said you were going to take them seriously, maybe in this same thread, but now you're changing your tune. Who's lyin' now?

Your #4 gets me laughing (besides the fact that you don't have a #3). Did I actually say I had a nervous breakdown from ANY message board? Maybe ISLIPPed up. I thought I only said that it COULD BE a cause of whatever I was talking about at that time. You'd better have another look at it, because I'm sure I didn't say I had a nervous breakdown from any board.

There IS no time like the present and until you comply in EXACTLY that way, I'll be here to aggrivate you and everyone else- even if it means that you just leave the board in frustration. Ain't I nice?

Slipp says: "I DID try to leave for good before, but you guys didn't let me."

Metal mutters: "Again, not taking responsibility for your own actions."

ARE YOU ON CRACK? How is that not taking resposibility for my own actions? It was YOUR stupidactions that kept me here. YOU better start taking responsibility for THOSE actions. You don't LET me ignore you and you know it, you buttlicker.

You don't have say as to what ANYONE is or isn't entitled to. Get over yourself, before sombody jabs a pin into that overinflated thing between your shoulders that you call a head. Faking my own death is sick? Your opinion. It's all in HOW you fake it, my boy. The article didn't say I was a gory mess, did it? It was a clean stomach shot.

And now you add a new, soon to be classic, NFO cover-up line- "I'm through reasoning with you." Oh boy, I hope so! This post of yours proves that you can't even keep it together anymore.

But you know what, NOW YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL. I tried to reasn with you too- MONTHS AGO, when I was still trying to keep you in my corner (a great, fun place to be). Actually, what you feel is but a SMALL SAMPLE of you made ME feel. You slapped me right in the face. I didn't matter to your cold heart of stone that I felt like I was losing a friend. It didn't matter to you that DrJoe was winning more than ever and I was getting unjustly dumped on more than ever. YOU an YOUR PALS brought all the aggrivation caused by me on yourselves and you will continue to do so unless you hear out and comply with my peace terms.

Ulcers? You wish. My blood pressure checked out normal very recently. That's a sign AGAINST ulcers- or stress anyway.

"Stupid is as stupid does". Your stupid does very well.
Registered User
Posts: 903
(9/16/02 7:11)
This isn't funny or entertaining anymore. You used to be a mosquito to swat at but now you're the fuckin' West Nile mosquito, with a sideline in Lyme's Disease, and your New Tactic - "winning the argument by never shutting up or going away or conceding reality in any form" - makes my inability to throw a fuckin' desk at you extremely aggravating. Hell, you're not even worth a cut-n-paste any longer...what's the point of proving you're an idiot? Not only is this no longer news, but you're not even remotely on the same plane of Reality as the rest of us any more: you've been in EricWorld for a solid month now. It doesn't matter what you've confessed to, or how publicly you were outed, you're just going to deny everything you ever said or did LA LA LA LEE LOO LOO LA LO LA LA I CAN'T HEEEEEEAR YOU! You're an eyelash from being 30 years old, and you're regressing into infancy as hard as you can every hour of every day. At this rate, I figure your next I'm-not-Slipp identity will be The Cardboard Box.

Speaking personally, I'd take great comfort from the verified news of your death, and I know I speak for Kane, Steve, and probably a few others who don't feel comfortable admitting to it in public. I wouldn't even waste the energy to mouth those "poor guy, if only he could've gotten help" bromides that people desperately trying to look all concerned offer up. F uck, there are far too many like you depleting the oxygen as it is! If you and another ten thousand just like you woke up dead tomorrow, not that many people would feel bad about it, Slipp. You're totally unproductive, you're never going to do anything but eat, sh it and die, the high-frequency pitch of your incessant sobbing is an utterly needless irritant in this life and your entire lifeis a monument, not to bad taste (which can be fun).... but no taste whatsoever.

There is an upside here, however: since you're never going to f uck anyone, you're never going to breed even more oversugared dufuses like yourself. Brrrr, that's a scary thought: a whole inbred clan of Slipps sitting in a pitch-black circle around the Trinitron's holy glow, surrounded by moldy Mama Celeste pizza crusts, huffing glue out of paper bags as the credits roll for MISSING IN ACTION III. However, your genetic code coughing up blood and expiring is not sufficient reason why the living should endure you any further in the present. If that wino did fatally shoot you in the stomach? I'd laugh like hell and sleep like a baby, and never think of you again without incurring an involuntary giggling fit.
"I couldn't even TALK to the demon!...I couldn't even OPEN MY MOUTH!!!"

Edited by: sickdrjoe at: 9/16/02 7:12:48 am
Registered User
Posts: 332
(9/16/02 10:24)
Amusing as it is having a proven moron call me one (once again with the "I know you are but what am I?" bit), it becomes stale quickly. I chuckled for a second at your spelling crack, seeing as no one has made more spelling errors than you. It takes a true dumbass in the purest sense to not know just how stupid he is. Don't believe your own hype, mon petit salaud.

I ask that those of you who are trying to reason with Eric please stop; as it has been learned time and again the effort is futile.

Yes, I would wear a shiteating grin if I had concrete proof of your death; it would make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"No time for the old in and out Love, I've just come to read the meter".

Registered User
Posts: 160
(9/16/02 11:31)
Reply  Re:
I know what you mean. Every time I see the homicidal hobo thread I get all teary eyed cause I know it's NOT real.
Registered User
Posts: 560
(9/16/02 12:06)
Reply  Re:
 Well, I think DrJoe just beat his record for the longest, most boring dreck in a post EVER. Let's give him a hand- and whack him upside the head with it.

An' ol' Jim-Bob, he done gone an' called me a stupid dumba$$! Tarnation, boy, when are you boys gonna stop tryin' ta snooker me inta thinkin' thet ya don't take me seiously? Oh, lord have mercy- they don't take me seriously! HA! Y'know boy, Ah believe you been out smellin' them cow pies again. One trip out to th'woodshed will do ya a WORLD o'good! Why, ah'll wap you up in chicken wahr and rub yer face in the hog slop!

Of COURSE you want me dead. My plan to be a pest is working that perfectly. The next step, if you all choose to go on, is to make you want to hut me down and do the deed yourself! Then I can either pick you off personally or call the cops and charge you with attempted murder! And don't bother cutting thephone line before you enter my humble abode, because I have a celular phone too.
Registered User
Posts: 162
(9/16/02 12:13)
Reply  Re: Re:
 Classic Paranoid Schizophrenia.And there SLIPP was: reigning supreme at number two.

Registered User
Posts: 904
(9/16/02 12:41)
 Actually, I'd be perfectly happy just throwing that desk at you, Slipp.

But my real dream is to watch you being killed by someone else. Maybe a couple of local Pinconning stoners who are out of their gourds on dust, who decide to take you to a filthy wooden shed and skin you alive with sharpened apple peelers, just to see what killing the village idiot might feel like. And I'd be quietly looking in through the window, say, just digging it as the expression on your pasty-white face moves from fear to terror to agony and back. At some point before you breathe your last, I'll catch your eye, but after that sudden rush you'll experience, of humble gratitude to God for arranging your rescue, I'll hold up a Bible, shake my head no, and begin tearing the pages out of it while the light of hope collapses and dies in your eyes. Although sometimes in this dream, I REPLACE the Bible business with seeing the numb horror in your face as I laboriously put on the gore-clotted full-head pig mask Michael Palin wears in BRAZIL, and continue watching your violent death.

See, in THAT scenario, there's no jail time for me whatsoever since I technically don't kill you: I only watch you get peeled like a shrimp, and any lawyer can cook up a walk for me on that basis. Hell, I might even get a tv-movie deal out of it!
"I couldn't even TALK to the demon!...I couldn't even OPEN MY MOUTH!!!"

Edited by: sickdrjoe at: 9/16/02 12:47:09 pm
Registered User
Posts: 334
(9/16/02 19:52)
  Re: Re:
 Yeah, your "plan" to be a complete idiot is working perfectly.

If a "trip to the woodshed" would do me good, I'd like to see you try to take me there, you @#%$.
"No time for the old in and out Love, I've just come to read the meter".
Registered User
Posts: 108
(9/16/02 20:16)
  Re: Re:
 <<And don't bother cutting thephone line before you enter my humble abode, because I have a celular phone too.>>

You know, most of us learned to spell in Kindergarden, and I guess some people like you, are still struggling. Once again I must point out your spelling mistake. It's CELLULAR! Not celular.
"If Benjamin were an ice cream flavor, he'd be Pralines and Dick!"
Registered User
Posts: 570
(9/17/02 1:42)
Reply  Re:
 Jim- I wouldn't take you there- I'd drag you there by fish hooks through your eyelids, you double-@#%$.

Sweets- Ribbing isn't your style. Find another niche. I remember saying once before that I don't have spell check and I can't use the ezboard's either. Let's see how good YOU post without any kind of spell check, Miss Valedictorian.
Registered User
Posts: 907
(9/17/02 1:51)
And what kind of a fuckin' bald faced lie is that?

Every computer on Earth comes with spell-check. EVERY ONE!
You're too fuckin' stupid to know how to use it - THAT'S the answer here.

This is months you keep repeating that same lie. It's like saying "where I live, the Skipper from GILLIGAN'S ISLAND is on the dollar bill, not Washington."

" I don't have spell-check..." Give me a break!
"I couldn't even TALK to the demon!...I couldn't even OPEN MY MOUTH!!!"
Registered User
Posts: 215
(9/17/02 2:53)
Reply  Re: Re:
 Slipp, I'll just make a few observations re yr reponse to me from yest.:

If it's not acceptance you want, what is it you want?

Your statement "my character is unjudgeable". What does that mean? Above judgment, or inscrutable, or what? I'm sorry, dude, you lost me there. You're not above judgment and you're definitely not inscrutable--your knee-jerk sensitivity belies any adumbration of the latter. You're not a complex person.

Wy should any of us have decided to "tar and feather" SDJ? As I recall, there were people who spoke out against him for being too harsh with you. I'll admit SDJ definitely knows how to push your buttons and derives amusement from it, but if that's the case, it's YOUR prerogative whether to allow him to do so. I recall you saying something to the effect that you never let anything go; you always had to hit back if anyone hit you [I can't remember the exact quote but it was to that effect and anyway your actions for the last year speak for themselves]. And of course there's your confession "I don't know how to fight and not sound stupid". If that's so, then why do you continue? I could understand it at a Stooge board, where you might have some lingering sense of entitlement, but here?

What Metal said in one of his posts made me think of something: so here's a hypothesis. What really upsets you is that, superficially, there are people here with whom you share superficial interests [wrestling, Stooges] and it annoys you that they won't accept you. "If they like the same things I do then they ought to be exactly like me." This is a far too simplistic view. Just because someone shares a common interest with you is no guarantor of friendship or acceptance. Belief that it ought to be is what's frustrating you. You'll probably turn round and say "You're wrong" without any attempt at a convincing rebuttal [you never took debating in high school, didja, Slipp?] so I won't elaborate my theory further.

In yr view, anything is justifiable. I can recall plenty of Bible verses on that topic, but will forebear. If you think lying, misleading [veiled threats of death/suicide] and deceit are justifiable, you're more deluded than I thought.

As far as "nervous breakdown", is that a clinical view or merely your opinion? Because if it's the former you shouldn't be here at all, and if it's the latter you definitely need help. Self-diagnosis [notwithstanding your assumption of psychiatric counseling as Superstooge] isn't going to make you better; it's only reinforcing your egocentric position as arbiter of your world; i.e. it's not your mindset that's wrong, it's everyone else's. Classic egocentricism and narcissism. [Yeah, I took Psych 101, so what?]

About yr selection of films: these are not examples of great cinema but slickly-made commercial product. Tell me of some films by Ophuls, Resnais, Godard, Fellini, Rossellini, Wild Bill Wellman, et al, which you've seen. The remarks about novels I'll just take a miss on.

BTW I use brackets instead of parentheses because I developed the habit when my wrist was broken last winter. You don't have to hit the shift key for brackets, a difficulty when you're typing with one hand and you're nothing but a self-taught typist anyhow. Slipp, you must be the only person here who's accused me of near-illiteracy because of an idiosyncrasy in punctuation. [Maybe Shady would, but he hasn't commented].
Registered User
Posts: 254
(9/17/02 3:01)
  Re: Re:
 Like I said, SLIPP.

At one point, and you gotta go WAY back for this, you had just as many allies as sdj did, if not MORE.

Don't you find it the least bit odd that not only have each and every one of the allies you had left your side, but they've joined sick's?

It's cuz we're all crazy, Right?. No we're scriptural....Y-You're the one who's crazy.
"Oh yes...Shake it, Madam...Capital knockers."
Registered User
Posts: 446
(9/17/02 3:06)
Reply  RE
 "It's cuz we're all crazy, Right?. No we're scriptural....Y-You're the one who's crazy."

You tell him, Honk!
Registered User
Posts: 579
(9/17/02 3:07)
Reply  Re:
 DrJoe- why would a struggling writer lie about spell check? Huh? Hmm? Huh? The only spell check I get is for e-mail and I forget to use that sometimes.

I'll give you a break. I'll break your will. I'll break your sanity. I'll break everything you hold so dear about your online escapades- sooner or later.
Registered User
Posts: 256
(9/17/02 3:17)
  Re: Re:
 why would a struggling writer lie about spell check? Huh? Hmm? Huh?

How is it possible that a struggling writer doesn't have a word processor made in the 1990s?
"Oh yes...Shake it, Madam...Capital knockers."
Registered User
Posts: 448
(9/17/02 3:19)
Reply  RE
 "I'll give you a break. I'll break your will. I'll break your sanity. I'll break everything you hold so dear about your online escapades- sooner or later."

All because we don't want to be friends with you. All because your self image is so low that you care SO MUCH what other people say about you, (the fact that you feel the need to say how great you are and how handsome you are so much lately is another sign of low self esteem). Your need for revenge is sickening. SLIPP, you are an as shole and have no worth as a human being at all. NONE. The only problem is, SLIPP, you don't have the power to do any of those things. You cannot make me break my will or sanity, (something you have obviously lost judging by the extreme amounts of anger you are showing). I will not allow it to happen and neither will anybody else. I am in control of my emotions, unlike you.
Registered User
Posts: 580
(9/17/02 3:33)
Reply  Re:

What I want is in my peace terms. If EVERYBODY doesn't agree to hear them and take them seriously, you won't get to know what they are. And yes, I am a very complex person. The evidence is in the fact that everybody here- even YOU, has me figured all wrong.

Don't ask why you all shouldn't have tarred and feathered "SDJ". I can't believe you ARE asking. He made a TOTAL victim out of me. THAT'S why. I can't help being the ecxiteable type that I am. I can't help having bad reactions to my buttons being pushed. I found it very unfair that I was brand new to posting ANYWHERE and nobody understood that I didn't know forum ettiquette and so they used it against me. How was I supposed to react? How I reacted doesn't make me EVIL or anything. No, I never said I never let anything go. In time, I always do- in most cases. I also never quite said that I always had to hit back if someone hit me. You should see me at theoter place I post at. Someone called me an idiot and I laughed it off, saying, "Idiot? I thought everybody knew I was!" Why do I continue to fight? Because I have a whole new approach to it.

Please uderstand, similar interests or not, I am NOT annoyed that I'm not accepted here. I have already accepted the fact that I WON'T be accepted here, months ago.

In my view, NOT everything is justifiable. Drug-dealing and murder aren't justifiable, for instance.

The nervous breakdowns I had that really mattered, happened OFFline. It's both a clinical view and my opinion. In this case, everyone's mindset when it comes to ME is wrong and always has been since at least a year ago.

Maybe our opinions differ on "great cinema". Don't you like horror at all? Do all those directors specialize in dramas? I'll tell you what- I did enjoy "To Kill a Mockingbird" and "In Cold Blood". How's that?

How have I accused you of illiteracy? I haven't that I know of. All I said (half-way in jest) was, "What do you have against parenthases?"
Registered User
Posts: 581
(9/17/02 3:36)
Reply  Re:
 Nose, I may have had just as many allies, but they didn't do much to help thwart DrJoe at all. Admit it.

Yes, it's odd and yes, you're crazy.

Registered User
Posts: 582
(9/17/02 3:37)
Reply  RE:
 Nose- I have that word processor- on my separate computer.

Registered User
Posts: 583
(9/17/02 3:42)
Reply  Re:
 Metal- don't be stupid. NOTHING is all because you don't want to be friends with me and NOTHING is all because of ANYONE'S self image. Mine is just right, no thanks to you. My saying how great and handsome I am lately are statements IN JEST.

I'm not showing extreme anger. Only in your mind. I'm more in control of my emotions than you WISH I was, you s**teater.
Registered User
Posts: 258
(9/17/02 3:43)
  Re: RE:
 Nose, I may have had just as many allies, but they didn't do much to help thwart DrJoe at all. Admit it.

Maybe it's because we weren't given much to work with. What with sick being right and you being a delusional looney and all.
"Oh yes...Shake it, Madam...Capital knockers."

Edited by: Nosehonk at: 9/17/02 3:45:51 am
Registered User
Posts: 585
(9/17/02 3:53)
Reply  Re:

What COULD I have given you to work with? DrJoe was NEVER right and you never SAW a REAL delusional looney, obviously. BTW- thanks for finally admitting it. 
Registered User
Posts: 217
(9/17/02 3:57)
Reply  Re: RE:
 So Slipp, you're saying I ought to dislike SDJ because you're a victim, hence deserving of sympathy and SDJ deserving of calumny? If you were a victim of flood or hurricane, OK, I might sympathize, send you a care package, whatever. Slipp, you're a victim of your own inabilities and lack of foresight. That you dismiss this because you didn't undertand forum "etiquette" isn't a clear defense. You were established at C3 when I was a newbie, and before C3 I'd contributed exactly 2 posts to 2 separate forums IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. So I was a lot greener than you; it's just my expectations were different. From the start, you've overestimated the bond built between people in cyberspace; it isn't the same as bonding with people face-to-face. I understood it to the extent that I always draw parameters in any kind of social contact, the internet was terra incognita to me at that time, but I definitely never expected it to be similar to real life. How can it be? Yet in time it's taken on aspects of real friendship, because I exchange info and movies with other people, a development I never foresaw or expected. Yes Slipp, you too might have been included in the furious round of videotapes we exchange on a regular basis if not for your pariah status. As it is, that's one thing you've definitely lost out.

I reiterate: you're not a complex person. Having a few things to sort out does not make you complex. I wish you luck sorting them out, but if this place is only adding to them, you're better off leaving regardless of whether anyone talks about you when you're gone.
Registered User
Posts: 261
(9/17/02 4:00)
  Re: Re:
 No, no, no, we TRIED to help. We may have failed to, because you're beyond help and have been for a long time.

What were we supposed to do? Watch you pretend to commit suicide and say "Hey, that SLIPP sure is smart!"

There's a SERIOUS ethical problem with a lot of what you did at the Other Place.

And as much as you loved using all of your allies like sheilds while you continued yuor dessent into madness, we're NOT puppets, SLIPP. Hell, you're fuckin' LUCKY we stuck around as long as we did.
"Oh yes...Shake it, Madam...Capital knockers."
Registered User
Posts: 913
(9/17/02 4:13)
 If sentences like

 I'm more in control of my emotions than you WISH I was, you s**teater.

which are so look, ma, no mind! self-parodic it's hard to believe it wasn't written on purpose don't set off alarm bells, nothing will. And make no mistake, you've written HUNDREDS of sentences every bit as off-your-meds as that one. I mean, look at it again! You double back on your own premise in the SAME SENTENCE!

Want another recent example?

 It's so evident in DrJoe's posts in this thread that he wants to keep you on his side it's unbelieveabe. Open your eyes, man! As for me wanting you on my side, It would be nice and I would welcome that event anytime, but desperate? Not really. (As if desperation was really a bad thing anyway)

SICKDRJOE is desperate!! Me? I'm not desperate! But if I was, so what? Desperation is only desperate when I'm accusing someone else. It's not that desperate when it's MY desperation. (There will be a quiz following this graf that will account for 40% of your final grade.)

Complex? YOU? Only in the sense that your condition is completely incurable, and no attempts should be made to assist you.
"I couldn't even TALK to the demon!...I couldn't even OPEN MY MOUTH!!!"
Registered User
Posts: 589
(9/17/02 4:30)
Reply  Re:

CHEW OUT DrJoe because he made me his victim. I didn't say dislike the guy. But since he didn't budge even when he DID get fingers shaken at him, why DID h stay so likeable? Bullies are not to be liked.

When you were a newbie at C3, I wasn't THAT established, in that way. Forum ettiquette was like nothing I had seen before and it was hard for me personnaly to get used to. The fact of the matter is, nobody wants to (but definiitely should) share the blame for my downfall. No one wants to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for it. (see guys, I can throw those words right back at YOU!). So you're saying that I should've accepted things and took things just like you? Everybody's different in the way they accept and take things. Whatever "pariah status" is, you're probably wrong about it.

I reitterate- I AM a complex person. How can it not be OBVIOUS? Look around! Every good thing I say or do is said to be for bad or self-serving motives (ie Metal in one of these threads in the last few hours about the Beatles quote). That's why I so rarely do and say good things here. Either they are just being mean (no surprise if that's the case) or they're blind. There are so many wrong concepts about me floating around, I lost count. Even in YOUR posts.
Registered User
Posts: 264
(9/17/02 4:33)
  Re: Re:
 No one wants to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for it.

For once, SLIPP, you're right.
"Oh yes...Shake it, Madam...Capital knockers."
Registered User
Posts: 449
(9/17/02 4:36)
Reply  RE
 I'm suffering from a bad case of insomnia tonight. Thank God this forum is active. It makes my condition bearable. I will probably fall asleep tomorrow in biology class, but then again, the girl who sits across from me has a mighty fine looking chest and is not afraid to show some cleavage, so that may keep me awake.

OK, enough of my sleep deprived ramblings and back to the matter at hand here.

"Metal- don't be stupid."


"NOTHING is all because you don't want to be friends with me and NOTHING is all because of ANYONE'S self image."

Then what IS it all about, SLIPP? You don't explain yourself because you have no valid case to explain.

"Mine," (self image), "is just right, no thanks to you."

If your self image is just right, then WHY do you take what we say about you so seriously? If you truly had a positive self image, you would ignore everything we say and have walked away a long time ago. You would truly feel deep down inside everything we said about you is false and your own opinion of yourself would be good enough for you. You wouldn't care what a group of people you never are going to meet would say or think about you. You wouldn't go through all the effort to get revenge because it wouldn't be an important enough issue. You do have a low self esteem SLIPP, and it's very obvious to everyone who encounters you on these boards, as I'm sure it is to people in other aspects of your life as well.

"I'm not showing extreme anger. Only in your mind. I'm more in control of my emotions than you WISH I was, you s**teater."

SDJ already brought up the point of you contradicting what you said in the same sentence.

Registered User
Posts: 590
(9/17/02 4:37)
Reply  Re:

You failed to help because you were ill-eqeuipped and prejudiced. No other reasons.

Don't talk about the suicide thing here. I'm talking about MONTHS before that. Besides, don't forget that I didn't INTEND to fake suicide. I just went along with those who thought I wasn't faking.

Using my allies as SHIELDS? I did NO such thing. Puppets? I didn't use you for that either. Now YOUR being delusional.

Registered User
Posts: 591
(9/17/02 4:43)
Reply  Re:
 DrJerk- I wasn't angry when I called you a s**teater. I just know what you are. Whatta WEAK attempt to attack me.

DrJerk, bottom line is this- you showed LOTS more desperation than I ever have. LOTS. But how did I double back on my own premise in the de

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Registered User
Posts: 591
(9/17/02 4:43)
Reply  Re:
 DrJerk- I wasn't angry when I called you a s**teater. I just know what you are. Whatta WEAK attempt to attack me.

DrJerk, bottom line is this- you showed LOTS more desperation than I ever have. LOTS. But how did I double back on my own premise in the desperation talk? I can't see how.

Complex. ME! And NOT in the sense that you said. BELIEVE it. ADMIT IT.
Registered User
Posts: 265
(9/17/02 4:44)
  Re: Re:
 ill-equipped and prejudiced...

Okay, SLIPP. How do I equip myself to deal a person who has twice faked his own death, pretended to be his own mother, pretended to be his own shrink, pretended to be eight different people who had an unmotivated hate towards him...Need I go on?

And I know how ya feel metal. Luckily I don't have any classes today, but if I did, I'd be on Thong-Watch. That's for damn sure.

"Oh yes...Shake it, Madam...Capital knockers."

Edited by: Nosehonk at: 9/17/02 4:45:25 am
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Posts: 915
(9/17/02 4:45)

 I didn't INTEND to fake suicide. I just went along with those who thought I wasn't faking.

Nuff said.

"I couldn't even TALK to the demon!...I couldn't even OPEN MY MOUTH!!!"
Registered User
Posts: 592
(9/17/02 4:46)
Reply  Re:
 "For once, Slipp, you're right."

So you admit this too, yet you should feel lower than dog s**t for it. What kind of idiot are you that you don't?
Registered User
Posts: 221
(9/17/02 4:47)
Reply  Re: Re:
 Pariah=an outcast, derived from the Tamil. In India, a pariah occupies the lowest echelon of the caste system; an untouchable [and we don't mean Eliot Ness].

Gee I'm doing Shady's work for him tonight. Get at it, boss.

I will now rebuke SDJ because Slipp has told me to. No I am not a mindless drone. I simply do what others request without thinking where it may lead.

Sickdrjoe, how dare you push Slipp's buttons when you know he isn't good at fighting, cannot make any sort of comeback, is of slack mind, lazy habits, and hypocritical moral standards, and is more to be pitied than scorned? Look at Slipp--an abject figure ["I abject!"]. No one loves him. His own father has forsaken him. For shame. You used your biting wit and New York sensibility to render him a babbling nonsensical talking head, threaten suicide in a failed ploy to win back others' respect, and you robbed him of that which was most precious in life--the opportunity to post at Three Stooges forums and exhort others to eyepoke strangers and smash eggs on their heads in public. The sickdr is truly low and evil, to be despised of all men. I for one will have no more to do with his twisted and depraved sense of humor, other than to wish him greetings at Xmas and the other 51 weeks of the year.

Sinceriously yours,

Tyler "Bruckman" Durden [not to be confused with the founder of Fight Club, who does not use brackets in written discourse]

Registered User
Posts: 266
(9/17/02 4:49)
  Re: Re:
 So you admit this too, yet you should feel lower than dog s**t for it. What kind of idiot are you that you don't?

I was referring to YOU, dickweed.

Man the hits keep coming. Everything SLIPP says now can be repeated and chortled at a la Beavis & Butthead.
"Oh yes...Shake it, Madam...Capital knockers."
Registered User
Posts: 593
(9/17/02 4:55)
Reply  Re:

You won't KNOW what it's all about until you agree to hear my peace terms and take them seriously. I DO have valid explanations, but fine, DON'T hear them.

I have a strong sense of self-respect. SO SUE ME. You're no psychologist- you don't know what people with positive self-images do OR don't do. It just so happen that I DO feel deep down inside that everything said about me here is false and that my own opinion is good enough for me. The fact that you think I have lowself-esteem confirms my complexity.

"SDJ already brought up..." So why do YOU bring up the fact that HE brought it up? What's the point? That you agree with HIS point? I already proved his point wrong.
Registered User
Posts: 267
(9/17/02 5:00)
  Re: Re:
 We already said we'd listen to your fuckin' peace terms. We'll even take them as seriously as logic will permit.

But we know that since it's coming from you, it's going to be a "Apologize to me, stop being mean to me, poor me, etc." That is, afterall, your track record.
"Oh yes...Shake it, Madam...Capital knockers."
Registered User
Posts: 594
(9/17/02 5:00)
Reply  Re:

The equipment is: knowledge of how and when to give support and encouragement, a heart for those in turmoil, understanding and wisdom. Hardly anyone of you possesses ANY of these things.

I did not pretend to be eight different anything.
Registered User
Posts: 268
(9/17/02 5:06)
  Re: Re:
 SLIPP, I've defended friends before. Several times. Verbally, Physically, you name it. And in my lifetime I haven't lost any of those friends. You're different. Whenever anyone defends you, YOU GET WORSE. You fell more comfortable doing something risky (and/or asinine) because your sheilds will always be their to block the tomatoes.

THAT, like bruckman said (a billion times) this evening is why you lost everyone.

Ya know SLIPP, if we were in a chat room, in an organized debate (ie: one at a time, present argument, rebuttle, etc.) you'd get creamed in nothing flat. Smoked. Fileted. Killed. Mangled. Thrashed. PERIOD. You would get your ass kicked.

The simple fact of the matter is, you went about things the completely wrong way just about every single time something came up. Frankly, you're limited social life played an enormous part in that. Like SDJ said, even when you were saying something that was agreeable, people STILL wanted to punch you because you either said in a frightfully offensive manner OR you managed to throw something absurdly stupid in there to either nullify are lessen your argument to an extent.

You're right, you DON'T know how to ague and not sound stupid. Christ, SLIPP. You said it yourself.
"Oh yes...Shake it, Madam...Capital knockers."

Edited by: Nosehonk at: 9/17/02 5:14:12 am
Registered User
Posts: 595
(9/17/02 5:06)
Reply  Re:

Yes, I'm an outcast (obviously), but I'm not derived from anywhere. (joke).

I didn't tell you to defend me. I said it was the right thing to do. I hope I was wrong in detecting sarcasm in your "telling off" DrJoe. If I wasn't wrong, WHY?
Registered User
Posts: 596
(9/17/02 5:10)
Reply  Re:

One of us is mixed up (and it can't be me). I said that no one wanted to take responsibility for my downfall, when EVERYONE was responsible for it. Then you said I was right ("for once"). That is the only way you referred to me, d*ckweed.
Registered User
Posts: 222
(9/17/02 5:11)
Reply  Re: Re:
 "Hardly any of you possess these things."

Not towards you any longer, Slipp, but in general, you're wrong there. Speaking personally, the rabid-squirrel act is fast draining me of the milk of human kindness, understanding, "Heart for those in turmoil" etc.

I'd still like to hear the peace terms though. You must be taking your time drafting them--why do I feel like Woodrow Wilson in the hall of mirrors at Versailles in 1919? "What I want is a League of Slipp Defenders. I have here 14 points which I would like to see adopted....."

Frankly Slipp, when I first gazed upon the Slipp/SDJ war I was a little shocked. Yes I was shocked that SDJ utilized such heavy ammo against you [rather in the spirit of Alex. Pope spurning Shadwell "who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel"] but I was EQUALLY shocked by your rejoinders, your continual misstatements, and your ridiculous ploys at besting him. You knew you couldn't survive a frontal attack so you elected to essay spurious and ill-conceived [and executed] ploys like Superstooge, Bunionhead, etc, which made you a laughing stock in the eyes of everyone. So who's at fault? SDJ for driving you to this, or you for going to these extremes, or us for failing to sympathize with your goal of humiliating SDJ? I'd like a straight-up answer, please.

and have a donut...... 
Registered User
Posts: 597
(9/17/02 5:15)
Reply  Re:
 Oh, and Nose-

You're wrong again. Whenever someone defends me, the enemies CONVINCE them that I'm getting worse.

Your "feeling comfortable" babbling is only your (false) take on the matter.
Registered User
Posts: 269
(9/17/02 5:23)
  Re: Re:
 One of us is mixed up (and it can't be me). I said that no one wanted to take responsibility for my downfall, when EVERYONE was responsible for it. Then you said I was right ("for once" . That is the only way you referred to me, d*ckweed

You said nobody is willing to take responsibility SLIPP. NOBODY. Including YOU, and in that respect you're correct. You STILL won't admit that you, by your own actions, your own loose temper, your purile attitude, brought this all upon yourself.

I didn't force you type a WORD. I didn't force you to employ one vacant, desperate charade after another. I didn't force you to take on alias after alias after alias. IT WAS ALL YOU. Why the FU CK can't you see that?

You've said more enraging things on these forums than anyone else, and no one else has even remotely behaved the way you have. Everytime I flew off the handle on the forums, (which, oddly enough, was usually in defense of YOU) I apologized, within 24 hours no less.

But you, oh no. In your mind, you shouldn't need to apologize, because your the victim. Hell a guy that runs into the middle of the highway and gets totaled is a victim too. Not a victim of foul play, not a victim of bad driving. A victim of his mother-fuckin' own stupidity. PERIOD.

"Oh yes...Shake it, Madam...Capital knockers."
Registered User
Posts: 598
(9/17/02 5:23)
Reply  Re:
 Nose- 1 more thing- I never said anything that had good intentions in ANY kind of bad way. I can tell you EXACTLY how DrJoe hoodwinked you into thinking that. He constantly picked things in my posts to twist their meanings around and you came to believe what he said.


If you had those "pieces of equipment" in general, you would have them in dealings with me too.

And don't be silly- I'm not still looking for allies.

-and I'd love to have a donut.
Registered User
Posts: 223
(9/17/02 5:45)
Reply  Re: Re:
 Slipp, a person can have those things "in general" and yet not use them in certain circumstances, just as my ancestors were practicing Mennonites, i.e. believers in God and pacifists, yet still felt compelled to go to war whenever the circumstances warranted. I have those qualities you mentioned, but I never displayed them, for example, in the boxing ring, because I couldn't. The other guy was there to knock my block off; it was up to me to see that he didn't. It didn't mean I lacked those qualities, just that under the circumstances I had to put them aside. And Slipp, you do the same thing all the time--you've admitted it--and done far worse than Honk or Metal or self [e.g. yr remark about cancer victims, your tidal wave of fellatio scenarios]. Never in anger have I done anything like that. You can't apply your standards to yourself, let alone toward anyone like Honk.

So ya see, even in attack mode I set limits [no hitting below the belt, I want a good clean fight here, no sticking in clinches]. You don't. Neither does SDJ, but you're Mr. Alleluia Christian here as Metal terms it, so naturally your actions are going to be scrutinized more closely. I expect street fighting from SDJ. Slipp, you're not a street fighter, you know this, and you choose other methods, but you chose badly, i.e. you alienated others who supported you by manipulating them [or trying to] and then you wonder why they deserted you. It's not so much taking sides as it is "Who's making more sense in this argument, SDJ or Slipp?"

Edited by: Bruckman64 at: 9/17/02 5:52:11 am
Registered User
Posts: 599
(9/17/02 5:57)
Reply  Re:

When I said NOBODY, it should've been obvious to you that I meant "nobody in the NFO". It should've been obvious that I wasn't counting myself, unless you really are that dumb. I WOULD admit that I brought it ALL on myself If I DID. But I can't take anymore than HALF the responsibility. The other half goes to YOU GUYS.

It's got NOTHING to do with who forced who, or who forced themselves. NOTHING. Why the F*CK can't YOU see THAT? It all happened without anyone's force on anyone.

Yeah, so I showed the most rage out of everyone one these forums, but DrJoe DESERVED all my anger. Don't talk about my "behavior" likeI'm some little kid and you were all put in charge of me. Nobody was put in charge of anybody. And you know what? You hardly ever flew off the handle and so hardly ever had anything to apologize for. Mostof the time, when those ocassions came up, I was scratching my head wondering about you, because you apologized for making stronger efforts for my side of the war. That made you a wuss-soldier. If you were in the Secret Service and the president was shot at, would you apologize to the assasin for taking the bullet? I bet you would. (REALIZE that I'm not putting myself on the same level as the president by that analogy).

The only thing I apologize for is having and showing a little too much anger. Why should I apologize for anything else? I always have been the victim (why is realizing that and saying it so bad? WHY?). I am a victim of the NFO members foul play, even the more blind ones like your stupid self.
Registered User
Posts: 450
(9/17/02 6:05)
Reply  RE
 "I always have been the victim (why is realizing that and saying it so bad? WHY?)"

Because nobody likes a cry baby.
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Posts: 600
(9/17/02 6:16)
Reply  Re:

So why did you put them aside? What benefit(s) did you receive from putting them aside? You're right-I have put them aside at ties, but I'm speaking from a different standpoint. In my "equipment" talk, I was speaking about how to treat those who needed defending. I never mentioned them in connection with my own fighting in the war, or with the enemies fighting against me.

Now, I'd really like to see the NFO's best Slipp quote preservationists come up with anything I ever said against cancer victims in general. All I ever said was something about making time with DrJerk's cancer-ridden girlfriend. Somehow, in all of your minds, it became a crack against her, than against ALL cancer victims. It was ONLY directed to DrJoe. ONLY HIM. Saying she's cancer-ridden is just a fact, and nothing against her.

About setting limits- when I saw that DrJoe didn't, THAT'S when I stopped having the high limits that I used to have on these boards. How am I supposed to counter "F*ck your mom with a wooden chair leg in Mac's window." (a now famous quote from DrJoe)? How would YOU counter it? Isn't the object to one-up it? That's what I thought, but in your minds, that wasn't the case. What SHOULD I have done when he came at me that line and other equally bad ones- and even WORSE ones?

Please tell me about my alienation and manipulation of my allies. I don't recall any ocassions of doing that.
Registered User
Posts: 601
(9/17/02 6:19)
Reply  Re:
 "nobody likes a crybaby"

I HAD GOOD REASON to be a crybaby (if you even POSSIBLY, truthfully use that strong a word).
Registered User
Posts: 917
(9/17/02 6:19)
 I'd just like to point out that - WAYYYYY back when all this began - Slipp wasn't a timid little Christian twinkie. On the contrary! He was a smug, holier-than-thou, would-be Stooge board foreman. He had NO qualms about trying to mau-mau other posters, or lecture the rest of us on Christianity, before I smacked his face. In fact, it was seeing him correct already-correct information with INCORRECT info for the fiftieth or so time that made me snap.

And, if you'll recall, he didn't quail in terror, seeking allies, he leaped right into battle with me, assuming he had everybody on his side already. (Slipp was a board regular LONG before me, or Bruckman, or half-a-dozen others.) There was NONE of this "you should have pitied me with a heart for those in turmoil" horseshit from him back THEN.

If anything, I broke forum etiquette, by refusing to stand for any more of his smug hall-monitor nonsense. I said it then, I say it now, I've said all along that I don't care if/when I get banned, I'm not putting up with this guy!

As for heavy ammo...well, I recall going quite easy with him at first. Love taps, practically. After about a week of his shrill hysteria in response, I figured - quite rightly - there's no point in fighting for appearance's sake, you fight to WIN. What I never counted on was how quickly his facade of well-adjusted sanity would crumble like dried cookie dough, or how far into the maelstrom Little Eric would descend. by now, I'm amazed he hasn't surfaced in China.

PS: Do your research, Slipp. The 'chair leg' was a DIRECT RESPONSE to your 'cancer' joke. And could someone explain to me how a guy can make a sex joke about a real-life cancer patient and then spend SIX FUCKIN' MONTHS swearing that he never, y'know, really meant it? Here's a reminder, Slipp: you made that crack to me in a private email. When I put it up on the board, suddenly you "never said it", and later you "never meant it". You fuckin' damn well SAID IT & MEANT IT, you typical Bible-thumping faggot hypocrite.
"I couldn't even TALK to the demon!...I couldn't even OPEN MY MOUTH!!!"

Edited by: sickdrjoe at: 9/17/02 6:35:08 am
Registered User
Posts: 603
(9/17/02 6:42)
Reply  Re:
 DrJoe- WHY would you like to point that out? To FURTHER make me look bad? All of that post is a pack of lies. As time went on, I might have had some of those qualities, but NOT at the beginning.

I started ONE MONTH before you, not "LONG before you". There was nothing about me thatcouldn't be put up wit and you know it. OUR PERSONALITIES JUST COULDN'T CLICK. That's ALL. You didn't like our differences, so you attacked me. There was nothing bad about me whatsoever. Nobody in my personal life ever thought I was smug or holier-than-thou, or that I tried to be a group foreman. NEVER.

ps: Do YOUR research, DrJoe. With all those C3 archives at your diposal, you should be able to. You mentioned the chair leg MONTHS before Numskull banned me. Sometime AFTER the ban, I made the comment about your girlfriend.
Registered User
Posts: 225
(9/17/02 6:53)
Reply  Re
 Pursuant to my statement: it was when I came back to C3 that sickdrjoe was employing the heavier ammo, not initially. [I wasn't around for the initial skirmishes]. Even then, the heavy ammo was used very sporadically. Yes, this fight escalated, but if I were to assign blame, I'd have to pin more of it on Slipp [the Superstooge episode definitely brought it up a notch].

As to why I "put aside" my finer feelings w/you: I'm not aware that I have altogether. But Slipp, I am under no obligation to defend you. I am not noted for compassion towards people who do nothing to help themselves. I expect everyone to pull their own weight. A wgile ago you were saying you didn't play the sympathy card; now you're saying I ought to have stepped in to defend you because I was sorry you couldn't take on sickdrjoe. I didn't see it that way. You got yourself into it, you can get yourself out, or bail. That's exactly what I would've done. If SDJ or anyone had said "f--- your mother with a chair leg" I'd have told 'em to f uck off and shaken the dust of the place from my boots. I wouldn't have stuck around lecturing them, no matter how innocent and undeserving of the remark I thought I was.
Registered User
Posts: 606
(9/17/02 7:16)
Reply  Re:
 Bruckman- I TRIED to help myself, but DrJoe was a much stronger opponent, so it WAS like I wasn't helping myself. I DID give it a good, honest try. I didn't get myself into the war with DrJoe. Look at his posts above. HE ADMITS starting with me. He made up the fact that I was unbearable to everybody, when really, I was unintentionally unbearable only to HIM. Our presonalities just clashed. If he ever realized that, he should've respected the fact that I had more seniority there then he did and he should've been man enough to leave and not look back. But no, he cried in his mind, "But 'I' wanna post there! Slipp should be the one to get out!" just like a little 3 year-old. So no, he started attacking me outta nowhere, so HE was the one that got ME into it, not the other way around.

Nobody is deserving of a "F*ck your mother" remark of any kind. That's low BEYOND low. Do you mean to say that you would've stopped going to that board? What about your rights and priveleges? If your attacker got to the board after you, HE should be the one to leave. You leaving wouldn't be fair to YOU.
Registered User
Posts: 919
(9/17/02 7:25)
  Re: Re:
 Nobody is deserving of a "F*ck your mother" remark of any kind.

Oh, all right already! F UCK YOUR FATHER then. Seeing what he ended up with for a son, he probably seconds the idea. Ten minutes of searing rectal pain beats drinking himself into a sobbing stupor every night for the past 29 years any day of the week.
"I couldn't even TALK to the demon!...I couldn't even OPEN MY MOUTH!!!"
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Posts: 229
(9/17/02 7:37)
Reply  Re
 Slipp, maybe it wouldn't have been fair to me if I'd left [we're going out on some limb speculating] but if I wasn't wanted, yes, I'd have left. Sickdrjoe admitted he started with you because he couldn't stand you. I think that was the very first advice I gave you: you can't expect to get along with everybody, except in some Pollyanna hospice for the mentally impaired. Yes, I have a right to post, but I also have a right not to be hassled, and if I saw I was going to be hassled regardless, I'd pick up and go. An internet forum is not the same issue as fighting "separate but equal" rulings for blacks, for example. It's not even in the same ballpark.

You know how SDJ is always claiming you have no shame? That's because I think he, like me, wants you to develop a sense of intelligent critical capacities and not be a sheep. I take a soft approach and he goes on the prod; that's our only difference. But when it proved futile, he really began to bash you, because you WOULDN'T change.
Registered User
Posts: 608
(9/17/02 7:38)
Reply  Re:
 Be careful, DrJoe. We Christians call God our father. That's why I use "dad" for my old man.

I can imagine how you came up with that insult in the first place- too many times sneaking peeks in your parent's bedroom, spanking your monkey as you watched. Gee, your mom really jammed a chair leg up your dad's rectum? There's a fine line between kinky and disturbing and your parents must've crossed it everytime. That's why you're disturbed too- an inherited thing.
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Posts: 921
(9/17/02 7:53)
 Okay, okay.


"I couldn't even TALK to the demon!...I couldn't even OPEN MY MOUTH!!!"
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Posts: 451
(9/17/02 8:59)
Reply  RE
 SLIPP, since we seem to be tracing back to the beginnings of your forum war with SDJ and analyzing it all, here's where my mind was at and my opinions of the whole situation.

This may surprise you that I'm going to admit this, but sickdrjoe did start this. He had no intentions to bring it to the level it's currently at, but he did throw in the first negative words. Even he will admit this. However, you overreacted to his posts from the very beginning, as he didn't say anything THAT bad. He's correct, you did have a hall monitor like attitude on these boards, (whether you meant to or not), and SDJ, being much more outspoken than the rest of us, was the first one to say something. However, he wasn't trying to start World War III. After a short period of time, he left the board for a couple of days because he was tired of the fighting, and at one point he had even wanted to call a draw. All you had to do was say "OK, it's a draw," and it would've ended. You couldn't end it early on without somehow feeling like you're making sick do something for you. In your mind, (and in your mind only), he said something that supposedly offended other posters and you stated you wouldn't call it a draw until he apologized to these posters, (who in reality he probably didn't offend). Even if he did offend them, it was NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS and should've had no bearing on your peace agreement, which was VERY early on in the fued. This is a perfect example of you playing an annoying hall monitor.

About my opinions of you at the time......I tolerated you. I did enjoy talking about wrestling with you, but that's it. In every other way you were irritating, yet I accepted it and was willing to co-exist with you despite your obvious flaws. Also, I wasn't up for a forum feud at the time, (though I sure as hell got entertained by you and sickdrjoe). What were/are your flaws, you ask? You acted like a preachy bastard, poo pooing those of us who look at naked women, used colorful language, and liked a taste of al-kee-hall, among other things. You also rammed your religious beliefs down our throats. I had to put up with enough idiots like you in real life at the time with your fire and brimstone crap, and I certainly didn't want to hear it on a Three Stooges forum. As an intellectual person, you ranked very low on the totem pole. You never had anything really intelligent to add and have no capacity to talk critically about anything you love. You have a very sheepish mentality. According to your logic, if you like The Three Stooges, you must like ALL of the Curly shorts and ESPECIALLY all of the Shemp shorts. No room for criticism. I remember posts where you got offended if somebody made a valid criticism about The Three Stooges.

About whose side I was on......I remained neutral, though I respect sickdrjoe 100 times more than you, and this includes during the beginning. Sickdrjoe, along with Jamison and Bruckman, (no disrespect to everybody else), bring TONS of knowledge to these boards about a wide variety of art forms and culture, and I highly enjoy reading their posts. I learn from their posts. The best year for movies thread is a great example, and I hope we have more conversations like this in the future. I will say that I was laughing at all your stupidity the whole time, ESPECIALLY the dog leash thread, which I literally almost fell out of my chair while reading. I also would like to say that it really annoys me when I'M included on the list of people who sided with SLIPP, because this is FAR from the case.

When did I change my mind about the neutrality? It slowly was building up for awhile. The post 9/11 religion talks really angered me. The Superstooge incident was a new low, as was that pitiful plea to AJJ572, (c'mooooooon). It showed me how truly desperate you are for friendship in a very scary way. You mentioned answering a Stooge question for him a few months prior to that post and did that to try to build a friendship over something small like that. The whole thing sounded desperate and pitiful, especially BEGGING the guy. The final straw, like for so many others, was the suicide incident. I reached out to you, not because I was on your side in the feud and not because I believed you 100%. I thought in case you were telling the truth, I better be there for you, admittedly in a very limited capacity, as a human being reaching out to another human being. When you used suicide as a way to deceive people. That was the final straw. The rest, shall we say, is history.
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Posts: 923
(9/17/02 9:16)
Reply  re
 I like the fightin' threads (obviously) but I miss the bull sessions on pop culture and related minutiae. A LOT.

This nonstop Slipp junk - besides growing very tiresome, very quickly - just erodes everybody's enthusiasm for longer, more detailed threads on more stimulating topics. It really is "Slipp's Revenge". He hangs around like herpes simplex, day after day, leaching every drop of joy from whatever forum he appears on. I get so exhausted from slapping him down that I haven't the energy, the inclination or the mindset for worthwhile threads. And if 'responding to Eric Cox' isn't the textbook definition of "worthless", Webster better get a clue.
Dewey Cheatum
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Posts: 113
(9/17/02 10:49)
Reply  Re: re
 You guys hit the nail on the head w/all the Slipp analogies...and this sh*t aint funny any more!!
Slipp I'm getting really tired of all your fu*kin complaining!
Like I said before,this board is for regulars and newcomers to hang out and shoot the sh*t,not your personal wailing wall!!
If you're not gonna contribute and just come here to "gain allies" for your battle w/"Evil DrJoe...I will "suggest" to 2Cool to ban you!!....ENOUGH OF THIS CRAP SLIPP!!!
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Posts: 335
(9/17/02 11:35)
  Re: re
 Dewey; don't forget all of those aliases (bunionhead, angillis, herbolslimey et al)...........

Eric, I'll let you have your cute little fantasies; au petit garcon . Just keep dreaming.
"No time for the old in and out Love, I've just come to read the meter".
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Posts: 610
(9/17/02 13:35)
Reply  RE:

"you can't expect to get along with everybody" Then how do you get along with all the oters? How does DrJoe, Metal, Nose, Afa, Shady, Jamison (I know he's not in the NFO, but for this point, he counts too)?

"Picking up and going" might have been thebest thing to do, but darn it, I LOVED the Three Stooges and I wanted to learn more about them and about classic films in general, just like everyone else. Why should I be denyed that just because My personality and DrJoe's clash?

DrJoe claims I have no shame, do you think he really cares I improve myself because of it? This is the same guy who told me many times, in all seriousness, to kill myself- even going into detail about how I should do iot. He even said my PARENTS should've killed me a long time ago. I'm surprised he didn't say that my grandparents should've killed my parents so they wouldn't have any offspring like me. He couldn't give a crap about my sel-improvement. If he did, he would freely share areas of his posting existence that HE could stand improvement on, to show me that he wasn't just blowing smoke and that he's just as human and fallible as I am. The most he ever did was agree that he tends to be a little too harsh, but Then do you know what he did? He JUSTIFIED IT! If he's not the biggest piec of s**t the whole world, I don't know who is.

Who knows- maybe I could've used some one-on-one, face-to-face consultation of YOUR kind, Bruckman. But DrJoe used biting sarcasm and I never could handle that, in person or online.

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Posts: 928
(9/17/02 13:56)
Ok. I'm begging you. Begging you on my hands and knees.

Please please please PLEASE shut the f uck up. How in God's name do you get the energy to whine and pout night and fuckin' day like this?

What do you want from me? To magically make you an UN-idiot? Okay, I'll try. Alakazoo, alakazam! There. You're Einstein now. All fixed.

Now log off and go master quantum physics.
"I couldn't even TALK to the demon!...I couldn't even OPEN MY MOUTH!!!"
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Posts: 168
(9/17/02 14:01)
Reply  Re:
Says Slippy the Pinhead--"If he's not the biggest piec of s**t the whole world, I don't know who is."

Try a mirror , junior. Try a mirror.

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Posts: 611
(9/17/02 14:46)
Reply  Re:

I can't tel if your analysis of thearly dayswas totally straight-shooting or not, but I realize that most of it probably is, which means that you didn't try to look beyond what you of me on the surface. In time, I was probably the one that made that picture unclear. Believe me, I regret it to this day.

So you do acknowkedge that DrJoe started everything. Good. Even I can agree that he had no intention of taking to the level it's currently at, but intentions change. HIS intentions changed with each passing month. I have a theory which I never reavealed to any of you before, but will do so now- DrJoe and I started out being a lot alike in a certain way- dealing with crap people throw at us. Both of us are "get the last word in" types. Both of have a tendency to be "I'm right and can't possibly be wrong" types. In his mind, my own particular spin on dealing with people's crap made meout to be like an ugly mirror image of himself. He couldn't stand seeing that kind of person the boards, so he attacked me. You thinking that I have a "hall monitor attitude" could be just judging a book by it's cover. In your particular example, I went to bat for those people, just as I wanted and expected them to go to bat for me. I thought I was showing my sense of caring, but obviously, must not know the first thing about showing my true intentions. I just don't know why you would automatically think the worst about me right off and STICK to those thoughts like cement on a brick. I certainly never gave in to negative first impressions. But you know what? The example you gave can be turned right around on my former allies! They went to bat for me, without thinking of how it was none of their business. There are times when it's PROPER to get into things that are none of your business. The defens of me against DrJoe is a prime example. They were showing their sense of caring and their kindheartedness, just like I was with them in the example you gave.

So alright, from now on, I'll put you on the list of those who were neutrl in the war. No big deal. What is a big deal is that when you noticed one ship was sinking, the right thing to do would be to help save the passengers and crew of the ship- not join the enemy in bombarding it.

Preachiness is next to godliness, if done in the right way. I guess I didn't know the right way. We Christians are taught that what Jesus said in Matthew 28:20 is very important- that we should make discples of all nations and teach them to obey everything He commanded us. I guess I'm a flop as a teacher. I remeber apologizing for being this way before and the apology still stands. Remember though- I recently quoted a Bible verse or 3 that said to forgive people, no matter how much they may throw your forgiveness back in their face.

That "Awww c'mooon" stuff- that was only an attempt at light humor. That it angered you in the LEAST proves that you only go by outward appearances- judging books by their covers, if you will. How could you say I was "desperate" to make friends "in a very scary way"? How can there be any ways besides GOOD ways to make friends? Besides, my main desire slowly turned from making and keeping friends ("keeping" is the only place where the desperation comes in) to making and keeping allies in the war. I don't see how it's even REMOtELY possible to make friends "in a scary way" unless I said, "Be my friend or I'll KILL you and you're whole family!". I know I never said anything like that.

Why can't you stop holding the suicide thing against me? I remember apologizing whole-heartedly and PROFUSELY for that. It's high time to lighten up about this.
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Posts: 612
(9/17/02 14:50)
Reply  Re:
 Dewey- I'm not trying to gain allies anymore. Besides, I thought this wasan "anything goes" board anyway. 2cool said it himself. A mite hypocritical aren't we?

Jim- what fantasies? I had no fantasies here.
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Posts: 613
(9/17/02 14:56)
Reply  Re:

Go ahead and classify my words as mere whining and pouting. But God, in His infinite wisdom, knows they are not.

Steve- Whaddyaknow! I tried your mirror, behind your back, hiding in your house- and by golly, I saw it was YOU- or so I almost thout. No, DrJoe really is the biggest piece of s**t in the world, but you come vey close.
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Posts: 171
(9/17/02 15:11)
Reply  Re: Re:
 If you came anywhere near my house I'd gun you down like the worthless piece of humanity you are.
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Posts: 617
(9/17/02 15:17)
Reply  Re:
 I can move too quickly for you to shoot me. Better try something else. Maybe you can sick your poodle on me.
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Posts: 172
(9/17/02 15:33)
Reply  Re: Re:
 You seem awfully sure of your physical capabilities for a @#%$ slob that's too "sick" to work.
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Posts: 622
(9/17/02 15:54)
Reply  RE:
 Yu're the @#%$ slob- and I'm NOT too sick to work, as evidenced by my actual working.
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Posts: 270
(9/17/02 17:35)
  Re: RE:
 As for me, I defended you SLIPP. For half a year. My opinion was, SDJ was being a little too harsh, so I'd step in and help you out. Like metal, the suicide thing tore it. I had been losing my patience with you for some time at that point SLIPP, but that absolutely tore it. To add to things, you give us this "Christ at the Final Supper" crap in that hour long e-mail you sent. As you may remember, I flew off the handle in that "requiem" thread. And yes, SLIPP, I blew up DEFENDING YOU. Only to find out that I had been played. LIKE A PUPPET. Well FU CK that, SLIPP. I was no longer in your corner. However, as you may remember, I didn't immediately join SDJs either. I was for the most part neutral, mostly tired of taking bullets for you. Then you completely nuts. THAT'S when I joined the "ToT".

 When I said NOBODY, it should've been obvious to you that I meant "nobody in the NFO". It should've been obvious that I wasn't counting myself, unless you really are that dumb. I WOULD admit that I brought it ALL on myself If I DID. But I can't take anymore than HALF the responsibility. The other half goes to YOU GUYS.

Isn't cool when your own words get turned inside-out and fuc ked with, is it, SLIPP?

Did we instigate? Yeah, we did. Did we go apes hit? No, we didn't. So fuc k you, Fu ck your peace terms, and fu ck any apology you'll get from ANYBODY.
"Oh yes...Shake it, Madam...Capital knockers."
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Posts: 336
(9/17/02 19:45)
  Re: RE:
 C'mon, the long winded bitching sessions about how doc is Tonya Harding whacking you with a lead pipe continue to get more rediculous; not to mention the overstatement of your physical prowess, knowing you'll never meet any of us in person. Everybody here knows SCG would kick your ass, nevermind myself or Steve. Using Slipponian logic (oy vey, now there's an oxymoron) I have all of Bruce Lee's movies, and since Bruce kicked Chuck "please buy my exercise machine than shoot me" Norris' ass in Return Of The Dragon; so the same would happen to you against me.

You are so fuckin delusional, and a sad low life piece of sh it. It's scumfucks like you that have turned Christianity into a long-standing joke. Do yourself and everybody else a favor by closing your fat fuckin mouth for once, then making good on that idle suicide threat. I'm asking you nicely, please kill yourself.
"No time for the old in and out Love, I've just come to read the meter".
Registered User
Posts: 274
(9/17/02 19:49)
  And NOW...A SLIPP proverb...
 "Leave Jesus out of this sickdrjoe. I'm probably FAR from his favorite."
"Oh yes...Shake it, Madam...Capital knockers."
Afa Dollah
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Posts: 99
(9/18/02 13:33)
Reply  working? when?
 <and I'm NOT too sick to work, as evidenced by my actual working.>

When? Haven't you realized that all these posts are time-stamped?

You posted continuously from 12:30PM Michigan time until 5:00AM yesterday. You posted every afternoon of every day last week, and into the early morning hours.

For the "assistant manager of a lawn-care service," you spend all but 7 hours a day on your computer at home.

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I've had it with the endless lies, the endless excuses and the endless parade of transparent characters. BAN SLIPP NOW. 

:)  :)  :)

Offline shemps#1

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Ahh...the Slipp Syndicate. Islipp and his various multiple personalities coming together as one to fight the evil forces of the New Forum Order. Good times...good times.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

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(ISLIPP states that his low blood sugar and impending Type II diabetes are responsible for his unusual behavior.)

Without reading ALL that you have posted ... I can say outright that having low blood sugars and an impending case of Type II diabetes are mutually exclusive ... look it up.  Therefore, I would dismiss the posts that follow from ISlipp.
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.

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Actually, that's not quite true.  Often times hypoglycemia is the first symptom that the body is having difficulty regulating insulin.  The body will overcompensate for a time until the beta cells of the pancreas burn themselves out trying to get adequate sugar into cells.  It's during this time that a person can still turn their lifestyle around with diet and exercise and possibly delay the onset of diabetes (or perhaps avoid it altogether).

I studied to be a physician assistant for a couple of years before I decided it was not for me.  But I have a BS in biology and another BS in medicine, so I've become a rather good repository of useless information.   :laugh:

Pilsner Panther

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This is what I've got, but it doesn't affect my mental functions— just everything else:

Phlebotomy is lots of fun... last time I had it, I was riding home from the hospital in a cab, reading a newspaper, when I felt a warm, wet sensation on my right arm. The bandage the nurse had put on it had come loose, and the sleeve of my shirt was soaked with blood from the elbow down. They use a very large needle, probably the biggest one made, and it always leaves a cavernous hole in my poor old flesh, along with a nice big blue-purple bruise that usually takes about two weeks to go away.

That said, I'd still rather be me than a semi-demented zany like Slipp!


Offline Paul Pain

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It's been nine years since this forum was touched, and...

I am hypoglycemic too, SLIPP!  Yet I don't use it to get sympathy!  BYE!

I'm glad I found these.
Something about income tacks season...

Offline Moose Malloy

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I just read a good part of this diatribe, and I got really interested when the subject of diabetes was broached. Since this is a "talk about anything" forum I'm going to start a topic entitled "M.D's Rank Between Lawyers and Used Car Salesmen" and the reasons I've come to this conclusion.

I may actually help someone.

Offline metaldams

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I just read a good part of this diatribe, and I got really interested when the subject of diabetes was broached. Since this is a "talk about anything" forum I'm going to start a topic entitled "M.D's Rank Between Lawyers and Used Car Salesmen" and the reasons I've come to this conclusion.

I may actually help someone.

When it comes to anything relating to anyone in these Islipp posts, myself included, there's no helping anyone.

This stuff happened years ago when I/we were less mature, and if a character like him showed up today, I would ban him so fast I can guarantee things would never escalate to this level.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Dunrobin

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When it comes to anything relating to anyone in these Islipp posts, myself included, there's no helping anyone.

This stuff happened years ago when I/we were less mature, and if a character like him showed up today, I would ban him so fast I can guarantee things would never escalate to this level.

 I've thought about archiving this board a few times.  I love that the forum has become so much more focused on actually discussing the Stooges, and classic comedians in general, rather than the frankly juvenile stuff like we had in the ISLIPP days, but I have to admit that I still find this stuff funny and I'm glad we preserved it for posterity.  (If nothing else, as an example of how not to behave.)

Offline metaldams

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I've thought about archiving this board a few times.  I love that the forum has become so much more focused on actually discussing the Stooges, and classic comedians in general, rather than the frankly juvenile stuff like we had in the ISLIPP days, but I have to admit that I still find this stuff funny and I'm glad we preserved it for posterity.  (If nothing else, as an example of how not to behave.)

I'm glad the board's more comedy focused too.  The Slipp board I suppose is comedy as well - of a whole different kind.  Surreal, bizarre, like a Dali exhibit on acid.  Also a strange time machine.
- Doug Sarnecky

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We can't take this board down, it must remain as a warning to others like a head on a pike. Also, it's great for reading while baked.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

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We can't take this board down, it must remain as a warning to others like a head on a pike. Also, it's great for reading while baked.

Hey Jim!  Good to see you.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Dunrobin

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We can't take this board down, it must remain as a warning to others like a head on a pike. Also, it's great for reading while baked.

"Nothing says 'Obey Me!' like a head on  stick."   [club]

Both of those reasons are why it's still publicly available.  I'll never delete it; the worst that I would ever do is archive the board, and I doubt I'll ever bother to do even that.  This stuff is just too funny to hide.