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ISLIPP the Psychic

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Offline sgt ladylove

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(SLIPP pretends to be a forensic psychic from Oregon who is trying to "ease the transition" of a "new poster" who will come to the 24/7 board.  The only thing that sickdrjoe wants is for the forseer to "ease the transition" of his next bowel movement.   :laugh: )

Registered User
Posts: 1
(11/13/02 11:46)
Reply  Important message!!!!!
 Salutations from the great state of Oregon. I am a psychic that is well-known by the state police department as well as local p.d.'s statewide. I have seen things in my dreams and in visions that I have helped put away many dangerous criminals and prevent serious crimes before they happen.

Not all I see is crime-related, needless to say (I hope). I see many good things that come true 90% of the time. That is what brings me to post here. It is what brought me to post at countless other message boards, but this is my first ezboard site.

I had a vision early this morning as I slurped my coffee on the front porch of my beautiful log cabin home. I saw this message board and it's URL, and how it was suffering from a severe lack of regular posts. I was then able to see into a possible future- one where something actually happens to bring permanent excitement to this message board. I feel the chances of it happening are excellent, so I've come to prepare you for it, to help things run smoothly.

A new poster will be arriving in the next few days. I sense that he or she also has some psychic abilities, but he or she hasn't take the time to fully develop them. It may be these abilities that may draw him or her to this site. I am not able to know much about this person, but he or she will definitely become 'the life of the party' so to speak. Unfortunately, I also saw all of you jump all over this new poster, convinced that he or she is a well-known, troublesome poster from the past. I can assure you that this is far from the case.

I wish to take this time to alert you to be careful with this poster. Many psychics (excluding yours truly) also possess other powers or the mind. Those whose abilities are unstable, such as this new upcoming poster can be unintentionally dangerous when angered. If they will something against someone, it usually happens. To what extent, no one can say for sure. Whether or not you wish to accept this new poster is up to you, but if you choose not to and some unfortunate consequence occurs, my hands are now clean.

It was a pleasure to bring this message to you. I'm sorry to see the current thread about the future of this message board, but I hope my message gives the webmaster something else to consider while making the crucial decision of terminating this board or continuing to maintain it. I may pop in at various all day today and possibly tomorrow, to answer any questions you may have.

Registered User
Posts: 1130
(11/13/02 13:25)
  Re: Important message!!!!!
 Thank you for piercing that veil between the Known and the Unknown, Madam Slipp. Eenie meenie chili beanie....spirits are about to speak!

If your 'gift' extends to lottery numbers, why then, welcome aboard!
"UM-briago!! It's a catastrophe!"

Edited by: sickdrjoe at: 11/13/02 1:26:26 pm
Registered User
Posts: 2
(11/13/02 16:05)
Reply  Re: Important message!!!!!
 Madame which?

I wish I had luck with lotto numbers, but alas, no one can do it all.
Registered User
Posts: 221
(11/13/02 16:21)
Reply  Re: Important message!!!!!
 I thought that dumb @#%$ was banned when Angus and Baba bit the big one. Oh and btw my inspiration for Baba came not from the Stooges but from an old magazine I recal fondly--The National Lampoon. Used to have a column written by one Baba Rum Raisan. Of course this was about the time that everybody was going big for Indian Mysticism.
Registered User
Posts: 309
(11/13/02 17:05)
Reply  Important message
 So, what is this, "Crossing Over With John Edward"? Or will three wise men
herald the coming of this new entity?
Afa Dollah
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Posts: 139
(11/13/02 17:28)
Reply  Re: Important message
 Hey Foreskeen69, maybe you could use your psychic abilities to pierce the veil and reach Slipp, the Dead Hero of Pinconning; who was tragically shot to death in a heroic effort to save his homosexual lover from a transient armed with a rifle. Wait, he's NOT DEAD, he's only why not reach across that blanket covered cardboard box you live in and give him a pat on the swollen, water-filled head?
I am the Whistler and I know many things for I walk by night.
Registered User
Posts: 3
(11/13/02 17:31)
Reply  Re: Important message!!!!!
 I did sense some serious hostility here, stemming from mass outrage over one who was banned. Unfortunately, that hostility is still prevalent now. I can tell you that though I can detect the incorrigible one among us, he has not posted since the banning. I sense a feeling of peace and contentment in his soul. He has given up his objectives for this site and sought solace at another site where his posting needs are fulfilled. So please, ease your hostilities. Let your minds relax. slay me!
Registered User
Posts: 4
(11/13/02 17:37)
Reply  Re: Important message
 Afa Dolla... that's Forseer65. Unfortunately, I haven't the slightest clue what you are trying to say. I already stated what my living arrangements are... quite different from a cardboard box.

Shot dead with a rifle? Then how can you think he is still among us? Maybe it is his spiritual presence I detect, rather than his physical presence.
Registered User
Posts: 1131
(11/13/02 18:15)
  Re: Important message
 Well, at least he's finally a well-liked, respected ectoplasmic presence.
"UM-briago!! It's a catastrophe!"
Shemp Shady
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Posts: 175
(11/14/02 8:24)
Reply  Re: Important message
 Another incarnation of SLIPP, to be sure. And I'm now more skeptical about the validity of Graeme LeSaux.
Registered User
Posts: 166
(11/14/02 9:13)
  Re: Important message
 <<Madame which?>>

THAT sounds really convincing. How are you Slipp? Leaving the children alone I hope.
"Make like Siamese twins and split.. and then one of you die."

Registered User
Posts: 5
(11/14/02 17:08)
Reply  Re: Important message
 Ah...I think we have some doubters now. no indication as to who Shemp Shady refers to, but sweetcanadiangirl is a doubter for sure.

sweetcanadiangirl... You are one of the posters in whom I sense the most hostility. I feel that to achieve my goal of preparing you for the arrival of the new poster, I must try to ease that hostility. This Slipp that you mention... he obviously ran amock in your presence for a long time, even at other sites. I totally understand your outrage, but it's all in the past. I sense that he's no longer a threat. He's been dealt with and he has lost all interest in causing trouble with anyone here. Breathe easy, young lady, and start experiencing the worry-free smooth sailing that you've been wishing for in a message board for over a year. I know Aerosmith would want that for one of their biggest fans.
Registered User
Posts: 344
(11/15/02 1:18)
  Re: Important message
I can tell you that though I can detect the incorrigible one among us, he has not posted since the banning.

You mean since the THIRD banning. And I don't mean on stooges sites in general, I mean on this site alone he was banned 3 times.

Go home, Forseer. SLIPP or not SLIPP, you're useless here.

"Oh YAH...Shake it, Madam...Capital knockers."
Shemp Shady
Registered User
Posts: 177
(11/15/02 3:25)
Reply  Re: Important message
 Why not just refer to me as 'Citizen Shady,' Schmoop? It'd be nothin' new ...
Ich bin Betrüger Geshützrauch.
Registered User
Posts: 290
(11/15/02 5:52)
Reply  Re: Important Message
 Oregon? Say, what part of Oregon, I've done some forestry work there..........

<<I know Aerosmith would want that for one of their biggest fans.>>

Ah, but the Spirits are truly generous in this case--or else they have access to a Google search.

Now focus, Forseer......tell us, what objects are on my desk? (My desk at home, not this one at work). Can you form a clear picture.....something is emerging from the mist.....what's the desk made of?

Edited by: Bruckman64 at: 11/15/02 7:09:16 am
Afa Dollah
Registered User
Posts: 140
(11/15/02 12:43)
Reply  Re: Important Message
 Ah'm getting a vision...something is coming to image...I see....I see...I see Foreskeen's mother sucking my c ock for a quarter......

Oops. Sorry. That wasn't a vision, just deja vu.
I am the Whistler and I know many things for I walk by night.

Edited by: Afa Dollah at: 11/15/02 12:43:58 pm
Registered User
Posts: 346
(11/15/02 13:09)
  Re: Important Message
 I find it interesting that this great psychic was able to locate a rather obscure message board, AND sense the hostility, yet when the source of the hostility's name comes up...

"What? Which? Who's this SLIPP you talk about?"
"Oh YAH...Shake it, Madam...Capital knockers."
Registered User
Posts: 8
(11/15/02 14:17)
Reply  Re: Important message
 Sorry for the double-post

Edited by: Forseer65 at: 11/15/02 2:27:20 pm
Registered User
Posts: 9
(11/15/02 14:23)
Reply  Re: Important message
 So the incorrigible one was banned 3 times? No wonder I sense that he gave up. And Nosehonk...I'm sure he's home most of the time.

Bruckman...I don't you suppose you've done any forrestry work near the California border? Also, at mpost times, if I try to use my psychic abilities for any thing but predicting things yet to happen, I get a terrible headache, so I'll have to pass up your challenge.

Afa Dollah- I've only been pleasant and helpful since my first post here. You are totally out of line, so I have nothing more to say to you.

Nosehonk.... I assume you are only referring to when I posted the words, "Madame which?" since that has been the only occurrance of what you are saying about me. Understand, I was merely questioning why I was referred to in such an odd manner. Denial never crossed my mind. Why should it? Why bother denying something when the accuser won't believe you anyway?

Now let's get past this mindless finger-pointing, shall we? My task of preparing you for the new arrival isn't getting any easier.
Registered User
Posts: 1139
(11/15/02 14:39)
  Re: Important message
 Eat the sedimented crust on my anal fur, O Traveller From Beyond.

Why not consult the spirits and tell us where Slipp is now posting. I mean besides here while pretending to be Criswell.
"UM-briago!! It's a catastrophe!"
Registered User
Posts: 347
(11/15/02 15:17)
  Re: Important message

SLIPP doesn't deserve a grand entrance upon his dozenth return to this forum.
"Oh YAH...Shake it, Madam...Capital knockers."
Registered User
Posts: 1140
(11/15/02 17:15)
Reply  Re
 I smell the spoor of Steve all over this, though. Especially given his reinstatemnent preceded Forseer's appearance by - what? Six, eight hours?
Registered User
Posts: 222
(11/15/02 17:32)
Reply  Re: Re
 No not this time!!! My banishment "larned me a lesson". My hands are clean on this one.
Registered User
Posts: 10
(11/15/02 17:34)
Reply  Re: Important message
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dare you say such a thing to me, then give me a request? You blew any chance of me honoring your request before you even gave it.

Nosehonk...I thought I made myself clear when I said that the new arrival would be a totally new poster. If I didn't, I hope I did just now.
Registered User
Posts: 1141
(11/15/02 19:04)
  Re: Important message
 Gosh....I'm sorry. Let's make up & start again.

So, liked M, huh?
"UM-briago!! It's a catastrophe!"
Registered User
Posts: 223
(11/15/02 20:34)
Reply  Re: Important message
 Oh for cryin out loud ya fart once and they call ya "stinky" for life.
Registered User
Posts: 11
(11/15/02 20:58)
Reply  Re: Important message
 Make up and start again? If it wasn't for the severe lack of sincerity that I sense, I might have taken you up on that, sickdrjoe.

Wrathofsteve...maybe a new set of associates would be the best thing for you.
Registered User
Posts: 1142
(11/15/02 21:07)
  Re: Important message
 I thought I told you to tongue my ass hole squeaky clean, Forseer.

Less talkin', more chewin', ok?
"UM-briago!! It's a catastrophe!"
Registered User
Posts: 12
(11/15/02 21:30)
Reply  Re: Important message
 Let me get ths straight... I'm supposed to tongue and chew at the same time? Sorry, but I with to keep my tongue attached in my mouth.

I wish for no further conversation with you, but I still hope to prepare you and everyone else for the new arrival. As sure as I am of my vision of an album called "Bonded by Blood" as being one of the all-time favorites of the one among you called metaldams1978, I feel that at this point in time, if the new poster was here today, he would get just as much, if not more of the same kind of abuse that I have undeservedly suffered from sickdrjoe and Afa Dollah.

I cannot stress how important my presence here should be in your minds and I cannot stress how important it is that the new arrival be well-received. As I already mentioned, it may be very dangerous to treat him any less well than you all treat each other.

Registered User
Posts: 1143
(11/15/02 21:49)
  Re: Important message
 Nice try, Slipp. But at least you took a refresher course in spelling.

Forseer, your mother's a whore and your father's a water-headed idiot. (I'da told you to 'repeat after me', but I figured...y'know, you being psychic and all....)
"UM-briago!! It's a catastrophe!"
Registered User
Posts: 13
(11/15/02 22:58)
Reply  Re: Important message
 If I assume correctly, you still think I'm the incorrigible one (which is the only reason you so viciously attack me), even though....

*I have no doubt accurately visualized Aerosmith as being one of sweetcanadiangirl's favorite bands, and obviously stunned her into silence because of it. As I'm sure you can tell somehow, she hasn't posted anything here since I said it. Does anyone know of any other place she posts? Perhaps I stunned her off the entire internet.

*I have probably accurately visualized one of metaldams1978's all-time favorite albums as being one called "Bonded by Blood." Unless he has a non-visible reaction, like sweetcanadiangirl has, he will confirm my uncanny accuracy. We shall see.

Wowing people with my abilities is one of my favorite things to do, if I'm lucky enough to not get a headache from it. Who knows what the great Forseer65 will predict tomorrow? For that matter, who knows what kind of great impact each of you will make on someone you come in contact with tomorrow? I think about that for myself every night and it keeps me from dreading the next day.
Registered User
Posts: 1144
(11/16/02 0:23)
  Re: Important message
 "If I am correct, please confirm by saying nothing at all." Good one.

Get your full complement of laffs now, Slipp, as 2Cool & Dewey are shutting this board down. (Don't ask: I have my own psychic powers. In fact, I see a friendless yutz with a thumbtack-sized hoo-pee-doo, rocking back and forth on a Snoopy-sheeted bed in psycho-agony because there is no 'other board' he posts to like he lied there was, returning here like a dog to its own sick, this time as a Portland psychic.

(Dum-dum obviously learned from his Howe Too Rite Gud course that, in creating a character, location is everything- thus these pathetically childish & transparent entrance speeches: "Hi, I'm a model-car collector in New Mexico/Stooge fan from Wigan, England/radio psychiatrist from Nebraska/56 year old Michigan woman/British soccer star/weekend psychic from Oregon/no wait!- I'm eight people! And ALL of us came here thru a Google search!")

Slipp, tell your mom to demand a refund for the correspondence course. It sucks and doesn't work -hmmmm... just like you!
"UM-briago!! It's a catastrophe!"

Edited by: sickdrjoe at: 11/16/02 12:24:31 am
Registered User
Posts: 390
(11/16/02 0:56)
  Re: Important message
 I can actually picture him sitting there in blackface and drag behind a crystal ball; "call me now! Help get the feds off me ass!"

I predict after you're done tossing Doc's salad that you'll toss mine as well. What a pity, I have this thing about forgetting to wipe.......
Registered User
Posts: 291
(11/16/02 1:36)
Reply  Re: Important message
 <<who knows what kind of great impact each of you will make on someone>>

Don't know, but I know what kind of impact my fist would make on your head.

Lessee....Forseer's abilities are apparently limited to predicting events, thus he/she cannot tell what material my desk's made of.....yet he/she can discern the favorite albums of various posters. Sounds logical.

OK, Forseer, what's my favorite album or band? What will I be listening to Sunday afternoon? Concentrate, now.

Southern Oregon near Calif? You mean like Klamath Falls? Medford?

Edited by: Bruckman64 at: 11/16/02 1:41:07 am
Registered User
Posts: 292
(11/16/02 8:28)
Reply  Re: Important message
 C'mon now! When is this new arrival for whom you're preparing the way going to reveal himself? What CD did I recently buy? I want to be mystified, dammit!

Registered User
Posts: 14
(11/16/02 12:12)
Reply  Re: Important message
 sickdrjoe- where did I ever say "Please confirm by saying nothing at all"? I merely said that the confirmation could be made either staying silent or speaking up and verbally confiming it.

Have an open mind for once and accept the fact that not all new posters are this incorrigible one. In fact, I sense that there is another incorrigible one... the term "Pigeon Express" comes to mind for some reason, as does an image of the 1980's alien character ALF. Whoever this "Pigeon Express" thing is about is the other incorrigible one. You seem to have forgotten all about him and lost all interest in pointing the fionger at him when something happens. Why is this? Mind you, I don't mean to be encouraging you to attack anyone else, but just give some good thought to what I'm saying. Why attack only one so-called troublemaker whe there are 2?

You sir, are no psychic. I can sense when I'm interacting with another psychic. Usually, they sense it in me too. So enlighten me... what in the world is a hoo-pee-doo? Is that the current slang term for "brain"? I'm a little out of the loop...I haven't been a teenager for quite a long time. As I've told you before, I do sense another place that the originally mentioned incorrigible one is posting at. "A dog to it's own sick"? What is a "sick? Don't you call me a bad speller when you can't even differentiate between a noun and an adjective. Portland? It's a beautiful town, but I prefer living out in the boondocks. I love solitude.

So what is this hang-up you have about spelling? Are you an English teacher? Is spelling so important at this message board? Where do you get this "correspondence course" notion? Did the incorrigible one really come up with locations for all his identities? Interesting, but not really something significant enough for you to harp on.

Shempisnumberone...all I have to say to you is that I'm glad I don't have to wash your underwear... or do you even wear any? If not, I'm glad I don't have to wash your pants.

Bruckman...threatening me with physical violence? Oh, you brute! Does hitting people or threatening to do so, make you feel like a macho man? You can probably barely stand, let alone fight me.

"he/she can discern the favorite albums of various posters" Have you been paying attention? I have only discerned one one person's favorite album. Don't expect me to be able to predict or visualize anthing for you. I have no control over who I do this for. It just happens out of the blue. So I'm sorry, but you may not be getting any mystification.

Somewhere between those 2 points you mentioned stands my humble abode.
Dewey Cheatum
Registered User
Posts: 136
(11/16/02 12:50)
Reply  Re: Important message!!!!!
 Doc...even though this board's been quiet,I think we"ll keep it goin to see the latest Slipisode!!(gotta admit,even though he's a royal pain in the ass,he does bring out everyones "creative juices")
So 2Cool and I will let the regulars decide...keep it goin or let it fade away?
Registered User
Posts: 1145
(11/16/02 13:51)
  Re: Important message!!
 I can't in good conscience ask you guys to spend any further $ on a sparsely-attended forum. Hey, it ain't like we didn't have a good run: we had a GREAT run! 95% of all messageboards are total snoozola bores, little nerd-magnets where you can only discuss ONE narrow subject, no flaming allowed, no cursing allowed, no variety allowed, no smiling allowed, that get five-six hits a day. So the two-three months 24-7 kicked ass puts it in the All Time Top Five Percentile regardless of how sleepy it now is.

Personally I look forward to spending the last few weeks of 24-7:The Forum by playing whack-a-mole with Slipp's head and a surgical 2x4. And there's no question Forseer is Slipp now. All the stone cold giveaways emerged on page 2 of this thread (point-by-point huffy fits, "sensing" Pigeon, continual use of "Incorrigible One" instead of "Slipp The 30 Year Old Virgin"). So the way I see it is this: there's six weeks remaining to drive Slipp to suicide. I'm honor bound to at least lead him up to the roof personally.

PS: "hoo-pee-doo" is what Mama Slipp called her favorite male organ, back when Slipp was still young enough to mouth-siphon the runny feta cheese stored in her cans. You know, last year, more or less.
"UM-briago!! It's a catastrophe!"

Edited by: sickdrjoe at: 11/16/02 2:18:42 pm
Afa Dollah
Registered User
Posts: 141
(11/16/02 14:09)
Reply  Re: Important message!!
 <Wowing people with my abilities is one of my favorite things to do, if I'm lucky enough to not get a headache from it.>

And then one of those pesky blackout sessions.

I am the Whistler and I know many things for I walk by night.
Registered User
Posts: 224
(11/16/02 16:52)
Reply  Re: Important message!!
 Can't the board just go back to being a "freebie" with the pop-ups and such? I'd really miss being able to say that C-3 sucks ass and other such fun filled things. If the board can't go the freebie route I say drop it. I appreciate the time and money Dewey and Cool have put into the site but I can't ask them to fund the place anymore.By the way has anybody noticed the disappearance of Mr Weatherby?
Registered User
Posts: 536
(11/16/02 18:29)
Reply  Bonded By Blood
 Anybody online can type in the name "Doug Sarnecky" on google and find out one of my favorite albums is Bonded By Blood. I once typed my name in under curiosity and found a post, under my real name, that I made as a tribute on the official site to the recently deceased Exodus singer, (twas a little heavy on the metal lingo/cheese, but the sentiment was there). In this post, I mentioned Bonded By Blood being a favorite of mine. I forsee that Mr. Forseer also found my Bruce Dickinson album review. Nice try, Forseer. About Sweets, she's mentioened liking Aerosmiths several times. No new revelation there. 

Registered User
Posts: 1146
(11/16/02 18:37)
  Re: Bonded By Blood
 I actually got an email from Wetherbee the other day. He vented his fill at Slipp and, his bloodlust satiated, wandered off to other pastures. A fairly common post-Slipp reaction, on the whole.
"UM-briago!! It's a catastrophe!"
Registered User
Posts: 391
(11/16/02 19:50)
  Re: Bonded By Blood
 "Shempisnumberone...all I have to say to you is that I'm glad I don't have to wash your underwear... or do you even wear any? If not, I'm glad I don't have to wash your pants."

No you don't, but you do have to suck my ass; a far worse fate.

Registered User
Posts: 15
(11/16/02 19:57)
Reply  Re: Important message!!
 I see I'm getting nowhere fast. It's merely a coincidence that metaldams1978 was able to blow off what I visualized. I guess it's time to mention what else I visualized about these people:

Sweetcanadiangirl seems to have seen something called "Little Nicky" earlier this year. Is that a movie or TV show or both?

Metaldams1978, if I sense this correctly, likes to see celebrities' baby pictures.

Let's see anyone blow these off. And to those of you that insist on clowning in this thread, I hope you wake up and get serious real quick, because the mystery person will be he before you know it- probably before Turkey Day.
Afa Dollah
Registered User
Posts: 142
(11/16/02 20:13)
Reply  Re: Important message!!
 F uck off, touch hole. Go back to your Scooby cartoons, since you have obviously given up all hope or effort at achieving a real life. Tell Mommy to bring you an Ovaltine and don't forget to warn her about the toilet in the hallway. With any luck your Dad has decided to take out the entire family before he sets the house on fire and blows his own brains out.
I am the Whistler and I know many things for I walk by night.
Registered User
Posts: 1147
(11/16/02 22:41)
  Re: Important message!!
 Metaldams has posted about "Bonded" several times, most recently when the singer passed away; ditto posted references re Aerosmith by SCG. I'm surprised you don't "see" that I like Lee Tracy, Preston Sturges & Spock's Beard.

So much for your "visions", Brideless Murphy. As for you and the Mystery Date, you're Slipp and you're simply setting up your next "character". God, Slipp, it's bad enough that I beat you so easily, you keep making my total victory sweeter and sweeter by sitting in Macy's window in shitpacked Huggies sucking your thumb like this. Who wouldn't want to fu ck you mercilessly in the ass after getting a good long look at you, God Boy?

Now remember the rules: continue denying you're Slipp. No matter how sexually explicit the remarks about your mother's flyblown twat get, continue to post. (Cause that's what a total stranger would do: sit there and take insult after insult and continue to argue that a truly Christian person would apologize and follow a list of conditions you will soon be submitting, which must be followed by everyone without exception. Normal people do that all the time!)Then fuc k up and send someone a private e-mail admitting you're Slipp. Then show up as Slipp, admitting you're Forseer; wait a day, then come back as Slipp and Forseer so "both" of you can begin denying it again. Never adopt any 'writer tricks' than you don't jettison immediately when you begin to feud with me in Slipp's unmistakable voice. At the end, when everyone on this board has your bloody sh it streaked along our dicks, curl up into a fetal ball and sob plaintively about "I WAS MENTALLY FRAGILE! *snif* I don't know HOW TO FIGHT and NOT BE STUPID! Leavemealooooone sickdrjerk!!!"
"UM-briago!! It's a catastrophe!"

Edited by: sickdrjoe at: 11/17/02 1:06:04 am
Registered User
Posts: 16
(11/16/02 23:16)
Reply  Re: Important message!!
 Are you "gentlemen" quite finished, because I didn't come here to be subjected to such claptrap. You are achieving nothing by it but boring me to tears. If that was what you were trying to accomplish, my congratulations go out to you. want me to visualize something about you? Fine. Maybe I'll get somethg in the next few days.

To recap (and I'll keep recapping until I get a suitable response to this), my newly mentioned visualizations are:

*Sweetcanadiangirl saw "Little Nicky" this year, whatever that is.

*Metaldams1978 likes seeing baby pictures of famous people.

I'll be waiting...
Registered User
Posts: 1148
(11/17/02 1:03)
  Re: Important message!!
 You show up uninvited and everyone here has told you to go f uck your mother. You don't say "go to hell" and leave, though. You hang around, continuing to post.

There's only one guy who'd do that, and he got walked with a leash. Oh, and his mother sucks convict balls like sour candy for crack rocks.
"UM-briago!! It's a catastrophe!"
Registered User
Posts: 293
(11/17/02 1:11)
Reply  Re
 "Brideless Murphy"! LMAO, Sick! I'll have to add that to my top 10 Slippian epithets. (Anyone else recall "The Search for Bridey Murphy"?)

Forseer, I expected to be mystified and you offer up nothing! Now concentrate.....asa nisi masa.....
Registered User
Posts: 1149
(11/17/02 1:26)
  Re: Important message!!
 Sweetcanadiangirl seems to have seen something called "Little Nicky" earlier this year. Is that a movie or TV show or both?

See, I'm a psychic with a computer but I've never heard of IMDb, or turned on a fuckin' tv set or radio in the last 5 years; so I couldn't possibly know what "Little Nicky" is. My fulltime career of having psychic visions (of people I've never met, who post on a board I've never been to before today) while sitting in an abuerro-proof room in Oregon (but don't ask me where exactly...) leaves me no time to live in 21st century America. I wonder what I'm doing with a computer in that case.....

Metaldams1978, if I sense this correctly, likes to see celebrities' baby pictures.

At least that's what he said in this six month old post I'm reading from the old C3 site. Say, Slipp, long as you've been at the old site, how many of your old inaninities did you edit out of existence THIS time? Guess what - you're a fuckin' girly-man Bible fag assh*le and nothing, nothing you can do or say will ever ever...EVER....change that.

"UM-briago!! It's a catastrophe!"
Registered User
Posts: 294
(11/17/02 1:57)
Reply  Re: Important message
 Forgot to reply to these:

<<Does hitting people or threatening to do so, make you feel like a macho man?>>

No. Knowing I can do it if I need to does.

<<You can probably barely stand, let alone fight me.>>

True. Most of the time I'm on the floor helpless with laughter at this charade.

Now lissen, K-Mart the Magician, I come here expecting to be wowed. That's what you promised. So tell me something I don't know about Metaldams or Sweets, or better yet, tell everyone something about me. Since you have deduced I'm a fighter, O Mystic of the Redwood Forests, when was my last match in the ring? What was my record? How many times was I KO'd? Will I ever fight again?

And I hope the unrevealed poster is revealed soon, cuz this board will be belly-up before long and merely a risible memory to most of us. Agree w/Sick: it's been a great run, and the best thing to do is go out on that high, rather than let things trail off in desultory fashion.

Of course, if Slipp wants to pony up the moolah to keep the board open, he's welcome to do so. What do the spirits say, Great Prognosticator of the Upper Klamath?
Registered User
Posts: 17
(11/17/02 3:35)
Reply  Re: Important message!!
 I think I'll start this post by saying that I'm thinking of changing my haandle from Forseer65 to Insomniac65.'re right, I did show up here uninvited, but why should anyone be invited? I don't even see any printed rule here (aside from your snide and sarcastic posts, which hold no water because you are not the webmaster here and therefore cannot make rules for this message board) that says that new posters are supposed to be invited.

I only came to bring good tidings and a helpful word of caution. Damn it, who are you...who is any poster here... to deny anyone the right to do that? You and a few others (a few, that is, rather then all others, as you so boldly say, to assume that you can speak for everyone) are making it very difficult for me to want to help you, but since you are fellow human beings, I feel that I have a responsibility to do all I can to see to your well-being. The least you could do is consider that this may not be some hair-brained ruse, perpetrated by someone who obviously used to cause you so much grief.

As for your mention of internet resources, I would bet my bottom dollar that you think normal person in the whole damn world has the time and desire to scour the internet, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When I posted that, I had just spent many hours helping the police take care of a situation where a suicidal man was about to take his 2 children and jump off a 19th story ledge. They received a note from the man, revealing his gruesome plan, but there was no indication of the location he would do it at. The man said he would do it in 24 hours unless his needs were met. I found him and managed to talk him out of doing the horrible deed. I believe he was taken to an institution, but thankfully, the children, ages 5 and 7, are alright. So you see, I've been physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted all night and I had no desire to do investigate anything about my visions of your fellow posters interests. When I first predicted them, I could have looked into it, but runs very slow forme. Patience is not my bet virtue, as I think you can sense in certain sections of this post.

So you're finding places on the internet where metaldams1978 and sweetcanadiangirl have already revealed what I have envisioned? Wonderful. Marvelous. But I never found those places. Maybe it just so happens that I saw those facts at those places, just by using my psychic abilities. Maybe you are lying. Lies are one thing I can't discern very well unless I see the face to face...see if they look upward, if they act nervous in any way... etcetera. So how do I know, sickdrjoe, that you are not lying? I would bet money that you cannot produce a link to where metaldams1978 mentioned that. My vision of sweetcanadiangirl seeing "Little Nicky" has also has yet to be challenged.

Bruckman64Ž... You are out of luck. I cannot conjure up anything on you when I'm this exhausted and I will not risk adding a headache to my misery.
Registered User
Posts: 295
(11/17/02 5:28)
Reply  Re: Important message!!
 Say, you aren't that dame on Letterman who's featured at the Hello deli playing "Psychic Sandwich", are you?
Shemp Shady
Registered User
Posts: 178
(11/17/02 7:33)
Reply  Re: Important message!!
 So .. overly lengthy postsoflitle consequence .. and we suspct tt tis IOS'T SLIPP?
Registered User
Posts: 1150
(11/17/02 9:13)
  Re: Important message!!
 Shady, d'you have a stroke or something? (I can't recall seeing that many strange typos in two years' worth of Tonyposts.....let alone one.)

You ok?
"UM-briago!! It's a catastrophe!"
Registered User
Posts: 167
(11/17/02 10:06)
  Re: Important message!!
 Look Forseer or WHOEVER you are, I am VERY uncomfortable having you snooping for information on me over the internet. It's really nobody's business what kind of music I listen to, and what movies I watch. If I wanted people to know this information, I would tell them. It's an invasion of privacy and I don't appreciate it. So F.UCK OFF!
"Make like Siamese twins and split.. and then one of you die."

Registered User
Posts: 1151
(11/17/02 10:10)
  Re: Important message!!
Lies are one thing I can't discern very well unless I see the face to face.

Try a mirror then.
"UM-briago!! It's a catastrophe!"
Afa Dollah
Registered User
Posts: 143
(11/17/02 11:11)
Reply  Re: Important message!!
 <I think I'll start this post by saying that I'm thinking of changing my haandle from Forseer65 to Insomniac65.>

Why don't you just change it back to ISLIPP, and then f uck off? What a total load of bullsh it. "I'm making up a new identity, and if you don't immediately like, respect and admire me, I'll use my awesome psychic abilities to destroy you."

Bring it on, Mandyke the Magician.

I am the Whistler and I know many things for I walk by night.
Registered User
Posts: 18
(11/17/02 17:27)
Reply  Re: Important message!!
 Sweetcanadiangirl... If I have made you uncomfortable, please accept my humble apologies. But I assure you that I have not done any research on anyone and that what I have reveled about you and metealdams1978 is no kind of information that you wouldn't share with these people yourself. Did I reveal your love lives? No. Did I reveal what you really think about these other posters that you wouldn't want them to know? No. So you are being rather irrational, young lady.

As for the rest of you, you have made realize what my real goal must be... to use my psychic abilities to dissuade this new poster from downloading this site. If it wasn't for the fact that you are fellow human beings, none of you would deserve saving. Because of how I've been treated, I halfway want this person to run amock here and cause catastrophe in your personal lives, but I won't let it happen. I just pray that I wil be able to stop this person, and if you have any sense, you would pray with me.
Registered User
Posts: 1152
(11/17/02 19:24)
  Re: Important message!!
 Oh my....another squishy "prayer" fan. Where have I heard this song before?

"UM-briago!! It's a catastrophe!"
Registered User
Posts: 348
(11/17/02 21:01)
  Re: Important message!!
 The Pricelessnessticity continues!

Tell ME then, Forseer, who's my favorite football team?

HA! GOTCHA! I got'em fellas.

It's absolutely ASTONISHING how absolutely everyone, including retarded monkeys, can see where these plots of SLIPP's are going to go wrong, EXCEPT SLIPP.

"Oh YAH...Shake it, Madam...Capital knockers."
Afa Dollah
Registered User
Posts: 144
(11/18/02 0:28)
Reply  Re: Important message!!
 <If it wasn't for the fact that you are fellow human beings, none of you would deserve saving. >


Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father,
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions they fail not,
As Thou hast been Thou for ever wilt be.
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided, -
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

2 Summer and winter, and spring-time and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above,
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love..

3 Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Bleesing all mine, with ten thousand beside!

Not even if we go to websites and confess we haven't the slightest idea what kind of hummingbird is smaller than our pinkies and is all red (or maybe pink?) Did you see that tiny bird down in Florida....maybe St. Augustine a few years ago?
In fact, you weren't even sure what it was you saw, you pathetic, crawling piece of clownshoe.

For the sake of clarity allow me to interpret this post for you, since you are obviously a complete and total retarded as shole: F UCK OFF AND DIE. NOW. Do your parents that favor, at least.

Oh incidentally, the tiny red hummingbirds are males of the Anis species. Not to be confused with YOUR favorites, the Anus.

I am the Whistler and I know many things for I walk by night.

Edited by: Afa Dollah at: 11/18/02 12:35:56 am
Registered User
Posts: 317
(11/18/02 16:03)
Reply  Important message
 I'm not so sure Forseer IS Slipp, mainly because he/she/it writes in complete
sentences with few misspellings. Everyone knows that Slipp, no matter what persona
he takes on, makes the same mistakes. Of course, this "psychic" really has no abilities,
but I'm not willing to concede he/she/it is actually Slipp? Oh, if you really are psychic,
where did I go after work on Sunday?
Registered User
Posts: 1153
(11/18/02 16:43)
  Re: Important message
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a fuckin' bar?

Well whaddaya know? Shet mah mouth an' call me Kreskin!

PS: yes, I too was thrown by the proper spelling & sentence structure, but let me add a Slipp-pretender (let's say, for instance, OHHH I dunno...... Steve) would be sure to misspell words and mimic, in detail, the orphan-sobbing-in-the-bombed-out-rubble syntax we all know & love. Then again, Slipp did have a few weeks off and is taking that mail-order course. And I maintain that you can teach a monkey to wear pants but it will still chase the banana every time; too many of Slipp's Messianic-complexes and I-hate-you-please-love-me
tendencies have been borne out (one example: I am not here for myself but for YOUR welfare. Gort barada nikto, benevolent alien visitor, but we ain't buyin' today).
"UM-briago!! It's a catastrophe!"

Edited by: sickdrjoe at: 11/18/02 4:50:52 pm
Registered User
Posts: 319
(11/18/02 16:59)
Reply  Important message
 Well, that probably was the wrong "psychic question" for me to ask. I DID go
to a bar, but not to my usual Midtown one. I went to my West 3rd Street tavern, which
I rarely do on Sundays.
Registered User
Posts: 297
(11/19/02 4:09)
  Re: Important message!!!!!
 More from Almond Joyboy at Shady's site:

For someone who doesn't care what we say about him any more, he just has to reply some way.

And Slipp, in case you read this [and am pretty sure you will] psychics are bunkum even when they're not portrayed by you.

You're out of time and space, this forum will soon be only a hilarious memory, and we're still around doing what we've always been doing.

---------------The NFO-----------------
How's Our Driving?

Edited by: Bruckman64 at: 11/19/02 4:12:09 am
Registered User
Posts: 19
(11/19/02 12:58)
Reply  Re: Important message!!!!!
 So just because I couldn't yet envision anything that wasn't already revealed somewhere on the internet, and because the incorrigible one has a history of using various handles, it's impossible for you to even consider my declaration of legitimacy? Well, as sure as I am that at least one of Bruckman64's arms has a lone freckle, I am sure of my own legitimacy (a good thing, too).

How about it Bruckman64? Does at least one of your arms have a lone freckle?

Now the good news... I have been able to keep the one that I have been warning you about from coming until after Thanksgiving. I will try to hold this person off until this message board shuts down. No guarantees, though. I am dealing with a very strong-wiled person. If you finally believe me after Bruckman64 confirms what I visualized about him, wish me luck. I'm going to need tons of it.
Registered User
Posts: 1154
(11/19/02 13:20)
  Re: Important message!!!!!
 Hey, why are you dying for our sins, Li'l Baby Jeezus? Please, ALLOW the Dreaded New One (aka The Incorrigible One in a frightwig) to appear before Thanksgiving. Really: I insist.

I guarantee he'll be torn limb from limb and tossed into the cookpot in under a day.

Please don't "protect" us any further, Nostrildamus.

PS: "Important message!!!!!" has five exclamation marks. Anybody need any more proof this is Slipp? PLEASE Read! - I INQUIRED About Help!!
"UM-briago!! It's a catastrophe!"

Edited by: sickdrjoe at: 11/19/02 1:23:13 pm
Afa Dollah
Registered User
Posts: 145
(11/19/02 13:59)
Reply  Re: Important message!!!!!
 Foreskeen, the Morlok gates are open. Bring the Eloi to us.
I am the Whistler and I know many things for I walk by night.

Edited by: Afa Dollah at: 11/19/02 2:01:58 pm
Registered User
Posts: 322
(11/19/02 15:42)
Reply  Important message
 This reminds of that storyline in THE MIGHTY THOR when the Mangog
was heading to Asgard to lay waste. "He approacheth!" "He hath reached
the gates!" Alright, already...
Registered User
Posts: 20
(11/19/02 16:15)
Reply  Re: Important message!!!!!
 Jamison2...I apologize if you have had enough of me, but really, It's not my goal to be an annoyance.

Why is there so much blaspheming going on? I take it that it's the "cool" thing to do around here. Whatever.

Sickdrjoe/Afa Dollah... why do you think it is that I am trying to prevent this person's arrival? I have already told you of the unstable psychic abilities the person possesses. If you "tear into him" and he chooses to respnd with, "I hope you choke," you just might choke. If he says "Your parents should die for having you," they just might die.

I will keep trtying to hold this person off until the message boards, until I sense that your attitudes are changed and you are ready and willing to accept someone new and treat him or her with respect and kindness. If you never reach that point and the message board closes, so be it.
Registered User
Posts: 1155
(11/19/02 17:14)
  Re: Important message!!!!!
I have already told you of the unstable psychic abilities the person possesses. If you "tear into him" and he chooses to respnd with, "I hope you choke," you just might choke. If he says "Your parents should die for having you," they just might die.

Not a chance. He'll be Slipp, like you are right now! He can gesture hypnotically and say "Disappear!" to the little corpse of the next boy he snuffs, but he's still gotta dig a hole to make it happen.

Send him in!
"UM-briago!! It's a catastrophe!"

Edited by: sickdrjoe at: 11/19/02 5:18:32 pm
Registered User
Posts: 225
(11/19/02 18:31)
Reply  Re: Important message!!!!!
 Mandrip the Magician says "Why is there so much blaspheming going on? I take it that it's the "cool" thing to do around here. Whatever."

Read yer bible Kresge the Great, psychics are considered bad news !
Registered User
Posts: 21
(11/19/02 20:35)
Reply  Re: Important message!!!!!
 Sickdrjoe...if I am "Slipp" now, who have I been for the past few days since I started posting here? You are being ridiculous, and if I can't keep on holding off this newcomer, your ridiculousness may be your undoing.

WrathofSteve....the Bible? It only speaks against witches, mediums, astrologers and fraudulent psychics. I belong to none of those catagories. Miss Cleo never helped capture criminals like I do. She is a fraud. I'm not. There have oy been a few real pschics that have started hotlines and they all came to regret it. If you make just one bad call on something, it could be lawsuit time. Nowadays, real psychics just don't do hotlines anymore for that very reason.

To recap: I visualized a lone freckle on at least one of Bruckman64's arms. Will he confirm or deny....? Tune in at 5:00 a.m. to find out.
Afa Dollah
Registered User
Posts: 146
(11/19/02 22:58)
Reply  Re: Important message!!!!!
 From Slipp's last entry at Shady's....

<Maybe this Foreseer55 person hasn't proven him/herself very well asa legitamite psycic, but maybe what he/she is saying shouldn't be blown off. That poster's "warnings" sorta givesme the creeps. I were you (and I'll be awfully glad I'm not on Judgement Day), I would consider what he/she said when he/she gave that "warning" and at least take it semi-seriously (better yet- halfway seriously).>


<Sickdrjoe/Afa Dollah... why do you think it is that I am trying to prevent this person's arrival? I have already told you of the unstable psychic abilities the person possesses. If you "tear into him" and he chooses to respnd with, "I hope you choke," you just might choke. If he says "Your parents should die for having you," they just might die.>

Pure bulls hit attempted psychic blackmail. And sure to doom the perpetrator (you, SlipperyForeskin69) to the lowest depths of Hell. Yeah, I feel guilty as f uck... late at night, with my biceps burning from the relentless (and well deserved) spanking of the Hottie of Choice...I feel guilty that
I may not have tongued her ass enough before I checked her oil with my forefinger. But you know what? You learn to overcome.

<Why is there so much blaspheming going on? I take it that it's the "cool" thing to do around here. Whatever.>

What blaspheming? I don't see any references to the non-existence of God.

I am the Whistler and I know many things for I walk by night.
Registered User
Posts: 226
(11/19/02 23:25)
Reply  Re: Important message!!!!!
 Dr Strangest says:"the Bible? It only speaks against witches, mediums, astrologers and fraudulent psychics"

And there ya go ! You're as fraudulent as they come.
Registered User
Posts: 22
(11/20/02 14:39)
Reply  Re: Important message!!!!!
 Afa Dollah... just how many points are you trying to make in your latest post? The only thing I could understand about it is that your definition of "blaspheming" is incorrect. According to my Wenster's New World Collegiate Dictionary:

vb 1: to speakf or address with irreverence

2: to utter blasphemy


blasphemy: great disrespect shown to God or to sacred persons or things

There is nothing said about questioning the existsence of God, though to deny that God exists could be considered blasphemy.

So what were those other points you tried (but failed miserably at) making? (No offense meant, although you did insult me first)

Did "Slipp" actually say those things? What a troubled young man, although he does show evidence of an open mind.

WrathofSteve... where is the proof of my fraudulence? We'll see how fraudulent I am when Bruckman64 admits that he has a lone freckle on at least one of his arms.
Registered User
Posts: 1156
(11/20/02 15:17)
  Re: Important message!!!!!
 Wait a minute. Two can wear a turban, y'know.

It's coming to me....KO-da basanta kabamba la-ba-soy.....heeHEE habba habba.......Forseer you have a lone's between your legs......ya, HEE, yabba satta....we are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives......sha-KOY landondo yabasue......and remember, my friends, future events such as these will affect you in the future.

Can you prove it didn't happen?

"UM-briago!! It's a catastrophe!"
Afa Dollah
Registered User
Posts: 147
(11/20/02 18:30)
Reply  Re: Important message!!!!!

Offline sgt ladylove

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Afa Dollah
Registered User
Posts: 147
(11/20/02 18:30)
Reply  Re: Important message!!!!!
 Foreskin, if you don't see the connection between what you wrote at Shady's and what you wrote here, you're a bigger f ucking retard than even WE believed. It's all some bulls hit twisted plan of yours to gain acceptance.

"There's a new poster coming, and you'd better be nice to him or he'll blast you with his incredible psychic powers."

Basa mi culo, maricon. Bring on this next identity already.
I am the Whistler and I know many things for I walk by night.
Registered User
Posts: 350
(11/20/02 19:12)
  Re: Important message!!!!!
although he does show evidence of an open mind.

Busted. Of all the things that SLIPP was, an open minded person he was not. He was the ANTITHESIS of being open minded. On top of that, SLIPP spent untold hours trying to convince everyone that he was open-minded. Now that some time has passed and surely EVERYONE has forgotten about that, here it is again.

I'll join the concensus, Mentok. Whoever this person is, tell him to come on in.
"Oh YAH...Shake it, Madam...Capital knockers."
Registered User
Posts: 23
(11/20/02 21:03)
Reply  Re: Important message!!!!!
 Why are you all so insistant in keeping on with this "You are Slipp and so wil this newcomer be" line?
I believe it is just your way of being unaccepting to all newcomers. You are like a pack of wild baboons, fiercely attacking any outsiders, never wishing to expand your group. You wouldn't care if one of you after another dropped off the face of the internet. You still wouldn't welcome newcomers. This is why I must and will hold this newcoming person off, for your own good.

Afa many better things could be done with the space you take up in threads, it isn't even funny. Do you mean to imply that if I was not this Slipp character, I wouldn't see eye-to-eye with him on any point whatsoever? How ludicrous can you get? How incredibly ironic that you call anything I post "bulls hit". What do you mean, "what you wrote at Shady's"? What is a "Shady's"? It sounds like a bar. Gain acceptance!?! Ha! I only hoped that my words, not myself, would gain acceptance. Thank you for the great laugh though. I needed it.

And Nosehonk...what is busted? Who is busted? No one is busted but you and all these others, which I implied in the general statements I made in the first section of this post. Do you think I can "tell" this person to come? Wrong. Free will would bring this person, who doesn't even know I exist, here. I'm altering his thought patterns, not conversing with him.

Recap for Bruckman64: Do you or do you not have a lone freckle on at least one of your arms? 
Registered User
Posts: 1158
(11/20/02 21:22)
  Re: Important message!!!!!
 Slipp, let me try and understand something here.

Is it possible that you can look in the mirror and not see an utter madman looking crosseyed back at you?

"I'm altering his thought patterns, not conversing with him"??

"You are like a pack of wild baboons, fiercely attacking any outsiders, never wishing to expand your group"??

Is it possible that you don't intuitively grasp that only ONE Baby Huey psycho muthafucker could have possibly written those sentences? And that all sane people who've been exposed to your toxic neediness and world of delusions can pin you out in ANY disguise you don?

Is this all you've got in life? To hide behind hedges, giggling girlishly into your cupped hand every time you've successfully Tricked The Normals again? It is, isn't it? This is your whole life right here.
"UM-briago!! It's a catastrophe!"

Edited by: sickdrjoe at: 11/20/02 9:23:38 pm
Registered User
Posts: 351
(11/20/02 22:10)
  Re: Important message!!!!!
 That's what we're saying, Forseer, STOP BLOCKING HIM.

And you never really responded to my post regarding you sensing that ISLIPP, of all the people on the f*cking PLANET, was open-minded.
"Oh YAH...Shake it, Madam...Capital knockers."

Edited by: Nosehonk at: 11/20/02 10:22:43 pm
Afa Dollah
Registered User
Posts: 148
(11/20/02 22:50)
Reply  Re: Important message!!!!!
 <Afa many better things could be done with the space you take up in threads, it isn't even funny.>

Oh REALLY? As I read it from your first post, your only purpose in posting here was to warn us about a new poster who was soon to arrive. (You received this vision on the porch of your log cabin Republican home in southern Oregon; a part of the country, incidentally, NOT known for 19 story buildings convenient for you to prevent horrific crimes). You instructed us to accept them without question because of his dangerous psychic powers, which you also possess. Then you would be around until the next day to answer our questions.

Well, here it is days later....and SURPRISE! Here you are posting 1000 word pieces of nonsense in that unmistakable forced sentence structure.

Okay, you've warned us. Now get lost, Edgar Gayseed. Go post at one of those "countless other websites" you keep droning on about.
I am the Whistler and I know many things for I walk by night.

Edited by: Afa Dollah at: 11/20/02 11:21:44 pm
Registered User
Posts: 24
(11/21/02 17:59)
Reply  Re: Important message!!!!!

sickdrjoe, even when you don't address me, like in your latest post in this thread, you seem to confuse me with this "Slipp." Is your trichotillomania making you too miserable to think clearly?

Another sign of that is in fact that you see "madness" in those things you quoted in my post. A claim to be altering ones thought patterns would be a madman's statement indeed, were it not from a psychic. But there is simply no "madness" in the second question you quoted, unless you are unawre of the social habits of the baboon. I am aware, because I used to care for them at the San Diego zoo, while learning how to use telepathy with the animals. One of them actually had a bad case of trichotillomania. It wasnt pretty.

Nosehonk...I will not "stop blocking him" unless I can tell that you won't all dogpile "him". So what's to tell about "Slipp's" open-mindedness?

Afa Dollah...who said I was a republican? I don't lead toward them or the democrats. They are both too extreme for me. You are correct, of course, that Oregon is not known for tall buildings, there are a few near the banks of the Willamette River in downtown Portland.

I'm trying to do you a service by "staying around." If I can get you past your ridiculous notion that I am who you think I am, you may actually have some real questions for me (gasp). My "1000 word pieces" are only nonsense to you because of your bull-headedness. Now, in which post did I ever "drone on" about "countless other web sites"?

Now, if I annoy you so much, why don't you drop out of this conversation? You must have great hypertension. Perhaps, dropping out would be wise, in such a scenario.
Registered User
Posts: 1160
(11/21/02 18:44)
Reply  re
 Slipp, either do your trick and morph into New Character B or go away. Your Forseer character has been established - Ornery Oregon Psychic Summoned By Cosmic Forces - but the bus is coming now; your three minutes are up.
Registered User
Posts: 298
(11/22/02 1:37)
Reply  Re
 Ah for Pete's sake. I try my best to ignore this and Forseer is constantly at my back. OK.

Do I have a lone freckle on one of my arms? Depends how you look at it. Both my arms have numerous freckles. I have rusty red-brown hair. I work outside 4 months of the year. You figure it out. Technically, this wasn't an accurate vision; plus I've posted a pic of myself on this very forum.

Forseer, if you had any true psychic abilities, you'd have seen I was hanging out with my best friend the last couple days and engaged in some important long-distance parleys with my family, instead of badgering me with nonsense.

Now make like a defenseman and get the puck out of here.
Registered User
Posts: 25
(11/22/02 13:07)
Reply  Re: re
 sickdrjoe... when did "Slipp" get a "Forseer character"? I thought I was the only one who had one. Is he doing it at "Shady's"? I don't see anyone doing it here.

Bruckman64...I totally agree with you... all this trash talk and finger-pointing I'm getting is a bunch of "". But am I constantly at your back? No. I'm at home. Surely it's not against the laws of etiquette to inquire something of someone.

Now, whether or not you have posted a pic of yourself makes no difference. Even if you did show your arms in it, you couldn't show all sides of them at once, and also, freckles don't show up very well on pictures. It's possible that I saw an image of you from before you started doing this outside work. Perhaps I crossed up an image of you with an image of someone else. I believe WrathofSteve has the lone freckle on at least one of his arms.

That I didn't that you were with friends and family means nothing. I don't try to see things like that because I respect people's privacy, regardless of how sweetcanadiangirl said she took my visions of her earlier in this thread. When have I ever badgered anyone with nonsense? Never, if you ask me. Your defenseman line was cute, you kidder! What will you come up with next?
Registered User
Posts: 229
(11/22/02 16:46)
Reply  Re: re
 Try again, Esmerelda! No lone freckle here. Keep guessing though, SOMEBODY has to have the lone freckle.
Afa Dollah
Registered User
Posts: 150
(11/22/02 23:40)
Reply  Re: re
 Gee whillikers. There's only ONE person on this board who missed the Log Cabin Republican reference.

Too bad you couldn't help out with Ashley and Miranda, being right there in southern Oregon and all, Dr. Strangelove. Guess you wouldn't want the authorities getting a glimpse of all those shallow depressions in your acreage.

I want to thank you for all the negative psychic energy, by the way. Guess I'd better bow out of the conversation while the gettin's good.
I am the Whistler and I know many things for I walk by night.
Registered User
Posts: 1162
(11/23/02 0:13)
Reply  Re
 Ditto for me, Forseer. You taught me to believe in hate again.
Registered User
Posts: 299
(11/23/02 1:29)
Reply  Re: Important message!!!!!
 OK, we're done here. Bring on Brock Lesnar or whoever's the Psychic Next Big Thing and let's get it over with.

(Envisions a lone freckle on an arm yet didn't perceive something far more individual, like the fact I have a metal pin in one of my fingers or am missing a tooth. Geez freakin' Louise.)
Registered User
Posts: 26
(11/23/02 10:33)
Reply  Re: re
 WrathofSteve...remember, I said that it was just a possibility that you or anyone else here possessed a lone freckle. I actually lean toward the first thing I suggested... visualizing Bruckman64's arms before he started his outside work.

Afa your misguided logic, since all log cabin residents are repulicans, we must all prefer Log Cabin syrup as well.

I'll have you know I was on vacation for the whole Ashley/Miranda thing. I hadno knowledge of it until I returned. American news isn't often heard in Paris.

What negative psychic energy, Mr. Sarcasm? I don't see any. Yes, please bow out and never bow back in. You are not helping matters at all.
Registered User
Posts: 27
(11/23/02 10:37)
Reply  Re: Important message!!!!!
 "The Next Big Thing" will stay off this board, no thanks to any of you posters.

Bruckman64...there's no "Geez freakin' Louise" called for. I can't see everything...especially all at once.
Registered User
Posts: 230
(11/23/02 13:38)
Reply  Re: Important message!!!!!
 Slipp's (not so latent)homosexuality rears it's ugly head yet again:"visualizing Bruckman64's arms before he started his outside work."

Registered User
Posts: 29
(11/23/02 21:03)
Reply  Re: Important message!!!!!
 Drat! I thought I was picking a totally unique handle at the time, but how was I to know that posters here would have such bad vision that they see the handle, "Forseer65" as "Slipp"?

And as far as that line you quoted, WrathofSteve, how do you see any indication of sexual orientation in that? I didn't say I was thinking of his rippling muscles (of which he probably owns none). I am a totally unisex poster. I never indicated my gender or sexual orientation at this message board and never will. However, I don't live a unisex life, and never will.
Registered User
Posts: 300
(11/24/02 1:29)
Reply  Re: Important message!!!!!
 >>However, I don't live a unisex life, and never will.<<

Well there's a prophecy I can believe.

Gee the psychic industry must be fairly lucrative--log cabins in Oregon, jet-setting to Paris for a few months. Guess I made the wrong career choice.
Registered User
Posts: 1166
(11/24/02 5:41)
  Re: Important message!!!!!
 Wow, Slipp, thank you for saving our lives..... from Slipp. Though I was interested to see what might happen if the One With Awesome Psychic Powers commanded me to go f uck myself.

How apropos that you're loved in France, though, like Jerry.

"UM-briago!! It's a catastrophe!"
Registered User
Posts: 352
(11/26/02 1:01)
  Re: Important message!!!!!
 (This message was left blank)
"Oh YAH...Shake it, Madam...Capital knockers."

Edited by: Nosehonk at: 11/27/02 4:42:33 pm
Registered User
Posts: 353
(11/26/02 1:05)
  Re: Important message!!!!!
 I didn't say I was thinking of his rippling muscles (of which he probably owns none).

Meaning "I SWEAR I didn't look at the picture, I SWEAR ON A STAKC OF BIB...BOOKS of wizardry...YES...That's the ticket."

I'm beginning to grow weary of this nostradumbass crap. SLIPP, come out and take your whoopin' now. If you wait, as Homer Simpson brilliantly put it: "You're just gonna get more wrath!"...Hell, in light of the quote and the recent election, I might stick a phony elephant head on you just for kicks.

"Oh YAH...Shake it, Madam...Capital knockers."
Registered User
Posts: 33
(11/26/02 22:05)
Reply  Re: Important message!!!!!
 Bruckman64...there's no need to be insulting, but then you're just a "go with the flow" kind of person, aren't you?

Don't give up your your day (?) job. It's not like I bought the log cabin. I sense that I have more psychic ability in one of my eye lashes then you have in your whole body.'re crediting the wrong person for the wrong thing. Who is Jerry? Seinfeld? Van Dyke? Mouse?

Nosehonk...O great master of the double-quote, I beseach you, stop wasting space in threads and ease the needless rage in your tortured soul. Whatever you think you see of "Slipp" in my posts is mere illusion. That goes for all of your message board peers. 
Registered User
Posts: 327
(11/27/02 16:49)
Reply  important message
 Uh, that's "beseech."
Registered User
Posts: 40
(11/27/02 22:27)
Reply  Re: important message
 Thank you. 

:)  :)  :)