(ISLIPP bids the ezboard a fond farewell...again.)
Registered User
Posts: 53
(5/31/02 12:33)
Reply Arrividerchi, Aufwiedersehen (sp?) Adios, Skip the gutter
After taking a few days off from this board, ISLIPP has now gotten AGRIPP on himself. I have not seen and will not look at any posts that have been made since my last post. I will however say this about my problems:
This is what it all boils down to: You were all right and I was all wrong. I should've listened to metaldams a few months ago when he said that I was not suited for any board that does not have strictly Stooge talk.
As for the "curse", I wasn't making it up. Mock me if you must, but know this- there were MANY acquaintences I had in high school- mostly non-religious acquaintences and a few acquaintences that subscribed to other beliefs. We never discussed nor made the slightest mention of religion or each other's beliefs and I got along well with them. I actually got along with these people a ot better than most religious people I saw regularly. I don't have the slightest idea what could've changed ME since then, so it has to be the "curse".
Now to close- to say goodbye to all non-Stooges forums forever, I will slightly revise the lyrics of Terry Jacks' "Seasons in the Sun".
Goodbye to you, my trusted friends
You've known me longer than a month or 10.
Together we climbed hills and trees
Learned of love and ABC's
Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees
Goodbye my friends, it's hard to die
When all the birds are singing in the sky
Now that the spring is in the air
Pretty girls are everywhere (I wish!)
Think of me and I'll be there
We had joy, we had fun
We had seasons in the son
But the hills that we've climbed
Were just seasons out of time.
Goodbye, Bruckman, please pray for me.
I was the black sheep of this "family"
You tried to teach me right from wrong
Too much whine and too much song
Wonder how I got along
Goodbye Bruckman, it's hard to die
When all the birds are singing in the sky.
Now that the spring is in the air
Dunrobin's m-board is elsewhere
When it opens, I'll be there
We had joy, we had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But my whines and my songs
Like the seasons have all gone
Goodbye BJR, you're the one
You were my friend and helped me find the sun
And everytime that I was down
You would always come around
And get my feet back on the ground
Goodbye BJR, it's hard to die
When all the birds are singing in the sky
With all the nyuk-nyuks everywhere
The Stooges still are on the air
We had joy, we had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But the stars we could reach
Were just starfish on the beach
(Then back to the first "We had joy" part, then the second one, to fade out)
Trivia: Terry Jacks wrote the original version for the Beach Boys, but they wouldn't record it (I forgot why), so he recorded it himself and became a great one-hit wonder. Great song.
I'll see most of you at Rob's place. Til' then...Peace.
Edited by: ISLIPP at: 6/1/02 7:59:16 am
Registered User
Posts: 25
(5/31/02 12:41)
Re: Arrividerchi, Aufwiedersehen (sp?) Adios, Skip the gutte
<<After taking a few days off from this board, ISLIPP has now gotten AGRIPP on himself.>>
Uh....no I don't think you have.
You know, it seems kind of funny, that as soon as you "take a few days off" a new poster comes along, and as soon they leave you come back. We ALL know it was you, so quit playing dumb.
Your "curse" is just bullshit. The only thing you are "cursed" with is acting like a complete @#%$ idiot. Thats ALL! Hey! How about a finale? Why don't you bring your "mother" out to tell us how much of a good son you are.
"A mental mind fuck can be nice."
Edited by: sweetcanadiangirl at: 5/31/02 12:54:30 pm
Registered User
Posts: 46
(5/31/02 12:41)
Re: Arrividerchi, Aufwiedersehen (sp?) Adios, Skip the gutte
You know, I'm like a pink duck. Most folks, all they've ever seen is white ducks. Or you know, regular kind of looking ducks, but they've never seen a pink duck. They don't know what to do with me. I'm a pink duck. They don't know what to do with me. Hehe.
Registered User
Posts: 64
(5/31/02 15:11)
Kill Yourself NOW, Slipp
You were right the first time: kill yourself. Please. Look - I'll even say it in Echo:
Put us out of OUR misery. Your worm-boy schizophrenia's not funny anymore, just sad & scary. SuperStooge, Meditran, Mom, Bunionhead, Angillus; Suicide Boy, Dog Boy, Experimental Writer Boy, Cardboard Box Boy, Closet Boy. They're all breadcrumb trails, each one winding back to the snake pit of your own mind.
Since you won't get help & you won't stop, really & truly think about suicide. Before you wind up fuckin' , killin' and eatin' little children, if you're not hard at work on it already.
PS: the only 'starfish' you're interested in are between furry butt cheeks.
PSS: hey, BJR, you're Slipp's "little one"! He likes you. Makes ya feel special all over, doesn't it?
PSSS: Look, out of fear of discovery, Slipp hastily changed "my little one" to "you're the one" in his 'song parody'. And it still reeks of intense homosexual longing!
"I look at you, bless God, and I see money!"
Edited by: sickdrjoe at: 6/3/02 4:25:47 pm
Afa Dollah
Registered User
Posts: 8
(5/31/02 16:44)
Reply Re: Arrividerchi, Aufwiedersehen (sp?) Adios, Skip the gutte
sick, sick sick. I am FORCED to disagree.
The only "starfish" he's interested in are between HAIRLESS butt cheeks.
Shall we start a pool betting on how many of these pathetic, whining "This is absolutely my last post on this board" threads we'll be subjected to? Three? Five? More?
There was something fishy about the butler. I think he was a Pisces, probably working for scale.
Registered User
Posts: 26
(5/31/02 16:51)
Re: Arrividerchi, Aufwiedersehen (sp?) Adios, Skip the gutte
You can count me in on THAT bet.
"A mental mind fuck can be nice."
Steven Pigeon
Registered User
Posts: 7
(5/31/02 17:49)
www.geocities.com/steven_pigeon/Butters.wav Edited by: Steven Pigeon at: 6/19/05 17:44
Sten Erin
Registered User
Posts: 11
(5/31/02 20:55)
Re: Arrividerchi, Aufwiedersehen (sp?) Adios, Skip the gutte
Yeah, but you still suck too, Pigeon. Go ‘way.
Hey, any of y’all getting the feeling that in just a few days now, you’re gonna flip on the tube and get a live, aerial shot of a Michigan 7-11 where a 28 yr old SWM is holding a group of people hostage at gunpoint, foaming at the mouth & mumbling strange acronyms like SDJ, NFO and ToT? Curious, you’ll turn up the volume just as Tom Brokaw solemnly intones “His demands are simple. [Insert grainy footage of Slipp, clad in grubby, child-sized Teddy Ruxpin 1-piece pajamas, picking his crusty nose and awkwardly holding a bullhorn at the same time] ‘BJR, my special little one, shall bring me the head of SDJ on a platter. Oh! And I wanna meet Shaggy and Chuck Norris.’ Inside, the situation is dire. [Insert grainy footage of the interior of the 7-11. Pitifully dragging herself towards the entrance, a woman sobs, undone by the stress of listening to Slipp’s “Seasons in the Sun” remix 9 hrs straight.] ‘Please sir, I have 3 little children!’ ‘Shut up and say it in Scooby talk!’ ‘Rease rrir, I rraf rree rirrle…’”
Unregistered User
(5/31/02 21:23)
Reply Re: Arrividerchi, Aufwiedersehen (sp?) Adios, Skip the gutte
Unregistered User
(5/31/02 21:29)
Reply Re: Arrividerchi, Aufwiedersehen (sp?) Adios, Skip the gutte
A strange one, he is.
Luke Skywalker
Unregistered User
(5/31/02 21:33)
Reply Arrividerchi, Aufwiedersehen (sp?) Adios, Skip the gutte
Nooo! I'm starting to like him! Must....f-fight it!!!
Registered User
Posts: 56
(5/31/02 21:35)
Reply Re: Arrividerchi, Aufwiedersehen (sp?) Adios, Skip the gutte
Slipp, stop posting Star wars.
F.D.N.Y. Stand Back 200 Ft.
Obi Wan Kenobi
Unregistered User
(5/31/02 21:35)
Reply Arrividerchi, Aufwiedersehen (sp?) Adios, Skip the gutte
Luke, use the force! The FORCE, Luke!
Princess Leah
Unregistered User
(5/31/02 21:46)
Reply Re: Arrividerchi, Aufwiedersehen (sp?) Adios, Skip the gutte
Yes, Luke! You've got to fight it! Darth Vader has me captive!
Registered User
Posts: 47
(5/31/02 21:54)
Re: Arrividerchi, Aufwiedersehen (sp?) Adios, Skip the gutte
Yes SLIPP, keep making an ass out of yourself.
You know, I'm like a pink duck. Most folks, all they've ever seen is white ducks. Or you know, regular kind of looking ducks, but they've never seen a pink duck. They don't know what to do with me. I'm a pink duck. They don't know what to do with me. Hehe.
Darth Vader
Unregistered User
(5/31/02 22:17)
Reply Arrividerchi, Aufwiedersehen (sp?) Adios, Skip the gutte
Hmm. Seasons in the sun? What a troubled young man. I'm delighted to know that I'm not HIS father.
As for you, Luke, my son, you might as well prepare for a fate worse then death. I doubt even the force could help you now.
Unregistered User
(5/31/02 23:26)
Reply Arrividerchi, Aufwiedersehen (sp?) Adios, Skip the gutte
Beep bop boop bip WEEeeeeOOOOOWW!
Unregistered User
(5/31/02 23:29)
Reply Re: Arrividerchi, Aufwiedersehen (sp?) Adios, Skip the gutte
Oh, be quiet R2! Can't you see Master Luke is in a terrible dilemna?
Keep trying, Master Luke! You must try harder!
Tha Puckstoppa
Registered User
Posts: 2
(6/1/02 2:23)
Reply Re: Arrividerchi, Aufwiedersehen (sp?) Adios, Skip the gutte
Aw, there goes the multi-faggot.
Registered User
Posts: 57
(6/1/02 9:39)
Reply Re: Arrividerchi, Aufwiedersehen (sp?) Adios, Skip the gutte
Slipp, you are such a Mook!
you're post are lame, you think you're funny, you're not.
just stop making a fool out yourself, stop with this Star War @#%$ bro,
It's annoying.
F.D.N.Y. Stand Back 200 Ft.
Registered User
Posts: 27
(6/1/02 10:32)
Re: Arreeveederchee, Aufweeedersehen (sp?) Adeeos, Skeep the
What the hell happened overnight? I come back to Star Wars characters?
"A mental mind fuck can be nice."
Registered User
Posts: 58
(6/1/02 10:37)
Reply Re: Arreeveederchee, Aufweeedersehen (sp?) Adeeos, Skeep the
" What the hell happened overnight? I come back to Star Wars characters? "
LMFAO, I know what you mean Sweets, lol, I look at this topic, thinking i'll see a Sick Dr., or Metaldams post ripping Slipp, but instead of those names, I see, Chewbaca, Yoda, R2D2, C3PO. WTF? Need I say more than WTF?
F.D.N.Y. Stand Back 200 Ft.
Ben Grimm
Unregistered User
(6/1/02 16:35)
Reply Re: Arreeveederchee, Aufweeedershen (sp?) Adeeos, Skeep the
It's clobberin' time!
Tigeer Larree
Unregistered User
(6/1/02 21:28)
If you bomb my grocery store,
This is what I'll do:
Sue you for all of your cash,
And get a new hairdo!
I'm not Six Iron, neither is Slipp -
So this I will tell you:
I will call up Linda Tripp,
And later, keedknapp you!!
I will call 'abuerro' up,
And 'Edie', too.
They will join with M-ditran,
And they will keedknapp you!!
I do not watch Star Wars,
You shouldn't watch it, too.
If you dare, this I say:
I will keedknapp you!!
Tiger Larree
Unregistered User
(6/1/02 22:24)
A-good e-va-ning frie-e-e-ends!
Shemp Shady
Registered User
Posts: 4
(6/2/02 4:13)
ROFLMMFAO, too!!!!! (Doug: I just got what the 2nd ‘M’ stands for. Klasseek!!)
So...my 'Tiger Larry' character from the ‘two-lines at a time story’ thread rears it head. This is very clearly meant to parody me, based not only on ‘Tiger Larry,’ but also on the ‘parodying’ of my IWKY verse.
Hey, I should feel honored, in that imitation is purportedly the sincerest form of flattery. (Still...by ‘Schmoopy Don’t’?)
But I also have to take offense at how poorly this Ersatz ‘keedknapp’ verse adheres to the pattern of the original. (N.B.: I may post what that ‘pattern’ is at some point.)
Also...SLIPP posting as various Star Wars characters? Man, how far will ‘Jar Jar Stinks’ go!? (Gnaborretni!?!?)
AND MOST IMPORTANTLY: Considering that dissertation-length post by ‘Pigeon-Sh#t,’ and the religious references contained therein, I now suspect that...
SLIPP = Pidgeon-SL#PP. (Ees eet not posseeble!?)
IWKY: Shady out!
Edited by: Shemp Shady at: 6/2/02 4:16:45 am
Unregistered User
(6/2/02 11:29)
Reply Goodbye...
Slipp, we ALL know that you'll be back, "Seasons in the Sun" notwithstanding.
(God, couldn't you have picked a better song? "If I Only Had a Brain" maybe?)
It may be under a different name, but you'll be back...
Registered User
Posts: 5
(6/2/02 16:08)
Re: Goodbye...
Anyone know what that fuckin' "Chick Tract" like post was all about?
"They misunderestimated me."- President Dubya
Registered User
Posts: 13
(6/2/02 17:09)
Re: Goodbye...
This is some great stuff. Absolute gold. It's like a C3 reunion.
Sir Simon Milligan...Master of funk...AND EVIL.
Unregistered User
(6/3/02 14:55)
Reply hi
lol slip ur a fuckin loser. ur @#%$ man.
Steven Pigeon
Registered User
Posts: 5
(6/23/02 16:47)
www.geocities.com/steven_pigeon/Butters.wav Edited by: Steven Pigeon at: 6/19/05 17:44
Registered User
Posts: 84
(6/23/02 21:22)
Reply RE
Wrong. It's funny because SLIPP is still here 3 weeks later.
Registered User
Posts: 117
(6/24/02 0:06)
Reply Re: Arrividerchi, Aufwiedersehen (sp?) Adios, Skip the gutte
All the times I said I was leaving were only TESTS. I was testing you all so I can find a new way to get you to stop posting crap about me.
I stink at fighting (with words), but I'm an EXCELLENT pest! I've got a new lease on life NOW, boy! I've obviously been getting on DrJoe's nerves. But now, I'll get on the nerves of ALL who dare desicrate my name.
I have spoken.
Leon Phelps
Registered User
Posts: 1
(6/24/02 2:12)
Reply Re: Arrividerchi, Aufwiedersehen (sp?) Adios, Skip the gutte
Oh yeah, it's time for the ladies man baby!
Whatth happenin everybody? Welcome to the Ladieth Man, the radio talk show with all the right rethpontheth to yo romantic querieth. How y'all doin? I'm fine I got my couvothier right heyah..Yeah!
I open tonightth show with a conthern. Ithlipp, you are clearly a very thexually reprethed perthon. Why ith thith? You inthitht on bein' a petht. Don't do that, baby! Take it from our greatstht prethident Bill Clinton. Whenever you get a chanth, get your wang mouthified by whoever is around. If it is a venerial ditheathe you fear, don't worry I have had all the venerial ditheatheth, and they really aren't that bad.
I underthtand you have thpent thome time in a box and on a leash...Well thatth cool whatever getth you freak on. But little girlth pithing on themthelveth?!?! Yeeeahh. That's dithguthteyin. You betht avoid that demographic of "urinating kindergartnerth" out of you head right now. I altho here of a dental lady you were after. Another failure. You got thmooth talk them. Thay thomething like...
"Hey baby, I notithed yo ath is FINE ATH HELL!!!"
Now thy will either thmack you, or they will take you down to the buth terminal and thkank it up wit yo ya hear? They won't mind the leash either. I have been intimate with the lowtht of the low buth thkankth to the more thophthtacated, well bread buth thkankth, and they all like to get freaky! Hehe YEAH!
Thome of them even like role playing. Which I hear you are good at. @#%$, you pretended to be your mother?!? Thatth good, I gueth but not particularly arouthing. Thkankth usually prefer "Who'th yo daddy" as appothed to the maternal being, but ya know, whateva, thome ho's are into that @#%$ you know what I'm thayin?
And thpeakin in toungueth...Hehe..Yeyah they like that!!!
Lookth like thatth all the time we got tonight.
I'm Leon Phelpth I'll cathc y'all lata.
Peace out.
Registered User
Posts: 182
(6/24/02 5:05)
Never Can Say Goodbye
All the times I said I was leaving were only TESTS.
No, Slipp, when you make a statement, knowing beforehand it's false, it's a lie. Some examples:
Threatening suicide for attention: a lie.
Claiming to be Bunionhead, Meditran, P Nis, etc: a lie.
Denying you're Bunionhead, Meditran, P Nis, etc: a lie.
Claiming you 'falsely confessed' to being Bunionhead, Meditran, P Nis, etc: a lie.
And swearing to God three dozen different times that this is IT, you're gone for good, goodbye forever, etc: a lie.
See how that works?
Besides, you're not the 'written test' type. You much prefer little testes administered orally.
"I look at you, bless God, and I see money!"
Registered User
Posts: 119
(6/24/02 10:17)
Reply Goodbye doesn't mean forever
See how convincing my tests were? Everybody thought I was lying.
And HEY..you finally admit...
"Claiming to be Bunionhead, Meditran, P Nis: a lie"
So you admit that I only claimed to be P Nis and Meditran to shut you up about your "consequences" a week or so back. However, I never claimed to be Bunionhead. Never. Numskull unmasked me when I wore that disguise and I never denied it since. Come think of it, I never denied it, PERIOD. Bunionhead denied being ME, not the other way around.
"Denying you're Bunionhead, Meditran, P Nis, etc: a lie.
So I claimed it AND denied it? Are you for REAL? Is anybody home in that useless noggin of yours? Like I said, I NEVER denyed being Buionhead, it was the other way around. And I RIGHTFUKKY denied being P Nis and Meditran.
"Claiming you "falsly confessed" to being Bunionhead, Meditran, P Nis, etc: a lie."
You're way over the deep end, now. I NEVER "falsly confessed" to being Bunionhead.
I didn't threaten suicide for attention- only to get you and your goon squad off my back.
And then you say I swore to God, I was gone for good? Well, I NEVER swore anything of the kind to God. Go look up everything from me that you claim was a lie, and you'll see I never swore that to God.
So tell me, DrJoe...were you smashed, stoned or just plain STUPID when you typed that post?
Registered User
Posts: 184
(6/24/02 10:53)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever
So tell me, DrJoe...were you smashed, stoned or just plain STUPID when you typed that post?
I'm high on YOU, Slipp. For the record, it's like a cross between huffing paint-thinner and snorting rhino tranquiilizer.
But I'm getting a li'l bit tired of your New Act, which is half clubhouse lawyer and half I'm-stupid-on-purpose.
Here's how claiming to be Bunionhead, Meditran, P Nis: a lie actually works:
"I'm representing a small group of Stooge fans in my town that have had it with that f****ing idiot ISLIPP, but don't want to see a Stooge message board dedicated to the mentally disturbed, bed-wetting moron."
See? You claimed to be Meditran - and THAT'S A LIE. You 'cleverly' insulted yourself to obscure the trail - and that kindergarten stunt fooled no one!
Now on to:" 'Denying you're Bunionhead, Meditran, P Nis, etc: a lie.' So I claimed it AND denied it? Are you for REAL? Is anybody home in that useless noggin of yours?"
There sure is, Needledick! See how simple this is? Your claim ("I am not Slipp, I'm Meditran") was a lie. Therefore, your denial ("I am not Meditran - I'm Slipp!") is ALSO a lie.
Slipp, do yourself a big favor and cross off 'lawyer' on the list of jobs you're unsuited for. (More like a supermarket receipt than a simple 'list'!) If this were a trial, the bench would have issued you a warning a year ago, and ordered the bailiffs to arrest you six months ago. Your 'case' is missing one little tiny, itty-bitty, inconsequential item: a leg to stand on.
However, I never claimed to be Bunionhead. Never. Numskull unmasked me when I wore that disguise and I never denied it since. Come think of it, I never denied it, PERIOD. Bunionhead denied being ME, not the other way around.
Man, talk about a textbook example of 'diminished capacity'!
Slipp, I'm sure you were this insane even as a kid. Unfortunately for you, you're not "likably" insane, you're "annoyingly" insane.
That's why your teacher started class one day by announcing, "OK, class, pencils down! Who wants to see me put a leash on Eric's neck and walk him like a toy poodle outside where everyone can laugh at him?"
And that's why all your classmates clapped their hands and said, "YAYYYY!" Nobody really wants to see you 'get help'...they'd rather watch you bark at cars and pee on a tree.
"I look at you, bless God, and I see money!"
Edited by: sickdrjoe at: 6/24/02 12:35:44 pm
Registered User
Posts: 123
(6/24/02 11:47)
Reply Re:
Are you a ding-a-ling or WHAT? Mediran never said he/they was me. I never said I was Meditran. There was NO LIE there. GOT IT?
What's so insane about saying "Bunionhead denied being ME, not the other way around."? I, ISLIPP, the real person never denied being the charatcer, Bunionhead. BUT, Bunionhead, the charatcer, denied being ME. SEE? SAW? SEE?
Who said I was a lawyer? Perry Mason and Matlock would BOTH sue your sorry a**, while they make sure that you don't get away with murder anymore, as far as harrassing the innocent (me).
Registered User
Posts: 189
(6/24/02 11:59)
Re: Re:
You should be trapped, killed, filleted, jerked, stirred into a kettle of soup, garnished with basil and oregano and served to the homeless.
Speaking of eats, what's Slipp's favorite Chinese food?
Sum yung gai.
"I look at you, bless God, and I see money!"
Registered User
Posts: 117
(6/24/02 12:31)
Re: Re:
" I stink at fighting (with words), but I'm an EXCELLENT pest! " - Islipp.
I stink, and my waters not working, so i'll stink some more, i also stink at fighting, getting girls, getting a job, getting liked by people, but i'm an excellent rapist, and a stalker, and a pest!
Ah S*it boys, somebody call the Terminex man.
F.D.N.Y. Stand Back 200 Ft.
Registered User
Posts: 126
(6/24/02 12:35)
Reply Re:
You should be painted brown, put in someone's toilet bowl and flushed.
Your favorite food OF ALL is mashed couch potato. 9/11 shouldn't have been the end of the world for you. You can still get a job at a carnival as a target in the "Throw the Ball at the Dummy" game. The winners become instant millionaires.
Registered User
Posts: 120
(6/24/02 12:38)
Re: Re:
"... Get A job at Throw the Ball at the Dummy" game.
Whats the matter Slipp, they fired you?
F.D.N.Y. Stand Back 200 Ft.
Edited by: 2cool247 at: 6/24/02 12:38:58 pm
Registered User
Posts: 38
(6/25/02 0:43)
Reply Re
"What so insane about saying Bunionhead denied being me....."
O geez this convoluted logic is killing me at 11 p.m. Lemme see.....Bunionhead and Slipp are the same person. But when Slipp is Bunionhead and says he isn't Slipp, he isn't lying because Bun. is a character and not a real person and fictional characters can't lie because they're fictional. Do I have it correctly?
Thus if I, Bruckman, go around saying I'm Napoleon, I'm lying because Napoleon was a historical personage, but if I say I'm Tyler Durden, I'm not lying because Tyler Durden is fictional. Neither am I lying when I fail to deny I'm not Tyler Durden [if anyone here can follow that line of reasoning].
Slipp, your logic leaves me absolutely speechless. "Look, I'm not lying because I was pretending to be someone else" is a line used by bunco artists. Incompetent ones.
Registered User
Posts: 199
(6/25/02 1:29)
In any Western court of law, Slipp would've been ordered gagged & trussed very early on. Here is, really, the only way to respond to his intricately-constructed nut replies.
As for the "curse", I wasn't making it up. Mock me if you must, but know this- there were MANY acquaintences I had in high school- mostly non-religious acquaintences and a few acquaintences that subscribed to other beliefs. We never discussed nor made the slightest mention of religion or each other's beliefs and I got along well with them. I actually got along with these people a ot better than most religious people I saw regularly. I don't have the slightest idea what could've changed ME since then, so it has to be the "curse".
You have a flush toilet in your living room.
So you admit that I only claimed to be P Nis and Meditran to shut you up about your "consequences" a week or so back. However, I never claimed to be Bunionhead. Never. Numskull unmasked me when I wore that disguise and I never denied it since. Come think of it, I never denied it, PERIOD. Bunionhead denied being ME, not the other way around.
Still dreaming of five-year-olds with bedroom eyes urinating on themselves, Slipp?
What's so insane about saying "Bunionhead denied being ME, not the other way around."? I, ISLIPP, the real person never denied being the charatcer, Bunionhead. BUT, Bunionhead, the charatcer, denied being ME. SEE? SAW? SEE?
I hear you learned the multiplication tables from inside a Frigidaire box.
And so forth...
"I look at you, bless God, and I see money!"
Registered User
Posts: 40
(6/25/02 2:07)
Reply Re
Ah, you're right. Reading Slipp's attempts at a logical premise is like watching a Monet being defaced by a magic-marker-brandishing chimp. You don't know whether to laugh in shock, be appalled, or call for a tranquilizer gun.
Anyway am not going to lose sleep over this nonexistent attempt at reasoning out Slipp's motivation. One might just as well expect Pauly Shore to turn up in a Merchant-Ivory film.
Registered User
Posts: 93
(6/25/02 2:13)
Reply I DON'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP! We have THOUSANDS of testimo...
Guys, you are missing the beauty behind reasoning with SLIPP..........we get to hear his responses.
Registered User
Posts: 41
(6/25/02 2:30)
Reply re
OK. Slipp, run that by me again as to why you're a completely truthful individual and not a card-carrying liar and incipient bunco-steerer. You live in both Belleville Michigan and Santa Fe.....got it....your abuerro made you chalupas....uh-huh....the street you're on is called Calle de Cabeza....yep....a fairy leaves you Scooby Snacks under your pillow at 2 a.m. sharp.....understood....
And by the way I'm not Bruckman, I'm TYLER DURDEN. No kidding. I run Fight Clubs all over the country and work at night as a movie projectionist [ how else do you think I know so much about old movies] and splice in insert close-ups of gigantic c o c k s into family films. [Check out Scooby Doo currently running].
"He took the COIN out of the FISH'S MOUTH!!!"
Registered User
Posts: 201
(6/25/02 3:05)
Au contraire, Dams. Letting Slipp run off at the mouth for 2-3 paragraphs, only to respond, "Hey, flush already, I'm trying to watch FRASIER here", just gets him ANGRIER.
Voila! An even more crazed response than the first one!
"I look at you, bless God, and I see money!"
Registered User
Posts: 129
(6/25/02 3:24)
Reply Re:
Count Bruckula:
1. I had no idea there was a Belleville, Michigan. There is in fact, Bell Aire, Michigan. I bet that's where they got the name for Will Smith's TV show.
2. Don't try to understand me. It will make your head hurt.
3. I thought you said Tyler Durden was your real name. I wouldn't think it would be anyway, because I never heard of parents naming their sons Tyler before the 1990's.
Registered User
Posts: 42
(6/25/02 3:48)
Reply Re
You know, I find it a little strange that you live in Michigan, yet are unable to place Belleville. Not that Belleville is a very big place according to the atlas, but if someone asked me where Plentywood, Montana is, I could tell them, even though Montana's a bigger state than Michigan.
Tyler Durden my real name! ROFL! Tyler Durden is a character in "Fight Club, played by Brad Pitt in the film version. Of course I wouldn't expect you to have read the book or seen the movie, since the latter is rated R and has a fair bit of bloody violence and some nudity [not to mention a lot of the F-word]. Still, I'd urge you to rent it and see what a truly psychotic descent into self-destructive dementia can be like.
My real name is Bode Austin Sehorn Miller Jr. Or maybe it isn't.
Registered User
Posts: 130
(6/25/02 4:19)
Reply Re:
I've seen movies about characters with self-destructive dementia. I seem to recall a movie I saw around 1985 called "Delirium". It had plenty of swear words and as Moe Howard playg his own son would say, "plenty of killings and murders". I was 10 or 11 years old at the time and I still didn't mind the swearing one bit.
Registered User
Posts: 11
(6/25/02 14:24)
Reply Re: Re:
"Fresh Prince of Bel Air" took place in Bel Air, a tony section of Los Angeles.
Registered User
Posts: 205
(6/25/02 14:34)
Reply Re
Based on his most recent responses, Slipp's either typing with a full-to-bursting diaper on, or he's one mother-insult away from responding with "My cat's breath smells like cat food."
Registered User
Posts: 135
(6/26/02 0:00)
Reply Re:
Wow. I never would've guessed that Jamison was down with DJ Jazzy Jeff. Word.
Based on sickdrjoe's recent responses, he's either posting while his former boss makes him eat the burger he was caught crapping in or his unemployment is causing him some major anxiety.
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Posts: 95
(6/26/02 0:05)
Reply RE
(This message was left blank)
Edited by: metaldams1978 at: 6/26/02 12:08:54 am
Registered User
Posts: 36
(6/26/02 0:31)
Re: RE
Yeah, they probably got the idea for "Taxi" based on taxes people have to pay. Actually a Taxi are the people who come to your house when you have failed to pay your taxes.
Sir Simon Milligan...Master of funk...AND EVIL.
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Posts: 207
(6/26/02 2:16)
I realize Slipp cannot visualize 'work' without the term 'produce aisle' or wearing a paper hat....but there really and truly are jobs where you get to f u c k around on a computer most of the day. I even get to pick what cds I wanna listen to! Oh, Slipp, it's a land of magic pixie dust and dodo bird eggs, here in Dingley-Dell, where we fill out Form 1040 every year to celebrate Taxopotamus Day!
(You have to 'explain' things to Slipp in Mother Goose Echo Transition or they sail right over the dear boy's head.)
On the local front, Numskull said he'd drink water out of a bar toilet before he'd let you back into Stoogeworld to chew on the new curtains and leave 'surprises' on the carpet. Sorry, Slipp...I really did try this time!
"I look at you, bless God, and I see money!"
Registered User
Posts: 139
(6/26/02 3:31)
Reply Re:
DrJoe- just because your boss at Burger King is one most of the day and leaves his offce door wide open, that does not give you the right to barge in and use his computer. Who's the poor sap that you always get to cover for you at the drive-thru window when your banging away on your boss's keyboard- Beavis or Butthead (both are your best riends, so it shoudn't really matter)?
And guess what? I read Kevin's response to your request. As usual, you make things sound a HECK of a lot worse with your tactlessness. Kev, as usual, was very tactFUL. Start adopting him as your role model. Look up to him. He is the exact opposite of you and he's everything you should be.
And remember, as Beavis always says, "BOY-OY-OY-OY-OY-OY-OY-OING!"
Edited by: ISLIPP at: 6/26/02 3:41:56 am
Registered User
Posts: 211
(6/26/02 5:15)
Kev, as usual, was very tactFUL. Start adopting him as your role model. Look up to him. He is the exact opposite of you and he's everything you should be.
You're right as usual. He simply said, "SLIPP is not welcome here." No discussion. No debate. NO SLIPP. Man, I gotta get me some of that tact! If it can get rid of you, it can get week-old gum off the heel of a shoe.
Never thought I'd see you happy about having your request for parole denied. Then again, some guys like it in jail...
"I look at you, bless God, and I see money!"
Registered User
Posts: 143
(6/26/02 9:16)
Reply Re: Re:
You're WRONG again, brainless, if only by the way you're making it sound. Kevin did NOT say "SLIPP is not welcome here" without adding something to the effect of "in the opinions of the majority." He said that the majority of voters didn't want me there and until they do, I'm still banned.
And I'm not exactly happy about this, but I'm happily accepting it. There's a difference.
Registered User
Posts: 128
(6/26/02 9:41)
Re: Re:
wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa!
Stop you're crying Slipp.
F.D.N.Y. Stand Back 200 Ft.
Registered User
Posts: 215
(6/26/02 9:42)
Only you would have the laser-like intelligence to insult the only guy asking that your ban be rescinded.
But you're the boss, Slipp. NOW it's 24-0 against. Happy?
"I look at you, bless God, and I see money!"
Edited by: sickdrjoe at: 6/26/02 9:43:13 am
Registered User
Posts: 16
(6/26/02 13:25)
Reply Re:
Hmmm...I made a another plea for understanding toward Slipp on another
thread BEFORE I came here and read what appears to be some kind of DIG at me
re Jazzy Jeff. I MAY have to change my avuncular, bemused stance toward young
Eric if I see something like that again. Believe me, you DON'T want that to happen...
Edited by: Jamison2 at: 6/26/02 1:26:31 pm
Registered User
Posts: 144
(6/26/02 13:32)
Reply Re:
Jamison, I didn't think that was a "dig" at all, just like the training reference in the other thread. You do know what "down with" means, right? That's no dig. You dig?
Registered User
Posts: 99
(6/26/02 14:43)
Reply RE
"I didn't know Public Enemy was a music group. Are they the same as the wrestling tag-team?"
Mr weatherbee
Registered User
Posts: 2
(6/28/02 23:09)
Reply Re: RE
Four days ago, you said you were going to go with the majority. Schmuck, dont you know when people hate you? Or are you so socially retarded that we have to spoonfeed you everything? GET THE @#%$ OUT!!!!NOW!!!!
Does Mom do Bukkake? Just curious........
The Football Team at Riverdale High
Edited by: Mr weatherbee at: 6/28/02 11:12:07 pm
Dewey Cheatum
Registered User
Posts: 16
(6/29/02 1:12)
Reply Re: RE
Welcome,weatherbee! Curious,since all the posters here are from another site,how did you stumble upon this one?
Mr weatherbee
Registered User
Posts: 3
(6/29/02 13:10)
Reply Re: RE
Just blind luck and a google search!!!! Is ALL of this true? He was walked like a dog?And had to sit in a refrigerator box?

For real???And his parents didnt press charges????What a "walking fire hydrant" for humanity to piss upon. God Slip, reach down into whats left of your mansack and SUE the ex-teacher or Board of Ed for harassment. Or stalk & kill the teacher to prove your manhood. Baring that, Roll over & play dead. Good boy. Now.....off the couch!!! Here's a milk Bone. Now go lay down & lick yourself.
Registered User
Posts: 150
(6/29/02 13:25)
Re: RE
Dewey Cheatum
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Posts: 16
(6/29/02 1:12:36 am)
Reply Re: RE
Mr weatherbee
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Posts: 3
(6/29/02 1:10:50 pm)
Check this out guys, Dewey posted this at 1:12:36 am, " Mr. WeatherBee ", Or as we know him as Slipp, posted at 1:10:50 pm.
Mr. Weatherbee was logged into this site MANY hours before his post. Why did it take you so long to post? Is it because you wanted to think of something to insult yourself? Its not gonna work Slipp. So just stop.
F.D.N.Y. Stand Back 200 Ft.
Mr weatherbee
Registered User
Posts: 4
(6/29/02 13:45)
Reply Re: RE
Hey ;
Your the Webmaster. You see where everyone's posting from & check my ISP & tell me if I'm him. If I am, I'll be posting from inside a refrigator box. Baring that, lets all wait for the short bus , to bring us our Mr. "Special Ed".
Edited by: Mr weatherbee at: 6/29/02 1:52:42 pm
Registered User
Posts: 152
(6/29/02 13:56)
Re: RE
" Hey Boston Boy "
SILLY RABBIT, Slipp, c'mon now, please, you know I live in New York, and only Slipp would be that braindead to say that the BROOKLYN CYCLONES logo was the Red Sox logo.
F.D.N.Y. Stand Back 200 Ft.
Edited by: 2cool247 at: 6/29/02 1:57:04 pm
Mr weatherbee
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Posts: 5
(6/29/02 13:57)
Reply Re: RE
Met fan. That figures, Both the Mets AND the Cyclones are minor league teams. Check my ISP, Brooklyn boy. I LIVE right in your 'hood.
Mr weatherbee
Registered User
Posts: 6
(6/29/02 14:02)
Reply Re: RE
And AFTER you check my ISP, if you have ANYMORE QUESTIONS as to if I am "Slip" or not. Go @#%$ yourself. Is this the way you treat a new guy? Do I question you? I found this website and started readinbg the posts. I had no idea, they were all from 15 year old Junior High kids. Pardon my mistake, @#%$!!
Registered User
Posts: 153
(6/29/02 14:03)
Re: RE
You COULD be just putting in that you live in my 'hood.
It's funny how when you post, Slipp is gone, and you, and Slipp are never in this board at the same time.
F.D.N.Y. Stand Back 200 Ft.
Registered User
Posts: 154
(6/29/02 14:09)
Re: RE
Look Beeboy, I COULD ban you from this site, but if I do, it will take away ALL THE FUN we are going to have abusing you. The only 16 year olds in this site are me, and Pigeon. and unlike you, 16 year olds are in High School, not in JHS. You wanna fight me tough guy, LETS GO!
F.D.N.Y. Stand Back 200 Ft.
Mr weatherbee
Registered User
Posts: 7
(6/29/02 17:00)
Reply Re: RE
i "COULD BE" putting in that I live in your hood? Hey Kid In -Stink, listen, I'll meet you on 4th Ave & 86th Street, right by the Gyro /Souvlaki place (owned by George the greek guy, across from 86 Noodle) right by the entrance to the R train, anytime you want, you Justin Timberlake-wannabe. Now, behave & play nice. Need anymore proof?
Registered User
Posts: 157
(6/29/02 17:20)
Re: RE
F.D.N.Y. Stand Back 200 Ft.