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An Open Letter to the "Members" of the guestbook.

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Offline shemps#1

  • Pothead, Libertarian, Administrator, Resident Crank and Baron of Greymatter
  • Global Moderator
  • Chowderhead
  • ******
  • Hatchet Man
I suppose you folks should be thanking me for the "clean-up" on that guestbook. If it weren't for my post you'd still be dealing with people pretending to be me and the trolls who had infested that site (and probably will again, they are like cockroaches). Agree with my ways or not, there's always a method to my madness.

I just wanted to address you once more under more peaceful terms to address some issues that have come up re: "dotnet". As for the issue of swearing, as a Libertarian I (along with Dunrobin and Pilsner, who seem to lean the same way politically) am a major proponent for Free Speech. Free Speech does include swearing if you feel so inclined. It's not about "wanting" swearing, it's about having the right to swear. That doesn't mean you have to use that right.

Another issue I wanted to address is grammar/punctuation/capitalization. We here at work hard on this website, each in our own way. Dunrobin is the webmaster, the reason why this site exists (other than the Stooges themselves) and concerning himself primarily with the technical aspects is the "brain". Pilsner Panther is the music repository and a fountain of (mis)information and the "Soul". Brent and the members of Team Stooge are the "heart" of this website: they are the folks mainly responsible for the wealth of Stooge information over here that makes this site the most comprehensive Stooge website on the Internet.

If Team Stooge is the "heart", Dunrobin the "brain", and Pilsner the "soul" of this website, then I am the "guts" or "testicles". I am the guy who handles the majority of the "dirty work", which includes banishments when needed. If there wasn't someone who didn't make sure that what was written here was "tidy" as far as spelling/grammar/punctuation, and trolls/spam/multiple accounts goes, then this site (and the message board in particular) would be one huge mess: the hard work of the others would be overshadowed by a bunch of illiterate/lazy hacks who "do not feel like" following a bunch of simple rules. As long as you follow the rules as outlined in the Posting Guidelines you will have no problems from me (for the most part anyway: a certain sanctimonious, Bible-Thumper over there is going to be on my bad side, It's an "oil and water" matter).

The rules on grammar/punctuation/capitalization are not hard to follow. I do not expect an English assignment each time, just that you are able to use the "Shift" key along with ". , ! ?" when needed so that your posts are easier to read. If you have a problem with this or feel that this is too difficult for you then we don't want or need you here. As I've stated in the past (and will repeat myself one more time for your benefit) I feel that asking you to use basic English skills when posting is not asking too much. It reflects better on the website and on you as a member.

I feel as though I should remind you that what you are on over there is not a message board, but a guestbook. It should be relegated to posts such as "Love the Stooges, Moe is my favorite", "Great site, Curly rocks", "I've been watching the Stooges for X years..." etc. If you do not like it here or at Stoogeworld why not start your own message board instead of crossing your fingers in the hopes that the "official site" will open up a new message board? The vast majority of you were not around when a message board existed over there, and I can tell you from experience that it wasn't pretty. There are plenty of free message boards out there where you turn registration requirements off and allow "guests" to post, thereby keeping the anonymity you seem to hold dear (although I must say you can remain pretty anonymous over here, as anonymous as you want to be).

In closing, I would again like commend the moderator/webmaster of the "dotcom" guestbook for getting rid of the garbage that was posted over there, alot of it either in or against my name.


PS: I was going to post this over there, but seeing as though that is a guestbook and not a message board I decided against it.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown