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Re: Slipp

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Offline shemps#1

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Well if nothing else didn't change my mind, that long, verbose post of yours just did it. After all, Islipp was always concise and to the point in his posts.  ::)

You want proof? Here it is, dumbass:

Quote from: xraffle karma change
lol, your smite-bombing is hilarious.
Quote from: Pilsner Panther karma change
Smite bombing...HA Ha HAAAAH!!!
Quote from: Dunrobin PM
LOL  Have fun!    :Evil
Quote from: Pilsner Panther PM
It never even occurred to me that you could "smite bomb" somone... brilliant!

There you go, cumstain. I don't have to justify myself, especially to you. You deserve every single smite because you are a liar.

If you are so new, how would you know if xraffle and Baggie didn't have dealings with Islipp on other boards? Hell, xraffle deleted his first account and has been around longer than it says in his profile. The only way you knew this is because you're Islipp.

Quote from: Gorilla Slippson
I have not gone completely away because I want this crap completely behind ALL of us and I want to post like an innocent newbie deserves, but I can't do that if you plan to delete every stinking thing I post outside this thread. My privelege in being here means only that I can afford this internet access after my hard, long work, so that I can have it. Nothing more. That gives me the privelege to go to any site and use it within its rules.

You've always wanted "this crap completely behind us", yet what you don't understand (among many other things) is that it will NEVER be completely behind us. As for you "deserving" anything, you don't deserve shit (except your smites).

Quote from: Viva La Bunionhead
Now I'll tell you this one last time: Those posts at the other sites were NOT ME. I'm not that stupid to give myself away on another site if I'm trying to stay anonymous here. Why don't you e-mail those sites and ask for the IP addresses, huh? They may not have even used my same browser. I've never been to those sites except to check out those entries for myself. How is it that you knew about those entries first and posted here about them first? Because they were made by you? I'm testing this theory right now and if looks like you did indeed post those things in my screen name, I'll post my findings in this thread, or maybe another if you lock or delete it.

Even if those posts weren't you, why would I believe you? You're a fucking liar! Seeing as though I (of course) did not post under your screen name at any site (why would I want to pretend to be you? I've got better things to do), I'll bet anything your "findings" will prove that it was me. Liars lie and you will keep lying. It's the only thing you know how to do.

Quote from: sickdrioe, sickdrjoe's doppleganger
Finally, yes, I've been around Michigan lately. I'm a trucker and have left the state since your last IP scan. Don't try to pinpoint me, it will do you no good.

"We've got a great big convoy...."

Oh, and it seems as though you still don't get it. YOU CANNOT REFER TO IMPLY ANYTHING IN YOUR SIG/TEXT/TITLE! Since you still insist on doing so he's another 25 smites.

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline shemps#1

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PS: If you reach 200 smites I'll have no choice but to ban you yet again. Once again you have become boring.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline JazzBill

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This is just a guess on my part, but I have gut feeling that there is a little bad blood between you two guys.
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline shemps#1

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It's a looooong story.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Pilsner Panther

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Jiminy Cricket!   :o

That song's a hoot, Pils!  How did they ever get that past the censors? 

Simple enough, really: it was issued without his (or anyone's) name on it. This is what used to be known as a "party record," and they were sold under the counter at various record stores. You'll notice that there isn't even a manufacturer's name on the label! Another well-known entertainer who used to make them was Redd Foxx, long before he cleaned up his act and became Fred Sanford; he cranked out a ton of 'em in the 40's and 50's.

Of course, he and Ukulele Ike both had such distinctive voices that it's obvious who it is on the records, name or no name— they're as easy to identify as Slipp!

I've got one more by Cliff, so I'll make it the Pick of the Week. It's kind of scratchy, but the song is funny enough to make it worthwhile to put up with the surface noise.

[attachment deleted by admin]


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After Shemps#1 pointed out that interesting post at the guestbook, I've been checking it regularly to see what other interesting stuff has been going on there. So, when I checked it just now, I found another interesting post:

Gorilla Watson 8/13/2006 12:39:38 PM
I’m gonna post a lot here now cuz I’m gonna get kicked off the dot net board real soon. I have 175 smites and if I reach 200 smites I will be banned. The way shemps#1 is going, he’ll give me those other 25 smites in no time. Since no one will be my friend on that site, I hope people will be my friend here.


Seriously, Gorilla Watson. Why don't you just give it up? It's useless now. This is the second time you confessed that you're Islipp on the guestbook.

Offline shemps#1

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Hey JazzBill, you were right! That guestbook is a refuge camp for folks who have been banned here (although I haven't banned the Jesus Freak). Now they're all paying homage to yours truely, sharing their tales of their encounters with me. Why there's some guy named vincent who didn't pass the third grade, Nojaa (wonder what his lawyer told him about his impending libel suit) who JB called correctly when he said would be a perfect candidate, the aforementioned Mr. Horner, and "Gorilla Watson" himself.

I am honored.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Dunrobin

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That does seem to be a gathering place for people who can't (or, rather, won't) follow the basic rules here.

This one, in particular, cracks me up:

Quote from: Guestbook
vincent     8/13/2006 1:11:26 PM
welume aborrd gorila watsen i be hear fore a while now shrimps # 1 kicked me off a fewe months ago for knot being a gooder speller.

Obviously it was just a gross over-reaction on Jim's part!  ::)

In fact, it seems he's got quite a cheering section going there.  Witness these two additions following Eric's:

Quote from: Guestbook
Dan Horner      8/13/2006 2:11:45 PM
Hello Stooge Fans
That guy is the reason I post over here. He smites me all the time, for no reason at all. The last time he smited me was because my posts are formated in letter form.
Take Care God Bless and Keep Stooging

(I don't even remember him.) [shrug]

Quote from: Guestbook
Nojaa    8/13/2006 1:22:19 PM
Tell me about it , first he makes fun of me for not posting correctly, then he cusses at me . Then when I try to defend myself and DEMAND an apology, he kicks me out.
I’m gonna start posting here too.

Still crying about cussing.   :'(

The funniest (and saddest) thing about Eric (Islipp/Gorilla Watson, etc., etc.) is that he always gives himself away.   He just can't seem to help it - his bizarre, obsessive behavior just shines through. 

Offline shemps#1

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Hi Slipp, I see you're looking on without logging in. You're still in Michigan, by the way.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline JazzBill

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I really doubt if the names in that guest book are the real names of the people making the posts.There's a lot of impostors over there. I've seen my name on posts that I didn't make. I go there now just for laughs, some of the stuff there is pretty funny.
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline shemps#1

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Are you sure? I could have sworn Metaldams' email address was ;)
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline sgt ladylove

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**sigh**   :laugh:  Logging on to any stooge forum is timeless.  I believe the last time I saw some very similar posts was back in 1991/1992.  This is music to my soul!  Welcome back, Slipp.  Somehow the stooges don't seem the same without you. 

Offline JazzBill

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Are you sure? I could have sworn Metaldams' email address was ;)
LOL, I missed that one! I told you some of the shit over there was funny.  :D
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline shemps#1

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Rob, that guy goes by Danl57 here. Someone over there called him on being a "sanctimonious shithead" and here was his response:

Quote from: Dan Horner @ guestbook
Hello True Blue Stooge Fans,
I guess that my name is being slamed again. That’s OK,
"Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me."
Matthew 5:11-12
The more that I am persecuted, the more blessed that I become!!!!
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!
You cannot shatter this wall of faith!!!!!!!!!

Curly: "The walls of Jericho just fell down"
(from Joshua 6:20, and "Rockin Thru the Rockies")
Take Care God Bless and Keep Watching

Now I don't care what religion anybody is, it's when you cram every aspect of your life with religion that it gets on my nerves. Nobody goes to a Three Stooges website to see shit like that. And he wonders why I smite him?

It must be conflicting for him to watch the Stooges, a bunch of heathen Jews. They killed his Lord afterall.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Baggie

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 Slipp, I have been around the boards for a while, and just because I chose not to comment on previous threads such as Viva La Slipp way back in 2004 doesn't mean I wasn't reading them, and seeing what a fool you have been making of yourself for as far back as I can recall.

 There is something seriously wrong with you dear, as you just can't resist returning to the boards time and again to provoke the moderators, in particular Jim.

 I kept out of things back then as I hadn't been around long but now I feel like I am worthy enough to comment on the whole sorry situation.
 And I agree with everybody that you return simply to be found out "accidentally" time and again.

 If anyone's posts around here are laughable Slipp, they are yours.
The artist formerly known as Shempetta

Offline Dunrobin

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Offline shemps#1

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Hey, it looks like "I" have posted over there as well.

Seems Eric is having a grand ol' time entertaining himself.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown


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Hehe, that guestbook really cracks me up. Here are some of the recent posts that I just found:

Eric Likes Cox 8/13/2006 8:26:09 PM
Gee I can make dumb puns too!
Slipp 8/13/2006 8:14:48 PM
Oh I’m just gettin soooooooo many smites because I’m a total idiot. AAAAH!

Hmm I need a new name on dot net so they can figure me out again after one post and kick me off!

Gorilla Watson  8/13/2006 8:14:35 PM
I hate being smited. This is why I hate the dot net board. The stupid mod gave me 175 smites. This is why I like this board cuz on here, no one can smite me :)


Offline jrvass

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Hey, it looks like "I" have posted over there as well.

Seems Eric is having a grand ol' time entertaining himself.

Oh my!  :o

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline JazzBill

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Hehe, that guestbook really cracks me up. Here are some of the recent posts that I just found:

I love it. You can see what happened.The people from here have moved the battle over there because you can act silly and still remain anonymous.  :angel:
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".


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I love it. You can see what happened.The people from here have moved the battle over there because you can act silly and still remain anonymous.  :angel:

I know. What's weird is that Gorilla Watson's email address is

Offline Baggie

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"Slipp 8/13/2006 8:14:48 PM
Oh I’m just gettin soooooooo many smites because I’m a total idiot. AAAAH!

Hmm I need a new name on dot net so they can figure me out again after one post and kick me off!"

 Hmmmm, indeed, I wonder which cheeky little joker left this witty and thoroughly comical message?   ;D

The artist formerly known as Shempetta

Offline shemps#1

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Wow, he said I suck off the Red Sox. He posted as the "Red Sox team" and said I suck them off. I wonder how I can come back from such masterful wit. I mean, wow: that really hurt.  I mean I thought "James Kane Zanidiot" was a zing, but sucking off the Red Sox puts that one to shame. ::)

Poor Eric, you're just not in my league. I could go over there and waste you, but why bother? You're doing a good enough job all by yourself.

I wonder what your pastor would think about your behavior?

The cat is truely an evil animal. When it finds a mouse the cat doesn't kill it right away. Instead it wounds the mouse, bats it around with its paws...plays with the rodent for awhile until the cat becomes bored and finally delivers the death blow.

Gorilla Watson, we knew ye all too well. Time to kill the mouse...meow! [wave]
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

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He's banned.   :'(  I'm a bit upset about that.

Pilsner Panther

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Doesn't anyone moderate the guestbook at all? It sure doesn't look like it. What a mess— but the illiterates, religious fanatics, certifable nut-cases and so on that we've banned from this site are as happy as pigs in shit over there; so, L'chaim!


Oh well, in the immortal words of T.F. (The Famous) Eccles, "Everyone has to be somewhere!"
