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Curleys First Wife

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Offline Robbie883

I was recently watching The Three Stooges Story, it was a movie that came in this box set. Anyways, they said that the identity of Curley FIRST wife was unknown, any information that arose on that topic of anykind? Also it said Momma Horwitz made him divorce this unknown wife because she "Strongly Opposed To The Union" What did his marrage have to do with The Union

Offline garystooge

Curly's first wife was Julia Rosenthal. They were married on August 5, 1930 and the wedding took place at 5415 14th Ave. in Brooklyn, NY.
When the movie states that Jennie Horwitz was opposed to the "union", it was the union of the bride and groom that she was opposed to.

Offline shemps#1

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Actually, Mrs. Horowitz had a secret, sordid affair with a descendant of Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederacy. Therefore, the statement has a double meaning.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline garystooge

Actually, Mrs. Horowitz had a secret, sordid affair with a descendant of Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederacy. Therefore, the statement has a double meaning.

Yes, I'd forgotten about that Shemps. Of course there's also the rumor that her advances were rejected by Samuel Gompers, first President of the American Federation of Labor, which launched  her into a life-long anti-labor movement crusade, so the statement actually has a triple meaning

Offline Robbie883

Ahhh now everythings clear. Thanks for the Information guys

Offline Baggie

Hmm, now I've passed through a portal into an unknown confusing land. Shemps#1 are you being your usual sarcastic yet witty self, or did mamma Horwitz really have an affair??
The artist formerly known as Shempetta

Offline Robbie883

I dont think he is being sarcastic, becasue GaryStooge is agreeing with him.

Offline metaldams

I am truly speechless.  Wow!
- Doug Sarnecky

Pilsner Panther

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I am truly speechless.  Wow!

Never forget, Doug: "Talent does what it can, but genius does what it must."

I'm not sure who said that, it might have been Joe Besser. Or Samuel Gompers.


Offline Baggie

Wow, that's quite shocking, I didn't know that.  :-\
The artist formerly known as Shempetta

Offline shempheadbat

You didn't know "oy vey"?  I believe it was Gompers who said "OY Vey, ven dey invade from up north mebbe they'll bring some nice roast beef, not too fatty... is that too much to ask already?" Sholem Alechim!!

Offline metaldams

I am truly speechless.  Wow!

Never forget, Doug: "Talent does what it can, but genius does what it must."

I'm not sure who said that, it might have been Joe Besser. Or Samuel Gompers.


I hear you Pilsner, but this is anti-genius!  First came the anti-hero, but this thread has ushered in the era of the anti-genius.  My GAWD!  Where's Ralph Wiggum when you need him?  I mean shucks, I don't know WHAT to say!  I feel like Moe, Larry, and Curly after the nurse told them what a "pippin" is in MEN IN BLACK.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline kinderscenen

I saw Ralph. He was a triangle.  ;D

I'd heard/read about Curly's first marriage, but this was when the Forrester and Maurer/Lenberg books were hot off the press.  Fast forward 20 some odd years later, and I learn that Curly wasn't in his late teens when he got married, but as old as Shemp and Moe when they got married.  So, it makes you wonder just what was wrong with the first Mrs. Jerome Horwitz, and why the elder Mrs. Horwitz would have such a problem with her 27 year old son getting married.

(And I heard that it was an affair with Huey Long that caused the problem)
Larry: They’ll hang us for this!
Moe: I know! Let’s cremate him!
Larry: Can’t do that--we ain’t got no cream!

Offline Robbie883

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Who the hell is Huey Long?

Oh, the quality of "modern" education!   ::)

"Huey Long was Governor of Louisiana from 1928 to 1932 and was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1930. A nominal Democrat, Huey Long was a radical populist, of a sort we are unfamiliar with in our day. As Governor, he sponsored many reforms that endeared him to the rural poor. An ardent enemy of corporate interests, he championed the "little man" against the rich and privileged. A farm boy from the piney woods of North Louisiana, he was colorful, charismatic, controversial, and always just skating on the edge. He gave himself the nickname "Kingfish" because, he said, "I'm a small fish here in Washington. But I'm the Kingfish to the folks down in Louisiana."

"Huey Long was the determined enemy of Wall Street, bankers and big business and he was also a determined enemy of the Roosevelt administration because he saw it as too beholden to these powerful forces.

"Huey Long did not suffer from excessive modesty. A high-school dropout who taught himself law and got a law degree in only one year of study, Long was confident he would become President of the United States in 1936. So confident was he that he wrote a book entitled My First Days in the White House in which he named his cabinet (including President Roosevelt as Secretary of the Navy and President Hoover as Secretary of Commerce) and in which he conducted long imaginary conversations with FDR and Hoover designed to humiliate them and show their subservience to the boy from the piney woods of Louisiana.

"The Kingfish wanted the government to confiscate the wealth of the nation's rich and privileged. He called his program Share Our Wealth. It called upon the federal government to guarantee every family in the nation an annual income of $5,000, so they could have the necessities of life, including a home, a job, a radio and an automobile. He also proposed limiting private fortunes to $50 million, legacies to $5 million, and annual incomes to $1 million. Everyone over age 60 would receive an old-age pension. His slogan was 'Every Man A King.'"

Offline Robbie883

Gee, him writing a book about imiganary conversations with presidents make it seem like he was sort of crazy lol.

Online Dunrobin

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Gee, him writing a book about imiganary conversations with presidents make it seem like he was sort of crazy lol.

Well, all politicians are dangerously unbalanced, if you ask me.  [nuts]  That's why they should be outlawed.

Pilsner Panther

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Gee, him writing a book about imiganary conversations with presidents make it seem like he was sort of crazy lol.

Well, all politicians are dangerously unbalanced, if you ask me.  [nuts]  That's why they should be outlawed.

Speaking of which, just by coincidence I met this guy the other day, when he was here in San Francisco for a speech and a book-signing. I don't follow national politics closely enough so that I knew much about him, other than that he's a Congressman. Actually a former Congressman, at this point—

You know, someone whose name you see in the papers a lot without paying much attention to it.

Quite a character, now isn't he? Outlaw politicians, Rob? This jerk-off would outlaw us if he could— just for thinking for ourselves— so turnabout is fair play.

I should mention, he's not very impressive in person; short (about 5'7'), and considerably older than he looks in his publicity photos. Hell of a nice dresser, though; his suit must have cost $700 at least, and you should have seen the gold wristwatch he had on!

I would have shown him mine, but the plastic crystal is scratched and one of Mickey's hands is broken...


Offline Genius In the Lamp

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"But I'm the Kingfish to the folks down in Louisiana."

Oh ... Amos & Andy!
"I like very much your English punk rock stars, you know, your Lulu, your Dave Clark Five!"  - Jerzy Balowski

Online Dunrobin

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Speaking of which, just by coincidence I met this guy the other day, when he was here in San Francisco for a speech and a book-signing. I don't follow national politics closely enough so that I knew much about him, other than that he's a Congressman. Actually a former Congressman, at this point—

You know, someone whose name you see in the papers a lot without paying much attention to it.

Quite a character, now isn't he? Outlaw politicians, Rob? This jerk-off would outlaw us if he could— just for thinking for ourselves— so turnabout is fair play.

I should mention, he's not very impressive in person; short (about 5'7'), and considerably older than he looks in his publicity photos. Hell of a nice dresser, though; his suit must have cost $700 at least, and you should have seen the gold wristwatch he had on!

I would have shown him mine, but the plastic crystal is scratched and one of Mickey's hands is broken...


Well, God only knows that I'm no fan of politicians, and I have no love for Bob Barr, but that site you link to?  C'mon!

After making an accusation of "petty corruption scandals" - with no evidence actually offered - they then cite the following "highlights" of Barr's career (with the implication that these are the "scandals").  My comments are in blue italics:
  • Supporting a constitutional amendment to undermine separation of church and state. "Congress has the opportunity to send enemies of religious freedom a clear message that their attempts to erase religious belief from America's culture by cleverly manipulating the judicial system will not be tolerated," Barr said.
    I'd have to see the actual amendment in question, but considering the repeated efforts to push Christianity completely out of the public forum, I'd saw that an attempt to counter that trend is something to be considered.  I don't say I'd necessarily support, but I don't consider such a stance "scandalous."
  • Becoming the first member of Congress to introduce an "inquiry of impeachment," long before the public had heard of Monica Lewinsky.
    Clinton deserved to be hung as a traitor for a lot of things;  Monica Lewinsky was a "red herring" so the two factions of the American Socialist Party could maintain the pretense that they're different.
  • Giving a keynote speech at a gathering of the racist and anti-immigrant Council of Conservative Citizens, a direct descendant of the White Citizens Councils set up across the South in the 1950s to defend segregation.
    (a) Why is it okay to have organizations to celebrate and support other ethnicities, but the whites cannot?
    (b) If you're opposed to immigration (I'm not, by the way), you're automatically a racist?
    (c) Segregation is wrong when it's practiced by the government, not when it's practiced by individuals.  Or am I wrong for wanting to segregate myself from criminals?

  • Calling hate crimes legislation to protect the rights of gays and lesbians, women and disabled Americans "a backdoor way to obtain protected status for sexual orientation and sexual deviancy."
    Well, he's right.  Hate crimes are just plain wrong and immoral, not to mention completely unnecessary.  Attempting to punish thought is scary.
  • Sponsoring the anti-gay Defense of Marriage Act. Despite the fact that he was married three times, sued by his second wife, and, according to published reports, was once seen at a fundraising event licking whipped cream off of the chests of two women, Barr explained his sponsorship of DOMA this way: "The flames of hedonism, the flames of self-centered morality are licking at the very foundations of our society: the family unit."
    Okay - here I've got to concede that Barr is a hypocritical jackass, but considering he's a politician that's sort of redundent.   This wouldn't be a problem is we realize that government has no business regulating marriage in the first place.  
  • Earning consistent 100 percent ratings from the Christian Coalition.
    Okay, that worries me too.  I'm a Christian, but I don't support most of the so-called "Christian Coalition's" agenda.
  • Sponsoring an amendment ­ passed by Congress ­ that barred the Washington D.C. Board of Elections from tallying the votes on a referendum to legalize the use of marijuana for patients suffering from cancer, AIDS or glaucoma. Officials estimate it would have cost only $1.64 to count the votes.
    Again, he's a jackass, but then I haven't seen many politicians with the guts to demand on end to this War on Americans, or who will concede that the Feds have no authority at all in the matter.  In this instance, Barr is no worse than the rest of them, even if he's no better either.
  • Campaigning on a pledge to eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts.
    Well, HELL YES!  Again - the Feds have no authority to create such organizations in the first place, much less fund them.  Barr gets a thumbs-up from me for that one!
  • Voting to cut funding for Head Start, Medicare, Aid to Families with Dependent Children and student loans.
    Again, HELL YES!  There is not one iota of authority for any of these programs, nor for the hundreds and thousands of others that the Feds create.

Bob Barr, like any politician, is a hypocritical jackass, a liar, a thief, and a traitor.  But he's no worse than the vast majority of politicians, and better than some of them.  (I'd take Barr over a Kennedy, if I had to, but I'd rather tar-and0feather both.)

Online Dunrobin

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"But I'm the Kingfish to the folks down in Louisiana."

Oh ... Amos & Andy!

"Me no Snowflake!  Me Kingfish!"   [pound]

Offline Robbie883

lol, wow howed this turn into talk about politicans.  Oh well lol

Online Dunrobin

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lol, wow howed this turn into talk about politicans. Oh well lol

Yeah, my bad.   :-[  It's dangerous to even mention politicians around me.   >:D

"Don't say "drugs" in front of Mr. Batty; or "coke" or "free-base" either, unless ya got some!" *

(* You get a brownie point if you know what movie that comes from.)

Offline Baggie

No idea about the film quote.  :-[

lol, wow howed this turn into talk about politicans. Oh well lol

Yeh I know knob-all about your politicians, so I too am getting a little confused, more confused than usual anyhow.
The artist formerly known as Shempetta