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Not Youtube's... but funny.

jrvass · 2 · 1856

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The links are self explanatory as to content. A little black box covers the "mommy parts" in the 2nd video.

This one isn't funny but deserves a nod for the amount of effort put into it.


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Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

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I like the stripper one best; if that had been my mother— who's very religious and puritanical— back when my sister was a teenager, Mother Dear would have picked up the nearest heavy object and crowned her with it, while yelling, "You little slut! You're going to burn in Hell for this!"

Which would have made an even funnier video, come to think of it...


The stop-motion video ties in very nicely with the George Pal Puppetoons that shemps#1 posted. Making one of these is extremely hard work; I once tried to make one as a project for a college film class, and even though I had someone helping me, we were in way over our heads. As the deadline approached for turning in the projects, we'd barely gotten a minute of useable material on film, so we had to give up and do something more conventional.
