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Philadelphia Sons of the Desert & The Vince Giordano Nighthawks

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  • L&H Tent & The Nighthawks: October 20, 2006

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Offline BeAStooge

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The Two Tars Tent (Philadelphia) of The Sons of the Desert, the Laurel & Hardy Appreciation Society, is proud to present...

Vince Giordano and the Nighthawks Are Coming on Friday, October 20th

This orchestra has been featured in motion pictures. Most notably, they were heard in THE AVIATOR (2004) as the Cocoanut Grove Orchestra. Woody Allen sometimes sits in with this orchestra, and he has used them several times in his movies, ZELIG (1983), PURPLE ROSE OF CAIRO (1985) and CURSE OF THE JADE SCORPION (2001). The band features works by Hal Roach Studios' T. Marvin Hartley and Leroy Shield. These talented song writers did all the musical backgrounds for Laurel and Hardy motion pictures at the Roach Studios. One highlight of the evening will be the showing of the Tent's theme film, TWO TARS (1928). The orchestra will accompany the film with sound effects and musical innovations.

The charge for the evening will remain the same $25 for the buffet and entertainment. You can't beat that price for this kind of an evening. Those who wish to reserve a table for eight will be able to do so for the discounted price of $180. Click here for registration form,

We know this banquet will be sold out. Many Sons tents from the Middle Atlantic States will be in attendance. Please send registrations early. We do not send tickets to those who have registered. If you have sent your check, we'll have it for you at the door. Don't be concerned. There will be a cut off date of Friday, October 13th when registrations must be received. At this banquet we will not be able to accept reservations beyond this date.

Pilsner Panther

  • Guest
I'd love to go to this, as I highly recommend Vince Giordano and his Nighthawks, one of my favorite bands. Some years ago, I heard them provide live accompaniment to a screening of Buster Keaton's "The Cameraman," and it was a terrific event. Real time-travel, since during the silent era, the larger theaters had not only a pipe organ, but an orchestra— so that was just the way you would have seen and heard "The Cameraman" in 1928.

If you're anywhere in the vicinity, don't miss the Nighthawks!
