I work at Wal-Mart, and this DVD came in like a week before it was to be released. I had no idea it was even getting released so when I saw it I was excited. Until I saw the episodes on it.
Does anyone really need ANOTHER "Disorder in the Court"

I mean really. That episode has been public domain for so long, even non-Stooge fans have a copy laying around somewhere.
As for the colourization....it's fine. I prefer the black and white versions better of course (luckily they included them), but the colour is done very well. I also bought "The Three Stooges in Colour", released from Fox video with Soup to Nuts (which should've been released in black and white!!!!!!), and Snow White & The Three Stooges. The colour on that DVD is kindof bad, but they probably couldn't go back into the Columbia prop department or talk to people to see what colour went where. Another problem with the Fox versions is that they ADDED sound effects to the original shorts!!! It's too bad those shorts and public domain. I would've liked to see them get sued for it.
But really, instead of Sony wasting their time to get colourization, how about they release some NEW shorts on DVD!! How many more need to be released anyway? Like 100 or more at least? I haven't counted lately.