We were only in San Francisco for a few hours (it's not really a suitable town for a station wagon towing a camper!) I remember having to put on a sweater when we got there, which was weird considering that we had driven through 100 degree weather in Sacremento earlier that day. We took Route 1 after crossing the Golden Gate, and my little brother got sick from the roller coaster-like road. It was getting late by the time we reached Bodega Bay, and my father found a little campground near the beach and decided to stop there for the night.
My parents decided not to bother cooking in the camper that night, and we went into town for dinner. On the way my mother kept saying that the place seemed oddly familiar to her, although she had never been to California before. It was eating in that restaurant and seeing the large flock of seagulls that triggered it for her.
Bogeda Bay back then looked pretty much just as it did in
The Birds, since it was only a few years after the film was made. There were a
lot of birds around that evening, too, which made it seem rather creepy once we realized where we were.

It's too bad that the Redford is so far away from where I live (it's a good hour and a half drive), or I'd go to a lot more shows there. I may have to make a special effort to see
The Birds, though.