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Dizzy Doctors DVD Help Needed


Does the scene in bridless groom where shemp is shaving and saying my head's cut off black out for a second on your dvd?

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Does the scene in bridless groom where shemp is shaving and saying my head's cut off black out for a second on your dvd? mine does. i am not sure if this is a glitch in the dvd itself or a scratch?? thanks please reply

someone please reply. i am trying to find out if a scratch could be causing this or it's a defective dvd or if everyone's is like this.

Offline AKStoogeFan

None of my copies of "Brideless Groom" black out, but I do not have the 'Dizzy Doctors' DVD, so that probably won't help you.  Sorry.


  • Guest
Does the scene in bridless groom where shemp is shaving and saying my head's cut off black out for a second on your dvd?

Yes, mine blacks out too, and the dvd is scratchless.  Sometimes, that just happens to the print.  On the "Three Smart Saps" dvd, "Three Little Beers" blacked out twice. 


  • Guest

alright thanks guys. i was getting worried. dvd's are expensive especially consider that i am a full time year round college student. and that i have around 150 dvd's.

Offline Bangsmith

  • Citizen of Greater Stoogedom
  • Chucklehead
  • ***
Mine doesn't black out, but the picture quality turns real hazy for a couple seconds at that part on both my legal and bootleg versions.
If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking 'til you do "suck seed"!!


  • Guest
Mine doesn't black out, but the picture quality turns real hazy for a couple seconds at that part on both my legal and bootleg versions.

Your copy was from "The Three Stooges In Color" DVD. On that part, the quality gets very dupey for a few seconds, but it doesn't black out. On the "Dizzy Doctors" DVD, the quality is not dupey, but it blacks out for a second.

Offline Bangsmith

  • Citizen of Greater Stoogedom
  • Chucklehead
  • ***
I actually have both, but the "In Color" version was the one I was talking about, since that is the version I always watch. My bootleg version was taken from "In Color". I didn't notice on the "Dizzy Doctors" version, but I will watch it to see it. Thanks!
If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking 'til you do "suck seed"!!


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Wouldn't the black frames be a result of a "slug" or leader spliced into the film? Back in the late 80's and early 90's I think this was a common practice since actual film prints were used for broadcast. Now, though, broadcast standards for b&w material have become much more strict and everything is cleaned and prepackaged on analogue/digital video anyway! So, while there may be no excusing it, the black frames really are less jarring than a broken image that may appear to slide off your screen or show sprocket holes and, most importantly, it is a quick, down-and-dirty cover-up for severe picture damage in broadcast prints.

I have off-air recordings of at least ten or more Stooge shorts that have the black frames, including Brideless Groom, Three Little Beers and Three Pests in a Mess. All are from the supposed re-masters shown on Ted Turner's WTBS around 1992-93.


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Another short that has a blackout in it is "Ants In The Pantry".  The blackout has been edited out differently on different stations according to

 On Family Channel, they hid the blackout by showing a freeze-frame of Moe with his finger under Curly's nose. On AMC, they slowed down the footage of Moe with his finger under Curly's nose while the audio still played at normal speed. And on Illinois' UPN station, the whole shot with Moe's finger under Curly's nose was cut out altogether.