40 is "over the hill" not 30, and I won't soften when I near 40 either. Follow the simple rules or eventually get tossed, it's that simple.
All was quiet for awhile, then two banishments in two days. It's funny how that works.
Ouch! That puts me over the hill, and Rob down in the valley somewhere. Get off my lawn with that baseball bat, you young whippersnapper!
I guess that on the internet, now that practically anyone can have access, you're dealing with a random sample of the population: everyone from nuclear physicists to inbred circus freaks who live in tarpaper shacks... I can walk over to the San Francisco Main Library any day of the week and see grubby street people standing in line to use the computers and check their e-mail. Really.
I'll prove that I
am old: I can remember when the web consisted of ARPANET, USENET, and TYMNET, and was limited mainly to government types and computer geeks at Stanford and M.I.T. and U.C. Berkeley. In, say, 1986,
there were probably no more than 20,000 people on the whole thing. The word "troll" meant a character in a fairy tale, and nothing more than that.
This is a whole different subject, and maybe I ought to split the topic (I will if anyone's interested in pursuing it). But to make the point succinctly, the democritization of the internet has been exactly that— it's accessible to dimwits and pencil-neck geeks who never would have known it existed, even five years ago.
So, you get the occasional "creative speller" like our most recently banned twerp. They don't pop up with any regularity, but they
do pop up— which makes moderating a board kind of like playing Whack-A-Mole!

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