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What And When Was Your First Computer Experience?

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Offline kinderscenen

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Hmmm....I would say, 1983, on an Apple IIE with a COLOR monitor. For some reason, they let the so-called "smart kids" loose with this thing, while the adults acted like it was both the greatest thing since sliced bread or would burst into flames if they so much as touched a wrong key.  If I recall correctly, we amused ourselves with "Math Blaster" for an hour or two.  It wasn't much, even at 8 years old, I knew computers had to get better than this!

I think I was a senior in high school when I used what would later be (or was already called) the internet.  Even at 17, I knew that the internet just had to get better than playing chess via Prodigy! The teacher was marvelling over the fact that this would be the future.  I think I made a smart-alecky comment that it would be better used for gambling and porn. Too bad I didn't put my comments into action--I could've been a billionaire!  >:D
Larry: They’ll hang us for this!
Moe: I know! Let’s cremate him!
Larry: Can’t do that--we ain’t got no cream!

Offline Bruckman

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First computer experience: having my name typed out on a piece of teletype paper, in code, when I was 6, at some kind of "open house" night at New England Telephone. (My mother worked in the Dial Bureau, the billing section). Little did I know that 13 years later I'd be working in that very same building as a long-distance operator.

First time on a keyboard: grade 10, when we had to write a program to solve a geometry equation. Don't ask me what language this was in or what kind of equipment I used: all I remember is (1) it took a lot longer than doing it longhand; (2) the keyboard, which was the size of a large electric typewriter mounted on a pedestal, was in one room, the printer, a teletype-looking machine, was in another, and (3) I kept forgetting to space properly, resulting in numerous "!" error messages. This experience so scarred me I wouldn't go near a computer for 15 years and have never made my peace with them. I routinely holler at mine, didn't even acquire an email account until 2000, and still use an old electric typewriter to compose snail mail correspondence. (Not much longer, unfortunately, as you can no longer get ribbon for the machine and several of the keys have lost their caps. I give the machine until the end of the year, if I don't use it much). I still consider email the bastard child of real correspondence, which by rights comes in an envelope and isn't so likely to be monitored by unwanted eyes.

First time on the Internet: 1997.

First post on a forum or message board: 2001, about the time I realized that technology was sweeping away everything I'd familiarized myself with up to that time. (I spent a lot of time in the woods, otherwise this epiphany would've occurred sooner).
"If it wasn't for fear i wouldn't get out of bed in the morning" - Forrest Griffin

Gorilla Watson

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I had a plain ol' word processor in the early 90's that I hardly remember anything about, except it was all one piece and I think it was a Zenith.