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Did someone say "Stooge DVD sets?!"

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That is MUCH better than it looks on mine! You can barely make out the scenery that was used during the amazon/lizard scenes!

I was just wondering. Are all the shorts on your sets unedited?
On my set, there were four shorts I spotted that had edits: Slaphappy Sleuths, Gypped In The Penthouse, Scotched In Scotland and Rusty Romeos.
Slaphappy Sleuths was missing the part where Larry eats the popcorn that's coming out of the exhaust pipe on the car. Gypped In The Penthouse was missing the part where Emil Sitka breaks off the fishbowl from Moe's head and also the part where Shemp throws the phone and it hits him in the face. Both of these parts occur towards the end of the short. Scotched In Scotland was missing the entire parrot in the skull scene. Rusty Romeo had a very small edit where Larry starts having a dream and begins tickling Moe's foot. On my set, it just cuts to Moe laughing and Larry is already in the middle of tickling his foot.

Offline Bangsmith

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All those scenes are in mine, and I didn't notice any edits, other than the first few seconds of the opening credits on a few of the shorts.
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  • Guest
You must have a completely different set then. I have that same 40 disc set that ThumpTheShoes has. I guess there are different versions of these bootleg sets going around. I always thought they were all the same.

Offline Bangsmith

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Mine was drawn from DVD and VHS where available (including all 12 colorized shorts). The others were taken from TV, mostly from AMC and WPWR, a local Chicago station. A couple, including "Space Ship Sappy", are from TBS.
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Offline Jareth

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You must have a completely different set then. I have that same 40 disc set that ThumpTheShoes has. I guess there are different versions of these bootleg sets going around. I always thought they were all the same.

I have three bootleg stooge sets a 40 dvd set a 30 dvd set and a 20 dvd set and the seem to all have differnt sources for the shorts that have not been released.
Jareth Wilder

Offline IFleecem

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Well Its about time,  Stooges Shorts in the order they were released,. They should do them as box sets for the specific year  Three Stooges -1934- etc.   Just found this site tonight and have been pondering it for the last several hours.  Great Site , Lots Learned for a Stoogaholic since the 60's.

Signed, I Fleecem,

Offline Waldo Twitchell

This is great news.
I hope they do a good job with these, because I will buy the box sets.

And, it wouldn't hurt for them to add extras to the DVDs. For starters, how about an
image of a one-sheet and/or lobby card from each of the shorts?


Offline metaldams

No official announcements yet, but if things pan out, wonderful.  I'll be patient, and if I like what I'll see, I'll plunk down my cash for THE FINAL TIME on Stooge shorts.  Supplemental material would be wonderful, but the most important thing is that all the shorts are complete and pristine.

As far as the current DVD's, I bought the earlier ones, but as soon as STOP, LOOK, AND LAUGH appeared with "A Bird In The Head" as a bonus, I put my foot down and did not buy the rest of the series.  I figured I'd wait until they do it right or just enjoy my VHS tapes.  Maybe my patience will pay off.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline SteveSatch

Where can I find this 40 DVD set?  I'll be buying the official ones when they come out, but in the meantime can someone help me out?  I don't want to buy from a bootlegger.  I don't think people should make money off of bootlegs.  I'm hoping to find someone who will copy their DVDs for me.  I can trade various TV shows I have (every season of Survivor, Big Brother, Amazing Race, etc).  Or someone who will copy their DVDs for the cost of blanks and postage.  Anyone kind soul out there?  I've been enjoying The Stooges since I was a kid and now my kids like them.
Thanks for considering,

Offline pfeffd

I'm new to this site, but I'm reading old messages as fast as I can, to get up to speed.  This discussion about box sets is obviously very interesting.  This box set (see link) comes up when you search on Google for Stooges DVD's.  Does anyone have this set, or know of it, and if so how's the quality ?  $299. is bit steep, especially for material they don't have rights to.  The attraction though is that they present it in order.

Offline Larry Larry

As much as I want this, can anyone back this news up or point me to a current press release?  I've seen this and another thread at Home Theater Forum, but nothing concrete from Sony.   Anyone have any definite news from Sony, or is it just a rumor? 

I hope not.  We desperately need to see complete Stooge DVD sets.  (crossing my fingers)
These pretzels are making me thirsty!

Offline shemps#1

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As of now it's only a rumor. In fact, Sony is releasing another crappy 4 short/colorized DVD in October I believe.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Larry Larry

As of now it's only a rumor. In fact, Sony is releasing another crappy 4 short/colorized DVD in October I believe.

$%#%$@#!!!!!!!! (insert curse word there)

How depressing.  I can't believe they are doing this again. 

Here's their thought process:  "Since our company got skewered on every Internet forum for releasing colorized Stooge shorts, fans bitched loudly, they hated it and the sets flopped in terms of sales, let's do it again!!!  In fact, rather than releasing the shorts in order, or including bonus features, or even selling multi-disc sets at reasonable market rates like TV show season sets, let's screw the consumer.  They love it!"

I didn't buy those other colorized sets & I refuse to buy any more Stooges DVDs until the distributor starts giving us something of better value.
These pretzels are making me thirsty!

Offline Bangsmith

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You're correct. The new colorized DVD is to be called "Stooges On The Run", due out in October. Disorder In The Court, Pop Goes The Easel, Dizzy Doctors, and Calling All Curs will be the episodes. The worst part is that "Disorder..." has already been colorized and released by Fox on "In Color", but I've heard that one is out of print (already!). I'm not sure if I'll buy it, but I'm leaning towards not getting it. Unfortunately, The Stooges have a very large fan base of children, making it easier to fuck the fans. This is not necessarily new with them. Remember the cheapskate Harry Cohn?
If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking 'til you do "suck seed"!!

Offline Larry Larry

It's been close to a year since the "box sets are coming" announcement.

Has there been any other confirmation since then?  Any news that can be substantiated?   

Or is Sony planning on dumping-out another colorized travesty to our collective displeasure first?
These pretzels are making me thirsty!


  • Guest
Interviews with surviving Stooge co-stars have been recorded, recently, for supplemental DVD features.

No further official announcements, yet!

EDIT: Fixed!

I haven't gotten verification on this, yet, but someone alleging to be a fairly well respected individual formerly on this board, put this bit 'o news gossip up today at that other place:

More colorised DVD's from Sony on Tuesday, May 22:
Reckless Imbeciles- contains 4 shorts, How High Is Up, Higher Than A Kite, Malice In The Palace, Slaphappy Sleuths.
Stooging We Will Go- contains 4 shorts, Rhythm and Weep, Ants In The Pantry, Even As IOU and Micro Phonies.

I believe, now, that Sony could be a misspelling of Suck if this is proven true.



  • Guest
More colorised DVD's from Sony on Tuesday, May 22:

What the ---- is their problem?!?!


Even though they are taking "Slaphappy Sleuths" out of the woods, it is still very disappointing.
I have a bad feeling too many people are buying these disks. 


  • Guest
I just visited the Stoogeworld board and someone under the username "Pilsner Panther" has posted that DVD info. For some reason, I doubt it's him, but I could be wrong.

And if this alleged info is really true, then I might buy Reckless Imbeciles just to get a good print of "Slaphappy Sleuths" because, in my opinion, it's one of the best Shemp shorts that's not shown on TV.


  • Guest
Yeah, that's a better way to put it-- Someone "alleging" to be Pilsner Panther posted something unsubstantiated in another group. I found that earlier today and, so far, haven't found any other info about the two releases mentioned. Guess I shoulda looked further before postin', but gimme some slack! I've had a 101 fever and a sinus infection that just.. will.. not.. go.. away!

No official SPHE press release has been made that I know of! The more I think about it, the more I think "Slipp"!



  • Guest
I hope this is just a rumor.  The last thing we need is more colorized disks!

I feel for you Robbie.  I know sinus infections are no fun.  I had one a few years ago that lasted for over 2 weeks!  Hope you feel better.


  • Guest
Thank you, Paul! Your karma increases by one!

As of today, I have my arsenal of huge, blue, horse-pill-sized anti-biotics, and a quart of that goood cough syrup... the per-scrip-shin stuff with pseudo-ephedrine to keep me flat on my ass for at least two weeks! The best part is, the cough syrup tastes gooood, like liquid Skittles!

Now it's off to watch the Stooges 'till I pass out!


  • Guest
Instead of this colorizing crap, all Sony really needs to do is just restore the shorts and release them in sets. I don't see why they don't want to do that. I don't know how many people here watch the TV show I Love Lucy, but all the episodes of that show are now on DVD in Season sets and are all beautifully restored. Now, if CBS/Paramount can do that with a show like I Love Lucy, then why can't Sony do that with the Stooges?

And also, I Love Lucy started being sold on individual DVDs for Season 1. Then, CBS/Paramount decided to release Season 2 in one package for a lower price and they realized that they were gaining more profit that way. So, they released the rest of the seasons in one package instead of individual DVDs. And CBS/Paramount was so impressed by the increase in profit that they re-released Season 1 and ditched the individual DVDs.

I hope that one day, Sony will come to their senses just like CBS/Paramount did.

Offline Bangsmith

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I don't mind the colorization so much as I do the high prices. I was almost shocked when I preordered that Buster Keaton DVD set back then for $10.00. Ten Columbia shorts on two DVDs, not colorized but just restored! If Sony would drop the price for both the colorized and the original DVDs to somewhere between ten and fifteen dollars, we'd have a lot less to bitch about, though we would still have the repetition to grouse about.......
If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking 'til you do "suck seed"!!

Offline busybuddy

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I just got the 40 DVD set for Christmas. It's only 20 DVD's actually. Many of the shorts are from the Columbia Tristar tapes/DVDs, including the first 2 colorized volumes. Many of the others are taken from television stations from all over the country and possibly Canada.The quality is not perfect, but the only short that is in really bad condition is Creeps.
I think Birdie will go for that!

Offline busybuddy

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I forgot to mention, this set comes with a bonus disc that includes a bad quality version of the Family Album, the A&E Biography, and one of Moe's appearances on the Mike Douglas Shows. 
I think Birdie will go for that!