The set that I got over two years ago has 190 shorts on 40 discs. I snagged the set for a song, thinking that no other Stooges films would be released. Now, here's the rotten truth based on what I got:
Most of the Curlys are in pretty good to fine shape, as they are the most accessible, obviously. There are some from VHS, television, and laserdisc.
The Shemp shorts are a mixed bag of DVD, tape, and television sources. These shorts, particularly the last Shemps, vary from perfect to blurry, super blurry, and blurry with audio speedup from PAL source conversion.
The Joes are, sadly, nearly unwatchable. These shorts suffer from artifacts that come from poor television reception (imagine watching a pay television channel that has an intermittent scrambled picture) and just really poor quality VHS copies.
Several shorts suffer from an almost non-existant bitrate (1.5!), excessive audio hum/buzzing and tape hiss. There are dropouts on the VHS sourced ones and, occasionally, text like "PICTURE ENHANCEMENT" may flash on the screen due to lousy capture methods.
Here's two screen shots to show how bad the "boots" can look!
"Pardon My Backfire" - This effect goes on for more than two minutes in five shorts

"No Dough Boys" - DVD's don't have tracking issues!

If, if, if IF... the short films on the upcoming boxed sets look as good (or nearly as good) as the B&W versions on the colorized sets then I truly believe the cost of the sets will be justified. I have the "boots", all official Sony releases so far, and I've spent a great deal of time trading and tracking down good looking copies of the rare shorts. I will be buying the boxed sets and, frankly, I can't wait to get my grubby protuberances on them!