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Barry Bonds, "Hero" Of Baseball

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Pilsner Panther

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I was at AT&T Pac Bell Piggly-Wiggly 7-Eleven Unocal Infiniti Oracle Wal-Mart Apple Target Enron Stadium (or whatever they're calling it this week), last night to see Barry Bonds possibly hit number 714 and "break" Babe Ruth's home run record. Of course, he didn't— and the Giants lost, too.

All I could do was keep my mouth shut, or somebody probably would have punched me, the crowd was so enthusiastic. But this is such total bullshit— neither the Babe nor Hank Aaron were "chemically enhanced." Once Bonds hits that next homer, it's going into the record books.

But it should never be put there without an asterisk next to it.

Nice night for a ballgame, though— I flashed my old press pass to get some press box access for myself and my friends, even though it expired in 2004. We were let right in. So much for security... no ethnic minority security guard is ever going to stop a tall, purposeful-looking, well-dressed Anglo with an apparently valid press or police credential.

Something I learned a long time ago from my father, who used to do the same thing to get into Yankee Stadium and Madison Square Garden.


Oh, and the Ruth family was invited to attend, but they declined. The Babe's granddaughter was quoted as saying, "We don't want his memory to be associated with steroid use."

Now, that lady has class.


Dog Hambone

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In the local newspaper this week, there was a quote attributed to Julia Ruth Stevens, Babe Ruth's daughter. It was "Daddy put some things in his body that maybe he shouldn't have, but they didn't help him hit home runs."

Offline JazzBill

I'm watching the Cubs play the Giants now. As much as I dislike the Cubs, (Northside Yuppie Scum for Fans) I really hope he doesn't tie or break Ruths record against them. I wouldn't want a Chicago team to be mentioned in the same sentence with that juiced -up freak. I seen a newspaper a few days ago that had good picture in it. It was some people holding a banner at a game that said, "Ruth did it with Hot Dogs and Beer, Aaron did it with Class, Bonds did it with Steroids" Ouch !!!!
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline FineBari3

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Barry Bonds was a skinny asshole when he played for the Pirates. Now he is just a juiced-up asshole.

I liked the quote from the Ruth family about 'putting things in his body he shouldn't have', and am glad that their family declined to attend.

How about the pitcher from the Astros (?) the other night throwing at him THREE times in a row before he got thrown out of the game! Way to go Phil Garner! (They called him 'scrap iron' when he played for the Pirates years ago).
Mar-Jean Zamperini
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Offline shemps#1

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Here's my take on the whole Bonds deal: who cares if he passes Babe Ruth? Let's not forget that 714 is not the all time home run record; 755 is. At the rate he's going at right now I doubt he'll pass it. He's definately not doing it this year and I doubt his body is going to hold up for another full season after this one.

Everytime someone has approached one of Ruth's marks (which hasn't been often) a big stink has been made. I'm not talking about the recent crop of 'roid ragers either; Roger Maris was taunted mercilessly by Yankee fans as he approached 60 HRs in a single season, and he was a fucking Yankee! Hank Aaron recieved a countless number of death threats when 714 was coming around the bend.

Records are meant to be broken, whether it be done by someone who has obviously chemically enhanced himself or not. Bonds' numbers will forever be tainted by his steroid abuse. No matter how many home runs he hits, or WHEN he goes to the HOF, there will always be a black, syringe-filled cloud hovering over his career: that is vindication enough for me.

Besides, the bastard has never and most likely will never win a World Series. When the Giants went to the WS a few years back I had fun rooting against them, not because of any steroid use but because he is a geniune asshole with an ego larger than the Bay Area itself.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Pilsner Panther

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...he is a geniune asshole with an ego larger than the Bay Area itself.

I beg your pardon!


Actually, I agree with everything else you said. Besides, even though I've lived in S.F. for years, I still think of myself as basically a New Yorker, even though I live within walking distance of the Giants ballpark. I do get to go the games for free once in a while because of my Chronicle connections, but I've never been enthusiastic about the Giants. They had a good manager in Dusty Baker, but he's gone, and the current manager, Felipe Alou, is way past retirement age and clueless.

The team management has built so much of the Giants' public image around Bonds, it's ridiculous. You'd almost forget that baseball is a team sport, with all the "Barry, Barry, Barry!" nonsense.

Not that it hasn't worked— the park has been sold out for the past dozen or so games.

Offline shemps#1

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No, I didn't mean the Bay Area has a large ego, I meant Barry's Ego is larger than the actual Bay Area. I'm pretty sure his Ego spans from San Diego to Sacramento.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Pilsner Panther

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No, I didn't mean the Bay Area has a large ego, I meant Barry's Ego is larger than the actual Bay Area. I'm pretty sure his Ego spans from San Diego to Sacramento.

Well, there are a lot of egotistical people here after all, especially in the wealthy areas like Hillsborough, Atherton, and Marin County. Me, even though I'm handsome, sexy, witty, charming, brilliant, and extremely talented, I'm too modest to go around boasting about it.


Offline jrvass

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AROUND THE HORN: Selig: Tone down taunting of Bonds

May 19, 2006

NEW YORK -- Baseball commissioner Bud Selig wants fans to tone down taunts aimed at San Francisco Giants outfielder Barry Bonds.

At a game in Houston this week, a fan dressed up as a syringe. In Philadelphia earlier this month, there were T-shirts with "Cheater" or "Steroids" on the back where Bonds' name should have been.

"I watch it very carefully. I don't like controversy," Selig said Thursday. "I don't like manifestations of controversy. There's ugliness and there's nastiness. But I'm not surprised at what's gone on."


This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline JazzBill

"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Pilsner Panther

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Who, Bill, Bonds or Selig? I say, screw 'em both. I think the heckling is hilarious, just as long as it doesn't turn into fistfights in the stands. Speaking from here in S.F., though, I can tell you that there's a lot of blind loyalty to Bonds. I don't even bring up the subject with people who are hardcore Barry fans, because I know I'll get into arguments with them.

Ruth: "Sultan of Swat"

Bonds: "Sultan of Steroids"


Offline JazzBill

Who, Bill, Bonds or Selig? I say, screw 'em both. I think the heckling is hilarious, just as long as it doesn't turn into fistfights in the stands. Speaking from here in S.F., though, I can tell you that there's a lot of blind loyalty to Bonds. I don't even bring up the subject with people who are hardcore Barry fans, because I know I'll get into arguments with them.

Ruth: "Sultan of Swat"

Bonds: "Sultan of Steroids"


Pil's, I've already stated my opinion on Bonds. (and it isn't much) This "Screw Him " was for Selig. Actually a lot of this mess is his fault, for turning the other way for so long. He should have started investigating into this a few years ago.  >:(
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Pilsner Panther

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In "honor" of number 714*

No, I didn't write this, even though it reads like something of mine. It was posted at by someone who calls himself "kokopelli." Enjoy.


Make-A-Wish Foundation Asked To Punch Barry Bonds In The Nuts

AMES, IA--Members of the Make-A-Wish Foundation struggled to come up with a response to a dying 9-year-old boy’s request that they punch slugger Barry Bonds in the nuts repeatedly. The boy, Danny Wickman of Ames, Iowa, reportedly hates Bonds and wants nothing more than to see him in debilitating pain. The director of the foundation said that it was the first such request that he had ever received.

“That’s a first. Obviously the kid really hates Barry Bonds, as a lot of people do, but I don’t know if we can comply with his request,” said Charles Hopkinton, managing director of Make-A-Wish. “We’ll have to call Barry and see if he’s OK with it. I mean, it is his dying wish, so we should do everything we can to make it happen. What really strikes me though, is the fact that he [Danny] isn’t even interested in doing it himself. He's happy just to watch someone else do it. Now that’s hatred.”

Wickman has been diagnosed with tuberculosis and is expected to live another six months. Upon hearing about his condition through a mutual friend, Hopkinton immediately met little Danny to set him up with the foundation. After mulling over his wish, Danny decided it would be fun to watch his least favorite ball player get punched in the nuts.

“I kept asking him if he was sure,” said Hopkinton. “And he kept saying ‘yes.’ I offered him all kinds of other stuff, but he was adamant. He wants to see Bonds doubled over in pain before he dies.”

Hopkinton apparently offered Wickman a chance to meet Lebron James, have a one-on-one dinner with Brett Favre, and get an all access pass to the Minnesota Vikings training camp. As appealing as these offers sounded, nothing was more appealing than the ruthless beating of Bonds.

Mary Wickman, Danny’s mother, said her son has always had a deep, seething resentment towards Bonds.

“A lot of people hate that guy, so it should be understandable that he would request something like this,” she said. “[Danny] is not some stupid kid who blindly worships athletes. He only roots for guys who are good people. He’s heard enough Bonds interviews, as we all have, to know that the guy is an arrogant, selfish prick. I’m sure a lot of people in America would love to see the guy gets his nuts rammed with a sledgehammer. I know I would.”

Hopkinton has been trying to come up with a way to present the idea to Bonds. He does not expect the slugger to agree to have his testicles punched, but he may agree to make an appearance with young Danny, at which point they could ambush him.

“That’s the only solution I can come up with right now,” said Hopkinton. “As bad as it may sound, we might have to trick him into showing up, then just sneak in a few quick cock-punches so Danny can get his wish. After that, we might have to run like hell, but this is a kid’s dying wish. We can’t say no. And frankly, we don’t want to.”

The director’s biggest concern, he said, is Bonds willingness to show up at all, even for a brief handshake and autograph session. The famous slugger has a reputation for being ornery and extremely private, even when it comes to cute, dying children.

“I know this guy doesn’t do autographs and things like that,” said Hopkinton. “I know he has a track record of turning down charity causes. I know because one time I asked him to send a sick kid a signed 8 x 10 and he said no. Can you imagine that? He just had to sign it and send it out. He said he was ‘too busy.’ Then I told him that he could just have his secretary sign it and send it out, and the kid wouldn’t even know any better. He said ‘Nah, she’s too busy.’ Then I asked him to just turn his head slightly and look in the direction of the young boy, who was sitting behind the dugout. He just said ‘Nah. Got a sore neck.’ That’s why, if we can pull this off, I’ll be the first in line to smack him.”

While most sick children request time with athletes they admire, Wickman said he'll be perfectly content to see an athlete he does not admire suffer greatly. When asked why he had such antipathy for the hall-of-fame slugger, young Danny answered with his usual candor.

“Why do I hate Barry Bonds? There’s no specific reason. I just think he’s a dick,” said Wickman. “He’s so conceited and he thinks he’s better than everyone else and he’s sits there in that stupid reclining chair in the clubhouse like he’s the king of the world or something. Having this disease really sucks, but I swear I’ll die happy if someone punches Barry in the nuts. It’s easy. All they have to do is get a press pass to go into the Giants locker room after a game, pretend they're a reporter, and give him a couple quick punches. That’s all it takes to really hurt someone. Is that too much to ask, Mr. Hopkinton? Don’t you want to make a dying boy happy?”

Offline JazzBill

The little fellow is wise beyond his years. It would be nice if there could be miracle cure in his future. If not a miracle cure, maybe a 100 mph fastball to Barry's nuts would make him happy.  >:D
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline Bangsmith

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When Barry "Steroid" Bonds hit that homer that put him in second place by himself, the person who caught it was quoted in Newsweek as saying, "I hate that guy"!!!!!!!! He plans on selling the ball, if he has not done so already!
If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking 'til you do "suck seed"!!

Offline JazzBill

When Barry "Steroid" Bonds hit that homer that put him in second place by himself, the person who caught it was quoted in Newsweek as saying, "I hate that guy"!!!!!!!! He plans on selling the ball, if he has not done so already!
The guy said he hated Barry Bonds, not money.
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline JazzBill

Pils ; Whats been going on with Barry Bonds out there in San Francisco ? After he passed up Babe Ruth, it's like he dropped off the face of the earth. ( Not that I'm complaining )
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Pilsner Panther

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Pils ; Whats been going on with Barry Bonds out there in San Francisco ? After he passed up Babe Ruth, it's like he dropped off the face of the earth. ( Not that I'm complaining )

Bonds hit homer number 716* about a month ago. He's played in a couple of games since, but didn't perform well in either one... no doubt, he's preoccupied with his legal problems. Here's a link to the latest story on that. I just put in the link because the story is too long to copy and paste here:

Oh, and if no one else is going to put those asterisks in there, I will!

Offline jrvass

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A personal trainer with Mark Geragos as his attorney? That has got to cost some cash. Barry's cash no doubt.

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline JazzBill

Here's my take on the whole Bonds deal: who cares if he passes Babe Ruth? Let's not forget that 714 is not the all time home run record; 755 is. At the rate he's going at right now I doubt he'll pass it. He's definately not doing it this year and I doubt his body is going to hold up for another full season after this one.

Everytime someone has approached one of Ruth's marks (which hasn't been often) a big stink has been made. I'm not talking about the recent crop of 'roid ragers either; Roger Maris was taunted mercilessly by Yankee fans as he approached 60 HRs in a single season, and he was a fucking Yankee! Hank Aaron recieved a countless number of death threats when 714 was coming around the bend.

Records are meant to be broken, whether it be done by someone who has obviously chemically enhanced himself or not. Bonds' numbers will forever be tainted by his steroid abuse. No matter how many home runs he hits, or WHEN he goes to the HOF, there will always be a black, syringe-filled cloud hovering over his career: that is vindication enough for me.

Besides, the bastard has never and most likely will never win a World Series. When the Giants went to the WS a few years back I had fun rooting against them, not because of any steroid use but because he is a geniune asshole with an ego larger than the Bay Area itself.
You might be right on this Jim, I don't know if he's got enough left to reach Hank.
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Pilsner Panther

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"Bonds denied drug use, conceding that he took substances that resembled the BALCO drugs known as "the cream" and "the clear," but saying that he thought he was using only a legal arthritis balm and flaxseed oil, a nutritional supplement."

This is just sad, really. If you've got the kind of money that Bonds has, you can hire not only Mark Geragos, but even the most pricey, whorish PR outfit to "spin" your case any way you want, and a lot of the public will buy it.

Come on now, you take substances which have nicknames like that ("the clear" indicates that it wouldn't show up on drug tests, that's what it means), and you're supposed to be innocent?

These Chronicle reporters, Lance Williams and Mark Fainaru-Wada, have done a great job, and I say that without any bias, because (disclaimer) I've written for the Chron myself, but not for the sports section. They've taken a lot of legal heat for it, too— there's not much more of an unpopular thing you can do as a journalist than to go up against a local hero and his publicity machine. 


But sometimes, both the public interest and your conscience won't let you do otherwise.

If you're any good at your profession, that is, and serious about it... both of these gentlemen are.
