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New eBay tag added to the posting page

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Offline Dunrobin

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I just installed a module that added an eBay button to the toolbar above the message box, when you're writing a post.  It's on the right side of the row of buttons that are just above the smileys.

When you want to link to an eBay auction item, just copy the item number on the right side of the auction page (see the attached picture) and the click on the eBay button and paste the item number in between the ebay tags.  Your post will show a link like the one below:


Incidentally, that is for a Complete Three Stooges Colorforms set from 1959.  (I remember having one of those when I was a kid, back in the 60's.  Must have lost track of it when we moved to Michigan in '65.)  It's current bid is only US $7.99, and the auction expires at May-06-06 11:56:55 PDT, or just under three hours rom the time of this post, if anyone is interested.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Pilsner Panther

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Colorforms! I haven't seen those since I was about six years old. I didn't know there was a Stooges set, but I do remember a Flintstones one.

Which makes me about as old as the Flintstones, yabba dabba doo.

Offline shemps#1

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I remember having a Marvel Super Heroes Colorforms set, and sure enough I was able to find it:


I was surprised that Stooges one went for so little, until I saw that most of them don't go for much: except for this Beatles set that is.


Anybody else remember Shrinky-Dinks? They were kind of like Colorforms except you painted them and baked them in the oven and they would shrink...then they were pretty much useless. I'm surprised they still make Colorforms, finding such sets as a Spongebob one: Colorforms are a pretty lame toy, especially by today's standards.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline jrvass

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My 1st birthday cake had Fred Flintstone as the icing. I guess that makes me as old as the "stone age family".

If I remember correctly, Colorforms were aimed at the toddler set. I remember commercials ("It's Colorforms Fun!") for it and Shrinky-Dinks. You can still find those at They'd be almost fun to buy today. Imagine the look you get when you ask that Hottie at the office to come see your Shrinky-Dinktm:D

I had "Creepy Crawlers" (plastic that congealed in a hot plate mold), Jarts (before they were recalled), and Estes rockets. I think they were more fun than those hand-held vidiot games of today.

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