While installing an update to an existing feature this morning, I decided to install a few new features to the Message Boards that have become available recently.
- SMF Trader System
This feature will supplement the Stooges Swaps and the Swap Meet board. It allows members to leave feedback for other members (see Image5.jpg, below), much like the rating system on eBay, and displays members' current Trade reputation on their profile and on their posts (see Image4.jp, below.) If you have made swaps, etc., with other members, please leave feedback.
- My Bookmarks
Do you have favorite threads on the site? This feature lets you easily bookmark any topic and display them in a list (see Image7.jpg, below). There is a Bookmark button at the top of each thread page (see Image1.jpg, below), and a button in the middle of the board menu at the top of the Message Board pages (see Image2.jpg).
- Search Topic
There is now a Search box at the top of each thread page (see Image1.jpg, below) that makes it easy to do a quick search within the current topic .
- Staff List
There is a button on the boards menu at the top of the Message Boards (see Image3.jpg, below) that will take you to a page (see Image6.jpg, below) listing the people responsible for making ThreeStooges.net the great site it is.
Oh, by the way: you might noticed from the screenshots that I am currently using one of the alternate color themes. When I switched to it, I realized that the "eBay" button was missing when posting messages. I've copied the image file over into the other available themes, so it should be appearing now if you are using one of them.
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