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Cannabis and the Brain: A User's Guide

Dunrobin · 44 · 10987

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Jimmie Adams

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Back in the late '70's and early 80's I thought cannibas would be legal by now.  I think the problem with getting cannibas legalized is that it is too readily available.  The only way to get cannibas legal is to somehow magically deprive all cannibas "abusers" of their sesh.  Then I'll bet that it would be legal within a year.

I would be perfectly happy with cannibas being illegal if alcohol was illegal.  To have a much worse substance legal and a more benign one illegal is ludicrous.

Presently the biggest political money contributor involved in keeping cannibas illegal are the drug testing phamasuetical (sorry, word not in my dictionary) companies.

No one in medical history has died from an overdose of cannibas alone.

Speaking of Le Saint, he had been involved in pictures since 1911 and can be seen in HORSEFEATHERS and MEET JOHN DOE.

Offline Shemoeley Fine

Jimmie wrote <<<  Back in the late '70's and early 80's I thought cannibas would be legal by now.  I think the problem with getting cannibas legalized is that it is too readily available.  The only way to get cannibas legal is to somehow magically deprive all cannibas "abusers" of their sesh.  Then I'll bet that it would be legal within a year. >>>>>

In 1967 during my senior year at Muir High School in Pasadena, I had the best teacher ever! He was a Italian-American hip cat from Brooklyn, his teaching methods were extremely progressive and he taught a class for seniors like me who were not going to attend college, opting to enter the job industry after graduation, it was a class intended to prep seniors for facing the real world and covered a myriad of business subjects and themes related to getting a job, the interview process etc etc.

One afternoon he taught us the theory of "supply and demand" in a manner that 39 years later if I was to round up all 20 some odd classmates of mine in that class and any other students he taught the same lesson in other periods, I guarantee they will all remember the lesson.  Here it is, he explained that if a copter would drop 5 kilos of grass on campus, the next day the price of herb would drop like crazy because everyone would have some. a nickel bag would get you at least double the amount than previously. He then explained that if you were smart and took your stash and stored it for a few months to when the abundance had subsided you could then charge double the amount for less as there would be a shortage of product, that's supply and demand!

My senior year was his initial year and he made it through the first semester of the next year before being fired for non-conformist teaching methods. A few students shared his teaching methods with they parents who bent the ears of the Pasadena Board of Education who succumbed to their wishes :<(

Los Tres Chiflados son The Three Stooges
Ma'. Lorenzito y Rizzado

Offline metaldams

Never smoked weed myself, though I may try it someday.  However, I do agree with the choir that it is absolutely ridiculous that weed is illegal while alcohol isn't.  Not saying alcohol should be illegal because moderation is OK and it's wrong to enforce people's personal habits anyway, but I've known so many people who have had their lives ruined or cut short because of alcoholism (including a 27 year old who is currently still alive thanks to life support), yet I know regular pot smokers of thirty years and their lives are completely healthy and productive.  It makes me wonder the "logic" behind marajuana's legal status, or lack of it.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Bangsmith

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Never smoked weed myself, though I may try it someday.  However, I do agree with the choir that it is absolutely ridiculous that weed is illegal while alcohol isn't.  Not saying alcohol should be illegal because moderation is OK and it's wrong to enforce people's personal habits anyway, but I've known so many people who have had their lives ruined or cut short because of alcoholism (including a 27 year old who is currently still alive thanks to life support), yet I know regular pot smokers of thirty years and their lives are completely healthy and productive.  It makes me wonder the "logic" behind marajuana's legal status, or lack of it.
Exactly. I've seen many lives ruined because of alcohol (including my own, damn near), yet no one has died from weed that they can prove. There are many reasons why weed is illegal. Like Dunrobin said, black culture was the main reason, but the pharmaceutical industry also pressured the government to ban it, because weed is all natural, and you can't patent a natural substance. Also, imagine the money the feds must make in fines!!!!
If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking 'til you do "suck seed"!!

Offline Bruckman

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Just read this article and boy am I ever pleased the research was done at the University of Saskatchewan - my alma mater!

Then again, anyone who'd attended one of the Huskie Howlers wouldn't have been too surprised..........nor if they'd stopped in at 613 Clarence Ave. circa 1983. They'd have found me compos mentis, but I couldn't vouch for either of my roommates, one of whom had a growing box in the basement and kept his stash behind the fridge inside a large brown paper shopping bag.

Doggone it, now I'm getting all misty with nostalgia for those innocent school days...
"If it wasn't for fear i wouldn't get out of bed in the morning" - Forrest Griffin

Pilsner Panther

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This reminds me of an old, old gag:

A pretty nurse and an ugly nurse are talking in the hallway of a hospital. The ugly nurse says, "I just looked at that patient's, uh, male part, and he's got the word "Swan" tattooed on it. Isn't that strange?"

The pretty nurse replies, "It sure is— when I looked at it, it said "Saskatchewan!"

[the hook drags Pils offstage]


Offline Beau Brummel

Tonight's line:
"Which side is her face?"
"My wife"
"My error"

This is my first post, fine work you're all doing, I feel like I've come home. Pils, thank you for the great mp3s.  I'm out here residing in Southern California. I was a midnight toker for many, many moons, than decided to cut it loose for a potential job, which didn't pan out. I decided to stay sober, just to see how the other half lives.  I have to admit I don't feel any healthier, just crankier, which I figured would have worn off after the first month. My attention span is measured in nanoseconds now, I almost walked away before posting this! So, it looks like it's back to: "Home honey, I'm high!"

"Good smoke, happy smoke"

Offline Shemoeley Fine

Beau wrote <<< I'm out here residing in Southern California. >>>>>

Me too, San Gabriel just south of the Pasadena border and west of Temple City. Where you at? Maybe we can spark one while watching some Stooges short.....

Los Tres Chiflados son The Three Stooges
Ma'. Lorenzito y Rizzado

Offline FineBari3

This reminds me of an old, old gag:

A pretty nurse and an ugly nurse are talking in the hallway of a hospital. The ugly nurse says, "I just looked at that patient's, uh, male part, and he's got the word "Swan" tattooed on it. Isn't that strange?"

The pretty nurse replies, "It sure is— when I looked at it, it said "Saskatchewan!"

[the hook drags Pils offstage]



Great one Pils!!!  MY kind of joke! 

Nice to see another member here that tokes up regularly, Beau Brummel!

Too bad the Fan Club Meeting is out East.....It would be great to burn one with yinz!  [pot]
Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson

Offline Bangsmith

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Great one Pils!!!  MY kind of joke! 

Nice to see another member here that tokes up regularly, Beau Brummel!

Too bad the Fan Club Meeting is out East.....It would be great to burn one with yinz!  [pot]
....And now meet yet ANOTHER member who tokes up regularly!!!
If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking 'til you do "suck seed"!!

Offline Giff me dat fill-em!

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This reminds me of an old, old gag:

A pretty nurse and an ugly nurse are talking in the hallway of a hospital. The ugly nurse says, "I just looked at that patient's, uh, male part, and he's got the word "Swan" tattooed on it. Isn't that strange?"

The pretty nurse replies, "It sure is— when I looked at it, it said "Saskatchewan!"

[the hook drags Pils offstage]

Hee-hee-hee-hee ... that's funny, Johnny, but that ain't the way I heared it.
Two nurses were caring for a man who was recently discharged that had so small a penis that it even had the word "Little" tattooed on it. One dares the other to take him out on a date. She accepts. The next day, the dating nurse arrives at work with a big grin on her face. The other said, "I can't believe you had such a good time with a man that had the word "Little" tattoed on his penis".

"Yeah ... but if you stretch it out, it says 666 Truck Stop, Little Rock, Arkansas".

To be honest, I like your version better. Its quicker and doesn't require the setup prose.
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.

Offline Dunrobin

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Never smoked weed myself, though I may try it someday.  However, I do agree with the choir that it is absolutely ridiculous that weed is illegal while alcohol isn't.  Not saying alcohol should be illegal because moderation is OK and it's wrong to enforce people's personal habits anyway, but I've known so many people who have had their lives ruined or cut short because of alcoholism (including a 27 year old who is currently still alive thanks to life support), yet I know regular pot smokers of thirty years and their lives are completely healthy and productive.  It makes me wonder the "logic" behind marajuana's legal status, or lack of it.

The ban on marijuana is not only unconstitutional, it's immoral:

Quote from: The Bible: Genesis, Chapter 1 (KJV)
29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which [is] upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which [is] the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein [there is] life, [I have given] every green herb for meat: and it was so.

31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, [it was] very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

God made cannibis and gave it to man for our use; criminalizing that use is therefore immoral.   ;)

Offline Beau Brummel

Here, here, great stuff gentlemen! I love that quote from Genesis, they had so many great albums!

My version of the penis-tattoo joke was 2 guys in a public bathroom, both with Wy tattooed on their schnitzels. The one guys stands for Wendy, the other guy chuckles, since his says Welcome to Jamaica, have a nice day!!! Again, I like yours better, right to the point, no prep work.
For those mid west/east coast tokers, I hoist my deer antler to you! There's nothing so good for the soul as a hearty laugh, everyone laugh!!! From Fiddlers Three I believe...
For you West Coasters, I'm out here in Thousand Tokes, gimme a call.

EDIT:  Dude - it's an incredibly bad idea to post your phone number like that. - Dunrobin

« Last Edit: March 29, 2006, 10:13:41 PM by Dunrobin »

Offline Shemoeley Fine

Sorry Beau you're too far away from San Gabriel for me to visit, the only time I head that far west on the Ventura Fwy is on my way to Solvang, San Luis Obispo and the SF Bay Area...

Los Tres Chiflados son The Three Stooges
Ma'. Lorenzito y Rizzado

Jimmie Adams

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The "man made alcohol and God made cannibas, who do you trust?"  argument doesn't fly, because God made cyanide, bella dona, and Richard Speck.

A retiring undertaker finds at the end of his long career he has a 50 gallon drum full of penises that he had collected over the years.  He takes them to the taxidermist and says "Make me something out of them"  The undertaker returns the next week and the taxidermist hands him a wallet.
"All you got out of all of those schlongs was this puny wallet!?"

"Rub it a little and it becomes a suitcase."

I kill me, har har har.

Offline FineBari3

I am going to try to attach a Cheech and Chong bit here that I just discovered on Winmx. This is going to make you HOWL if you never heard it before!

[attachment deleted by admin]
Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson

Offline Dunrobin

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I am going to try to attach a Cheech and Chong bit here that I just discovered on Winmx. This is going to make you HOWL if you never heard it before!

[pound] You deserve a spliff today, take one toke and yer blown way - at McDoobies! [pot]

Offline FineBari3

[pound] You deserve a spliff today, take one toke and yer blown way - at McDoobies! [pot]

Hell, I cant believe that the song actually uploaded!

At the tail end of the song, Chong says "Hey, it's Mayor McWeed!"
Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson

Dog Hambone

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Here's a UK website where you can buy cannabis seeds to grow your own: